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Posts posted by ddawn23

  1. And why do the girls speak with an American accent and the son with an English one? 


    Because the girls spent the last ten years in Chicago while the boy was in England.  Children acquire the accent of their peer groups.  That's why the kids on the Nanny spoke with American accents despite living with their British dad and British housekeeper.  I think it's a bit of a stretch for Gordon to have a British accent since he was like 9 or 10 when the family moved to London, but it's not unheard of as long as the kid's not in adolescence yet.

  2. My thoughts:

    • LOVE that Kitty and Frank are married. They're great together.
    • Mr. Grove fought?  I thought he said he was too old.
    • Just how many princes and princesses did Czarist Russia have?  There were a couple on Downton this season too.
    • Not happy with Loxley being the big bad this season, especially since it looks like we won't be getting any Lady Mae.
    • Having trouble believing the new actress as Rosalie since she's brunette and doesn't talk or act like the original actress.
    • Victor says he came back to nothing.  Are we to understand that Franco died?
    • It's a bit cliché that Rosalie's marriage is miserable from the very beginning, but I guess that's to do with her rushing into it.  She claims to love him, but I don't see any affection on either side.  It doesn't help that he's been shown as thoughtless and arrogant from the start.  I'm all for having someone to root for and someone to root against, but can't we have at least a smidge of ambiguity?
    • Love 1
  3. Holy crap!  I can't believe they killed Doris.  It's so rare these days to be actually shocked by something on tv, but I was not expecting that.  And Amanda Abbington knocked it out of the park once again in the scene on the Grove's doorstep.  I am disappointed that Mr. Grove's sudden and second widower-hood will make him seem more sympathetic, since he is such a huge ass.  I really wish they hadn't taken away the competition for deputy manager so quickly because he clearly 1) wasn't going to get the job and 2) was absolutely certain it was his.  So now he resents Gordon for taking his promotion from him, which is only the reality of the situation in Mr. Grove's imagination.  He gleefully leaves Gordon to deal with arguing employees, which as chief of staff should be his. job.  Ugh.


    I've been so enjoying Mrs. Crabb's appearances even if they require a bit of reconning (since it was made clear in season one that she considered shopping at Selfridge's to be out of the household budget), so she was missed this episode.


    And this was the second full episode without the Leclairs.  Even though they're not in England anymore I assumed we'd be following their story.  I need my Agnes and Henri fix.  Com'on, people.  Show us the Leclairs!

    • Love 1
  4. And not really important but just curious, the episode implies Ben is a republican congressman. If he was the democratic congressman it would not make sense for he and leslie to both be vetted for the governor spot. The same party would not seriously consider two candidates to the point of telling one they are favored without everyone knowing then the other was not favored by the party

    Ben and Leslie both being democrats isn't a problem.  The news of the vacancy had just broken, Jan wasn't there on behalf of the DNC, and Leslie would have a democratic challenger anyway because there'd be a primary.

    I'm not sure what the line about Leslie having a bigger thing to move onto was about - that was 2035, right? Even if she ran in 2036 and won, she wouldn't be president in 2048.


    She could be president in 2048 if she had two non-consecutive terms.  It's been done before.  But of course it's moot because secret service protection of presidents is for life.

    • Love 1
  5. I got the impression Kitty's attack happened in real time, so it was definitely a sexual assault, but not a full-blown rape.


    I don't think Doris's mystery guy was a relative.  Going by what Mr. Grove said and how he acted in his scenes I assumed it had something to do with him.  Maybe debts?  Maybe something to do with their son?  The line of dialogue about the son seemed forced to me, like they were just trying to remind us the Groves have a son for when it comes up later.  This especially so since they didn't mention the other children at all and we know the Groves have at least four kids.


    Lastly, was the real Mr. Selfridge so without assets?  I read the novel the series was based on and I didn't understand why the real Mr. Selfridge always leased property instead of buying.  Is there a law in the UK that keeps non-citizens from purchasing real estate there?

    I don't know about the real Selfridge, but in the show it's about liquidity.  He mentioned to Woolworth back in season one that he didn't want to tie up his assets in real estate.

    • Love 1
  6. Hey, Craig goes to Dr. Richard Nygard now. So I guess that disproves the longstanding theory that he was a figment of Chris Traeger's imagination?

    We met another Nygardian back in season 5, episode 18.  She was interviewing for a job in animal control despite an extreme fear of animals because Nygard wanted her to confront her fears.  Chris asked her to sign his cast.

    • Love 2
  7. Very little of Jane and no Bingley. Was that true in the book? I find it hard to believe that Lizzie would not have leaned on Jane more. And where were Mary and Kitty? Was any mention made of them?

    And no mention of Charlotte and Mr. Collins? No way would Mr. Collins not wanted to be invited to Pemberley.

    It really would not have made sense for Mr. Collins, Charlotte, Kitty, or Mary to show up-- in person or in the narrative. As much as I adore Penelope Keith (and for all the terrible casting there is no one more perfect to play Lady Catherine de Bourgh than Audrey fforbes-Hamilton), Lady Catherine de Bourgh showing up was silly and contrived.

    This is, after all, a work of fan fiction. And since shoehorning every! character! from the source material into the story is one of the cardinal sins of fanfic writing, I'm glad James had the wherewithal not to try.

    • Love 2
  8. I was actually pretty surpised Twisty was capable of talking, with as much of a mess as his mouth was. And it was decipherable!

    It wasn't actually decipherable.  Mordrake used magical powers to be able to understand, kind of like the universal translators they have on Star Trek.

    • Love 10
  9. I was 13 when I started the ninth grade in the Fall of 1985 and 17 when I graduated from high school.

    Yeah, sorry-- I didn't mean it's unusual to graduate at 17.  I just meant that it's usual for most students at any given school to graduate at 17.  The spread is typically more like 75% 18 and 25% 17.

  10. You can be thirteen and in the 9th grade if you have a birthday late in the year. If your birthday is anywhere from the second week of September to December 31st, your the same age you were most of the last grade until that birthday comes. I was thrirteen going on fourteen entering 9th grade like everyone else that had a birthday after the school year started.

    That's actually pretty unusual, Racj.  If you and most of your classmates turned 14 during 9th grade that means you and most of your classmates graduated at 17.  The cut-off date in the US is usually on or around September first, so unless it's only the first couple of weeks of the school year and Junior has a late August birthday, he should already be 14 to be a freshman.

  11. (Also "I'm so happy my other baby died so I could have this baby" could've used a little more sensitive phrasing. Really did not like them).


    God, yes. That really rubbed me the wrong way. Geez.

    I'm pretty sure she was referring to the outpouring of support she got from her online community, like without her business she wouldn't have had the support she needed after the miscarriage, and without the support she couldn't have found the strength to move on and have another child.

    • Love 2
  12. Him being Prince Henry, as the given name is something I never knew. I'm no royal trivia buff, but thought I knew enough and was surprised I never knew this. Why the change from Henry to Harry? That's going from bad to worse.

    Harry is the standard nickname for Henry, like Bob for Robert, Jack for John, Dick for Richard, and Bill for William..  No need to be a royal trivia buff to know that.  

    • Love 1
  13. "I left my last boyfriend because I was ready to settle down."

                                                --Reality dating show contestant



    From Bunting's article:

    [Rose].may want to Google how stepsiblings work, though, just in general. Her theory that Matt looks a lot like Prince Harry, so he could be one of Camilla Parker-Bowles’s kids, is…IIIII don’t know what that is, actually.



    Rose's theory also doesn't work because of arithmetic. 'Sir' said he had just one brother. If he's Camilla's son describing Prince William as his brother he would have claimed two brothers-- William and Harry. FWIW Camilla does indeed have a son (and a daughter). The son is 10 years older than real Harry and a full 16 years older than Matt.

  14. Maybe it's just because I saw it for the first time last week, but I thought that the plot of this episode had an amazing amount in common with the last hour of "Skyfall". It's not necessarily a bad thing, since I loved Skyfall, but the parallels are striking:

    1.) A hard drive is decrypted only to infect the protagonists' computer system.

    2.) A protagonist is embarrassed/berated at a legislative committee hearing due to the release of classified material.

    3.) The protagonist retreats to his home to face the unavoidable assault from faceless black-clad goons.

    4) The antagonists use inside knowledge of the protagonist's organization to exact the most damage possible.


    Shouldn't Bones have been arrested too? Or has the investigation not revealed that she had shot as well? 

    Wasn't she being arrested at the end?  I thought she was...

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