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Posts posted by ddawn23

  1. On August 21, 2016 at 1:44 AM, SVNBob said:

    All caught up now, so I can finally opine about some of the other tricks being discussed here.

    Another easy way would be different kinds of felt-tips.  Fine point versus thick, well used and weak versus fresh from the pack and strong, wet erase versus dry erase (whiteboard markers)...  Looking at the Sharpie website at just their selection in black, and there's dozens of different kinds of markers.  So all he'd really need to do is get 5 distinct (to him) markers and observe who used which.  And since he handed them out, and they handed them back separately, he'd have two separate points of verification on who used which marker. 

    That would also match with with the comments Penn had about how the trick was done.  He kept fiddling with his own pen and saying how "I" would like that power.  Meaning the power was in the pen(n).

    And he really only needed two subtly different kinds of Sharpie. I noticed he carefully handed cards to two of the volunteers in portrait orientation and the other two in landscape. 

    • Love 2
  2. 10 hours ago, paigow said:

    Is Teller using fake arms in the suit for the rat cage trick?

    Almost certainly a fake arm on Teller's right. Or at the very least an artificially stiffened glove with an opening for him to get his hand out.  The left appeared real. He moved his fingers on his left hand, but the fingers on the right glove were in the exact same position throughout. And the trapdoor didn't quite close all the way after he sprayed the fake blood and stuck the fake rat to his face. And the blood appeared to come from about where his hand would be if he stuck it up through the cage floor. A cute trick, but a rather obvious one.

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  3. I was not aware "hatchet wound" was a euphemism for vulva until someone mentioned it upthread, but that's way too specific a joke to be an accident, right? They had to have chosen a hatchet injury specifically to set up this joke. And Albert sustained his injury way back in episode 3 of last season. That's a really long time to plan out a subtle play on words gag in a brand new show. My god this show is brilliant.

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  4. When Rebecca ran from the key ceremony I half expected her to do the grand gesture of having her ticket transferred into Valencia's name so she and Josh could go to Hawaii together.

    I mean, what's Rebecca going to do for money once she gets to Hawaii? After buying airfare and new clothes is there really enough pawn money to cover a hotel room and food in what I understand to be one of the pricier US destinations?

    • Love 1
  5. I think they meant "assistant professor" (not "teaching assistant"). Not that that fixes it entirely, but it's the only thing I can think of that even gets the situation roughly in at least a similar galaxy to what they portrayed.

    I think that makes it worse-- a graduate student given a tenure-track professorship at the last minute at the beginning of her third semester? I think the writers probably thought they were covering their bases by having her mention to the class that she was their section leader, implying that the class involves a large lecture with the professor and then smaller discussion sections with TAs, but she didn't run the class like that was the case. And were that the case she wouldn't have final say on McBaskets's grade.
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  6. The sleeping plot fell into the same cutesy narrative structure they've done several times already: Jane has issue. Jane researches and finds method that might solve issue. Jane tries method exactly once. Method doesn't work because of course it didn't work the first time. No method to solve sleep issues or breastfeeding problems or whatever ever works the first time. Jane declares method a failure, does research to find a second method, lather, rinse, repeat. Frankly, it's lazy. It gives the episode easy tension, the everybody-has-different-opinions-about-this dialogue practically writes itself, and it provides a nice little bow to put on the end of the episode. Oh look, Mateo's finally asleep! Oh look, it's just clusterfeeding! Oh look, oh look. I suppose it's only to be expected considering our heroine's passion is writing in a genre notorious for its formulaic plots. I really really love this show, but this is aggravating. Arrrgh.

    • Love 3
  7. I find it so maddening when they include the grad school in the plot because that's not how grad school works. That's not how TAing works. That's not how the first five minutes of any class ever works. And that is especially not how allegations of plagiarism work. We're supposed to believe that she had zero training beforehand-- never so much as saw a handbook. That she just got dropped into essentially teaching a class with what appears to be some control over the curriculum. That there's no syllabus, just a list of due dates on the board and jump right into discussion. There's no way obsessive planner Jane would have let that slide when she was an undergrad. She would never expect her students to.

    I'm not expecting total realism, but it's hard to find the plot points compelling when they make no damn sense.

    • Love 12
  8. Despite what's been said upthread, there are legitimate, non-snowflake reasons for parents to keep a close watch of their baby's weight.  Breastfeeding doesn't come naturally to every baby and mother, and it can be very hard to tell if the baby got a full meal or just a few drops.  Babies can have non-breastfeeding related weight issues, too.  My brother and his wife had breastfeeding issues with their first kid which caused a lot of stress and anxiety.  So when their second was having weight issues they went out and bought a baby scale.  They're like $45.  The only discernible difference between a regular baby scale and the Hatch changing pad is the app connectivity.  I don't know many people for whom app connectivity is worth $255.


    Thumbs down on the Hatch changing pad/baby scale.  It's solving a problem that has already been solved and for six times the price.

    • Love 4
  9. Well that was... not great.


    I have to admit-- it's been so long since they've mentioned Parker (at least that I remember), and I got distracted by how much Teen!Parker looks like teenaged Haley Joel Osment that I totally thought a huge secret was being revealed when the boy addressed Booth as "Dad."  I went from "OH MY GOD Booth has another kid!!!" to "Oh yeah, Parker exists."

    • Love 4
  10. I guess I missed the part where the tech hands over the ultrasound to the doctor who then asks if the parents want to know if they are having a boy or girl(s).  (shouldn't the hashtag double Os be pink?)

    We cut in to the ultrasound mid-scene. It's entirely possible the tech asked them if they wanted to know the sex before we joined in. I don't know the logistics of handing off to the doctor for the sex determination IRL, but in-universe the reason they did that when Jane was pregnant was because there was a problem-- Mateo was breech.

    And Turtle was right-- that was definitely #blueballs. They accompanied the narrator mentioning that Rafe had fathered three children without getting to have sex with the mothers to make that happen.

  11. So Milos telling Petra that he used their wedding to import hand grenades? Covered. Showing her the hand grenades? Likely not covered.

    Milos telling Petra he used their wedding to import grenades is only covered insomuch as Petra chooses to keep it privileged.

    And there's nothing to prevent her from snitching on her hubby and telling the cops to search their room.

    Exactly. Milos seems to think that marriage is a gag order that prevents his spouse from telling anyone anything incriminating about him. That's pretty absurd, even by soap opera standards.
  12. Setting aside the fact that Milos revealing to Petra his weapons-smuggling pretense for the wedding immediately after said wedding is a plot point that only makes sense in soap operas, I'm pretty sure that's not how spousal privilege works.  I'm no lawyer, but I believe spousal privilege only means that you can't be compelled to testify against your spouse.  It doesn't mean you're not allowed to testify against your spouse.  Not to mention Milos handed Petra grounds for annulment as if on a silver platter.


    I don't have anything to say about Britney's acting, but I was very glad the feud turned out to be real and not something in Rogelio's head.  He is super adorable, but the fact that the things he says about his life and his celebrity are true is what keeps him from being pathetic.

    • Love 4
  13. I can't think of anyone but Ralph who would have prompted that happy expression on Jaya's face and, "Oh you came!"

    It's established that her eyesight is bad, and it didn't look to me like she was actually focusing on the interloper. She certainly thought it was Ralph, but I don't think we have much reason to believe it was, what with his reactions to her and her death.
    • Love 2
  14. Oh, I missed the part where we got Sood's wife's name. And we got such a short look at the photo that to me it wasn't clearly Jaya and it wasn't clearly not Jaya. Then with Jaya stealing the wedding sari (and knowing where to look for it) and Sood's changing the subject when Ian asked how his wife died I thought they might be setting up a reveal that Jaya was Sood's wife and he maybe flipped out and burned her when he found out about her and Ralph.

    • Love 1
  15. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Jaya looked like Rosario Dawson.

    So obviously the young Scot is going to be an early suspect in her murder, what with Cynthia already having it out for him, him being near enough to the scene to hear her screams, and the whole "Are you suuuure you can walk home alone?" exercise. My money's on Doug the missionary as the culprit. The way Leena reassured Adam that Jaya would never hurt him again-- she worded it with too much certainty.

    I feel bad for Sita. Aafrin is the one person in her life that's not constantly shitting on her, and it looks like he's going to toss her aside for a fling with Alice that is simply too taboo to be endgame. I would much rather be dumped for a woman who went on to be the love of my ex's life than somebody he has a fling with.

    I suspect we'll see Alice's husband in the flesh before the end of the series.

    ETA: Oh, and are we to understand that Jaya was the Indian land owner Ramu Sood's "late" wife? And if so, could he be behind her burn scars? I know Cynthia is an obvious suspect for that too.

    • Love 1
  16. Interesting that some are theorizing that John is "the killer" when there are about 342 killers at this hotel ;) Although the killer he is chasing, that is actually interesting. I just figured it would turn out to be someone at the hotel, too. Does crime happen anywhere ELSE in Los Angeles?!

    And does the LAPD not have a missing persons division? Not all of the victims are junkies. Like the ostensibly normal tourist couple Ghost!Richard Ramerez killed last night. Someone would come looking for them.

    The retconning of actual killers' lives to give them each an early-career stay at a niceish hotel in California was a bit much. Also the claim that this group of nothing but American murderers was the best serial killers in the world. Come on-- not even Jack the Ripper?

  17. Sally wasn't the only one to talk about it having drug-like properties, and the way the scene of them drinking it was filmed made it clear it had dazed John. I didn't mean that the whole thing was in John's head-- just that the absinthe was shown to have a stronger effect than mere alcohol.

    ETA: Starchild, I think Darren Criss is in part two of this episode. IMDb says he plays "Hipster Justin."

  18. Now remember, kids.  If you want to search a barn but don't have the evidence/time to get a warrant, just recruit your husband the police consultant, take him to the scene, watch him through binoculars, and talk him through the search.  It's completely admissible because he's just an agent of the police, not an actual officer!  I mean seriously.  If that was how things worked why would anyone ever get a warrant?


    And the decaying body of a woman found three years after her death with the TV still on?  Aside from the obvious Psycho nods, was that supposed to be a Joyce Vincent reference?

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