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TV Anonymous

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Posts posted by TV Anonymous

  1. The only difference was that with the green face she was free of the frog poison whereas with the scar she still would have had it, so she was probably happier in that respect, but it's probably harder to get a job and navigate social situations with a green face.  I thought that was kind of sad.


    She could claim that her skin condition is an aftermath of a disease that is now completely healed or a condition that she was born with. In those cases, her appearance is a kind of disability and prospective employer can not discriminate her based on that.

    • Love 3
  2. How stupid was Cpt. Lance? He knew that Laurel was - and Sara had been - Canary, an associate of Arrow. He knew that Felicity had access to Arrow. Yet he did not have any suspicion about a mutual acquaintance those women had?

  3. While I certainly like the play and yet another thwart of Rodney's plan, I do not get the rationale of the four to vote Kelly. She is rather benign and not good at challenges. Why not gun for Rodney or Mike who are visibly vocal and driving?

    • Love 2
  4. So if the roommate was not in her room, would she not turn off the power of her computer and printer before she left? Was the fire code able to turn on the printer AND the computer? If so, how? Remember that the computer also needed to be on to be able to process the code.

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  5. Right, where is Carey Zepps? Have the writers forgotten a plot to big it took an entire season to play out? FA is not LG. The same people are not in charge and the emails from 2 years ago should not matter. I really hate that the show did this amazing thing by starting a new firm and then squandered it by basically hitting the reset button. Either the writers are stupid or they thing I'm stupid. 


    My guess is having two sets ready in the studio (one for L/G downtown office one for F/A loft) turned out to be financially and/or logistically inefficient. That was why they needed to consolidate the office settings into one. Since downtown setting was more established, they kept that. Pure speculation on my part.


    Having written that, the writer tricking us into believing that old office premise equals old organization is unacceptable.

  6. Speaking of magically disappearing and reappearing characters, hello, Julius! Long time, no see. The explanation was that "they closed the New York office." Who did? FAL never had a New York office. They can barely keep the Chicago one running. L/G? Why would that make him a voting partner at FAL? They took over the office, so they get any former L/G employees who mistakenly wander in the door? And wouldn't Alicia know if FAL voted to take him on as a partner?


    Just like with the e-mail case, it seems like the writer thinks that just as Florrick/Agos moved back to the premises that was occupied by Lockhart/Gardner, Florrick/Agos became the continuation of Lockhart/Gardner. Just look at the partners negotiating with Alicia on her termination package. Only Cary is original F/A partner. The other three are partners that moved from L/G. Would the partners who built the firm from the coffee shop agree with that arrangement, including having Diane as de facto Managing partner?

    • Love 3
  7. I do not like coincidences for a show that pays attention to details. What are the chances that the daughter also likes to go to the planetarium just as when she was younger? What teenager really likes to go to the planetarium? As well, she sits close to the seat that she used to sit?


    How stupid are the kidnapping parents to stay in the same city that they kidnapped their "daughter"? As well, for family whose father is just recently becoming a full-time employee and whose mother is a homemaker, their house is insanely good (and expensive). If we consider that it is supposedly Vancouver, it even makes less sense.


    I do not like this Montgomery story arc. I like the show for its episodic nature, where all cases start and end in one episode. That is why we have the killer and victim at the beginning.

  8. Question for comic readers. What is actually Atom's super power? I always thought Atom was the super hero who was able to adjust his body size, all the way to the very small. But in this show Atom is like Iron Man-lite.

  9. Not to defend the sloppiness, because I'm not, but that was a long time ago with, no doubt, many different writers and behind the scenes people in the mix. I guess that's a pitfall when a show runs as long as this one has. Still, I'll concede that someone should have recalled this somewhere and/or better research and care should have been put into it considering that past history - and the general nature and theme of the show itself.


    In the days of Law & Order, EADA Cutter did a case law involving a case that DA McCoy prosecuted when McCoy was an EADA himself. In real life, time elapsed between those episodes were quite substantial (I can not remember exactly). So no, no excuse. That is why a writer like J.K. Rowling had Harry Potter mythology expert to go through her later books. To check for consistency and mythology accuracy.

  10. Didn't they do a male rape case episode? The lady who played Casey was in the episode.


    Indeed. Before Diane Neal played ADA Novak, she played a culprit who raped a man. In that episode ADA Cabot successfully had her convicted for rape. Therefore, the show questions whether female-on-male rape is possible or not is really out of place.

    • Love 3
  11. I am just wondering why the old lady just agrees to overdose herself, instead of just gets a bullet in the head. She makes it easy for the Soviet spy. Bullet in the head is certainly quicker and supposedly less painful. Besides, just out of principle, why help the enemy?

    • Love 1
  12. As a law enforcement officer, Kelly's skill of observation is certainly worrying.


    Why the alliance did not try to just take Rodney out? If Sierra was the swing vote, she certainly had no love lost with Rodney. Rodney perhaps the second person she disliked after Dan.

    • Love 5
  13. I also learn that apparently the FBI does not learn from past experience and does not have repository of known MO, even after two seasons. Cases in point:


    1. They still do not know how to make perimeter and how to block all entrance / exit point of a property / location before making a raid.

    2. They are still not aware that there are other FBI offices, local law enforcement agencies and the National Guard at their disposal to apprehend their suspects.

    3. As well, they are also unaware that they have the NSA, arguably the top electronic surveillance agency in the world, at their disposal for electronic counter measures.

    4. After all this time, they are still unable to freeze and to prevent access to the assets of their suspects even if one of their suspect is in maximum security prison.

    • Love 2
  14. Lagertha! I like Katheryn Winnick. She is pretty, she is hot and she can actually fight. Also she is a Torontonian. Considering that she has leading role in Vikings, I think she will just be either a one-off or a recurring character. Just like Zoe and her The 100 and Elias and his Remedy.


    I do not like the Harper character if she is supposed to be one of their allies. So far she does not have any redeemable quality and she does not have anything on the table for Team Finch to utilize. 


    Reese gets kisses from two different women? I thought Jim Caviezel avoided scenes like that because his wife did not like it?


    This. I thought her cadence was a little funky sometimes, but to my admittedly bad ear, it sounded to me like she was overcorrecting for a non-native English speaker accent. Also sometimes I think the problem may have been mumbling/enunciation more than anything else.


    Winnick speaks Ukrainian fluently. Is that accent noticeable? I can not tell, being a non-native speaker myself.

    • Love 1
  15. Kromm:


    The Big Analyst also said, "The Prosecutor decided to release him." That brings two questions from me:


    1. If the Bad Man is already convicted and serving his sentence, why is a prosecutor involved in this matter?

    2. If he is not yet convicted, or still in appeal after 12 (?) years, why is he just released without verdict?

    • Love 1
  16. Glee is so bad for continuity and any grasp on logic. Will wasn't that great a teacher and I don't think he'd be an awesome principal. It would have been nice if we ever saw Will teaching instead of giving pep talks, most of his lessons involved random artist with a 30 second vague explanation and then apparently leaving the children to arrange their own choreography for songs they had selected. The only time I can remember Will doing anything resembling teaching was when he was demonstrating to Roderick and the footballer dance moves and he seemed mildly frustrated when they didn't get it the first time.


    Just remember this: Will is a Spanish teacher who does not speak Spanish.

    • Love 2
  17. I agree with this, yes. Besides what Cleo said, the pregnancy bothered me because it stole Rachel's moment. That was the height of the series, or was supposed to be: Rachel achieving success and having her dreams come true. So it should've been about HER award and her marriage and if she was pregnant it had to be her and Jessie's. I felt like the show showing its true colors again and reminding us all how much they kiss the men's asses. Sort of like how they spent like 3 years dealing with Emma's issues and her virginity, then it was thrown away as a random gift to Will for winning Nationals, and not only that it was shown in like a throw away part of a montage, if I remember correctly. Augh.


    Even though it is not explicitly said, the impression I have is that Rachel an Jessie do not have any child yet. And that gets me scratching my head. What kind of married couple would allow the wife to be a surrogate before they have a child on their own? While the risk may be quite low, there is always a chance for a woman that her pregnancy may be her last. As well, there are other risks related to the woman's own health caused by the pregnancy. And Rachel may not know that, as she never bear a child before. In addition, the one year pregnancy and birthing cycle may not be the most comfortable for a married couple, physically, mentally, psychologically, financially.


    Therefore, sacrifice is one thing, but going through all of that before one's own and without apparent compelling reason makes no sense at all for me.

    Yes, but these writers aren't that nuanced.  But like others, I didn't get the sense that the baby was Rachel's biologically, just that she was doing that actual carrying. Which is still a huge deal, but much less of a huge deal than if it was her actual child.


    As Kurt and Blaine are both males, whose egg can that possibly be?

  18. The three System Analysts (for lack of better term) supposedly work with computer, right? Then, why are they always standing? They even work on their work stations standing up.


    While I am not familiar at all with the legal system, why is parole hearing - if it is parole hearing at all - conducted in a court? 

    • Love 1
  19. So you think Jenna took this character and the words written for her to say in the hopes that the interpretation viewers took away was how much Tina changed for the worse due to Glee Club? Why would she ever be hired to interpret another character ever again if she does that to material that it clearly wasn't the intent to convey?


    What does Jenna Ushkowitz have anything to do with the discussion? jaytee1812 made a comment about the depiction of Tina before and after the Glee Club. Jenna just acting the character out. She has nothing to do with character development.

    • Love 1
  20. As someone who watches every single episode since S1E1 in its first run, I am rather surprised with my own reaction. I must be a cold-hearted MF since I do not feel anything sentimental. Instead, I feel relieved. Relieved for not having to follow the show anymore, for not feeling obligated to hate-watch it, and rather glad that there is one show that I can remove from my PVR. It must be because of the shipwreck* the show has become in its last three seasons.


    I am glad to see Matt, the black man, Mike dance partner since he disappeared at the end of S1. However, I can not find Rory, Unique and Joe. Are they there in the final scene? Of course, Marley is also not there. She is Super Girl soon, guess she is still in Krypton. I feel strange watching Carole as only two hours before she was a rabbit-like wesen on Grimm.


    *It is a shipwreck, not trainwreck as it sunk and now rests in the bottom.

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