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Everything posted by aradia22

  1. I mean I'll make an exception for doctors or someone else who might have an emergency situation. While it's a sign of respect for your fellow theatregoers and the performance I do understand that there are bigger things in the world than one performance of a play. But yeah, if you're that bored, just leave. If you can't refrain from taking pictures or tweeting the experience, maybe theatre isn't the medium for you.
  2. Now I'm running into that problem when the DVR is full but almost everything I want to watch deserves to be seen in its entirety. Some examples: The Women, The Thin Man, Bringing Up Baby, The Awful Truth, The Big Sleep, Kiss Me Kate, Show Boat, The Pirate, Kismet, The Red Shoes, Gilda, The 39 Steps, Pride and Prejudice, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, Casablanca, Eyes Without a Face, Cat People, Duel in the Sun, East of Eden, Gaslight. *huffs* I don't know where to start!
  3. I decided to put on Trouble in Paradise (1932) as a treat for myself. For a shorter movie, it's very charming and well-executed. I wouldn't put it way up there with my favorite romances but I would rank it pretty highly on my favorite thief/caper/heist plots list. I wasn't sure about Herbert Marshall at first because I'm personally not attracted to him but I don't think it would have worked with a more attractive male lead. He was attractive enough to believably romance the target but not so attractive that he'd draw too much attention. Nice script. Great costumes. Very elegant on the whole. It was fairly straightforward but it did keep me guessing and there were some nice choices in the way it was filmed (e.g. the clock) that weren't super out there but kept things interesting. It was more than a "point and shoot" movie. I'm glad they ended up together in the end. I think Miriam Hopkins maybe just has one of those faces that looks a bit old but this is the prettiest I've seen her and I thought her performance style which tends to go very flighty in other roles was just perfect here. Kay Francis didn't have much to do but she was fine. The only other thing that threw me was the accents. I love all the languages used in the movie but it was difficult remembering where everyone was supposed to be from with the accents they were using. If you haven't seen it yet, I would definitely recommend this one when it comes up again.
  4. Eh. To each his own. I wasn't a fan of the song in general and I didn't think it made great use of her gimmick. I prefer her number in Ziegfeld Follies. Anyway, I finished up the movie. To go along with the flatness of the rest of the movie they rushed the resolution of the romantic plot and inexplicably burst into song.
  5. I thought Misti was fine at the memory task. Wasn't her problem not reading the clue and remembering to say the numbers or something?
  6. I never thought they'd win. Even a few legs back I wasn't sure they could manage it. But they did, and I couldn't be happier. This team really won me over and they raced beautifully in this last leg (with one minor setback with Maya not removing her gear). Who knows? Without that mistake, they might have dominated even more in this last leg. Great job, girls! Go pay off those student loans.
  7. I thought it was a good finale. Maybe not the most exciting one but it was tense and I was into it. First of all, it was sweet, sweet justice to see the Wrestlers eliminated halfway through. Though Brooke blamed the scientists, it was her own fault and that just made it so much better. Amy and Maya killed me not reading the clue and taking their gear off after the challenge. But they rebounded and through all the tasks they showed they were a force to be reckoned with when you're not piling a bunch of physical challenges on them. I loved the way Amy got through that memory task flawlessly. I FREAKED OUT when Amy and Maya won. Phil catching Maya when she basically launched herself at him was adorable. I'm so happy, guys! I'm so happy! I never dreamed we'd get here but it's amazing that we did. I haven't felt this good about a finale in ages.
  8. I have been watching Du Barry Was a Lady (1943). I say I "have been watching" it because I've been watching it in pieces. I can never seem to find the time to finish it. Overall, it's not the worst older movie I've seen. That honor would probably go to something I didn't finish, or maybe something that I did. But it doesn't really have a reason for being. I love the crazy over the top costumes whether it's in the production numbers or just for the "real life" scenes. So many feathers. So many garish colors. I'm not the biggest Cole Porter fan and I think that's reflected in my response to the score. I loved the "Do I Love You" reprisals and the brassy band numbers and harmonies but I could leave the rest of it. Even Virginia O'Brien's number didn't work for me. I think that expressionless routine needs to be paired with the right number. There was no reason to put it with Salome. I think this is my first Red Skelton movie not counting Ziegfeld Follies. He was fine. He didn't really win me over but I didn't dislike him either. Once again, Gene Kelly failed to sell me on a romance. He's so often charming in his dance routines but when it comes time to woo the girl most of the time I either don't buy it or he comes off like a jerk. He was a jerk in this movie. But Lucille Ball's May was kind of jerk too. This plot made very little sense. I mean, there's a way to sell a girl trying to marry for money instead of love and this was not it. If possible the dream sequence/flashback into the past made less sense. Or more sense? Now I'm confused. I'd pull out some of the band numbers and Do I Love You and maybe leave this on the background to look at the costumes. Also, was that Jo Stafford? Any recommendations for that genre of music (I'm terrible at identifying genres) would be appreciated.
  9. Fire up the DVR. For when, I don't know. http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178918/audra-mcdonald-will-reprise-tony-winning-lady-day-at-emersons-bar-grill-performance-on-hbo/
  10. No judgment. I used to watch that movie on TV all the time. I think the actors managed to be charming enough to sell unlikable characters and a crazy plot. It did go downhill from there though. I've only seen bits of Bride Wars and what I saw was enough.
  11. Even though the song didn't play to her strengths at all, I preferred Fleur's version of the winner's single.
  12. I realize that How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days and 27 Dresses are not good movies. But if that's what you consider a bad romantic comedy, you haven't seen how low we can go. Both of those ladies made worse movies.
  13. I know Degrassi is very after-school special but I think they could skirt the issue. If they play it out to the full extent it could have far-reaching consequences and the show has shown in recent seasons that it sucks with long term storylines. I could easily see the story being about Arlene (are we sure that's her name?) being bullied and either getting some small revenge or deciding to accept the apology of the Power Cheer girls so none of the adults have to get involved. The weird thing about it being Arlene is that we haven't seen Zoe in particular do anything to her. So maybe the show is still throwing us a red herring.
  14. I would like to see Hunter try to sell a romantic plot. I think it would be adorable. But then I think I'd like to see him sell all kinds of plots. The actor seems to have untapped potential and they could definitely do interesting things with the character. Most everyone else is just a bit too bland right now. The way they're writing Jack on Power Cheer makes no sense to me right now. Aw, Becky and Jonah sound nice together. But what the hell kind of a band is this? He was auditioning singers but his band only has two members? And where on school property were they rehearsing? How were they allowed to be there? I know Jonah seems nice but Becky why would you go off into the basement with a boy you barely know (and in all likelihood not tell anyone where you were going)? Got to love that progression though. 'Hold your horses. We only wrote part of a song. But if we write the rest and rehearse at lunch we'll be ready to perform at a public venue.' What? Oh, Degrassi. I like that they're bringing the adorable Drew back but it's super weird given that nothing with the baby has really been resolved. I feel like Miles had an outsized reaction to the most possibly the most pathetic intervention ever staged. Were they even any stakes? What were they prepared to do aside from confronting him? Although it was harsh, I appreciated what Miles said to Tristan because it was a nice bit of self-awareness from the show. If only Miles and Maya had more interactions like that. "I have a boyfriend." "Good to know. I have a houseplant." You have to love Degrassi for Miles big reckless moment to lead to him not looking when he was backing out of his parking space... and I guess not even really hitting Maya given her lack of injuries? All to set up a conversation between them. How long was Miles out in the car to get into full "rebellious burnout" mode? It didn't seem like the Panther's routine was that great. It didn't really go with the music and it seemed like they were doing moves without artistry. Shouldn't there be a bit more dancing involved? It's like a figure skating routine that's all jumps with nothing really in between and no feel for the music. Bring It On joke! Still doesn't beat the houseplant line. Oh, the other big accident was hitting a car door? Degrassi is really pulling its punches. Gasp! It's totally Hunter's little girlfriend, isn't it? What's her name again?
  15. My immediate thought was that if they're smart and don't make it Frankie that it will be one of the girls kicked off Power Cheer... Becky or Frankie. While it doesn't seem like either of their personalities it would totally be the kind of nonsense twist you'd get out of a teen movie.
  16. I'm glad other people immediately made the PPL connection. The good thing about Degrassi is they won't drag this out for... five seasons is it now? I never really love these Ali/Dallas plotlines. They're just repeats and I kind of wish they'd fade them into the background like Connor/Jenna. If they can't think of anything interesting, don't bother. Ali has never been the best character but she's had her moments. But they were a long time ago (unless you count the hilarity of Leo... oh, the bad acting. So delicious.) I can't bring myself to care about Ali and Dallas and their future together. They're in high school. They're not one of the show's big couples where I would buy them being high school sweethearts who stayed together. They're also not tied together by a baby or some life altering event, etc. So yeah, I can't say I'm bothered by the idea they won't be together forever. Holy unsolicited advice, Batman! I think that was the most awkward way they could have written a new niner interacting with Drew and Dallas. Glad she was making a play for him instead of just awkwardly trying to get the new and old cast to interact. I like lighthearted Drew. I do not know why they insisted on Clew and all this recent angst. That actor's strength has always been comedy. Fun, casual advice-giving Drew in his Grace-style exposition mode is his comfort zone. I see what they're trying to do with Lola but the actress isn't natural enough in her line delivery. It takes a certain amount of intelligence to play dumb. I felt like Zoe and Grace sped up the pace of their dialogue in their scene together. That patter was a nice change of pace. I'm over the oomphchat thing but they should mix up the cast and create these combos more often. I care less about Miles than when he was with Maya.
  17. The duets are finally on youtube. This is really weird timing.
  18. I got around to watching the special today. It seemed kind of hastily put together, more of an ABC thing than a Disney thing (I know they're under the same umbrella but this seemed to cater to the TV side more) and they seemed to get whoever was available. Whoopi and Rosie are on The View. Sam and Clare probably have nothing better to do. There were bigger names they could have called in if they wanted to. It also seemed very condensed. I agree that it seemed like a big commercial more than a TV special or documentary though there were some nice moments. I hope someday they at least devote the effort they put into their DVD extras into doing a special on Disney theatrical. I think it's worth the time. There's a narrative there with everyone complaining about the Disneyfication of Broadway (which was hinted at here a few times) but people forget that Disney films are largely responsible for the youngest generations of theatregoers and musical theatre fans. And the shows are bringing more people to Broadway. I think if they took an honest look at some of the flops or not as successful shows (aside from shaking that baby doll did they ever mention Tarzan?) I think they could tell an interesting story about the 20 or so years of Disney on Broadway.
  19. SJW has made its way to Fox. I heard it for the first time on Greta. O'Reilly predicts that America is ready for a "traditional" leader to return us the founding fathers who never did anything wrong... except slavery. (paraphrased) His guest Andrea says that young men have been completely feminized and demoralized because of feminism.
  20. Again, I have to disagree. I think it's a case by case basis. I always hear people talk about how Steven Soderbergh pulled a great performance out of Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight. But how many people are like, damn, that director did a great job instructing Daniel Day Lewis or Meryl Streep on how to do their jobs. I think too much of the visual style is attributed to the director when it could be the cinematographer, DP, art director, costume designer, etc. contributing a lot to the look to the look of the film. And yes, as JBC344 points out, not all directors cut their movies. Kevin Smith (an independent director) cuts his own movies. But Scorsese doesn't. He might be in the editing room (I don't know enough about him to know) but not all directors are. Again, I think it's a case by case basis which is why I wouldn't mind the Best Director and Best Picture awards going to different movies.
  21. I wouldn't mind it. I think it's too easy to attribute the qualities of a film (good or bad) to the director and forget about the other people involved in the project, especially if you're talking about a big name director and/or a prestige flick (as opposed to say a non-Michael Bay action film where most people aren't really like damn that.... guy whose name I don't know for making this movie suck). A film can have a good script, strong visual style, and good performances without necessarily having a good director. It's unlikely because if everything else is great the director is probably also great but that doesn't mean he or she is responsible for everything that makes the project a good movie.
  22. Ha! I'm adding this to my list of favorite insults.
  23. Personally, I just try to put in a bit of effort. I dress kind of business casual or a little fancier depending on what I have in my closet (that fits) at the moment. I'll put on some (non-noisy) jewelry and do my makeup though I do wear high-heeled boots instead of heels. I can't really walk in heels and I don't have any other appropriate shoe choices. I don't think people should be turned away from the door for their choices but a little bit of effort would be nice. For instance, I spoke with a girl in sneakers trekking up the stairs. She was wearing sneakers because she had injured herself but otherwise she was dressed nicely. There were also some kids near me in the balcony (I think Carnegie has some kind of discount program) and I don't begrudge them for not going out and getting crazy outfits just for one night. I guess if you can't do business casual or eveningwear, "appropriate for church" would be the next option. A simple clean sweater, some dress pants. Though because of my love of people-watching I think it would be nice if more people took the opportunity to dress up. Maybe it happens at the ballet or opera. A vaguely remember some gowns when I went to the ballet a few years ago. I understand the instinct to want to record performances whether video or audio. This goes back to my whole "why don't they just record everything" question so it will be preserved for future generations and theatre obsessives like me. But yeah, I don't understand the instinct to take photos. It distracts you, the people in the audience around you, and the performers for no real gain. I don't even really look back on photos from my vacations and when I do most of them don't recall any memories (since it's mostly sightseeing). When you're in the moment, you should be in the moment and not pulling out your camera. No, I haven't worked my way around to it yet. I guess when it came out I found it intimidating. I hadn't see the movie or an actual opera yet and the music just seemed like something that wouldn't be appealing. I was still in my "hummable melody" phase. Bear in mind I was like 14 at the time.
  24. Encores season. Ellen Greene reprising Audrey after all these years seems like an odd choice but I can't deny that it got my attention. I've never listened to The Wild Party album all the way through but it's got some great songs. Very intriguing cast. http://www.playbill.com/news/article/ellen-greene-in-little-shop-jonathan-groff-in-new-brain-and-sutton-foster-in-wild-party-set-for-encores-off-center-season-337458 I know she mastered Billie Holliday but I don't know if this even makes any sense. You can't just throw out Audra's name for everything, especially since she can only be in one place at a time. http://www.playbill.com/news/article/aretha-franklin-eyeing-audra-mcdonald-for-biopic-337520 The plot is more reminiscent of flops than hits but it's got a great cast. Also, the bargain hunter in me can't help but me intrigued. http://www.playbill.com/news/article/musical-comedy-something-rotten-sets-spring-broadway-opening-at-st.-james-theatre-337551 Wait, what? Do any of you have some familiarity with the source material? http://www.playbill.com/news/article/marc-kudisch-will-join-laura-osnes-in-workshop-of-broadway-aimed-somewhere-in-time-337549 That cast though... Can't justify the ticket prices. Oh, well. http://www.playbill.com/news/article/jeremy-jordan-will-head-cast-of-starry-parade-concert-337545
  25. Two questions I'd like to put forth. How do you feel about people using their phones in the theatre? Not that I'm against the internet or technology (obviously) but I'm generally content to stay on my laptop. I've never been one to mess around on my phone aside from getting directions or checking the time. I was amazed, peering down from the balcony during intermission at how many bright screens were staring back at me. And although you're not supposed to take photos, sooo many people were taking photos throughout from before the concert, to intermission, to curtain call, and possibly some times in between. And there was a particularly rude gentleman one row ahead of me, to my left who kept playing with his phone until the usher came over. Not a child. A grown adult (maybe 50-60 years old). So what are your thoughts on phone etiquette during any type of live theatre experience? Secondly, I sometimes obsess about what to wear because going out to the theatre is one of my few excuses to really dress up (I'm obviously not a clubbing person). Plus what if I go to the stage door and want to take a photo, or what if I meet a cute boy, or maybe the ushers will judge me. Yes, I know I'm weird. Anyway, what are your thoughts on dressing for the theatre? Do you miss the ultra glamorous days captured in movies from say the 1930's-1950's? Do you think we should hold ourselves to at least some kind of standard? Or are you of the mind that theatre should be as inclusive as possible and people should dress however they feel most comfortable?
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