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Everything posted by MyFangirlLife

  1. I was also all about the "realness" of this weeks dates! That's what I talked about in my weekly Bachelor post for this episode...check it out if you want :) Tuesday Walk of Shame: Jimmy Kimmel takes over The Bachelor...and makes it much more realistic?
  2. In Kaitlyn's defense (which is so unlike me to defend any of these women) I live in the area she grew up in...her original hometown...and basically everyone is a farmer here so it might be true. But that also means I know people who know her and there are plenty of other things in her bio that are not true...so who knows?
  3. This is actually what I focused on with my weekly Bachelor blog post this week...I think this show has created a really unfair "get out jail free" card with sob stories...Chris has to keep the girl around or he looks like an ass, even though he might have no connection with them. If you feel like reading it here's a link... Tuesday Walk of Shame: Is Chris Harrison Encouraging the Girls to Stalk Chris?
  4. I never even thought of that...but it's totally legit now that you mention it. In my opinion, that was by far the best group date idea they've ever had for this show. So cool! And it doesn't leave the female viewers feeling vaguely disgusted & offended like not let women put their clothes back on then making them ride a tractor. Like Andromeda was saying...the chaffing...
  5. I'm so sad I wasn't able to watch "live" and comment with everyone...hopefully next week! This forum makes my day. On another note...I've started up my weekly Bachelor blog series again. S19E01: Farmer Chris Meets Crazy Eyes is up if anyone is interested in reading it. It talks about all of my Bachelor-rrific thoughts on last night's episode. I was actually recently talking to a past contestant who was telling me about how he once had to ride around in a limo pre-date for over an hour with the heat cranked up and only alcohol to drink in what he felt was a ploy to make him look like a drunk.
  6. I'm personally a fan of Chris Harrison. I enjoy how much he interacts and improves through his parts. He plays off of people, while playing them...so I see where the discussion question comes from. Yes he does manipulate people but it often brings out some of the only true emotion we see on an often shallow show. I guess what I'm saying is that he might be a bit horrible but I'm ok with it since he's a good host...? Hmmm What does that say about me? Haha
  7. I'm so sad that Bachelor In Paradise is down and we have to wait 4 months before we get more Bachelor fun! That's probably a sad commentary on my life, haha. I made up one last blog post with my thoughts on last night's episode…read if you'd like :) Bachelor In Paradise Finale Ship Round-Up
  8. Oh my goodness…this show. I can't believe the drama. Just when I was starting to like Clare she had to go all drama-queen again. And I'm having a really hard time caring about the Christy/Jesse/Lucy love triangle…maybe just because they're all new. Or maybe because they are awful people…? I've made another 2 blog posts for another 2 episodes…feel free to check them out if you like…or not… Warning: they contain extreme amounts of sass. Monday's Episode Blog Post Tuesday's Episode Blog Post
  9. I have too many thoughts on this episode to fit into a cohesive comment here…I did organize it into a blog post of anyone wants to check it out: Tuesday Walk of Shame: Bachelor in Paradise Recap - To Stay or To Go? It'll be your daily dose of sass mixed with a Bachelor analysis.
  10. I agree with everyone that has mentioned the music for this episode. It could not have been better. The circus music during Elise's ramble (because let's face it that was not coherent enough to be called a speech) had me in stitches. But that makes me think about who they're playing off the fact that Elise is obviously not the brightest, and essentially trying to embarrass her by making an already ridiculous soliloquy look utterly insane. This is the same thing they did at the beginning of the episode by turning a crew & cast member's mistake into a re-enactable joke. When did you become so focused on humiliation Bachelor? Or should I say when did you decide to make it so obvious?
  11. I put my thoughts on the Men Tell All episode here in my blog :) http://myfangirllife.com/2014/07/22/twos-bachelorette-edition-bachelor-match-maker/
  12. Nick is really making a strong showing here at the end…too bad he spent so much time making me hate him. Also, I can't resist commenting on Andi's clothing choices. The previously mentioned stuffed or tagged bikini. The tube dress that showed off none of her curves. The weird combo of the yellow lace shirt with the white lace underneath. Do they not have someone on staff (not even a stylist just anyone with eyes) who helps her not make awful clothing choices?
  13. I had a powe outage at my house and only just got to watch the episode! Meant I really had to rush to get my weekly Bachelorette blog post done on time. But also it meant I couldn't be on here commenting during the episode, which is one of my favorite things about watching it :( Oh well, next week! If you wanna read my post it's right here: Tuesday Walk of Shame: Bachelorette Edition - Duck Duck Douche (S10E07)
  14. Someone mentioned before about lie detector tests leaving no room for explanation, which I think is true ...however I think the idea was that the answers would start important conversations. Because Andi didn't open the envelope we are left with whatever answers they edited together (whether they're real or a product of editing) and no discussion about them after. If Andi had read the responses poor Dylan could have maybe avoid his wonderful new nickname. I have a new blog post about this episode over at my blog...Spoiler Alert: I love the idea of a lie detector test :) http://wp.me/p4GNJj-eX
  15. I kind of agree that asking a date to take a lie detector test is in bad taste…but at the same time this isn't average dating. Anyone who thinks this is a crazy thing to do on this ridiculous show is the crazy one. Everything that happens on this show is extreme, whether its adrenaline dates or private concerts or assessing truthfulness with a lie detector test. Considering how little time she has to get to know these guys and the high possibility of them being there simply for the notoriety isn't this a pretty quick & easy way to get some big questions out of the way?
  16. I know! No wonder Andi is so "tired" and testy...she's suffering from starvation. If I was the Bachelorette I'd be taking the men out for ribs just to see how they all react. On of the reasons I didn't mind Andi on last season of The Bachelor was that she seemed like she had her life together and like she had a good head on her shoulders. She seemed "normal." Then this season of The Bachelorette started off strong with much less bikinis and giggling...but I can see it going down hill. Her actions make it seem like she's ready to give up a normal life and become a C-list celebrity.
  17. I love how much discussion this episodes sparks...I enjoy when there are two sides to a debate instead of everyone just acknowledging that one person is an ass :) I just posted my commentary on the episode as part of my weekly Bachelorette-themed blog series...check it out if you want to: Tuesday Walk of Shame: Bachelorette Edition - Poker Face (S10E04) Oh Bachelorette, you will never not be entertaining.
  18. The end segment was too much about Andi and not enough about Eric in my opinion.
  19. How about every time they carry out a classic Bachelor cliche?
  20. She is pretty guarded. In her defence it isn't exactly a natural situation, but she needs to be a bit more open to others if she's going to be the Bachelorette. I know I'd be equally as guarded, but that's why I'm not jumping up to be on the show…although I do write a Blog series about what it would be like if I was, lol
  21. Oh yeah….Andi does not appear to take criticism well. Yikes.
  22. I love Marcus! I think he's a little awkward, but I find awkward endearing :) Which is also why like Brian…so awkward. I loved that practically written in bight bold neon letters signal she gave him…maybe he'll notice that one.
  23. I hadn't noticed but now that you've brought it to my attention thats a very good point. I understand the desire to wear cute dress for your dates, I'd want to too, but every single time? Sometimes a girl just wants to wear jeans.
  24. Agreed on the Good Riddance to Opera Guy! It's like, You do realize that begin the best singer at a spontaneous karaoke-like performance is not going to make her instantly fall in love with you, right? Especially when your best singing is opera & not fitting to the song at all…can we all just take a minute to remember the little girl with her hands over her ears?
  25. Hahaha, that's exactly what I was thinking! This one episode includes basically all of the Bachelorette favourites.
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