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  1. My mind was just blown rewatching this episode. 

    There's a Ray Palmer mention. In a flashback, Laurel asks Oliver if he's "Talked to Ray today?... He asked Jean to move in with him last night." 



    But in season 3, Ray's finances name is Anna. 

    I wonder if the Jean mention was just a nod to his comics wife.


    Either way, Oliver acts like he doesn't know Ray in season 3.


  2. I was in the middle of a season 1 binge, but I gave up when I got to the point where I was rewriting the story in my head. As a consequence I created a why I'm bitter list:

    • The only consistent thing about Laurel was her inconsistency. For goodness sake let her be angry for 2 consecutive episodes.
    • The missed opportunity to make Tommy a future villain after Malcolm and Laurel die chaps my hide.
    • Keeping Team Arrow as a main story and Moira's shadiness secondary was the best storyline.
    • Therefore anything to do with the Lances made me STEW.
    • The Oliver, Tommy and Laurel triangle of doom was probably meant to be a kind of Team Arrow but subsequently became the ball and chain holding the narrative down.
    • Moira dying in season 2 was the worst decision the show made because she is a Queen of note.
    • Laurel's mother is the WORST. 

    Team Arrow and Moira will be forever the high points of Arrow.

    • Love 1
  3. 53 minutes ago, Trisha said:

    Do the writers think that Oliver opening up to all these women he barely knows this season (Susan, Tinah) and having heart-to-hearts with them instead of with Thea, Diggle, Felicity, etc. is a sign of character growth or something? Because I just don't get it.

    I think this is EXACTLY what the writers think. 

    • Love 7
  4. 6 minutes ago, Mrs. de Winter said:

    At this point I hope Felicity goes off and finds her own team.  I actually am wondering why she needs Oliver and the noobs at this point.  None of them seem terribly concerned with her needs and Felicity has shown she can find others to support her causes.   And with Oliver once again showing that he is an idiot of the highest order (tricked into killing Billy, befriending the rayporter, thinking Laurel is alive) why wouldn't she find another team?  Normally I would say she wouldn't given her friendship with Dig - but seems Dig is only allowed to have new friends now.  


    • Love 2
  5. 33 minutes ago, Trisha said:

    I watched S3 live and it was ALL crumbs before they hooked up in 3x20. ("I just want her to be happy," "And you know how I feel about her," "You met him for like ten seconds/I knew it in five," "I know what it's like to want someone and not be with them," "As long as you're in my life I'm happy," "You're the man that I lo...believe in," "You're so focused on people you love that you forget there are people who love you.") Even when Felicity was with Ray it was obvious she was still in love with Oliver. 

    Well when you put it like that... 


    4 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

    Well, he remembers her first and last name sometimes?


    • Love 3
  6. I actually liked that they had Mike and Amelia in a pseudo relationship. It annoys me when shows do the whole "destined to be together and no one else could ever be a substitute" thing. Blip named great reasons for why Mike and Amelia would make a good couple, but it's simply down to choice. I'm good with this person, but I want that person. 

    Anyway, I never thought Mike was as into Amelia as she was into him. Mike hooking up with Amelia seemed in large part due to his wife putting the kibosh on their relationship. Maybe in small part due to running away from Ginny, but definitely mostly because of Rachel. So when Mike called it quits with Amelia it actually made a lot of sense to me because they were keeping secrets and made their own little perfect world. But when Ginny found out, that bubble disappeared. 

    • Love 5
  7. 4 hours ago, Mojeaux said:

    Still do NOT like Bawson. Unpopular opinion alert: I really think Mike and Amelia had chemistry and could’ve worked, and I thought their “breakup” was a little shallow. 

    I would agree with this opinion if the darn phone call didn't happen. That episode had a lot of strong Mike and Amelia moments with him sharing his future plans and current struggle with his ailing body. 

    But then he called Ginny instead of Amelia and I was done. Amelia never stood a chance because he was already becoming hung up on his rookie. 

    • Love 7
  8. @Eolivet that's actually a really good point. They essentially wrecked every relationship on the show and the last time we see Ginny she's alone going through an MRI. Finales tend to set up the next season, but it was almost vicious how alone they leave Ginny in the end. 

    I really hope they renew it because I'm still invested in Ginny's story.

    • Love 5
  9. 4 hours ago, Nanrad said:

    @Password It was super on the nose, but I honestly think Al was just talking about baseball. lol. But, applied it to his situation because he questions the legitimacy of his feelings and he was still hoping to get a second chance with Rachel.

    Oh I'm sure Al was talking about baseball, but that's sort of the problem I have with it. I don't really think the analogy applies to what Mike went through with the Cubs. 

    And absolutely Mike would apply this analogy to he and Ginny. Because Mike is a disaster. Hahahaha

    4 hours ago, Nanrad said:

    I liked Noah, but the whole "Go on vacation with me" after two half dates and two days of known each other (three???), that made me side eye him. Another show had a character do this, but they were acquainted with each other for a bit longer, so it didn't come off weird like it does with Noah.


    And oh yes they went the whole nine yards with making Noah this perfectly perfect guy who is a billionaire and happens to sing. Probably flies the plane too.

  10. 11 hours ago, Nanrad said:

    but not only did Rachel cheat, she blamed Mike for her cheating and didn't take any accountability of the hurt she caused him. When you apply the chase philosophy to Rachel: once she got married and didn't get the attention she wanted, she cheated and left her husband for the other man; got engaged to the other man and only "liked" him; she broke up with the other man and went back to her ex after an intense moment at a dinner he crashed; after they slept together, she doesn't appear hesitant about taking another chance, but rather not interested because she isn't vested in giving their relationship another go.

    The bold and italic statement is a reason why I will never like Rachel. 

    Al's "new girl" analogy didn't really work for me in the context of Mike and the Cubs. Mike actually didn't want to go, he was resigned to go. So hearing the "she makes you laugh and feel young" was super on the nose about Ginny but IMO irrelevant to Mike and his Cubs situation.

    Blip was an actual mess this episode. I didn't realize it whilst watching it the first time, but wow his feelings being hurt made him really horrible. He snapped at Mike during a game and really did question Mike's authority in front of everyone. Then before that he seems really self centered in his interactions with Evelyn. It makes me wonder what kind of conversations he and Evelyn had before they got married about how their living situation would work. He assumes she'll want to stay home and raise the children, which is fine, but he's not reading her very well that she wants something to stimulate her business mind too.

    Noah. I really like him because he makes Ginny happy. But I admit I cackled when she said "he can come see me practice in Arizona". She really has so much on her plate to be thinking of traipsing the world without a thought. I doubt we'll see him come next season. (wishful thinking?) 

    Ginny and Amelia. Sigh. I love that this show isn't afraid to show Ginny be immature and sometimes too head strong for her own good, but Amelia and her secrets get to me. She treats Ginny like a child by trying to control everything. I agree with those up thread who said Evelyn should have approached Ginny about Will. Amelia and Ginny were already on a tight rope concerning Will and that confrontation was a long time coming. I am beyond glad that Ginny was so strong when faced with Will's stealing. That situation happens so often in real life, and the fact that Ginny could turn him away but still love him is beautiful.

    Finally, they sad and "draggy" Have No Fear at the end absolutely destroyed me. In contrast to the pilot that was so uplifting when Ginny finally found her rhythm, hearing it in conjunction with Ginny being injured and getting an MRI killed my heart. 

    Evelyn killed me in that scene with Ginny at the beginning. "Use more words" hahaha. I don't think Ginny and Mike are over romantically. They have serious obstacles ahead of them, but I think those obstacles just make for good drama. 

    • Love 13
  11. 1 hour ago, Happy Harpy said:

    Maybe M.Guggenheim would have liked more talk about things like Ra's charismatic tenure? Malcolm Merlyn's coherent character development? The carefully, logically crafted S3 and S4 arcs? Thea's agency and epic love story with Alex? The riveting S4 flashbacks? The giganormous screentime devoted to OTA? The endearing, fascinating bunch of masked/superpowered/magical newbies popping up every season? etc.

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

    I think this is exactly what Marc wants. Unfortunately, for me anyway, nothing about the story telling has been compelling or interesting. Shouldn't have advertised Olicity so hard for TWO YEARS whilst letting the overall narrative slip Marc if you didn't want such passionate fans.

  12. 2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:


    I actually haven't had a problem with how they've behaved around each other.  Are they acting like they were never engaged, yes, but that's just it, it's IMO the facade they've both retreated to.  Felicity's spelled out her walls.  They don't have that kind of relationship anymore.  What she can do is treat him (most of the time) as she did before they became a couple because maintaining that distance right now is what is keeping the working relationship working.  Oliver has also for the most part retreated behind his own walls, he's almost always focusing on the business at hand  and except for those really low moments (and it's telling that she's not sharing hers with him at all) he mostly keeps up his guard.  Which is really sad but its probably what currently is needed to make the partnership that clearly still means so much to both of them work. 

    I would agree with you, if I had any faith in these writers. Frankly I'd rather believe the writers are trying to write them and their relationship as "mature" than Felicity and Oliver dealing with being apart in an organic way. These are the same writers that had Oliver and Sara together for the most of the back end of season 2, and a week after their break up had Oliver confess he loves Felicity (trickery aside). I don't think subtlety are the writers specialty so Felicity in season 2 mode in relation to their relationship, and Oliver being stoic is exactly what the writers want them to be.

    • Love 1
  13. I loved the episode but I'm somewhat puzzled about Mike's story with his dad. Was Mike and his mother previous to his marriage? Why didn't the dad try to get Mike to stay, was his wife an issue? And Mike's mother, she used her kid to get money from his dad, when she should've gotten it anyway. I hope we get some clarity on this in future episodes.

    My favourite scene this episode was Ginny and Al sitting on the bench overlooking the city. The way the management and Ginny's teammates are there for her is pretty amazing. Her well being on the pitch and off is fantastic. I also loved that Al told her to remember her life outside of baseball because it's so important. 

    Most hilarious part of this episode was Ginny asking if anyone wants to see her cutter. I died every time.

    • Love 4
  14. 2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    I loved Blip's surprised "Whaaaa?.." when Ginny alludes to Mike and Amelia at the party and his wife responded "she knows we know!" and he dropped the fake puzzled expression.

    I cannot express how much I enjoy Blip, and Evelyn. They are such a fantastic couple with their terrible, fake reactions. But Blip just killed me with his "whaaaaaa".

    • Love 14
  15. I wish I could sit the writers down to watch the past episode of Pitch to make them understand what breaking down really means. Doing rash, self destructive things, being openly angry without question, and finally being able to TALK ABOUT IT WITH PEOPLE WHO KNOW AND CARE ABOUT YOU. 

    There was 4.5 seconds of whoobie face for Felicity before SHE had to contact Rory and talk to him. Diggle gets to do an utterly ridiculous, stupid thing like sitting in jail to pay for his sins, Felicity must immediately bring Rory back to the team and face her fears. 

    I hate it. 

    • Love 12
  16. I am just more and more endeared to Ginny and surprisingly Amelia in this episode. 

    I love when women are allowed to show their feelings, and talk about what's bothering them. I love that she was angry at Amelia and Mike. I like that she broke down in the bath tub send the girl she was with was decent. The pressure is enormous on Ginny and she really needs her "person" or "people" to be there with her. 

    I like that Amelia said she wasn't waiting for a thank you from Ginny and then Eliot said the same thing. 

    I am so here for the scandal. I eve forgot about it and was momentarily surprised. Ginny is unbelievably strong, but fragile at the same time. I can't wait to see what happens :D

    • Love 7
  17. Quote

    Billy: "That was a bit more than I expected to get done on my lunch break. Is this a normal Wednesday afternoon for you?"
    Felicity: "Well, I had to make up for last night. I hate canceling last minute."

    How can there be so much eww in two statements?

    • Love 13
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