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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. This has a fun summary of the ring, mostly surrounding the role of Tallmadge. http://www.jcs-group.com/military/war1775fought/tallmadge.html I hope Ben's real-life awesomeness translates onto the show, soon. They seem to be making him stumble a lot more than he did in real life - I guess so we can be excited for a turnaround. Meanwhile, Andre was actually the inexperienced one. The site also highlights again that Townsend was really the key spy.
  2. A picture of Ben Tallmadge, if anyone is curious: http://images.library.yale.edu/madid/oneItem.aspx?&qn=8785 And excerpts from his memoir, which is interesting. Don't read if you don't want specific spoilers about his interactions with certain characters. :D http://www.btdistrict.org/HTMLobj-808/Benjamin_Tallmadge_Memoir_Excerpts.pdf
  3. Fun! My parents live near Washington Crossing. When I visit, I imagine the river crossing as well. I love looking out for all of the old houses in that area.
  4. I believe all of the boys were unmarried until after the war. Anna was a bit older and married.
  5. It will be interesting how those in charge of the show decide to show the ring's importance. Really, Washington was receiving intel from them very slowly (not helped by the lack of speedy travel and communication technology that we have today), and most of it wouldn't be what we might consider "important" or exciting. Especially not until later. But I agree, the show will have to do something from an entertainment standpoint to elevate what they are doing sooner. Agree with all the comments on Ben. Love him! To look at, as a character, and Seth's acting. I'm always looking for more screentime for him. I hope he gets a win soon and starts showing his potential. He needs to develop into a believable counterpart to Andre. I did cringe a little when he played right into Andre's plot, sharing the Arnold bashing information. Also agree with everyone that they didn't quite explain why Abe is already so convinced that Townsend is a candidate to join their team. I knew it was coming, but was surprised at how these initial steps were taken. I do like his character so far, and love his setdown of Abe. So very true.
  6. I tried the Katharine McPhee movie, but I just didn't enjoy it. I enjoy watching characters falling in love, having fun, and actually interacting with each other. It was just way too many near miss meetings and the dream "meetings" weren't enough to do it for me. I've enjoyed all of the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries movies so far. I was pleasantly surprised to like the Garage Sale Mystery movies initially, and I enjoyed Aurora Teagarden one as well. And the scenery for that one was beautiful!
  7. I may be remembering incorrectly, but I think Vanessa's critique was that it needed a little more seasoning/salt, while Joseph's tasted very good despite the lack of crunch. So maybe Curtis went with taste over texture. Different judges on all of these shows seem to prioritize different aspects of the cooking.
  8. I've worked in multiple schools with large bilingual populations. Several times I have heard this being the case when it is mostly just the grandparent who speaks another language - parents tell us that the children will respond in English. Sometimes it also happens when the parents speak the other language, depending on their level of understanding of English. As someone else above said, understanding/listening skills come more easily than speaking skills. So it actually does make sense that they might speak to each other in different languages even if there is shared understanding of one language or the other. Also, while it seems like the boys all learned English first on the show, it is not uncommon for children who are not native English speakers to also go through a phase where they only want to speak English. In one crazy case (if I am remembering correctly), the parents both spoke different languages of China (maybe Shanghaiese and Cantonese) and the child only spoke English. No idea how that household managed.
  9. I'm guessing they do have real Chinese names. In the first episode when Eddie starts at the new school, the teacher tried to introduce him with a difficult name and was super relieved when Eddie told her to call him Eddie.
  10. And just yesterday there was this article saying renewal was likely:http://bamsmackpow.com/2015/04/16/report-agent-carter-likely-for-season-2-netflix-heroes-in-avengers-infinity-war/ This back and forth IS crazy.
  11. I thought I somewhat refuted with evidence, although it was under spoiler tags because some of the examples are important surprises in the VM show if people haven't watched. At least in terms of mixed relationships. Again, while Veronica was not in a mixed relationship, they did have multiple examples with other major characters who were. And the characters who were POC had meaty storylines. Were there aspects of their personalities that fit stereotypes? For sure. But there were also aspects that were not stereotypes. Yes, Wallace played basketball (despite not being terribly tall). But he wasn't portrayed as other shows may have where they would have made him relatively unintelligent/uneducated, "gangsta." Which is totally a stereotype. However, he was intelligent, enjoyed math and planned on pursuing engineering (although that didn't work out), and an excellent/supportive best friend. Weevil I'll give was more stereotypical, with the heart of gold aspect thrown in. Meanwhile, I think they are purposely shedding light on some stereotypes and the problem with them. By having many of the skate park kids who are disappearing being POC and no one noticing, I think they are sadly showing something that would likely actually happen. We see and hear the media highlighting missing white children and missing white women and rarely hear about missing people of color. This is a real life problem. I have a huge problem with it. And yes, Lowell or Major could have been cast as diverse characters and weren't. I'm not the producers and can't tell you if that was intentional or not. But I feel like even if Clive and Ravi were cast as white men, they wouldn't be shoving relationships at them at this point either. I still hold that it is unfair to be mad that not every character on the show is paired up with someone and that it must mean Clive and Ravi are going to be forever shown as asexual.
  12. Right. Especially since he is a lot older and is looking like he may be sketchy if he's the reason Blaine is getting away with what he is doing.
  13. This is part of it. Major was already established as a past love interest for Liv. The new guys who are POC are not zombies, and at this point she does not think she can date a non-zombie, so she has roadblocks up to even thinking of going there. They could introduce a new zombie who is a POC. But again, it's still just 5 episodes. As for VM, you are right, Veronica as the main character never dated someone from a diverse background. But
  14. I also agree it is just way too early. They are still working on establishing this world and the main character. Throwing characters of other races/cultures to the side wasn't a problem on VM, and I don't see RT leaving things that way with how he handles race/culture/SES issues. Veronica and Wallace were just friends and stayed that way, which was nice and refreshing compared to so many shows. So I don't want Ravi or Clive to be interested in Liv. But Wallace had several love interests and he and Weevil both had in depth storylines over the seasons. And
  15. Thanks for clarifying some other points from the other book and other sources. I definitely can't blame Abe for acting how he did. I'm just saying that I'm not sure he made for the best choice as a main character. Those personality traits seem to be what had turned off a lot of people on this forum, at least. There has been some more positive reaction to him taking a more decisive and confident role in the first two new episodes, but I think that switch is very much part of the fictionalized character the show has already created (wife, discord with father). I've heard some of their explanation for why they went that route, but it still seems strange to me to go that way and have to add more fictional interest when you have these other characters who were already more interesting and dramatic and decisive. And while Townsend was also nervous and on edge, he was in the center of things a bit more being in the city and right in the mix of the enemy and seemed to have greater contributions. I read this book awhile ago, so I could totally be remembering wrong or twisting stuff around in my head. I'd be all for Tallmadge and Brewster playing the bigger roles.
  16. I loved Lowell as well, and it is nice to have Bradley James back on screen. I hope he is in more episodes - I think I will give RT a chance to develop Major. I feel bad for the dude, but unfortunately I blame Teddy Dunn for many of the issues with Duncan. I read a pretty recent interview with him about his time on the show and choices. Just in case anyone has not watched VM and might decide to, I will put this part in spoiler tags: I guess you could blame RT for not over-ruling his choices, though.
  17. I agree with those saying this show will need to be careful balancing so many characters. That said, I'd almost like Robert Townsend to overtake Abe as the main character at some point. I didn't read Alexander Rose's book - I happened to read another very similar book on the same topic just because I saw it in the Barnes and Noble window. Reading this other book, Selfishly and without considering the story, Ben would ideally be the main character. I enjoy the character/actor for all of the reasons everyone else has discussed. But the writers had already changed their minds from having him be the main character, so I will settle for what I can get. I'm still not sure they are setting Abigail up to be Agent 355. Wasn't Agent 355 always in NY? Unless they are just going to use this as another area to fictionalize the story, which is possible.
  18. Not that I agree at all, but I think they are trying to say that by sparing "no one," he makes fun of all groups. However, as many have pointed out, this does not seem to be the case. There seems to be a pattern with Jews and females.
  19. My town was weird with our school setup, although I think it was mostly due to building space and the changing population size. We had elementary schools K-5, middle school 6-7, junior high 8-9, and high school 10-12. I guess a lot of you would have like that setup in terms of separating out certain age groups. :-)
  20. I also saw Sarah Palin in one of the photos with Billingham. Interesting...
  21. http://www.amctv.com/turn/videos/a-look-at-season-2-turn-washingtons-spies This video excites me, too.
  22. Holy crap. Now that you pointed it out, I watched the trailer again. You're right! I never even noticed! Wow. So different as a blonde.`
  23. Preview - http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid3714740058001?bckey=AQ~~,AAADFOok6gk~,sJNVXZ-vjAgqp6CkJT-hyJmBLkoetCec&bctid=4080292656001
  24. I agree that she nailed the scene even more after re-watching it last night. There are actually two smiles - one right after he turns around and she kind of looks away and then another more considering smile looking at him. It almost seemed like the first smile was her realizing there was a possibility to start dating again. The second smile, when she looked back at Daniel, seemed like she was starting to consider the possibility of actually dating him, in particular.
  25. SierraMist, the writers did say this about the smile:
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