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Everything posted by EyewatchTV211

  1. Sounds like you have a good plan. Just in case anyone ever needs other advice, this website has free helpful resources for working with a lot of different behaviors. They're dog trainers in MD, but they have a lot of things on their website. Just go to the Behavior Issues tab. http://yourdogsfriend.org/
  2. I much preferred Part 1 of the Bridge to Part 2. With the young couple's storyline, the overly forced drama came at the end of the first movie, but it otherwise wasn't present. It was non-stop in the second movie with them never being honest about anything and the Dad continuing his devious/overbearing ways. It was just too much.
  3. In addition to the yelping like a dog thing (which is dog instinct), sacrebleu, I would still go with having appropriate chew toys. Dogs aren't like humans where they have memories for what they did wrong and associate things as rewards for the bad behavior. Despite all the fun videos of dogs seeming to show guilt, experts say those are dogs responding to how the humans are acting, not actual guilt. But back to the chew toys - if you do not allow your dog to bite you and remove yourself from the situation and allow the dog to chew toys whenever he/she likes, the dog will learn that chewing toys will result in good things and will see that nothing good really happens from biting a person. The dog thinks, "Oh, I can't chew this. Cool, I CAN chew this." Also, dog toys are another form of exercise, even though it doesn't seem like it so much to us humans. Mental stimulation and play works. And as others have said, age is also a factor. Puppies tend to be biters and usually just grow out of it, although providing them with appropriate chew objects helps. My dog enjoyed chewing on furniture legs, but she did eventually just grow out of it. Otherwise, you can always consult with the vet or a trainer for suggestions until you can do actual formal training or return to exercise.
  4. My little 15 pound mutt is the same way. I find some of the hard nylabone-type bones to be good and a favorite of hers, like this one: http://www.indestructibledog.com/collections/chew-toys/products /double-action-chew or http://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/nylabone-dura-chew-plus-dog-toy-zid36-11107/cat-36-catid-100021?var_id=36-11107&_t=pfm%3Dcategory The outsides get a bit worn when she chews a lot, but she can't destroy the whole thing We have something like this. She doesn't really care for it, but it's very strong and your dog might like it: http://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/tuffy-junior-gear-dog-toy-squeaker-zid36-5247144/cat-36-catid-100021?_t=pfm%3Dcategory We have a ball similar to this from Homegoods. Can't tell if it's the same material. Ours is very thick and pretty heavy - I am amazed she can carry it. But she tore apart a weaker ball that was similar, so she needed the toughness: http://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/puppies-r-us-trade-knot-ball-dog-toy-color-varies--zid36-5230045/cat-36-catid-100021?_t=pfm%3Dcategory This is a hard treat ball: http://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/toys-r-us-ball-treat-dispenser-dog-toy-color-varies--zid36-10671/cat-36-catid-100021?var_id=36-10671&_t=pfm%3Dcategory This has amazingly lasted: http://www.petsmart.com/dog/toys/toys-r-us-double-ring-dog-toy-zid36-10661/cat-36-catid-100021?var_id=36-10661&_t=pfm%3Dcategory We also have a heavy duty rope toy thicker than this one (at least 2x thicker). She was able to shred apart everything else. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004FVXELM/ref=asc_df_B004FVXELM4227940?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&tag=merbethomgarbhg-20&linkCode=df0&creative=395093&creativeASIN=B004FVXELM&ascsubtag=6348866 Stuffed / plush toys rarely survive. Those that have I think were lucky, though they still have holes or torn off ears, etc.
  5. I think it is more likely that they are starting to leave breadcrumbs that show where the real life Eddie ends up - being a renowned chef. I don't think it has anything to do with the kid being a little on the larger side.
  6. And he wanted to die in a way where they could not bring back his body.
  7. My DVR is set to record Lucky Dog on CBS every week. I like watching the mostly upbeat show as the dog is ready for its forever home by the end. Not sure I can consistently watch these vet shows. I don't think I could take the sadder cases. One day my mom and I did get sucked into one of the shows when I was visiting, and there was nothing else on. But as soon as one of the animals didn't make it, we couldn't watch anymore. There used to be a show on Animal Planet called Underdog to Wonderdog. It was similar to Lucky Dog, but different people took on different helping roles. It took place in the NY area. One guy was in charge of the adoption matches and rescuing the animals from the shelters. A woman did obedience training and other necessary training. Another woman groomed the dog. And a man who was a contractor/builder built cool ass dog houses for the dog featured in the episode. They also did other stuff, depending on the dog's needs: medical treatment if needed, getting a doggie wheelchair and doing the training with that for dogs with missing or non-functional limbs, weight loss regimens for overweight dogs, etc. I loved that show, but it was obviously cancelled. So disappointing considering that so much on Animal Planet these days isn't really animal related.
  8. I thought I remembered some dialogue indicating that Armstrong was helping with the killings, too.....maybe I'll have to rewatch.
  9. I thought some of the exteriors were. I could swear I had read an article when they were changing the setting to LA for this past season about how it would be easier to add fake buildings or use some current existing places as opposed to removing the overly modern buildings from the NY scenery. That could have been a dream I had, though. Sometimes I don't remember the difference, lol.
  10. I actually thought Christina made a good argument similar to what you are saying on Monday's show. She really fought hard for someone. Then the person STILL went with Blake. I forget the name - I think it was one of the female country singers.
  11. My android phone gives me article recommendations based on my google searches. I have gotten a good amount about Agent Carter being renewed, and each time I open it hoping there will be a different source. But they're all coming from the same place, so that isn't a very promising sample. :-( Whatshisname from TV Guide thinks renewal is unlikely. Not that those guys are always right either.
  12. I'm going to continue the shallow since he has been so eager to spout shallow crap at people. If he is so successful and wonderful, you'd think he could get a better face. I'm sorry, but there you go. I had forgotten about the chrome app, but re-reading it here I downloaded it. Will have to try it out.
  13. When I saw the preview for tonight's episode, I said, "Are you freaking kidding me?" Do these writers not know of ways to be suspenseful without love triangles? 1st season was Rosemary coming into the picture, last season Charles, and now the nurse from town is coming to Hope Valley?
  14. I can see people being disappointed that the finale didn't include Peggy kicking ass all over the place and tons of action, but I think the take down was appropriate to the villain. You weren't going to beat Whitney Frost by fighting her when she had the zero matter in her, and without the zero matter she isn't any sort of trained fighter (unless she happened to have training for a movie character she played). Her thing was smarts, and she had to be beaten with smarts. The team was able to work together and create a plan and figure out/steal/adapt highly technical scientific information. Last season, the psychiatrist guy was similarly taken down by targeting his signature move - Sousa wore ear plugs to prevent the hypnosis, pretended to be hypnotized, and was able to easily knock him out. Dottie's thing IS crazy ass fighting, so you needed to take her down that way. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with stopping someone by using intelligence. I never really got into the show, but I've heard fans of Doctor Who talk about how they like that he beats the bad guys with his intelligence, not with fighting or violence usually. If I watched this show only for the action, I would have been more disappointed. However, I found there were many different aspects to enjoy. I love Peggy beating people up, but it isn't the only thing. I think the overarching story for this season may have been slightly weaker than the first, but I still found each episode to be excellent and highly enjoyable. I was able to get caught up in the episodes every week and come away happy, and that doesn't happen with that many shows. I will be highly disappointed if it does not come back in some way, and I am very disappointed that it wasn't better promoted and that more people weren't watching.
  15. I was thinking the same thing at first. But then I thought of previous episodes and something Duff has mentioned on twitter. I think he generally offers up advice to all of the kids. In this case with Peggy being upset, it would have probably been more individualized advice that he would not have given the other kids. Though now that I think about it, I feel like he did help out another time when someone was particularly upset.....hm....
  16. Maybe I am remembering wrong, but I thought Anne had often won in the past by giving her recruits simpler final dishes that were easier to execute well while her competitors used more complex dishes. So when I saw the reverse happen this time, I actually thought it might be smart of Tyler. Too bad. They definitely do have a tendency to show judge's comments that sound like it will go one way and the winner ends up being the opposite. Regarding the penultimate episode, it is just a small thing with me, but I kind of wish they would have all of the recruit's loved ones trying all of the meals, not just splitting it by teams. I feel like it would be more interesting if they have to try a few extra dishes and a little less obvious who made which dish. They could still pick one best dish from each team. Maybe that wouldn't be a good idea if it is clear that both dishes on one team are better....but I still think I'd like it better that way. I think either this show or another one might have done that in the past, where a larger group had to present anonymous dishes.
  17. Tyler's male contestant (blanking on his name right now) cracked me up in his THs this episode. One I liked was when he was like, "The training wheels are coming off? I never knew the training wheels were on!" It fits with what many here have said - they seemed to jump to very difficult things quickly and skipped simple things.
  18. He has already been typecast. Even before A Christmas Detour, he was in much of the last season of When Calls The Heart. There, he played the main female character's childhood best friend and somewhat love interest. His family and her family were wealthy and knew each other from social/business circles in the city from before the main character moved to teach in the "wild west" and when she was briefly back in the big city. Of course there was another love interest she met there who was not the rich, snobby type. Seeing him in two movies since then playing the same general part is already kind of amusing. We'll see if he can break out of this character type and ever win the girl. Someone from cinema movies who wasn't typecast, but who I also wondered if he'd ever get the girl, was poor James Marsden. He was in so many movies as a somewhat love interest who lost. I think 27 Dresses was the first that I saw where he got he girl. Interesting how that happens.
  19. So sorry for your loss, 33kaitykaity. Like others have said, after this period of extreme sadness, I hope you can remember all of the great memories you have. Bosawks, awesome pictures! Alli is so clearly in her element.
  20. Rhetorica: Sorry to be off-topic, but we seem to have the same television tastes. I noticed your name once you commented on the episode of Face Off with the speech patterns, and now I've seen you post in Project Runway Junior, here, and Galavant, lol. Where else will you pop up?
  21. I may be in the minority, but I didn't particularly care for All Things Valentine. It wasn't bad, but I didn't love it, so I guess it was just okay for me. It didn't have the lows of Dater's Handbook in terms of the annoying sister, but I didn't feel the highs either of great chemistry or anything. The family stuff was cute, and it WAS interesting that they focused so much on side characters, but I found it to be pretty boring overall. It definitely felt more like a Valentine's Day movie than Dater's Handbook. That one probably would have fit well with the Winterfest grouping since it had snow. The Winterfest movies did not seem to really fit any sort of theme besides the usual romance. I somewhat expected more wintery stuff, even though we had all of the Christmas movies - just without the Christmas aspect. I guess they were just put together based on being aired at the same general time during what happens to be winter. I still preferred that one, though.
  22. truelovekiss - If your family wants to have the dog by the holiday, you may want to start looking now and apply pretty soon. It varies by rescue, of course, but sometimes the process takes a little while. I volunteer with a rescue group that is one of the more thorough. We have a pretty detailed application, and then volunteers will call and do a vet reference to hear how you've taken care of current and/or previous pets, call your family to discuss your application in more detail, call a personal reference, and do a home visit. Some rescues don't do the home visit part, so the process is usually a bit quicker. Some of those places will even kind of adopt on site - they have events at Petsmart or somewhere like that where you can fill out an application on the spot, speak with them in more detail, and adopt that day. However, I think there is benefit to the more thorough process in terms of making sure the dog is the right fit for your family. That's the benefit to rescues who foster over shelters as well, since fosters really get to know the dogs and their quirks. When you guys eventually apply, make sure one of your parents is the one officially applying. Like I mentioned, I know my group is tough, and they tend to not follow up with people when the child is the one applying. It raises some questions, even if there is a good reason for it on the applicant's end. We're overly cautious since these dogs have already been through so much, and we don't want them to have to go through a negative experience again. Hope I'm not scaring you off! I just wanted to give you some advice early on to help out. It's definitely worth rescuing a dog. Even if things don't work out with one rescue group, there are tons more out there that will have the right dog and that will be willing to work with you. Petfinder.com is a great resource, because it lists dogs from almost all the rescues in your area. Good luck! Keep us posted.
  23. Agree with all of this. I really enjoyed it and enjoyed the chemistry. The sister drove me nuts and was the worst part. And it didn't even really make sense to the story that was created except to create an unnecessary obstacle. I understand that she felt like the book was the right way to go and that they should follow it. However, she seemed to go above and beyond to make George fit into what the book was saying and to make Robert not fit what the book was saying. There wasn't really a reason why she would be biased one way or the other, but she definitely was separate from how they matched the criteria in the book. It makes more sense in the HMM movies Murder She Baked, where of course the sister is rooting for the cop since her husband is a cop and works with him, and of course the mom is rooting for the dentist because moms like doctor types. All I can think of is that she was going for what SHE would have found to be romantic and compatible for her, almost living vicariously through Megan Markle. I'd rewatch, but I will definitely skip the sister scenes. I did like the mother. And of course Megan was stunning. I'm going to be bad and invoke an overly positive stereotype (similar to people assuming Asian people are smart), but biracial people are always beautiful! Just saying. Haven't seen one who wasn't, lol. Or maybe my limited sample of mostly celebrities is biased, since celebrities tend to be pretty anyway.
  24. ABC is not helping out the show in terms of making it easy for new fans to start watching. It is totally the type of show my dad should love, and I'm trying to figure out how to best introduce it to him. Season 1 is long gone from their website and from the cable company's OnDemand, and Season 2 seems to have a short time limit for how long each episode is posted as well. :-( My parents don't have any of the alternate television-viewing products, so that route is out, too. Anyone know if the show is free on Amazon prime? Maybe I can help them do a free trial of it. They were thinking of getting prime at one point anyway...
  25. Sounds like Alli is going to have a ton of fun this weekend! I feel the same way as a parent of a rescue dog. It's sad and infuriating that these amazing dogs end up needing loving homes.
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