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Everything posted by suomi

  1. 1984 - Passaic NJ - George Thorogood and The Destroyers w/ Elvin Bishop on slide: "House Rent Boogie - - > One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" https://youtu.be/--AvCsh48bk
  2. Lawrence O'Donnell flipped right the fuck out. His stance was that Trump lied in his financial statement re how much NBC paid him, and that NBC has in the past refuted Trump's claims re his compensation. There was yelling and interrupting and talking over. What I got was him calling Trump a liar, and saying either Trump lied or NBC lied. That somehow got conflated into LO'D calling Joe a liar. During the next segment when LO'D was gone Joe said "Maybe they talk like that on network TV but it's not done here." Then the next couple segments opened with comments wondering if LO'D is OK, should Mika take his pulse, etc, etc. So undoubtedly he is 86'd from the show, again.
  3. There was a moment yesterday morning. IIRC (and paraphrasing) Joe was doing his Do you know when I knew that? Do you know when I knew that? Do you know when I knew that? or Do you know when I said that? Do you know when I said that? Do you know when I said that? And Mika came off with Was it when you were in Congress? LMAO
  4. Kylie Jenner Sports Cornrows, Sparks Racially Charged Debate http://my.xfinity.com/articles/entertainment-eonline/20150712/b675356/
  5. I LOL'd at the instrumental version of Alley Cat in the background during The Senator's stroke. He goes on the prowl each night, Like an alley cat. Looking for some new delight, Like an alley cat. You know, she can't trust him out of sight, And there's no doubt of that. He just don't know wrong from right, Like an alley cat.
  6. Conrad's atty is the smarmy Robert Shapiro, who was on OJ's dream team (with Robert Kardashian, among others).
  7. Sounds like that old joke: my dog never leaves my yard - - > when my dog leaves my yard he's always under control and on a leash - - > I don't have a dog
  8. The Google has references to June and July, depending on the year.
  9. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/06/caitlyn-jenner-bruce-cover-annie-leibovitz
  10. Joe's tribute to Beau Biden and his father, and their family history, nearly put me away. : ( I was surprised by how much decency and heart Joe displayed. And not a peep from Mika. Yay.
  11. The frame looks like a photo concession on the bridge to Sleeping Beauty's Castle at Disneyland.
  12. Hmmm, interesting, thank you. Because I know shit from shinola about quality gems. Re the stone I figured the photography was off somehow, but I definitely thought it was a cheap ass looking chain to be hanging 10 carats from.
  13. I'm betting that they are thick as thieves again, already. Kim is addicted to substances and Kyle is addicted to Kim. As much and as often as Kyle protests notwithstanding, I think she's addicted to the drahma.
  14. I enjoyed HoH. They're hillbillies, is what they are. Big Kathy was Big Wacko. The book is $10 on Nook and Kindle.
  15. Kim and Kyle within striking distance at one point in the festivities https://instagram.com/p/3Cm0xHE1dw/?tagged=wiederwedding
  16. Mika in the sheath of many colors reminds me of my Home Ec teacher, whose wardrobe was big on the same few Butterick patterns in many colors. Joe's button-downs with rolled sleeves this week are causing me to picture him running on to the set after ripping a huge, breaking story from the teletype machine.
  17. Reminding me of her statement “If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much.”
  18. Ha! When I was born (1950) the doctor came into my mom's room the next morning, pulled a chair close to the bed, shook ciggies from his pack, and they both lit up. _ _ _ _ _ When JFK died some of the teachers at school cried for the rest of the day, some were able to carry on. Then I got home and my mom was crying, which she continued to do until her eyes were swollen shut. She slept on the couch in front of the TV for 3 nights and cried for 3 days, with mounds of kleenex everywhere.
  19. Watching The Arrangements. Grampa Gene wants pregnant Betty to read through his death/funeral arrangements, she doesn't want to. "Oh, smoke your cigarette," he tells her. She lights up. After he insists on going over the plans she tells him she doesn't know what he's thinking about and she doesn't want to know. It's morbid, she's his little girl, and he shouldn't force her into it.
  20. Moved this from the Bruce thread: She preferred not to reveal her name. She also, no matter how/how often Diane phrased the question, refused to classify her sexual orientation. The best she came up with was "asexual," more or less ascribing that to her age (65). She did say that Kris was well aware of her issues when they met because, having taken hormones for 5 years, she had developed B-cup breasts. Kendall/Kylie didn't appear on the show but provided the comment "We want our dad to be happy - if he's happy, we're happy." The first two wives provided loving/positive comments for the program whereas Kris responded with "No comment." SRS surgery is not an immediate priority; the ability to live and dress as who she is, is more important for now. It was nice to see that her mother and sister are supportive. Her dad died many years ago and, as can be expected for a WWII Omaha Beach vet, would most likely have had great difficulty with the whole situation. I enjoyed the interview.
  21. (Could someone delete the apostrophe from the thread title? Please/thank you.)
  22. Snowing here, no satellite, no reunion for me. Bastards!
  23. She met him at the Del Mar race track in La Jolla when she was seventeen. She wouldn't give him her phone number the day they met but he tracked her down anyhow and wouldn't take no for an answer. She started working as a stewardess when she was 21; they married a year or so later.
  24. lizzy07, on 12 Jun 2014 - 08:01 AM, said: I'm reading Jeffrey Toobin's 2013 book The Run of His Life: The People v OJ Simpson. Toobin mentions that OJ/Nicole and Robert K/Kristen met and began their relationships during a twelve month period when OJ was 30/Nicole was 18 and Robert was 34/Kris was 17. This blew my mind: on a break during jury selection, while king-of-plea-deals Bob Shapiro was being maneuvered out of first chair by Johnnie Cochran, Shapiro wanders into a room where Kardashian and Bailey are talking strategy with OJ. Shapiro tells them he's just spoken with the prosecutors and shares their theory: OJ went to Nicole's house intending to slash the tires on her car; there was a confrontation, he killed her, then Ron Goldman showed up. So, la ti da, on to other topics? It would appear that Kardashian aiding and abetting a double murderer was common knowledge among the Dream Team.
  25. Dogs I Have Met: And The People They Found http://www.amazon.com/Dogs-Have-Met-People-Found/dp/1599211297/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1427792797&sr=1-1&keywords=dogs+i+have+met Dogs Who Found Me: What I've Learned From Pets Who Were Left Behind http://www.amazon.com/Dogs-Who-Found-Me-Learned/dp/1592287492/ref=pd_bxgy_b_text_y One Good Dog http://www.amazon.com/One-Good-Dog-Susan-Wilson/dp/0312662955/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1427792957&sr=1-1&keywords=one+good+dog
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