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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. Personally, I think each superhero show should have only one masked & costumed superhero. More than one, and it looks like you're at a comic-con. I still think Nyssa is a viable suspect as Sara's killer even though she showed up at the Arrowcave and vowed vengeance. Part of her mission could've been to throw Oliver off the trail of suspecting the LOA and maybe framing Malcolm. If Nyssa hadn't shown up in the Arrowcave, and Oliver only knew that Sara was killed with three arrows, wouldn't he immediately suspect the LOA? Also, why did Nyssa leave before killing Sara's murderer? Also, Nyssa is the one who told them that Malcolm was alive and that Sara was in Starling City to track down Malcolm for the LOA. When Sara saw Oliver and then Laurel, she didn't say anything about Malcolm, I believe. So how do we know that Nyssa was telling the truth about Sara's purpose in the city? Finally, about Felicity's getting a DNA test run on the arrows, what if that DNA turns out to be Oliver's but it's a frame-up (planted DNA)?
  2. The Flash is slipping down in my superhero show rankings, while Agents of SHIELD is moving up. Flash - While Dr. Wells and Detective West remain the standouts of this show for me, I'm starting to feel like I'm watching the same villain story week after week: a superfreak created by the Star Labs explosion starts causing trouble; Barry has trouble defeating him or her at first, but eventually figures out a way to prevail. Also, too many scenes remind me of scenes in other shows or movies. It's disconcerting. For example: * Iris: "I'm a cop's daughter. I know how to take care of myself." = Laurel: "Cop's daughter. Remember?" * Iris punches the bad guy (who kidnapped her) after he's already been super-punched and disabled by The Flash. = Laurel punched Slade's henchman (who kidnapped her) after he'd already been shot by an arrow and disabled by Sara. * Eddie teaches Barry how to punch a punching bag, wearing boxing gloves. Flashback scene of Detective West teaching child Barry and child Iris how to box. = Ted is teaching Laurel how to box. (Do these EPs have a boxing fetish or what?) * Barry watches Iris smooch with Eddie. = Clark watched Lana smooch with Whitney. * Iris meets with The Flash on a rooftop and is all fan-girly while trying to interview him for her blog. = Margot Kidder's Lois Lane met with Chris Reeves' Superman on a rooftop and was all fan-girly while trying to interview him for The Daily Planet. * Iris is reporting on the Streak for her blog and will now be investigating other superpowered people as well. = Chloe reported on the Blur and was investigating other superfreaks as well. AOS - The search for the hidden alien city is an intriguing storyline. The mystery of the origin of Skye's mother is also intriguing. More focus on the rest of Team Coulson is good. Ward is now irredeemiably evil. Bonus points for the flashback scenes with Agent Carter. The problem is still Coulson. As a mild-mannered bureaucrat who showed up briefly in each of the Marvel movies, he was fine. As the ruthless new director of SHIELD, he's not believable to me. Whenever he threatens a bad guy and has to act menacing, I find it hard to take him seriously.
  3. I did some research because I'm not as up on my Biblical knowledge as I should be, so here goes... The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are mentioned in the Holy Bible in Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelations, which tells of a “‘book’ or ‘scroll’ in God’s right hand that is sealed with seven seals. The Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons four riders on white, red, black, and pale horses. Athough the Bible only names one rider (Death), the four Horsemen are commonly known as Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively. http://publicdomainreview.org/collections/the-four-horsemen-of-the-apocalypse/ The Horseman of Conquest (white horse) refers to an Antichrist who will be a false imitator of the true Christ. He will lead many astray and will be a ruler who will conquer, perhaps in the name of peace and/or religion. The Horseman of War (red horse) will bring terrible wars. The Horseman of Famine (black horse) refers to a great famine that will take place, likely as the result of the wars and earthquakes all over the world. The Horseman of Death (pale horse) symbolizes death and destruction, and is the culmination of everything else brought by the other Horsemen. http://www.gotquestions.org/four-horsemen-apocalypse.html http://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2014/05/17/who-are-the-four-horsemen-of-the-apocalypse-a-bible-study/ On Sleepy Hollow, we've seen the Horseman of War (Henry Parrish/Jeremy) (no red horse so far) and the Horseman of Death (Headless Horseman/Abraham) (pale horse). So the producers could be saving the Horseman of Conquest (white horse) and the Horseman of Famine (black horse) for future seasons - assuming the show lasts that long.
  4. TNT is really keeping Noah Wyle employed year-round, first with Falling Skies and now with The Librarians. The Librarians - Series Premiere - Advanced Preview: "Thoroughly Entertaining" [spoilerS] Posted by Robert Fruin at Tuesday, November 18, 201 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/the-librarians-series-premiere-advanced.html I had watched TNT's The Librarian trilogy of movies and thought they were okay, but when I heard about the TV show, I immediately thought of Warehouse 13. But I'm willing to give this new show a try - esp. if it turns out to be as good as the above review indicates.
  5. I really liked this episode, although I missed Ichabod interacting with both Mills sisters, It was both scary and touching. This episode highlighted the strong sisterly bond between Abbie and Jenny (holding hands!) and their very different personalities. When they first saw their mother's ghost appear in the video footage, Jenny was visibly shocked but Abbie was so matter of fact that it was jarring. At first I thought it was an acting misstep, but now I think it was an acting choice. Abbie has always been the more stoic older sister, while Jenny has always been the more emotional younger sister. Great job by both NB and LG. The Mama character was a little bit too over-the-top and crazy for me. I didn't see enough of her saner self to understand why the Mills sisters ever saw her as a strong, beautiful mother. She just seemed crazy all the time (yes, I know she wasn't really crazy, just tormented by demons). Maybe if they had included a scene with the mother and daughters before the mother started acting nuts (the good times), then I would've gotten a better sense of what the Mills sisters missed about their mother. Hawley is a pointless character. In previous episodes, he just took the role that Jenny would've taken - that of the one with information about supernatural artifacts. In this episode, Hawley took the role that Ichabod would've taken - as support and help for the Mills sisters. It just seemed like Ichabod was largely sidelined just to give Hawley more screen time, and that the producers are really pushing Hawley on the viewers. I much prefer Ichabod working with the Mills sisters over Hawley working with the Mills sisters. And bring back John Cho - if not as Andy, then as Andy's twin. Katrina works best in small doses - so her small scenes in this episode worked to show us, first, that she planned to kill baby Moloch and, second, that Moloch has magically grown into a young boy. However, I much prefer Katrina in her colonial dresses. Her corset and jeans outfit just looks ridiculous - like a modern woman wearing spanx as outerwear. In any event, I think Katrina is doomed. Glad Frank is out. That asylum has to have the worst security ever.
  6. This episode description is for next week's Episode 10 ("Lovecraft"). This was not the best Gotham episode, but it had some nice scenes. I liked Gordon and Bullock working together to solve the latest crime. I liked the Bruce and Selina scenes. And I thought Penguin was great - much better than Fish Mooney, whose scenes often seem like they belong on a different show. I didn't like Harvey Dent. I guess they're going for the villain version rather than the good guy version. He immediately comes off as a slick politician. I can't believe Montoya and Allen would trust Dent - but then they've been wrong about people before. Gordon trusts Dent only reluctantly because he feels he has no other way of making progress on the investigation into the Waynes' murders. But you just know he's going to regret it. Dent's sudden rage was supposed to be a foreshadowing of his Jekyll and Hyde personality (his "two faces"), I guess. Barbara's departure and her surprisingly self-aware note about how scared, weak and needy she is, and how she has to leave town in order to get herself together - many of the reasons why she's such an unpopular character - actually made me like her character for once. Then the ending scene showing her in bed with Montoya made me despise her again for being a lying, cheating girlfriend. Barbara is rich and could've stayed holed up in a hotel. But apparently she can't even stay by herself for a day and has to hole up with someone who will protect her. Gordon deserves better, and I hope he dumps her.
  7. You're right - I watched the scene again and the killer did say her name. I guess that rules out Thea for me. I'm back to Nyssa as the killer (on orders from Ra's? for Sara's betrayal?). I don't think it's Malcolm because Sara says "What are you doing here?" Since Sara was in the city to track down Malcolm, she wouldn't have asked that of him. If Nyssa is Sara's killer, then it would also work for why Oliver goes to Ra's and demands trial by combat. The flashback to little Nyssa might also be a clarification for Nyssa's motive.
  8. When I was watching Gotham last night, there were two scenes during which I thought "the Arrow EPs should take notes": 1. Barbara has left Jim Gordon. After she was kidnapped by Falcone's henchman last week, she's now terrified and nervous all the time. She leaves behind a note in which she says that she's scared, weak and needy, and can't be the girlfriend that Jim deserves, so she has to go away to get herself together. Her note laid out all of the character's weaknesses, and the reasons that she is arguably the least popular character on Gotham. For some reason, that surprisingly self-aware note made her more likeable to me. (Of course, then she later cheats on Gordon and makes me dislike her again.) -- The Arrow EPs should have Laurel acknowledge her faults and misdeeds (all the reasons why a lot of fans don't like her). So far, she's gotten away with a lot of stuff - like the DUI, the blackmail, breaking the law, violating legal ethics, the abuse of power, etc., and her father has enabled her (except for calling her out on the riot squad order) - and she still strides forward like there's nothing wrong with her, her attitude or her behavior. Have her show some self-awareness, some conscience. Maybe she still won't be fixable for reasons other than the writing, but it'll be a good start. 2. Alfred is teaching young Bruce how to box, and they're both wearing boxing gloves. Bruce had been bullied by other schoolboys in a previous episode and asked Alfred to teach him how to fight. Tween Selina Kyle, who's temporarily staying at Wayne Mansion in a kind of protective custody, sees them and asks why Bruce is learning how to fight when he lives in such a sheltered mansion. Bruce says that it's for when he's out in the city. Selina replies that they don't wear gloves out in the city. -- I immediately thought of Arrow. Learning to box isn't the same as learning martial arts. Laurel and anyone she faces won't be wearing boxing gloves when she's out on the streets.
  9. As I posted before, I'm also leaning toward Thea being Sara's killer. After Sara hugged Laurel and Laurel left her alone on the roof, Sara put her mask back on and was walking away when she was shot with the arrows. Why have her put her mask back on at that particular point? She's still on the roof alone. it could be so that the mask can fall off dramatically when Sara tumbles off the roof. Or it could be so that the killer doesn't know the masked blonde woman is Sara. Sara recognizes the killer and is not threatened. The killer doesn't recognize Sara with the mask on. Again as I posted before, the motive could be tied to some BS story fed to Thea by Malcolm, in order to get Sara off his back (since she was in the city to track him for the LOA). This would also add to Oliver's guilt. If he had confided in Thea last season that he was the Arrow and brought her into the Arrowcave, then Thea would've been let in on Sara being the Canary as well.
  10. I'm so sick of Rumple/Gold getting the upper hand and his smug "dearies" - I just want him to die now, but he probably won't. After liking the Snow Queen for a few episodes, I'm now over her. I'm tired of her "poor misunderstood me, just looking for two magical 'sisters' to love me" rationale as well. First of all, you killed one biological sister and understandably scared off the other one. Now the two replacement 'sisters' you want are young enough to be your daughters and have their own lives to lead, so grow up, SQ! Snow, Charming, Regina, Robin, Will, Henry, Belle, even Anna and Kristof -- also annoying. Just let Elsa, Emma (despite her gullibility) and Hook have their happy endings. The only things I liked about this episode? Elsa wasn't fooled by Ingrid. Hook's "talking phone" comment. Emma accepted her magic. The mysterious Sorcerer.
  11. I liked this episode very much, although I missed Rick. It might've been slow in parts, but the character-oriented stories interspersed with the more action-oriented stories make this show work for me. (If I wanted to watch just zombies being killed week after week, I'd watch Z Nation.) I understand the complaints, though. Perhaps if they had Darryl, Carol and Noah rescue Beth by themselves in this same episode? Although I am looking forward to Rick & gang to the rescue next week. I see a deep bond between Darryl and Carol, but nothing romantic. I agree that Carol wanting to save Noah under the bookcase after wanting to shoot him dead (I also don't think she was aiming for his leg) was odd. Darryl should've left Noah to die - the kid took his crossbow and left them facing walkers! The water in that water cooler had to have been sitting there for years - it must be bacteria-laden. I noticed that Michael Cudlitz's name appeared in the opening credits before Emily Kinney and Chad Coleman. Usually, they list the main cast first and then the rest of the regular cast in alphabetical order. So I guess this means we're stuck with Abraham for awhile, but Beth and Tyrese are probably doomed?
  12. The Walking Dead - Episode 5.07 - Crossed - Sneak Peeks *Updated* Posted by Nirat Anop at Monday, November 17, 2014 http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/11/the-walking-dead-episode-507-crossed_17.html
  13. You guys make a great point about how Ray with the salmon ladder is yet another anvil-heavy parallel with Oliver. This season is like the 'Clone Wars' season - with the producers having Ray SWM Oliver, and Laurel SWF Sara. I may also be sitting out Eps. 10-12 until after I read the reviews here.
  14. I think Oliver's use of people was different from Laurel's use of Team Arrow. The only person Oliver really used was Felicity before she knew he was the vigilante, by asking her multiple times for help when she was a QC employee and couldn't refuse a request from her employer. This also exposed her to risk. Diggle and Roy both volunteered to help him. The three of them became Oliver's team and, together, they all united in a joint effort to fight the bad guys, with Oliver as their leader. Oliver's mission was originally to fulfill his father's dying wish and right his wrongs, but now it's a broader, more noble goal of protecting the city and people. Now that Laurel knows Oliver's secret and has access to the Arrowcave, she is not interested in joining Team Arrow, letting Oliver be the leader, or fighting for their cause. She's only interested in her own personal agendas (finding a crime witness, killing Sara's murderer/avenging Sara's death). Having access to his team just means that she now has poor Felicity on 'speed-dial' as another underling to boss around, and the rest of Team Arrow as added muscle when she needs it. She doesn't have to abide by their rules or even keep Oliver's secret if she doesn't want to. Anyway, that's my opinion. It might change if there develops more of a natural and equal give-and-take in Laurel's relationship with Oliver and Team Arrow.
  15. I think the show needs to add a new EP - one who doesn't have a comic book background, who will watch every past episode, and who will keep track of all of the story lines and character arcs. He'd be responsible for making sure that future episodes are consistent with past episodes and that the series as a whole makes sense within its own TV universe. GB. MG and AK would still be EPs (with their comic book input) - but they've either been too distracted by The Flash, spread too thin over multiple projects, or just too sloppy in their oversight of Arrow to do this show justice.
  16. I can only take Shaw in small doses and Root in even smaller doses, so this was not one of my favorite episodes. But every POI episode is still a cut above a lot of the crap that's on TV nowadays, so it's still a win.
  17. I thought this review of "Guilty" was interesting... Arrow Season 3 Episode 6 Review by Logan Ludwig | in Reviews | Sat, 15 November 2014 http://sequart.org/magazine/52242/tv-arrow-306-review/
  18. So why wasn't this the Felicity cross-over episode? The Flash Promotional Pictures Tease The Clock King; Arrow Star Stephen Amell Slams Warner Bros For Flash Casting By Ruchinka Upadhyaya November 15, 2014 08:13 GMT http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/flash-promotional-pictures-tease-clock-king-arrow-star-stephen-amell-slams-warner-bros-flash-1474949 Stephen Amell Talks About DC Cinematic Movie And TV Universes By Andrew Steinbeiser 11/14/2014 http://comicbook.com/2014/11/14/stephen-amell-talks-about-dc-cinematic-movie-and-tv-universes/
  19. Inside ‘Arrow’ Stunts: Thea’s Training [VIDEO] Posted on November 16, 2014 by Staff in Arrow http://cwtvsource.com/2014/11/16/inside-arrow-stunts-theas-training/
  20. Here's a trivia question: How many Arrow stars have been in Hallmark Channel movies? 1. Stephen Amell - "When Calls the Heart" (2013) 2. Katrina Law - "Snow Bride" (2013) 3. Brandon Routh - "The Nine Lives of Christmas" (2014) 4. Warren Christie (played Carter Bowen in Arrow Ep. 1x06) - "The Color of Rain" (2014) and "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" (2008)
  21. But then she has no problem using his team and their resources.
  22. Like others here, I think this season is partly to test the feasibility of Atom and Birds of Prey spin-offs. With the success of Arrow and The Flash, the EPs have to be riding high in Hollywood, and Warner Bros./DC likely want to expand their TV mini-verse. So they cast well-known Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer and try him out on Arrow. I know Laurel has been an unpopular character, but the EPs are working hard to change that this season - and I've already seen some signs of a change in her reception. I've seen more positive comments about her after the last episode in critics' reviews, and I've seen a lot of positive comments about the new BC costume onine (buckles aside). Once Laurel starts kicking ass out in the field in her cool new costume, we'll likely see a lot more positive comments. While I don't think a Buckle Canary - er, Black Canary spin-off is feasible (I don't think they'll risk basing a show solely on Laurel, no matter what), there's a good possibility that a BOP spin-off would work, esp. if they cast Helena and Barbara really, really well. Personally, if a BOP spin-off means that Laurel leaves Arrow, then I'm all for it. Arrow should be primarily about the Arrow and his team. I'm less certain about a Suicide Squad spin-off. There's going to be a Suicide Squad movie. While I know that the DC movie and TV universes are going to be different, it might be too confusing to launch both a Suicide Squad move and TV show with different casts at about the same time.
  23. Agreed. I'm leaning towards Thea being Sara's killer as well. Sara put her mask back on right before she was killed, so Thea wouldn't have recognized her as Sara Lance. But Sara would've recognized Thea and been surprised to see her there. Motive? Sara was in Starling City to track down Malcolm, who's wanted by the LOA. Malcolm could've fed Thea a BS story about a masked female assassin trying to kill him - or maybe lied to Thea and said this assassin was after Oliver. If he gets Thea to kill, then he has more hold over her. Thea being the killer would create more tension and conflict among the other characters. And your theory about why Oliver goes to Ra's would also work.
  24. More spoilers for Episode 6-"Consumed"... http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/572738/20141114/walking-dead-5x06-major-spoilers-daryl-noah.htm#.VGd3JfnF8uQ http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/572864/20141116/walking-dead-5x06-spoilers-daryl-missing-crossbow.htm#.VGd4p_nF8uQ http://www.wetpaint.com/walking-dead/articles/2014-11-07-season5-what-happens-episode6-consumed
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