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Everything posted by Joimiaroxeu

  1. Yeah, in between the times he's looking at the papers on his desk to find his next line in the script. You're not fooling me, EB! Then why be shady about it unnecessarily? I think Victor just wanted to make sure Jack didn't find out and if Summer (or Austin) knew then it could have slipped. Plus, Victor has no legal standing in Phyllis' care and the POA notwithstanding, I think he could be charged with kidnapping. And who's going to fulfill my booty call needs if you're gone? Waah! I am so ready for Adam to return and deal with this d-bag.
  2. And then she should throw it back in his face by mentioning his giving Steffy her engagement ring while it was still warm and marrying her less than 24 hours later. IMO, both of them are ridiculous and clearly too immature to be getting married. Hope gets caught up in the wedding dresses and ceremony and Liam loves envisioning himself as the Handsome Prince. If they ever did manage to marry without any third parties or legal trap doors looming, their wedded bliss probably wouldn't last a year. It'll serve them right if Wyatt manages to knock her up before she decides she has to go flitting back to Liam again. No, because Wyatt directly insults Bob Barker, repeatedly. I think I would have liked the set up better if Quinn had been the one tossing the barbs at Bob and he punched her in face.
  3. I've seen speculation elsewhere that there was no ice in the bucket and the water wasn't even cold. If that's true, doesn't it go against the main premise of the challenge?
  4. That was the best season finale I've seen in a while. Bravo!
  5. Exactly, and Ridge knows it. That's why I still believe he's using Katie and isn't really in love with her. IMO, she's merely a placeholder until Ridge can get Brooke to bow down and apologize for taking up with Bill instead of waiting indefinitely for him to return from his sojourn in Paris. Has he even bought Katie a real friggin' engagement ring yet? WTF? If he doesn't come across with some major bling by Christmas, Katie needs to woman up, dump Ridge, and maybe actually give Deacon a spin. Or even better, Liam.
  6. If you don't watch already, check out Y&R. There are many good male bodies over there. Unfortunately though, several of them seem to be impressive only for their physiques and not their acting abilities.
  7. Alica Minshew (ex-Kendall Hart Slater) was on last night's episode of Royal Pains (S6/E11). She played the wife of a mafioso. Not the Tony Soprano kind, the kind who has premium oceanfront property in the Hamptons. She looked absolutely gorgeous.
  8. I swear to gawd, every time I see Summer whining now I just want to reach through the TV screen and punch her. Is there anybody more self-involved than her? Yeah Victor, as long as she doesn't try to marry someone you don't approve of. Didn't Victoria's first miscarriage happen because he had her arrested at her wedding ceremony? Seems like everyone has conveniently forgotten that. It's like they're just thumbing their noses at the audience now.
  9. No kidding, and wow is she getting the cat-eyed, too-many-facelifts look. She's still relatively young to be appearing so pulled back in the facial area. If she doesn't ease up, in another 10 years or so she'll probably resemble that older comedienne whose name rhymes with "bone slivers". I dunno, I don't think Cody owes the guy any respect; he's not married to the guy and hasn't made any vows with him.. Plus, it's not like he's had to put a gun to Christine's head. I think the only person in the situation who's been disrespectful to Christine's husband is Christine.
  10. Anyone want to bet that Ridge is going to end up suing Bill for loss of livelihood or something similar? Maybe if he can create a big enough scandal, Brooke will decide--temporarily of course--to back away from Bill for RJ's sake. Bonus points if he gets Brooke subpoenaed to testify against Bill.
  11. To clarify, I wasn't suggesting that Donny is anything like the DD guys other than he has a similar beard and the down home Southern drawl. I thought I heard that he wanted to shave it off before going into the BB house but production told him not to. Sounds to me like they were banking on the look and what viewers might be pulled in by it.
  12. Yep and I think that was the main purpose of TA: to keep Derrick from ousting either Donny or Frankie weeks ago. Frankie probably still would have been protected by production in one way or another but Donny would never have lasted this long. I really wonder why they cast Donny unless they thought his Duck Dynasty look would be popular.
  13. I believe the term is "rode hard and put up wet".
  14. I don't think it's any weirder than CM (Kelly) being being married to ED's (Ashley) ex-husband. CM and Jon Lindstrom wed earlier this year, around the time she got hired at Y&R. People just have to remember to stay in their own lanes so there's no unnecessary trouble.
  15. I dunno, this Hartley kid looks good but Amell is on some next level shite. Oy, the body on that guy. Anyways...I wish Justin much luck and success in the role because he's going to need it. The hardcore MM-istas (if there are any still watching Y&R) probably started sharpening their figurative knives as soon as the announcement appeared.
  16. Maybe he got confused and thought he was back on BB15.
  17. The MWTs are following a hallowed tradition of women forgetting they had children or not even being aware that their children had been born. Erica Kane on AMC had one kid she didn't remember having (at age 14, the result of rape) and another which--without her knowledge--had been transplanted as an embryo into another woman's uterus. Viki Lord on OLTL not only had a twin child she didn't know she'd had, the twins had different fathers. Sharon being unaware or forgetting she gave birth to two kids is just another day at the park in soap opera world. At least YR is stealing from the classics.
  18. I'm not sure production outright tells the houseguests stuff in DR, they just ask a lot of leading questions which probably have very pointed wording. They could drop some vague hints about Derrick but not just come out and reveal it (I agree that going that far wouldn't be fair.) Maybe one of houseguests could figure it out or several of them could put their heads together. (That's probably doubtful though with this bunch.)
  19. Me too. I think this may be my last ride on the Big Brother train for a while. It's gotten to be like one of those bad mystery dinner theater shows except you have to provide your own food.
  20. I don't think there's really much of a comparison because Amber never encouraged Caleb's advances at all. However, Zach until recently has been a very willing target of Frankie's behavior, to the point where it could be said that he's led Frankie on somewhat (but I really wouldn't say that because Frankie ain't nobody's victim...).
  21. Plus he's probably had training in how to read and manipulate people. I don't think it's necessarily an unfair advantage (because if he had a jerky personality they probably would have voted him out by now) but I think some of his housemates will think it is when they eventually find out. Out of whatever passes for "fairness" in this game, I think production should arrange for that bit of info to be revealed by dropping a few hints in the DRs. Let's see how Derrick can handle having his cover blown.
  22. Yep. My money's still on Kelly. Maybe Phyllis can look into that when she's back on her feet.
  23. Not only that, why was she watching the President's speech at home on TV? As his CoS, I should think she'd have been there with him. The only reason I can think for her not being there is that it wasn't a live broadcast and the speech was actually taped earlier in the day. I don't understand why Kyle would have gone to a fertility clinic. Was that something required by law once the mass infertility started to become noticeable?
  24. I agree that another round of Sharon and Adam's twu luv would be a non-starter but I've always believed that Sharon's nonchalance about Adam's death was an act. I think she had a hand in helping him escape and has known all along that he's alive.
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