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Everything posted by ihartcoffee

  1. Oh God Alexis is so grubby and thirsty... The face Alexis's boyfriend makes when she mentions marriage....
  2. Floki was deep in a cave when it blew from a volcano. I'm not sure if he'll miraculously be alive, lol.
  3. I didn't think the guy brought into the station was the same one. The shooter had very blue eyes, you see it when he has the flashlight in his face. Maybe I'm just mixing all the white guys up, lol
  4. She needs to learn to braid it, that's the best solution for her on a boat in hot, humid weather. Kevin is acting like a total douche bag. Good chefs seem to be hard to find....
  5. Did anyone else think the guy who took the cyanide pill was the same one who shot the cop in the beginning? I thought it looked like him, but wasn't sure.
  6. Buncha horny women almost stripped Jack, lmao. Didn't need to see a close up of Aesha's ass crack for so long. Luckily it's a decent ass, but still....
  7. The chef is getting annoying, you serve burgers and fries together. Not 20 min apart.
  8. That was so uncomfortable to watch.....
  9. I just got around to watching so I'm late to the party. The chef is such a mess, it made my stomach hurt seeing the food she was serving. She served them beef, cheese, and lettuce at each meal, that is overkill. Then so goes and microwaves the steak? You put it in an oven on warm if nothing else. So uncomfortable to watch, lol
  10. Observation..... people in this show love to stare at pictures from the past, usually of themselves with someone Hannah is constantly staring at the folded one with Ulrich.
  11. Lots of spoilers. Good read if you're trying to understand what you just watched, lol https://www.indiewire.com/2019/06/dark-season-2-ending-spoilers-season-3-questions-netflix-1202152315/
  12. I'm rewatching too, and I'm finding it easier to follow.
  13. Question for those who have seen all episodes
  14. I love this show, but boy is it hard to keep up with all the characters. There is so many reveals of who is actually related to who, and people interacting with their older or younger self. I definitely need to watch again. I will have to start from the beginning to really understand, lol.
  15. 100% agree, how bad must that suck? He's such an ass. They are spending serious $ on this sham of a wedding too. What a waste. But Bravo loves a story line, so there's that.
  16. Sheana is just so awkward to watch, I cringe so hard..... repeatedly
  17. I thought he looked big for a puppy. Maybe he's fluffy.
  18. Their puppy is really cute, but soon it will be a big ass dog. In an apartment.
  19. Overall I liked this episode. The FOMO infomercial was hilarious. I constantly accuse my dog of having FOMO, as he zips from room to room seeing what everyone is doing. Kristen was actually endearing, even with all her crazy antics I can't hate her. Her Spanish segments were hilarious, I now have DSL's.... hahaha Stassi has also grown on me, I couldn't stand her before but leaving the show and being dumped then treated awful by Patrick for all to see did something to her. I love her whit. She may need some counseling though to deal with her issues. Although I think they both had valid points in their argument, they were both being a tad melodramatic too. I agree with those who feel Sandoval seems more invested than Schwartz in TomTom. Schwartz and Katie both give off a lazy vibe. I'm glad this season Katie isn't as much of a focus, last season was wayyyyy to much Katie. Don't hate her, she's just not that interesting. My daughter is gay and I'd say she dresses "soft butch". She doesn't want to be trans, but she's still different in other people's eyes. So I am sensitive to how Billie is treated. I do like that Lisa is very supportive of the gay community. I was half watching when they all got mad at Billie. Did she say something on Twitter about them excluding her? I can't recall exactly. The segment of Ariana partying was actually pretty funny, she was like Tommy Lee in The Dirt. They don't have kids and they are on vacation, I say live it up!
  20. She's always said that, she's straight up about her honess. I guess her antics weren't so cute anymore, once he became single....
  21. So Cameron is going to bird box her way outta this....
  22. And she jumps, I totally sympathize with how she felt after watching that...
  23. Very true. It makes them both look bad. But, she's also been half naked or wearing see thru tops to go out thru most of the season, she's coming off as pretty thirsty.
  24. They really show a lot of their sexual romps, I wonder what her family thinks of watching her get boned by a guy who just started working with them?
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