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Posts posted by eteffi

  1. Semi-fun additional fact I just learned about Everything Sucks: according to a h.s. classmate, Patch Darragh, who plays the principal, went to my actual high school (Ernest W. Seaholm High School, the coolest) and graduated 5 years before me. Which makes me feel even older than this show already made me feel, so... thanks, show.

  2. 36 minutes ago, jd704 said:

    The homophobia you describe in Everything Sucks sounds very realistic to me. Rural Oregon in the mid-90s was not much different from the deep south (speaking from experience). Anti-gay discrimination was very real. Oregon voted on statewide anti-gay-rights ballot measures in 1992 and 1994, both of which barely failed (these measures passed by big margins in the rural areas, but liberal Portland had enough people to win the statewide vote). These votes emboldened homophobes. I remember "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" posters on students' lockers, etc.

    Interesting; I didn't know that about Oregon. Thanks for the info. As I said on the podcast, I'm sure homophobia was alive and well in ALL high schools in 1996, but I can only go on my experience growing up in the Detroit suburbs, where the homophobia was a bit more subtle (but just as insidious). 

  3. On 11/9/2017 at 8:18 PM, Bob Lassiter said:

    I just watched 2 eps of 90 Day Fiancé. I didn’t know I needed this in my life. Stephanie, you are so right, it’s fantastic!

    Only two?!

  4. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but... I wholeheartedly agree with Dave on a Canon submission. By Season 6 of The Office, I wanted Pam and Jim to get their snooty, condescending asses right out of Scranton and off my television screen forever (which is a nicer way of saying I wished they would straight-up die in a fire). They were THE WORST and I hated their schmoopy wedding and dumb pregnancy. My hatred for Jim and Pam was especially sad for me because I so cherished Seasons 2-5 of that show (i.e., up to and until Jim and Pam got together and turned into a-holes). But at least I know at least one other misanthrope (hi Dave) sees things the way I do!

  5. 4 hours ago, helent said:

    So glad Father Ted made it into the Canon! I submitted the version of the video from the dream to KODTTM but it didn't get used. It's such a delightfully bizarre show at that times, like the fact that they share a dream, and this fact just goes un-commented on? One of my very favourite clips for cheering myself up is Ted trying to explain perspective to Dougal:



    Sadly, Dermot Morgan, who plays Ted, died very young. They were contemplating a fourth series at the time, after originally planning to end with the third.

    The show is largely written by Graham Lineham, who also wrote Black Books and The IT Crowd, and therefore is responsible for some of my favourite comedy ever. He also used to write a hilarious column for the film mag Neon, and I just found them all scanned here. They are all pretty wonderful:  https://neonmagazinescans.wordpress.com/category/graham-linehan/page/2/

    Yes, I didn't have time to mention the untimely death of Dermot Morgan. Frank Kelly, who played Father Jack, recently passed away, too (on the same day as Morgan, which is weird). Good old Ardal O'Hanlon is the only one of the trio still kicking around (and Pauline McLynn, of course). I also love Graham Lineham's comedy. I'm so glad we have three seasons of Father Ted to cherish!

  6. Stephanie - I grew up off of 15 Mile Rd!  And I love Boston Coolers.  They are the best.  And yes, Detroit Coney's are different, too.  I love it all.

    I actually grew up off Maple, which I guess is technically 15.5 Mile Road? (I'm from Birmingham). Woo hoo Metro Detroit!

  7. Just now, fib said:

    I LOVE THEM.  I dont have time to read the posts here AND the written comments. I never read them (sorry) because i loved the forums more.  

    The "language of the bachelors" segments are riotous. I had no idea how many nonsensical items were habitually a part of the show. 

    For those who arent loving the podcasts (i agree that being chained to a computer to listen to a long audio file isnt ideal, may I recommend subscribing to the feed through apple podcasts or similar? They download automatically and You can play them through your smartphone or ipod or ipad while you are walking your dog or washing dishes or taking a shower (if you put your device in a ziploc baggie).  I listen on my commute, and it beats the bejeezus out of drivetime radio.  

    THANK YOU! :)

  8. 1 minute ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

    I made a nice comment about the written recaps and how funny they were when the first non-written recap (i.e. Podcast) was announced as an article and commented that it would be helpful not to say read the article when talking about a podcast, and also said I can't listen to a 30 minute podcast. Just repeating that. Maybe you're just as funny in a podcast but I'll never know. But why only podcasts now?  

    I'm not sure, actually, but the editors are moving a lot of the written content to podcasts. I'm just a contributor, so I am not privy to the business decisions that go on behind the scenes. 

  9. 6 hours ago, hnygrl said:

    Dear Previously.TV

    ENOUGH WITH THE PODCASTS!!!!! WE HATE THEM!!! Whose bright idea was it anyway to do podcasts instead of written articles? And why all of a sudden are there fifty-eleven podcasts and only the shittiest of articles? Did the good writers quit/move on? Come on man....

    Okay, I feel better now.


    The people who produce the content you're complaining about do read these comments, so try to keep that in mind when you're slamming our work. Also: Jeff and I are the only two people in the entire history of Previously.TV who have written about this show/franchise, so your speculation that the "good writers" quit or moved on is a bit off-base, considering that we're the writers who produced the written content you seem to have enjoyed, as well. If you have a productive comment about the content of the podcast, I'd be happy to hear it! Take care. 

    • Love 3
  10. Then again, the blogger's own name is McKinli and her husband's name is Devan, so... at least they come by it honestly?

    Also I don't know how I let McKartnee and Nykee slip by unremarked upon, but my fingers can only type so fast.

  11. Tara, I started to read your post but then got sucked into the vortex of "that poor idiot's blog," as you so aptly put it, and oh my gaaaaaah. Here are the other names she was considering for her unborn child before she settled on Lakynn: 





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  12. From Stephanie's Watch/Skip Index:

    Oh no! Bad enough the contestants are Englishly grammatically challengeded. Now it's infecting the actual good writers?!

    [Psst, Stephanie,"cheers" is a verb. As in: My brother isn't a real football fan; he just cheers for whoever is winning.]

    Ben's particular grammatical failure here isn't that he's using it as a verb. It's that he's got the subject/verb agreement wrong, as he almost always manages to do. Nothing wrong with "I'd like to cheer to a great day," other than it sounds kind of clumsy, especially when he obviously meant he'd like to "toast" to a great day. Or he could have used "cheers" as a noun, as Stephanie (correctly) prefers and said, "Cheers to a great day."

    *teacher voice* Ben . . . oh forget it.

    Yeah, no. "(To) cheer" is a verb. "(To) cheers" is not. You wouldn't say "my brother cheerses for whoever is winning." I stand by my original statement. 

    • Love 5
  13. Just want to throw out there that a lot of the info about bullying at Columbine was overblown in early reports. Harris and Klebold were not bullied in the same way that Taylor was, certainly, and Harris, at least, was a straight-up psychopath, so I'm not loving the parallels being drawn here (http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-04-13-columbine-myths_N.htm). Bullying is certainly a problem for other reasons, but I am not sure why this show is pushing the bullying --> school shootings line, when that's not really borne out by evidence. (https://schoolshooters.info/sites/default/files/bullying_school_shootings_1.1.pdf)

    • Love 3
  14. My vote is for JoJo. I feel like Caila's hometown visit was very much edited to imply that she will get her heart broken. 


    Also, what is with these moms (specifically Caila's and JoJo's) who seem like just slightly older girlfriends of their daughters, rather than their moms? I mean, I get it. I'm friends with my mom, too. But I just don't think that "Don't worry, you're beautiful!" or "You love him? Wow! Go jump on him and tell him!" are great pieces of advice when your kid is dating a guy on TV with 3 other girlfriends. No wonder these poor girls have such unrealistic, fairy tale views of love and romance. 


    If it helps, this stuff bothers me too, Caught on Tape. I don't voice it very often because I know I'll be met with "This is what this show is made for! If you don't like it don't participate in the forums!" I guess I have this naive hope that we can all enjoy this silly, totally phony show without replicating the easy sexism that is its trademark. Dumb, I know. 

    I'm sorry that you find my coverage of this (ludicrous, inherently sexist) show to be sexist. I try to deal with the show on its own terms. These women are putting themselves into a ridiculous situation and therefore are subject to ridicule. You should check out my coverage of past seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and I think you'll find I am just as hard as the men as I am on the women, if not harder. Not that I feel that I have to defend my own opinion of this show, but it bothers me that my lighthearted joking about people who are acting like idiots on television is met with people (seemingly earnestly) taking offense. Again, I think if my tone offends you, you should probably skip my pieces and get your Bachelor(ette) coverage elsewhere, but know that I do not intend any offense.

    • Love 7
  15. As the author of the post and the person who labeled these women "floozies," I'm standing by it. I didn't intend it to be a gendered insult. Ben is even more of a floozy. If you read my Bachelorette coverage from past seasons, I call the men similar things. Mostly, I think the word floozy is funny and silly. If you can't take the piece and its lingo on its level, this might not be the right place for you to be getting your Bachelor coverage. Maybe check out Ben's People blog?

    • Love 10
  16. Another similarity between Last Tango and Enlightened, at least the ep of Enlightened that we discussed on the podcast, is that they both treat old people as actual people. In fact, Last Tango has received critical appreciation for its portrayal of the elderly. So, hooray for TV shows with layered, complicated characters of all ages.

  17. The thing about Mankiewicz is that while he's a good reporter and seemingly likable guy, he is low on the tic scale, and I tried to limit my list to correspondents/anchors who have noticeable tics or weirdnesses that I find charming/fascinating. Hester Lolt, of course, is not weird at all, except for his unwavering formality and inimitable, snazzy style. 


    Also, all you people who are telling me KeMo should have been number one: I get it. I do. But if you watch enough Maher-lingering-in-a-warehouse-with-Mr.-Burns-fingers, you start to have some questions. She's just so strange! I want to interview her and feel her hair! (Is it a wig??!) Maybe we can agree that Maureen and Keith are tied for first? 




    To whoever named the recap "A whole new Turd", will you accept this rose, and hell, here's 4 more rose vouchers.  I promise to never make you rap in front of an audience composed of bachelor nation harpies and Nick. 


    That would be me. We write our own headlines. You're welcome!

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