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Everything posted by Dani-Ellie

  1. The problem is, though, that this is not an isolated incident. If it were, then okay, but this is coming off the heels of months of similar incidents. The squeaky wheel might get the grease, but squeaking too much could lead people to think you're crying wolf. Perhaps different phrasing of the tweet itself would have made a difference, but I'm betting it wouldn't have in the grand scheme of things. Jen's killing them with kindness certainly hasn't helped. In fact, it's even made it worse in some cases, because people are throwing her "I love all ships" stance back in her face every time she tweets something Captain Swan and is seen as "ignoring" Swanfire and Swan Queen. In essence, what I'm seeing is Yvette Nicole Brown told someone to knock it off, and people didn't like it because, in my opinion, this particular subset of fans can't stand being told no. Everyone has a right to their opinion, from the fan out in the middle of East Podunk, Mississippi to High Level ABC Executive in Los Angeles, California. Fans have a right to respond to that opinion with their own, but having a right to an opinion does not give anyone the right to be an asshole. And when they respond to someone as an asshole, I believe the respondee has the right to shut down the "discussion" because the responder was an asshole. I have no problem with respectful differences of opinion, but I do think this group of fans, for whatever reason, be it lack of maturity or what, lacks basic decorum and manners. They don't want conversation, they don't want discussion, they just want what they want, who gives a shit about anyone else's opinions or feelings. Ignoring them hasn't helped and honestly, as a girl who dealt with bullies much of her childhood, I think there's only so much anyone as a person can ignore. At some point, the foot needs to come down and say, "You know what? This is enough." I'm seeing this, too. I'm sure some of the fans do see issues and do see the Hook/Emma dynamic as problematic. But I feel like the vast majority of them don't really care all that much about Problematic Social Issue and are just using the rhetoric to try to kill the ship because they personally don't like it. I just feel, if you don't like what the show is doing, stop watching. If it's upsetting you to the point that you're hurling out insults at people involved with the show on Twitter, maybe take a step back, delete the show from your DVR, and write a letter or email to the network explaining why you'll no longer be watching. Other than that, suck it the hell up and stop harassing everyone on social media. Word.
  2. What would you have suggested she do? At what point does enough become enough? We don't know how much she'd ignored before finally responding to that one tweet. It may have been none. It may have been a thousand. At some point, I do think it behooves the celebrity (or anyone using social media) to make a point of saying, "All right, enough's enough, I'm not going to engage in this discussion so stop it." Frankly, I think it's beyond time someone put these fans in their place. This is just absolutely ridiculous. They're not treating anyone with respect but they expect the utmost respect back. I don't think that just because someone is a public figure means they should have to take what these fans are dishing out. "Do unto others ..." Celebrities are human beings, first and foremost. Words, when used improperly, can be weapons, and these fans are weaponizing their words and then getting upset when the weapons are turned on them in self-defense. They're starting it. They're knocking the ball out of the kid's hands and then getting pissed when the kid chases them for the ball back. I don't think it's uncalled for for the celebrity to say, "Look, go take your nonsense elsewhere" in response to harassment. The entire conversation is going to go nowhere, though. These fans don't want a conversation. They want everyone to see things their way. People who want to enter into a discussion don't accuse someone of supporting rape culture right off the bat. In light of that, I do think Yvette Nicole Brown was right to shut it down, because the line between discussion and harassment was crossed right from the jump.
  3. And others might react to the reaction. These fans have no problem calling the celebrities out on the carpet, but the second the celebrity directs a comment back at them, the celebrity all of a sudden becomes the bad guy. When they tweet something charged to a celebrity, they should be prepared for the celebrity (and any number of fans following the conversation) to see it and react to it, whether that means countering their opinion or telling them to go away. Twitter is absolutely a public forum, but again, that goes both ways. I disagree with the notion that the celebrities should be endlessly understanding and allow these fans to tweet them comments that they support domestic violence or rape culture simply because they like a fictional televised relationship.
  4. At this point, though, I wish someone would tell these fans to direct these comments to the people who can do something about it. (And to learn how to address a problem respectfully.) That means hitting up Adam, Eddy, the network, and the advertisers. It doesn't mean sending out "you're supporting domestic violence/rape culture" comments to the actors on the show, who are paid to do what the scripts tell them, or to Yvette Nicole Brown, who has absolutely nothing to do with the show beyond voicing a character and was simply tweeting along as a fan. The fans absolutely have a right to their opinions, but that right goes both ways. The celebrities have a right to theirs as well.
  5. I swear, if Snow is off completely wrapped up in her own storyline while her firstborn is potentially freezing to death, I am going to ... well, I don't know aside from be really peeved. But still.
  6. A big word to your whole post, FabulousTater, but especially this: Yes. I remember saying something similar back on TWoP about this very thing. Emma and Hook are not on equal footing anymore. They lost that equal footing the second Emma's bug crossed the town line in "Going Home." For Hook, it's been an agonizing, long, lonely year. For that entire year, Emma didn't even remember that Hook existed. She wasn't pining away for him the same way he was pining for her. He's eager and excited, but she's only had a couple of weeks to try figure everything out. I mean, they shared that kiss, what, twelve hours ago? They're both still trying to feel each other out. And honestly, this is Emma. She's not going to get all happy bubbly in love twelve hours after kissing someone, especially after he tells her he gave up his home to get her to hers. She's going to freak out, because omg this is flippin' serious, and that's what I saw her doing. Big life-changing decisions are not easy for her, and taking the chance on Hook could end in any manner of awful ways, just like every other chance she's taken with a guy. And all of two weeks ago, she was considering marrying someone who turned out to be a flying monkey (and the Wizard of Oz, but I don't think she knows that ;)). I think Emma being a little gunshy isn't outside the realm of possibility. She didn't say no, she said "please be patient with me." And frankly, I think Hook gets how she is and knew she was freaking out, which was why in the end, all he wanted was for her to admit she was avoiding him. She was running again but she didn't get as far this time, which I think is a testament to both her and him.
  7. Good for both of them. I wanted so badly to ask that same question to the fan who tweeted Jen about CS poster, "Why would you do this when you'd just redeemed yourself?" She had a couple fans giving her shit back and she was getting annoyed with them and told them to leave her alone. Now, I fully agree that the fans who were badgering her shouldn't have been (say your piece and move on, if you feel the need to say something), but the irony that she was getting a taste of her own medicine and didn't like it was not lost on me.
  8. Speaking of the abandoned mansion in the woods, do we know if that was the Cecil Green Park House? The interiors were pinging my Harper's Island fangirl radar as the interiors of the Candlewick Inn.
  9. My God, can you imagine? Her walls would shoot back up as tall as the freakin' beanstalk. :P
  10. I completely agree that this can't be a long-term solution and at some point, Emma needs to stand on her own two feet and take those leaps of faith. It's just that Emma's Time Travel Life Lessons aren't even 24 hours old yet. Regina's I'm Making Myself Miserable Life Lessons have been coming at her for decades (especially considering she actually felt all 28 years of the Curse). I'm willing to give Emma a little bit more TV time before I start wishing the other characters would stop coddling her.
  11. Ooh, awesome, it went up at the half! That's definitely a good sign. Thank you! :)
  12. And honestly, I think Emma needs that. I think she needs that person who's not going to let her be a (metaphorical) sullen teenager locked up in her room because I think that's where most everyone else has gotten it wrong. They've let her retreat, and she's interpreted it as them giving up on her. So, yes, Hook called her on her shit, but she was closing off again and I think he just didn't want to see her disappear behind her walls again, as much for her sake as for his.
  13. Do we know if the half-hours were reported anywhere? I'm just curious if there was any kind of drop at the half.
  14. Exactly. And Emma didn't shut him down, she asked him for patience, which I don't think is something entirely uncalled for because taking a step like that is a big step for her, not just with him but with everyone. I mean, hell, it took a trip through time for her to recognize how attached she'd grown to her parents. Hook can read her like a book; that's how he knew she was using the business with Regina as an excuse. I liked that in the end, all Hook was asking for was honesty.
  15. I totally just made it obvious that I was waiting for these numbers instead of working because I gasped out loud (and then explained why I gasped out loud, haha). Holy freakin' shit! Say what you will about the blatant cash grab by snagging Frozen, but it worked at least for a look-see. It'll be very interesting to see if this holds going forward.
  16. This. I have no problem with Regina being full-on evil. I have no problem with Regina being redeemed. But this constantly straddling the line is annoying and tiring and it makes it look like she hasn't grown at all. And if she hasn't grown at all, fine, but I need the show to own that. Basically, don't try to sell me on oh she's changed now if you're not going to allow her to actually change.
  17. It's not so much that I hate Regina. I'm just tired of her. I'm tired of her never learning her lesson. I'm tired of her thinking everyone else is responsible for her happiness or unhappiness. It's a pattern going back to Snow/Cora/Daniel. Snow told Cora about Daniel, which means Snow is responsible for Daniel's death. Her vengeance left her empty, but a baby will fill it. Her baby won't stop crying, so something's got to be wrong with the baby. Robin's wife couldn't just stay dead like she was supposed to. And now some book is handing out happy endings and damn it, she's going to make the book give her hers? I would be a hell of a lot more patient with Regina if she would start to take control of her own life and recognize that the only one who's responsible for Regina's happiness is Regina. I fully agree that Emma staving off her own happiness because of Regina is ludicrous. That's why I liked Hook pulling it out of her that it wasn't just Regina that's holding her back. Regina is a convenient excuse right now, and if it wasn't Regina, it would be something or someone else. I think she's just not ready yet, for reasons only she knows.
  18. Right?! I'm so excited for that ep that I may have to break my sneak peek moratorium.
  19. Fully agree that it makes no sense and I hope that if and when Regina finds said Writer of the Book, he or she tells her, "You all create your own stories, I'm just recording them." It would even tie in nicely to the Back to the Future time-travel theme because Doc does tell Jennifer at the end of BTTF III that her future is whatever she makes it. Basically, I'm hoping that Regina turns out to be dead freakin' wrong.
  20. You know, it would be wonderful if Regina actually took some damn responsibility for something for once in her freakin' life. The book doesn't give out happy endings, Regina. You know who's responsible for your happy ending? You. You are. That's why those around you can find their happy endings in the unexpected places, because they're open to finding them in the unexpected places. And how changed can you really be if literally everyone around you is expecting you to fully revert back to Evil Queen mode? Because guess what? It's not everyone else, Regina. It's you. *sigh* On the positive side of things, Anna is freakin' adorable. (I've not seen Frozen, so I have zero idea if Show!Anna is matching up at all with Movie!Anna, but here, she's adorable.) I loved all the Captain Swan stuff, and the "Be patient" was just so sweet because here's Hook, wanting to freakin' shout it from the rooftops that he and Emma are a thing and Emma's still being Emma but she's no longer shutting down the possibility and * dreamy sigh.* [/Captain Swan 4eva] Loved Emma not apologizing for saving a life AND telling Regina that she saved Marian from Regina herself. Loved Charming deciding that maybe they should have named the baby Baelfire. Loved Grumpy and Sleepy. Loved Grumpy running into town, screaming about the snow monster, much to Emma's chagrin. More humor like that, please, show. Also, is it next Sunday yet??
  21. I don't think it was so much that no poison was involved (because there was a poison, just not a real-world one), but more that most poisons don't generally make a person collapse on contact like that. Some poisons are more fast-acting than others but usually a person who was poisoned would show physical symptoms as the body tried to rid itself of the poison. For Henry to be perfectly fine one minute, walking and talking and showing no physical symptoms, and then down on the floor unconscious the next, with no physical symptoms beyond the unconsciousness ... well, that's odd enough that I can imagine her remembering Henry's poison apple theory as she tried to mentally go over what happened and finally letting the connections fire off in her brain. Since the denial was already there, that suggests she was at a point where she could believe it; she just didn't want to because it terrified her. This time, I think she wanted to believe, because not believing was more terrifying. At least believing gave her a possible solution: get Regina to fix it.
  22. The big thing that made Emma's disbelief work for me was the fight with August in the woods in 1x20. That was when I realized that Emma's disbelief wasn't so much disbelief as it was abject denial. She was metaphorically sticking her fingers in her ears, closing her eyes, and humming so hard that it was blinding her to what was literally right in front of her face. There August was, standing there with a leg that was turning to freakin' wood, and she couldn't even see it. Because she didn't want to see it. My headcanon, coming out of that moment, is that starting from the end of "Hat Trick," Emma had started to consider the possibility that it was true ... and it scared the absolute shit out of her. So it was "Lalala, can't hear you" from then on out because not seeing it and not believing it was safe, until Henry collapsed from eating a poisoned apple turnover. Then magic was pushed back into the mix for her because it was the only thing that made any kind of freaking sense (because real-world poisons don't act the way the apple did).
  23. I was just coming here to post about that, Jean! I'm thrilled to pieces that the through-line of those particular six episodes is Emma. At least the network wants to throw some attention on (who I thought was) the lead character!
  24. I still don't understand what's so hard to get about Captain Swan being Jen's actual job now. Like, of course she's going to be posting things having to do with Captain Swan. Because it's the storyline her character is involved in on the show. I was following the comments (don't ask me why because it only got me all worked up, heh) and one fan was justifying giving her shit because she posts CS stuff but not SQ or SF stuff. And it's like, seriously? Neal is dead and Regina and Emma are both in actual canon relationships with other characters. Why is this so hard to grasp?? And you wouldn't mind, but it's like this every time she posts anything having to do with Captain Swan, so it's not like it's some fans on CS overload. It's just CS, period that they can't stand. Sorry, peeps, but this is the actual storyline on the actual show. Giving an actress shit because she's posting things having to do with her upcoming storyline is mind-boggling to me. If they don't like it, I think they should do the mature thing and stop following her, not continue to harass her. (I of course got over my anger by tweeting something nice to both her and Colin in reply to the picture. Just doing what I could to drown out the hate. :))
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