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Everything posted by CousinAmy

  1. I can't claim I've never gotten sick from shaking hands, but I only get maybe one cold a year, and I suspect that that one is more likely caused by the fact that I work in a preschool - and I don't shake hands with the kids! I'm not a big believer in over-sanitizing everything. In a public restroom I watch women turn themselves into pretzels trying not to touch faucets, fixtures or door handles, while I wash and dry my hands and walk out the door. When it comes to networking or meeting people professionally, I just don't see many people fistbumping these days.
  2. Thanks, Cosmocrush, the last dress I believe was a Marchesa. I mixed up my "M"s!
  3. I don't think casting directors are watching daytime television to find new "talent." She's a proven commodity; people in the business know who she is. There are huge swaths of the entertainment business that I don't pay any attention to - super-violent action flicks, the broad comedy films, gospel music programs - that are very popular within their own demographic. So while I'll probably see Sherri appear on Entertainment Tonight for years to come, I won't be watching her shows or movies. But there will be plenty of people who will.
  4. She seemed to have invited her own guests, mostly her gospel pals and maybe some of her comedian friends. Didn't she also have the gospel singers on for her birthday show? (The one where Sal wasn't even mentioned, our first inkling that something was very wrong?) They were not my favorite performers so I'll be fast-forwarding through it. I hope in the future Jesus will not be making quite so many appearances on the show (and I don't mean "Whoopi-Jesus.")
  5. The last one - a full-on glamour, drop-dead-gorgeous gown by Monique Lhuillier - would be spectacular for a first wedding. It's just inappropriate for a second wedding. And she says the wedding is going to be very, very small? Then why would she wear a long gown?
  6. Seriously, how does Josh give Kristen a gift of breast implants? Does that mean he has thousands of dollars that he gives when she wants something - and she otherwise doesn't have access to it? If she has that kind of arrangement with him, she's dumber than she appeared all season. This is why she was whiny all season - Daddy controls the purse strings, I guess, and is able to bestow gifts upon her - that are also "gifts" to himself. Kristen, you need to have your own money.
  7. Yeah, he doesn't want just any child. I guess a daughter would have been a disappointment? I know people have preferences in their heart but they most don't talk about it so openly. I really wish there was some way to keep this child away from his grubby hands - can the surrogate change her mind and keep the baby? I understand her womb was "rented" but she must have some feelings for the baby she is about to deliver to the Oaf. Or maybe Sherri will contest the whole agreement, and fight for the baby?
  8. I know we can't see what happened in the elevator, so my own "court of opinion" is just that, only my opinion. But the part we did see, him dragging the woman's unconscious body on the floor, is all I need to know about this man's moral character. So while he did manage to take a deal and not have to go to prison, he shouldn't be eligible to play for the NFL. At a certain point these owners and managers have to stand up to the players who are abusing their girlfriends, driving drunk, and choosing to inflict harm on other players (beyond the bounds of this very violent game.)
  9. Yeah, she's found her genre. Which is fine, I'll probably never see her on screen again. (Don't these things become franchises, with the same cast or a rotating cast appearing in all the 2, 3 and 4 sequels?) So a bit part on Broadway, maybe for a week or two, and then bit parts in movies. I'm ready for her to go, but remember: Be careful what you wish for.....
  10. She apologized. Then she married him. (See the link below.) The drug suspension that was cited in the story was for smoking marijuana. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/07/24/ray_rice_suspension_could_have_been_longer_for_smoking_marijuana.html
  11. You'll have to explain it to me, because I was shocked when I found out that the young woman seen being dragged around on the floor married her abuser. (And yes, I have a college degree.) Why would she do this? If he'll beat his fiancee, imagine what he'll do to his wife.
  12. We saw her when she was much younger in Toddlers and Tiaras. Lack of talent is no problem for pageant kids as long as Daddy keeps the cash flowing.
  13. I don't follow her on Twitter. Does she ever mention the baby? It must be hard to be in the more of a real-life situation and not acknowledging it in public. What a tangled mess!
  14. But that gives them their "theater cred." So from now on, Sherri can call herself a "Broadway star." (Don't think she won't!) And now is the perfect time for a producer to put her in the show, when she's attracting "buzz" for her View career, even the chatter about her divorce that keeps her in the public eye.
  15. Now, I meant her most recent - the blush-colored sparkly one. http://www.popsugar.com.au/celebrity/Jessica-Simpson-Eric-Johnson-Wedding-Photos-35199345#photo-35199343
  16. Could the weave be part of the wig line, or is it a separate business? Maybe she'll take the weave off for the reveal of her new (?) wig line. I'm waiting with bated breath to see Jenny try on white wedding dresses. I know it's a silly old custom, but would a white gown be appropriate? (Also, I usually love to see celebrity wedding dresses, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Jessica Simpson's was gorgeous. Somehow I imagine Jenny's will be the height of tackiness.)
  17. I thought it was hysterica! I agree that they already knew each other, and played up their idiosyncrasies for laughs. Ronn Moss has always been a parody of himself - as the suave Ridge on B&B - but a "kook" off-screen. Tyler seems to be a great guy, and he and his wife have a real partnership of equals going on. I didn't see barely-suppressed anger, I saw barely-suppressed giggles. By the way, if I could choose to live in one of those houses forever, I'd take the Moss residence. It's gorgeous, inside and out. The house at the beach was nothing special, although I think people buy it for the access to the beach, not for the house itself.
  18. His reaction didn't bother me as much as the children's. He could have been joking, but were they? It was really uncalled for.
  19. I think a lot of people have had that unintentional bait-and-switch experience with a new acquaintance. It's just part of life. But I would imagine Sherri gets confused more often than most. I think she's constantly on the prowl so unless you're gay, she considers any man a possible romantic interest. Why did I assume the co-host was gay, though? That was weird! I guess he strikes me as theatrically flamboyant, and like Sherri I made a dumb assumption. My bad.
  20. Why would Jenny admit to texting if it weren't true? I am more than willing to accept that someone so self-obsessed and selfish would do so. Go ahead, Jenny, live dangerously. Just because you might kill an innocent soul, it shouldn't stop you from enjoying your rights.
  21. She had a recurring role in "How I Met Your Mother"'s last season, where most of her scenes were with series star Jason Segel. That was not a bad gig, and that was just a year ago. I think she could definitely find acting roles again if she moved to Los Angeles. While I've seen her act many times in many shows, I've only read a few blurbs about her off-screen problems, mostly in articles linked here. So I don't think they are big enough to de-rail her career.
  22. "Lackluster" is the right word for it. Today when they were discussing how awful they all look first thing in the morning, especially Amy Robach - all I know about her is that she had breast cancer but she looked spectacular today - Jenny made a comment about how long it takes her to look this good, or something - she really looked kinda lackluster.
  23. Update on Evan: the camp supplied him with a "buddy" to pal around with. Of course the buddy "understands the situation." So another 12-year-old kid now has Evan's trust. I hope Jenny can trust that kid. Oh, and Jeffrey got a buddy too, but his is a girl. You can imagine how Sherri liked that.
  24. This is all so amazing to me. I remember back in 1989 I had two friends - second-time mothers in their late 30s - who found out the second child they were carrying was the same sex as the first one. Both mothers said, to paraphrase, "of course we'll be happy with whatever we get, but I/we really wanted a boy/girl." It struck me so sad that the babies were a disappointment before they were even born. I know, that's such "last millennium" thinking. I'm a dinosaur.
  25. This, by itself, is all kinds of crazy. Would any judge go along with that - Sal raises the money [OMG, is that a Freudian typo???], Sherri pays, but she has no contact with the child? I know there are some strange judges out there, but I can't imagine that anyone would be sympathetic to that. If Sherri pays, she should have input in the raising of the child, how money is spent, etc. Also, she may be liable for child support, but they were only married a few years - will she have to pay spousal support for 18 years? (She shouldn't have to pay Sal past the few years when the child is very young.) I don't think he'd be awarded a lifetime on Easy Street.
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