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Everything posted by CousinAmy

  1. Apologies. Moved to the Dating thread.
  2. I also thought of the accident when Caitlyn was speeding away in her sports car. (I'd rather have a Volvo, by the way. They are super safe and nice looking little sedans. In the "last chapter of my life" safety is more of a concern.) Caitlyn was no going above the speed limit but was driving too fast for the road conditions, which seems to be not illegal. Still, the fact of being the cause of someone's death, even accidentally, does not seem to have any effect in her life. It's like that took place in an alternate universe, one called reality, rather than "reality."
  3. Caitlyn wants to be just a "normal woman like you see walking down the street." What does she mean by a "normal woman"? Will she ever see herself as normal? (As in, last week, "these girls... they're just soooo.... normal.") I don't understand why Jennifer is pushing Caitlyn to define her sexual attractions when it's not something Caitlyn seems to be interested in right now. Unless the producers are the ones interested in having that conversation, and have scripted it.
  4. I just watched it. The wedding was lovely - just echoing what has been said before. For an outdoor wedding, it was quite elegant. I loved that Tori asked the girls to wear white dresses of their own choosing - usually the bride wants to be the only one in white. But this wedding party really looked beautiful. I wondered about the rain, too, but I saw it as a plot device, because their outdoor wedding was already shown on the cover of People Magazine. Someone pleeeze look up the local weather for that day! I thought maybe those scenes were filmed the day before for dramatic impact. When Zach turned down the idea of a second tent, my suspicions were turned up. Zach's eating and breathing difficulties stem from the kind of dwarfism he has. Even if back teeth were pulled, his teeth would be too big for his mouth. He would have to have them all pulled and smaller implants put in. Zach and Tori are dealing with it just fine. I hope Molly doesn't get married for a long time. She's always been the brains of the brunch and I'd like to see how far she can go. I was married at 20, as were many people now in their 60s, but I think the trend of waiting a few years post college is a good one. (We were in counseling within a few months and divorced three years later.)
  5. I haven't worn pumps or spike heels for 30 years - my ankles are weak and it's not worth the risk of falling. But then my daughters aren't Kardashian-Jenners. Or my role models.
  6. The Stewarts and the Hamiltons follow I Am Cait on Sunday night; I think George Hamilton would be perfect for some suave arm-candy! However, there's still the sticky wicket of the car accident, which hasn't gone away, no matter how fiercely E! tries to avoid it. Gawker reports that lawsuits are still flying hither and yon - the estate of Kim Howe is being sued, and so is Caitlyn: http://gawker.com/lawsuit-filed-against-woman-who-died-in-caitlyn-jenner-1727130124?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+gawker%2Ffull+%28Gawker%29
  7. When I watched this episode a second time I noticed a pattern that I missed the first time - there is a constant refrain of "I can't leave my house" followed by Cait leaving her house. Sergio had to come to her; she couldn't go there. (When he didn't, she did.) She can't be seen in public - yet the meeting with Chaz Bono et al was covered in the tabloids when she was out in public (pictures of her holding an umbrella were on all the gossip sites). Of course, this is all leading up to the Big Reveal - the Espys. But first, why not go to Patricia Field and get photographed leaving her shop in a dazzling mini-skirt. And then attend a Gay Pride event - while she's supposedly still in hiding. I think they thought that this series of episodes would have a dynamic, building up to her Drop Dead Gorgeous grand appearance. Instead, all of this coy faux shyness is coming over like a lead balloon. Perhaps if the structure had been more authentic, the series would have been more compelling. Instead, each Sunday night ends with a thud.
  8. Couldn't Anna file for a separation (there must be lawyers in the area who would take her case) and eventually get a divorce with a big settlement? Would she be able to get money from her in-laws (who owns that private plane?) or just whatever assets Josh has? It seems there is a lot of money in that family, and they should be able to spare some loose change for an aggrieved woman and her four children.
  9. Poor Josh. He never needed to confess after all. Ashley Madison is a scam "entertainment" service; most of the women on the site don't even exist. Gizmodo traced the email addresses of the "women" and found most looped back to AshleyMadison.com. They also traced how many "women" checked their inboxes or messages. Nearly zero. Josh confessed to being unfaithful because he was outed by the hack. But he probably never connected with anyone on the site. You know what they say if you are caught in a lie? "Deny, deny, deny." Too late now. http://gizmodo.com/almost-none-of-the-women-in-the-ashley-madison-database-1725558944 Credit where it's due: Gizmodo is a part of Gawker Media.
  10. He's 5 and 1/2. I can't see waiting till he is 6 and 1/2 to enter kindergarten. That means he could be two years older than some of his classmates, if they start at 4, as some do here on Long Island. Socializing with peers is one of the most important school readiness skills. I can't see holding him back. In the spring of the preschool year I start to notice children helping others without being told to, using please, thank you and my favorite, handling health routines and classroom tasks on their own. That indicates school readiness. Letters and numbers can be taught when the child enters kindergarten. I have never heard of a child being held back for speech delays. That can be handled in school.
  11. I read that Candis transitioned in her early 20s - still young enough to have some "baby fat" under skin. I know she's had plastic surgery, but being so young her skin still looks very soft. Caitlyn has had so many procedures over the years, and since she (and I!) are both senior citizens now our skin doesn't heal as quickly, and it's hard to recapture the dewy skin of youth. Thus, her face needs the gauzy lenns cover for her close-ups. I thought I looked pretty good last week when I dressed up for a dinner date, till my boyfriend said, "You know, you look like your mother." Oy.
  12. So here goes: Cait has said when she was known as Bruce she was always attracted to women. But did she mean that she was a woman presenting as a man while being a lesbian when she was attracted to women? In that case, if she's attracted to women now, that would mean she's gay now, and always has been. Are we supposed to accept that Candis is attracted to Cait as a woman? Since she's only known her for a few weeks, is she suddenly falling in love with Cait's womanliness now? Jen Boylan said Cait was in a "pink cloud" or was it "adolescence" (I can't remember the term, only that it implied Cait was very early into her transition.) It seems a little soon for anybody to be falling in love with anybody right now. I thought Jennifer Boylan said she was attracted to women before, and still is. So doesn't that mean she's a lesbian, and not a heterosexual? I'm confused.
  13. From what I've read recently there has always been a huge chasm between LGB and T. The transgender community has always been looked down upon by gay people, and this episode tried to address it with the people from GLAAD. However, here we have lots of gay men and women cheering Cait on for being... what? Their hero? Um, I guess so. The costume designer who gave Cait that sparkly miniskirt was Patricia Field, best know for her work on Sex and the City.
  14. I don't watch the Kardashian shows but even I know what Kylie has been up to for the past year. She has just turned 18, which means she has been 17 for a year, and that means she was not an adult. There has been some discussion that perhaps Kylie needed Bruce's (and Kris's) guidance over the past year, and will most likely need it for several more years. It's usually funny when a parents says at their child's 18th birthday party, "My job is over" because we know it's really not. But if Caitlyn really means it, I think that's sad.
  15. What gets me about Josh and Anna was that their parents were raised in the real world - not sure of Anna's mother, though. But both fathers had jobs, decided where their families should live, and had some connections to people outside the family. Then they set up these rules for their children, not even allowing them to have the same taste of freedom. Their system begins to crumble, as each generation is built on the ruins of the past. Will J&A's children have it as "good" as they did? Or will their lives continue to dissolve into the morass that is this madman-made cult?
  16. How was Anna counseling young women in juvenile Hall with only a home school education? Was she actually doing social work, or just preaching? Supposedly she's so simple and naive but here she is speaking with girls her age, with not any more wisdom then they had, and look where they ended up. I don't buy that she is unable to leave because she has no support. Others have done it, from other cults and religions. Maybe she just doesn't want to struggle, but remain faithful to her in-laws, where the source of power and money in her world.
  17. She can be whoever she wants to be. But she's chosen to be a celebrity, chosen to appear on the covers if magazines, has done several TV specials, and now she has her own TV show. I'd say we're entitled to some gentle snark. Because she's transgender, does that mean she's immune from criticism? If we snark on Kim K's voice, clothing, and degree of famewhorism, we can do the same with Cait.
  18. In a snippet of tape I saw somewhere - taken at Kylie's 18th birthday festivities, Cait said, "My job is over!" I guess since Kylie is now a responsible adult, Caitlyn feels that she doesn't need to parent her children anymore. No more family interference for our Cait!
  19. Let me just say, I'm not THAT Cousin Amy. I chose this moniker because I have a cousin named Amy.Ashley Madison is basically a pimping service, matching foolish men with women who are looking for no-strings affairs. Some of the women are in it for the cash, gifts, or luxury travel that they could not otherwise afford. They are not naive young girls; they know how to prevent pregnancy and STDs. One may come forward if she gets paid to give an interview. I hope TLC gets the rights to that interview.
  20. I wonder why not? People love to get married on non-traditional sites, cute little church, old barn, etc. That could be a business along with Jeremy's photography, Zach could be trained in the business end, etc. I think Molly will want to travel the world so she may not want to be tied down right now. But it could work. Jeremy pointing to the land, somehow trying to express that we could all build houses here someday, watch our grandchildren grow up...I think he flubbed a line there!
  21. They really have a good thing going on there. All the improvements for the two weddings will add value to the wedding business; Amy's salsa could grow into a lucrative sideline, and that huge HONKING BIG Dairy Queen commercial in the middle of the show must have brought in a pretty penny. Today I stopped into my neighborhood "DQ- Grill and Chill" and saw that blended concoction was the "Special of the Month" complete with, it's free if they don't turn it over. That's why Matt kindly treated the boys there instead of a burger and fries, although DQ also sells that.
  22. I developed much earlier than my friends - first period at 10, at the same time I started popping out of my blouses. My mom and our neighbor had to talk me into wearing a bra, and I was bigger than anyone else. At the time, it was a curse, not a blessing, because the boys made fun of me - they had a nickname for me, which I never figured out - "TM". This was in the late 1950s so it was just "boys will be boys." Over the past 50 years, my size has gone up, until I'm thinking about a surgical reduction. Be careful what you wish for!
  23. I do. They have been involved in her life ever since she was a toddler. They seem like the kind of grandparents who only want their grandkids to be happy. To put it in context, I doubt my parents, born in the 1920s would have been as accepting. But Jeannette's parents are closer to my age, and we're a pretty flexible bunch.
  24. I don't think of Ellen D as old (actually, she's younger than I am) but she has a very loose, casual vibe that makes her seem approachable and warm to everyone. Caitlyn Jenner, not so much.
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