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Posts posted by Lucelu

  1. 45 minutes ago, Drogo said:

    You couldn't just make out with your hot aunt, Jon Snow? 


    Well, considering she probably still smelled like grilled Varys...

    • LOL 8
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  2. This episode is turning out quite difficult for me as I recently lost my brother and grieving a lot for him. I am thankful they arranged for him to be cremated so I did not have to view his body. My mothers death preceded his a couple of years ago and he was the one who found her. But the funeral home was very similar but more people were there than just siblings/inlaws. The concept of imbibing more alcohol is tempting. I consider that my brother's kids are likely having a harder time than me even though I had known him his entire life --but they really depended on him, he was the anchor to their world. So I try to use that grief to reach out to them. Make them understand they are not without family that loves them (they are all in their 20s).

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  3. On 10/17/2018 at 12:10 AM, Cheezwiz said:

    Wow this episode really got to me - so heartbreaking. Poor Nell. I had a feeling as I watched that the "bent-neck lady" would either be Nell herself or her Mother. But sending Nell back through time was a really effective - both horrifying and sad.

    Lately I've been feeling a bit wistful and sad about my own childhood, and I have had frightening episodes of sleep paralysis, so I could really relate to what was happening in this episode. For those who have never experienced it, Sleep paralysis is utterly terrifying - it really does feel like you might die, and that something malevolent is looming over you. I have woken up paralyzed to see a figure standing by my bed, or peering at me through my bedroom door. In other instances, it's felt as if another person has crawled right onto my bed and laid right on top of me. When this is happening, your body is frozen, and you want to scream in terror, but no sound comes out. I can really understand why people believed in the supernatural because of this phenomenon. It usually only happens to me when I fall asleep flat on my back, so I always try to curl up on my side when I sleep.

    This episode really put me through the emotional wringer - bravo to the actress for a job well done.

    I have had the same phenomena. For a period of time I had this happen to me. I could sense a person or entity ir figure standing next to me on my bed. I can hear them breathe. They are going to stab me with a knife sometimes and I see the arm with the knife above me.. or sometimes they are going to choke me but it is mostly the knife. I try to push them away or punch them but I am paralyzed or extremely weak.  Sometimes I could feel pressure of their arm across my chest and I feel I might be crushed. I cannot even scream, it comes out in a squeak. I started locking the door and then sensed the figure outside of it. After that I went out partying with my friends all night and passed out in rooms together so I was not alone. This was when I was 19-early 20s, a long time ago but the recollection of how it feels has never faded. I too am a side sleeper now.  I am watching this episode now and it is so sad and just disturbing. Seven ghosts - is that why the twins always keep counting to 7?

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  4. 2 hours ago, Couver said:

    Gotcha! I'm right there with you. I think power has always been what she was after. If it was all about her children she would have been happy with Tommen ruling. The Tyrells were not going to try and destabilize that alliance since Tommen was not a psycho like Joffrey. Cersei could have just lived the rest of her days watching her son as king. But like you I think her end game has always been power for herself. I think it's telling that the only child's death she truly mourned was the death of her worst child and the one most like her. Myrcell and Tommen were far more like Jamie. Passive and weak.

    I would not characterize them as passive and weak. They were children. Myrcella fell in love and it would have been a good alliance for them, starting anew.  Tommen was just a boy. Joffrey was psychotic and a sadist. The only strength he had was what was afforded to him d/t his "father" ie. the King's Guard.  If he had not been made King, he would have resorted to torturing animals.

    1 hour ago, ChipBach said:

    Yabut - at the center of an entitled birthright is the very center of racism.  Regardless of how many slaves she freed, which happen to now be in her employ, she still believes her DNA sets her above others, all others.  Not sure what the difference is between "slaves" and "subjects"...  Seems you are cool if you bend the knee, show her as master...

    To be frank, the only legal slaves in Westeros are women (besides the whole feudalistic bended knee/swearing fealty bullshit that the Wildlings despise them for so much).

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Daisy said:

    Oh - I'm not saying it's made her who she is. 
    I just mean whenever she mentions her children - i always wonder - how deep is that mourning. like she's going on and on about Myrcella..and in the back of my head is like yah but this made you one step closer to queen, you knew this was going to happen, how sad are you really?  is this about Myrcella, or was this about just ending a threat for you (or i mean obviously both but where's the split?)

    Jamie is an idiot. 

    She certainly had no problem killing her innocent babies that were fathered by Robert nor having his bastards killed, nor igniting all of Flea Bottom--so I don't even have crocodile tears for that disease of a woman. Her own son jumped to his death rather than spend his life having his soul rotted just by being in proximity to her.

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  6. So who is sending Cersei all the intelligence irt the ships headed for Dorne, Highgarden's alliance with Dany and the planned invasion of Casterly Rock? 

    Also, how are they planning on feeding Dany's great armies?

    Has it occurred to anyone to train some dragon riders?  

    • Love 7
  7. He was on that bell every 2 minutes and his is a real time sink. There are actual sick patients on that floor not getting care because he is demanding to be waited on hand and foot. The Dr. should have discontinued that IV pain med. You don't treat chronic leg pain with IV narcotics.

    • Love 4
  8. Finally watched last night.

    That teenager is attention seeking. I don't know how young she was when her father abandoned her nor when he came back into her life.  However, I do know it was her and Mom against the world for a certain amount of time and that ended at least 6-7 years ago when Madeline and Ed married and had Chloe. She would have been about 10 at that time, fully used to being the one and only. I don't agree with Madeline confiding her infidelity to her. I think she did it not to unburden herself but to try to reach her. Shocking her like she shocked them maybe? She was very dismissive of her mother, convinced her mother would know nothing outside her bubble of her perfect life and that she would never see her as other than a child.

    I thought Nathan's initial reaction upon learning the news was appropriate. I felt Bonnie's was not. Yes, Madeline would blame him for not monitoring Abigal's online activity, just as he would to her. She clearly planned to live with he and Bonnie so she could get away with this much easier. The show does not show them as doing any family activities together. Did Nathan and Bonnie bring Abigal to the theater? (I don't remember them being there).

    Celeste knows the truth. 

    I find it interesting that much of the music is driven by the children much like when you have children in your home your life is dominated by them and their needs, activities etc. The only person to choose her own is Jane.  Jane's music reflects her emotions which is also dominated by her trauma. Of course Ed and Nathan were picking music for the competition. Ed's was motivated by kind of a nerdy romance and love for his wife and Nathans by his desire to compete against Ed and put him "in his place." I think Nathan is threatened by Ed's nobleness/honor-- it clearly rankles him. On the face of it, Nathan has everything -- very young gorgeous hip wife, successful career as a self made businessman, his teenage daughter chose him and another beautiful daughter Skye. Where is the music for Celeste? Has Perry driven that too out of her life?

    The bright green vomiting was hilarious.

    • Love 1
  9. don't doubt that perhaps she had some fertility issues. Perry travels a lot. He could easily tell her he was away somewhere else for business and be up the coast hooking up with women and then terrorizing and raping them. For Ziggy, all it would take is a DNA test.  If the twins are a few months older than Ziggy, it could happen. I plead Occam's Razor with this one. The camera lingering on the bartender guy-- maybe he was a witness to the two of them meeting? I don't see him in the interviews with the police.

  10. It is so hard to resist ordering this book to find out the mystery!

    Anyhow, again, I have viewed it once and my impressions are that deep inside Celeste knows she is going to leave him. His attacks are becoming more frequent and escalating. He is turned on by hurting her. This is not about passion. The line that Jane says to the principal in her head that "the only thing I know about Ziggy's father is that he gets off on asphyxiation while he rapes women" and then showing Celeste being choked later on was a red flag for me. Celeste covers her bruises with dermablend like she is applying perfume or adjusting her sunglasses.

    I feel so badly for Ziggy. I am pretty convinced he is entirely innocent. Jane is so traumatized. She really needs help. I am worried she will be suicidal.

    Maddie did kind of try with Ed (spontaneous house sex....) --I think like many couples with a young child, they get into a roommate rut. Thus the bathroom overshare. Geez Ed.

    The accident, really weird how that happened in a parking lot although locally a 3 year old was killed in a parking lot while being walked to the car holding hands with her dad-- so that kind of stuff does happen. Maddie should probably quit that job. She can't be around this guy so much. It makes him a little nuts, he 's stalking. She is embarrassed and ashamed about having an affair. I thought she was smarter, never shit where you eat.

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  11. Hmm, I must have fallen asleep and thought I picked up the re-airing when I woke up but missed the scene with the mayor (long work day). Apparently Abigal already took the SATs and received poor marks which is why Madeline is insisting she work with a tutor and retake the exam. Her other marks in school have taken a dive and the story she gave to her school counselor about having stress and anxiety at home I believe is a crock. She seemed pretty relaxed there, and very secretive. Madeline caught her in a car full of girls she was not supposed to be in and she is flagrantly disobedient, disrespectful and needles her mother unnecessarily. This kid is truly playing these adults against each other. That Bonnie and Nathan nor Abigal did not alert Madeline to the fact she was taken to Planned Parenthood for birth control pills is alarming. I got the impression that Nathan and Bonnie with their daughter recently surfaced in their lives again; judging by Madeline's emotions about this, it just seems kind of raw for this to have been going on for 6 years.

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