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Everything posted by Lostinthehouse

  1. I wanted to shout to Reid's female attorney: Shut up! or Slow down! Could her delivery be any more mystifying? Why was she in such a hurry? Garcia's a profiler now? She stands with the team to deliver the profile? WTH?? Reid's position on not taking the plea: Yes! He's honest - he doesn't remember. Doesn't anyone realize the effect that an unwanted dose of narcotics does to the brain? Unsub - Poor baby - rejected by women? Maybe change your dating profile to actually reflect that you do something besides sit in your mother's basement and play video games!! God, what an awful episode. I've been such a faithful CM fan. I watch reruns and recently have been enjoying (for the umpteenth time) Season 5. I fear it's just too late to return this series to the golden days of yore, so put us all out of our misery and take this dreck off the air.
  2. He's now the unnecessary new profiler on "Criminal Minds" <wink>. Damon Gupton, we need you back on Bates Motel! The mini-arc with Caleb was confusing. I'll have to re-watch, but if Dylan moved to Seattle and changed his phone, how did Caleb find him? And what purpose did he serve here - just to show up uninvited, stay for a bit, and then be asked to leave by Emma? It has to come back at some point this season, but it didn't make much sense last night.
  3. Little details hearken back to the movie. The one that made me smile was Norman in the office after "David" comes in. Norman is anxious, and grabs a candy corn, sitting in a bowl on the check-in desk. In the movie, when Marion Crane checks in to the motel, Norman is eating candy corn. He offers one to Marion. Very nice little detail, show!
  4. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/eidetic-memory the ability to recall images with vividness bordering on actual visualperception; total recall; also called photographic memory Reid had to actually see the name, and/or the face, to recall Rosa. And yes, I think that Scratch knew about Reid's memory, therefore he had to write the name for Reid to remember the image of it since Reid was so stoned. I have an eidetic memory (as I've been told by doctors), and I can remember where I kept things in old houses, but I can't remember specific events involving those things (like when I put the thing there, who might have given it to me, or where I originally got it.) I totally understood that Reid had to see the name to remember Rosa.
  5. Dear Kate, Try to be not so desperate for a man. Please. Toby is and has been inconsiderate of your feelings (showing up during a football game that you wanted to share only with your dad's ashes, going off his diet when you were desperately clinging to your own diet, showing up uninvited to your family's Christmas celebration, etc etc etc). You deserve your own hopes and dreams, you own your feelings, and you know, deep in your heart, that Toby is not going to be considerate of any of this. Dear Toby, Make like Olivia and just go. Leave. Die, or just exit the hospital without notifying anyone, or whatever your selfish heart desires. Just go. Sincerely, Me.
  6. Sorry about your medical problems, zannej. But I don't think they were to blame for your crankiness. I, too, had too many frustrations with this episode to mention. The entire episode was hokey, with Drama Class 101 acting. I asked this question waaaayyyy up on this board with no replies because everyone got all wrapped up in the ratings. So please let me posit it here and ask some guidance from you: Am I not remembering Tommy Yates correctly? I thought a different actor portrayed him in the earlier episode.
  7. Am I not remembering Tommy Yates correctly? I thought a different actor portrayed him in the earlier episode.
  8. One thing has continually perplexed me: What happened in Buffalo that Helen was so afraid of? We saw the box in storage, saw the pills, saw the pictures of the bloodied and dead woman. But . . . what? Did I miss something subtle? And if she was an FBI agent, why would she be so traumatized by either seeing a dead woman, or perhaps killing the woman herself? Can someone please explain?
  9. Yes, but he was thinking about his phone conversation with his mother, and how the new environment and medication weren't working. He was sad, wiped away a tear, and carried on.
  10. The first thing I thought of was . . . the Long Island Serial Killer. One of the characters mentioned this case was not related, however - bodies together in one giant burial ground, burlap sacks covering them - you get an "F" on originality, show. The second thing I thought of was . . . The third thing I thought of was . . . a new profiler? Why? If you can't make the show better, just add more actors to beef up its ratings. Fail. Overall, a lackluster retread and yet more reasons and more ways to torture women. Blah.
  11. "Pure Genius" ? More like "pure idiocy." So cliche'd, and of course everyone is cured. Bah. I'm out.
  12. I mentioned this during the second episode this season. Has she had plastic surgery - very subtly, of course. But something is most definitely different. I was actually surprised when the unsub turned out to be the homeless guy's brother. Well done! <based on others opinions here, I guess I'm a little slow on the uptake, but whatever.>
  13. OMG yes!! I had this exact thought while watching this. And since West Wing lost me very early in the series, I'm pretty sure this idiocy they call 'drama' will lose me too. I've really had enough from her. What is her motivation, if not to unseat Kirkman and claim the title of POTUS for herself? And paternity of the obnoxious son? Dad could be sitting in prison for selling drugs? I'm surprised we're saddling up that shark this early in the series; now I'm anxiously waiting for someone to get in that saddle and jump!
  14. Kate acted like a normal, insecure woman. Her insecurity is shown so many times in this series so far that her stalking the ex was totally in character. I was very much like Kate about 10 years ago when I "stalked" a boyfriend's ex. Once when he was out of town on business and I was staying in his apartment, I rifled through all his papers, looking for "something" (anything) about his ex. I found 2 photos of her hidden in a cupboard above the fridge. I promptly ripped up the photos and took them directly to the outside garbage dumpster. Was I / am I crazy? No, just insecure. This show gets me every single week. It will be unbearable when William's cancer advances; I will be heartbroken when we learn what happened to Jack (not foreseeing good things here), I am not looking forward to seeing Kate's continuing insecurity (although it is inevitable), and any more scenes with Randall will make me watch with a kleenex box in my lap. It's a stellar example of what television should be, and what other dramas should strive to be.
  15. IMHO, the washed-out colors were meant to convey the drabness & disappointment of the setting (small town with secrets), the ennui of the characters (foster dad not getting enough attention from wife, the kids with horrible secrets, a mom with a kid in foster care because of her drug habit, the drabness of day-to-day lie, the sheriff finally getting a murder case but an FBI agent overtakes her investigation, etc). I'm hanging with the series - I don't care about the teen romance (just deal with it, boys), but I love the anticipation of finding out what happens to the bad guy & if he gets to the kids .
  16. I love this show beyond anything. And I'm normally a "Criminal Minds" / "Hannibal" type of viewer, so for me to fall in love with a family drama really says something about the show. Was anyone else bothered by the music at the end during the conversation between Randall & his dad? The music was so loud, and it didn't help that there was singing, that it completely rolled over the dialog. Luckily, I had DVR'd the show, and had to play that part back a few times, and still missed some of the dialog. Tone the music down, show! It was a touching moment completely obscured by the music.
  17. So this is it every week? Pick a jury who sympathizes or empathizes with the defendant, and defendant is "not guilty"? Blah!
  18. The dialog clarified one thing: "This is not the Innocence Project." Alrighty then.
  19. An OK episode, mostly because I'm not a fan of AJ. In fact, I kept wondering why she looked so different. A nose job? Other facial surgery?? I have no idea, but I pulled out an old DVD to check her photo on the cover, and in fact she looked the same. Hmmmm. . . maybe demonstrating some acting chops made her look different than the cardboard cutout we usually get.
  20. I kept wishing I could replay some scenes to hear what the dialog was - my TV doesn't have the greatest sound but yikes, cast, slow down when you talk!! I thought it was predictable, bland, and boring with stock characters and unintelligible speaking. I found myself playing solitaire on my phone through most of it, but I'll probably have it on most Mondays unless the 10 p.m. slot offers something actually watchable.
  21. Idiocy at its finest. Dumbest show ever. Despite all that, I sort of like it. p.s. Kidnapping story - stupid.
  22. Other than being jealous of Louise and her much younger boy toys (I'm a woman, OK?), I was only mildly interested in this sleazy pilot. Can't decide whether to stick with it. Seeing as Thursday nights are sort of dull-TV night, I might. Unless there's some fascinating true crime I haven't seen on ID.
  23. I'm not sure about this yet. MW was just too "one-note" - arrogance and fluff. His breathy vocal delivery perplexed me - I know he has a voice, I've seen him use his voice in NCIS. So why be all breath-y here? Interesting story, I liked the jury selection process, fun twist at the end. But if MW puffs his way through the next episode, I'm out.
  24. Yes, Drew, Rick & Brianna happily rode off in Drew's truck, laughing at Bio-Dad. TC and Jennifer Beals got hurt (killed?) in tents being blown up by enemy rockets. ER Staff walks out. All kinds of crazy cliffhangers. And yet . . . a 3rd season is almost a lock? Okee Dokeee.
  25. I keep dwelling on all those bells in Maddie's bag. I'm thinking she did that herself, to make her look less guilty than she was/is. She's a liar, manipulator, killer, her kids don't trust her, nothing stands in the way of maintaining her wealth. So for her to appear guilty shatters her lies, and puts her money at risk if she is in prison. Still . . . that dollhouse. Yikes! (Reminds me of the Miniature Killer in old CSI episodes.)
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