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Posts posted by CatMomma

  1. On 3/28/2024 at 5:06 AM, JustbeingReal said:

    This show makes her think she is more than what she is. Why is everyone afraid of her? No one will tell her the truth about herself. Everyone treats her like she is something amazing and she acts like a terrible person. Frustrating to watch. Katie is a coward and goes after people she thinks is weak. She bowed right down to Lala when they had their beef. She probably gives head to all the producers. We all know she will put her mouth on anything. 

    I think Katie handled it perfectly. She apologized for her part in the argument and kept it moving. Arguing with Lala gets you nowhere. Now, Lala looks like an idiot talking about Katie being bitter and angry. Katie isn't giving her what she wants. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Juneau Gal said:

    At this point, It doesn't matter a damn what Kathy Hilton said in her rage. She could have said some truly despicable things in her state of rage, most people in time of stress or duress have said things that are foul, disgusting, and/or unacceptable.  She was contrite. She admitted she said cruel things. She apologized for it to her sister and the apology was accepted. She even apologized to Rinna. 

    Meh. If she used racist or homophobic language, she can fuck off. Being drunk is no excuse.

    Problem is, this all seems to be coming from Rinna and anonymous sources. I'm not gonna condemn Kathy based upon the word of a known liar. 

    If all she did was get drunk and bitch about her sister, NBC, and other cast mates? Who cares?

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  3. On 7/4/2022 at 12:22 PM, dosodog said:



    Kyle in response to LVP making a joke about Mauricio in front of Precious: WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!

    Erika in response to Denise trying to stop inappropriate conversation in front of her kids:"Whatever. Kid of "Wild Things" probably had a threesome.

    Kyle: *Nods*

    Erika to 14 year old child, "Get the fuck out of here!"

    Kyle: "So funny!"

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  4. 41 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:


    I get that people find the 'you ain't got no man' digs as misogynistic, which they are, however, it is hitting Gizelle where she lives. It is a sensitive point for her because one does get the sense that she wants a relationship and sees great value in being in one to the point of going back to a man who served her the greatest humiliation of her life. If I don't like a bitch, best believe, I am gonna hit her where she lives about an issue she is sensitive about. True facts!


    Nah. Still misogynistic. Just say, "You are so desperate for a man, you willing to put up with someone who humiliated you publicly and you're own kids can't stand him."

    Succinct and true. No need to imply a woman's worth is based on having a man. Just point out that Gizelle's worth is based on having a man. Someone with 1000 PHDs should be able to come up with a better come back.

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  5. 21 hours ago, Yours Truly said:


    Continuing to point out that they do indeed throw shade at each other without acknowledging that the shade doesn’t come with aggressive body language and threatening behavior like during CandyAss’s episodes just shows how delusional and oblivious Wendy and CandyAss INTEND to be on the matter. 🙄

    And This coming from someone who’s really dislikes Gizelle and Robin. 

    I mean, I guess it never got to that level between Gizelle and Karen. But, I certainly don't remember them going this hard on Robyn who certainly HAS shown aggressive body language toward Monique and Ashley. Much more than Candiace. 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

    That was such bs! Kyle, Rinna and Dorit are the most vocal in their TH's, with Sutton and Garcelle behind them. The difference is, Sutton and Garcelle either say it with the group, or keep quiet while the others ass kiss and pretend in the moment that they're on the same page. Two-faced!

    Plus, we've seen how these women react when Sutton or Garcelle dare to say anything. 

    No wonder Garcelle only snarked in her talking heads. Probably the only time she felt safe talking honestly.

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  7. 19 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    I hate to be Lady Homonym of Pedantia, but it's palate cleanser.

    Palate is taste. Palette is painting or range. Pallet is shipping and freight. Also a sleeping pallet is apparently derived from an old French word for a bundle of straw. Like most things in English, it could stand to be a lot less confusing.


    You're right. My bad. Was typing on my phone and just clicked the first spelling that popped up halfway through typing.

    Will do better next time. 😥

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  8. 23 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Maybe the glam people are working for nothing? Maybe they are under the impression that the exposure will open doors? I dunno.

    I think this is a possibility. I mean, they are horrible at it, so hoping she can open doors? She still has fans. Either way, it's a bad look.

    I think maybe you were confused with another poster with a similar screen name who consistently defends Erika. I dunno. I didn't see anything in your comment that defended Erika. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I hope next season it’s Kyle’s turn to be in the hot seat.  I’m tired of her vileness and hypocrisy. 

    Never happen. Just like we won't see anything happen to Erika. 

    This season is so frustrating. Apparently, a woman going down on another woman is more offensive than stealing money from victims to fund a vanity project. 

    I hate that ratings are up. 

    • Love 18
  10. On 9/16/2021 at 12:32 PM, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    Eh, the difference to me is that LVP was clearly NOT having similar conversations on camera.  Kyle is having them on camera and she's also giving talking heads. I suspect LVP was doing a lot of the same things in terms of stirring the pot, but she was also careful to not do a lot of it on camera, so she always had plausible deniability. While I don't love it when Kyle stirs the pot, I do think that there is a material difference in that viewers CAN see that she's doing it and can make judgments about her. We were often not afforded the same privilege from LVP because she was manipulating stuff off camera.



    Have to disagree. For this to be true, I would have to believe Kyle had no idea what Brandi was going to say about Denise last season. Sure. Kim just happened to show up with Brandi, who was sitting in the car waiting. Totally innocent. Oh, and did you know Brandi has dirt on Denise? Oh, the person Kyle hates just happens to be there with dirt on Denise?  Bring her in!

    Cue Kyle's shocked pikachu face. Brandi never lies! This must be true!

    We also saw Kyle in season 1 showing everyone Camille's past in film (oddly, it wasn't shown in the actual ep). Guess who brought it up at dinner? Not Kyle. Kyle, once again, is shocked! 

    Kyle does exactly what she accused LVP of doing. For some reason, like Erika, she gets away with it every season. 


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  11. 32 minutes ago, janiema said:

    And, of course, there’s no record of this accident anywhere. If his ankle was treated by a hospital or doctor, did they miss any other damage? They probably cannot comment due to HIPAA but are they required to inform the police?

    If someone drove off a cliff and an ambulance was called, then yes. The police are absolutely called to investigate. 

    So, I guess I see 3 possibilities. 1: Erika is lying. 2: Erika is a comic book super hero who dragged Tom up a cliff, made the car disappear, and nursed all of his wounds without medical help or 3:the police threw out the report so there was no record.

    I'm going with 1. 3 is a possibility, though I doubt it. 



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  12. 6 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    I didn't say she doesn't deserve criticism. IMO, she does. I don't like her defense of Erika, which I think mostly comes from the fact that Chrystal had conflict with Sutton earlier in the season and from the fact that right now most of the other women are sticking with Erika. But I do think she's very much a minor player in all of it, and as such, I think some of the focus on her is a bit overstated. But that doesn't mean that I think she's right to defend Erika. She isn't, IMO. 

    I'm just disappointed in her. She seemed to be level headed. I loved that she did not back down with Sutton, even when everyone seemed against her. 

    I was really hoping she would call out this bullshit, too. 

    I think a lot of viewers were hoping the same thing. Fair? Nope, but I think that's where a lot of the criticism is coming from. 

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  13. 15 minutes ago, byrd said:

    What I heard her say is that he did break his ankle, as well as the head injury , I just kind of feel that Erick just did not reveal all the details of his injuries for whatever reason. I don't think she was lying , just being evasive with details. She did not tell anyone about the accident when it happened. I am sure there are reasons why she did not share the information sooner.  Ericka was under Tom's thumb . I feel there is a difference  in what you chose to reveal rather that lying.  

    But, her story is that he was driving, went off a cliff by the house, suffered multiple injuries, was unconscious for 12 hours, then she found him. Wait, no. He called her for help.  HER. Not 911. She also didn't wonder why he was missing because he was having an affair.

    She didn't admit to lying. But, that is one hell of a story. A man in his 80's drove off a cliff, had a head injury and was out for 12 hours. When he finally woke up (from his head injury) he called Erika. Maybe. Or, she found him. 

    Those aren't lies by omission. When someone is telling the truth, their story doesn't change. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, 65mickey said:

    Forgive me if this has already been addressed but I am confused about the car accident where Tom drove off a cliff, car flipped 6 times and he was unconscious for 12 hours but managed to find his phone and call Erika. Did Erika say that he suffered a traumatic brain injury and this is when his dementia became evident? Did she ever address how she got him up the cliff that he drove over? Did she call 911 and did he receive medical treatment for his head injury?  I sort of remember a few seasons ago when she told them that Tom had been in an accident and broke his ankle. Wasn't there  a scene where she was making his lunch and he was shown working from home? Is this the same accident where he drove off the cliff or are they 2 different accidents? 

    I believe she was referring to the same accident.

    And yeah, join the club. It was so convoluted and ridiculous, I thought the same. Was this a different accident? 

    But, how dare Sutton question it?

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  15. 11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

    I wonder if her son believes that Erika did not know someone was transferring millions of dollars into EJ Global LLC.


    Isn't he a police officer with the LAPD? The same department that blew up an entire city block because they found illegal fireworks and decided to discharge them? The same department that refused to pay restitution to people who lost their homes, caused by their idiocy?

    Sounds on brand. 



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