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Everything posted by kikismom

  1. You didn't ask her if she likes the lava cake kind.
  2. Speaking of which, don't forget to save room for dessert!
  3. You could try this one; I use this often because it's easiest. http://www.picresize.com/
  4. ATTAGIRL!!! *applauds wildly" I never doubted you! Let us know if we can help lol You shouldn't work at home for free anyway. Tell his new illiterate friend to practice his reading skills by doing it for you on Monday to make up for his no-show. Tell your boss you'll "be back from my lunch break right away" (snort) and start bringing your own friend to work...Pfizer is the name.
  5. I could tell you what I'd do about those guys but I think I've already mentioned a couple times Still, think about what you'd do if the "she" they were talking about was their daughter or their grandma? When you go on the list of shows, it only shows partial list by alphabet. Right under the Shows title is a place to click on for entire list by that letter. I just patched you through to the Jericho forum, Episode 1.
  6. Her lines and character had to be written by someone who really remembers a high school mean girl!
  7. I immediately thought cousin Oliver!
  8. 2006. Jake did check the station wagon; he takes the carotid pulse of the old lady and she's dead, then he checks and the old man driving is dead. It was a quick scene so you may have missed it. Hawkins! Dale is a bit off, isn't he :-D Maybe working for Gracie does that to you! I'm a commie 'cos I never saw anything hot about Johnny Depp. Same thing; no pretty emo boys please.
  9. Yes! Not too late to join the re-watch; if anything people are ahead because they can't stop :-)! Netflix makes good money on this show! You don't have to read all of these, but check out 4 or 5 of these customer reviews by people who had never seen Jericho and got it on Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/product-reviews/B003N18O9W Don't forget you can watch 10 episodes for free online by going to Jericho CBS.com http://www.cbs.com/shows/jericho/ Don't bother with the try one week thing unless you want to. Just go to the 10 free and click on pilot season 1 episode 1 and start!
  10. I know this is wrong, but I feel sorry for her hairline too. WTH?
  11. They were saying people have to be decontaminated, Stanley had to drink iodine, and wells had to be covered, and any ground for crops or pasture would have do be dug up at least 18 inches to plant anything else. When David Hahn, "The Radioactive Boy Scout" was building a nuclear breeder reactor in the shed in his back yard, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission had men in the space suits take away like 50 barrels of contaminated stuff to the very very deep disposal site out west. But what they didn't find out till later was that his mother had tried to cover things up by throwing out items from the "lab" in the regular garbage pick up. They didn't tell anyone for years. If you are up to episode Fallout, the um, subject is not over yet.
  12. Oh bring back those days!!! here's for you (and anyone else for that matter!) http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1-dh-D2eeG8/Txl-zbLmYWI/AAAAAAABMl0/TdGh1MklL28/s1600/skeet+towel+top.jpg
  13. The moment Jake's father talks about how you've done all these things wrong blah blah, and Eric---sitting right next to daddykins---says Yessss Jake, yes you have that's when I hated him from the start. Like the little pill who always tags around someone important and echoes them. And he's a fine one to be a little snitch about other people.
  14. Oldest son of Johnston and Gail Green. Older brother of Jake. Adulterous, butt-kissing, back-stabbing, apple-polishing, overgrown hallway monitor.
  15. Yeah, at first I was thinking why would you have the wire in the windows of a school bus, that's just for...oh! (and he does, he has a square head!) When Gail Green says I'm so sorry I didn't know your mom was in Denver [paraphrase} and he says she wasn't, she was in Atlanta that was a much more original way to drop in the information that it was happening elsewhere, it wasn't an accident, it wasn't our military doing some exercise gone wrong---and give the characters new directions. Such economy in the writing, yet more realistic and not clunky exposition. Yes, the birds thing is screamy for me too!
  16. It is a resurrection plant, aka rose of jericho; I found the clip when setting up another forum and I thought it was cool to see.
  17. I like how they did not telegraph everything like some shows. Let's say...when there is a vehicle lost, and some folks find a vehicle that looks like it is what they're searching for, we do not know the possibilities till that moment. When people express sympathy to a character, they made an assumption and when that character lets them know something they didn't, we didn't see that one coming. I have seen a lot of shows where they basically drop anvils so much that when the reveal comes, there is no payoff at all.
  18. Now here is a street map of the town, with homes and places of importance in the show marked:
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