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Everything posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. The nice thing about that one is that we got a glimpse of RV park living, with that crappy trailer and spread of junk right outside her window. And that lovely spot is costing her an extra $700/month plus gas during an Edmonton winter. It was just so annoying that she kept bitching about her neighbors, but the whole idea behind being on wheels is that you can move! So move! Only there's probably going to be someone else just like that neighbor wherever you go. The leaves were changing, so they were there at the very end of summer, and right before the snow starts flying. Good timing indeed. At least there was a place for their bikes (and the biking there in the summer is really good). Tiny homes seems to attract the outdoorsy types, and there's never enough storage in those things for regular stuff, much less sporting equipment. And I think that "condo" used to be a motel room. Fraser's kind of a crappy little town, although I have a soft spot for it because I found a dollar bill in a washing machine when I was scoping out the laundromat. But if I had to be in Denver with any frequency, I wouldn't pick Fraser as a home base. They keep Berthoud Pass plowed, because people are going skiing at Winter Park, but it's still very slow going. And traffic out of Denver on Thursdays and Fridays is heinous year-round. Like you, I get angry, but unlike you, I don't think it's irrational. I also don't get nervous for them because they're idiots and get what they deserve.
  2. Can't really blame them, though. Like they're going to say "50% fewer calories than when we don't dilute it by half with water and still charge the same price."
  3. That's what I heard (and read--captions), too. I hope that will keep you from having to watch it again.
  4. Maybe I just haven't been paying attention, but this was the first time I've noticed just how frequently she interrupts. Not only that, she interrupts and just keeps on going if the person she interrupts doesn't stop talking. And she does it in a way that seems especially annoying, but I can't put my finger on why that's so. The thing about Tyler's suicide story is his mom was right there on the show. The one who helped him disguise the rope marks with makeup. I would have paid big bucks for even a seemingly softball question thrown at her (with Sad-Panda face), like "What was going through your head as you helped your son use makeup to cover the rope marks from his attempted suicide?" I expect that if Tyler's story is b.s. that she'd lie for him, but I'd at least like to watch her do it.
  5. But there's hope because "me" still exists in his lexicon, so maybe, just maybe, he might say, "It was a good thing for John and me" instead of "for John and I." Which means he's more likely to avoid "John and I's." "Shows too much of your face"???? I know it must have hurt your feelings, but that is hilarious. I wonder if the longer hair thing has to do with the new woman generally being younger. Except in Real Housewivesland, women usually have shorter hair as they get older. Or at least they often ditch the long, part-down-the-middle do that is so popular among younger women and generally not all that flattering.
  6. I thought Jo really helped the woman last night, but on the whole I thought the episode was boring. Well, except when that kid fell out of the car when the mom opened the door. Really, Jo's whole thing was getting them out of the house and having her join the Mommy Mafia, and having the dad engage with the kids when he's home. It was a huge improvement and greatly needed, but I prefer watching the specific techniques that Jo has for handling tantrums. I also noticed last night that she uses "please" a lot, which kind of surprises me. Like she'll tell a kid, "Look at me, please." I wonder if there's a specific reason for doing that. Maybe to leaven the strong voice.
  7. I would expect him to say "should of came." Although that would be three words in a row without a "like" interjected, so maybe not.
  8. I didn't see the show (yay me!) but I've noticed him wearing glasses sometimes in the past. I wonder if he had contacts on and he's not used to them or they were bugging him.
  9. If the Movement for the Preservation of Literally needs a celebrity spokesman, I nominate Ben Affleck. He was on Jimmy Kimmel after the Oscars. There's a "feud" between Kimmel and Matt Damon, and Affleck sneaked him onto the show by wearing an enormous coat with Damon curled up under there. Kimmel and Affleck were looking at a photo from when Affleck and Damon won the academy award for Good Will Hunting, where Damon is all smiling and Affleck isn't: Affleck: He gets the reputation for being the nice guy. I swear to God. Kimmel: Right! He's not the nice guy. Affleck: I've been figuratively carrying him for years. Kimmel: There you go. And finally... Affleck: Literally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uP4d9YtzkXk Compare that to: Affleck: He gets the reputation for being the nice guy. I swear to God. Kimmel: Right! He's not the nice guy. Affleck: I've been literally carrying him for years. And now I'm really carrying him. Ha ha ha! Get it?
  10. And even after all these years, "Chris Harrison" still hasn't learned how to spell "forgo."
  11. Surely they still assign The Ransom of Red Chief in school. Fair warning to all.
  12. He said there's an optional chain you can get, which I think is essential. Robert's right about needing a visual deterrent. The chain is burly, but really short and almost like using a u-lock. There have been lots of times a bike rack is too crowded to get my bike in close enough to use a really short chain, so I always carry a long one just in case. Also, not shown on the show is that you can enter a 4-digit code to unlock it if your phone battery dies. The website says it has a 100db siren. I wonder if that's new, because that's sure not what it sounded like in the show. Another idea, instead of or in addition to a siren, would be a really loud voice bellowing " THIS BIKE IS BEING STOLEN." Something other than just an alarm. Or maybe put the owner's photo on the lock, and have the voice say to match the rider (uh, carrier) with the photo. Mr. Outlier and I locked our bikes in downtown Portland, Oregon, a couple of years ago. When we got back, the combination on the lock wouldn't work. Fortunately, it was Portland, so there were bike shops around, but the first one said they couldn't just lend us bolt cutters, that they had to do it themselves and wouldn't be free for another hour or so. Since it was Portland in the winter, it was getting dark at like 3:00, so we needed to be quicker. We found a used bike shop in a basement that let us take a hacksaw in exchange for a driver's license. Walked back to the bikes and got to work. (I'll note that we did all of this without a smart phone or any internet access--what pioneers!) Our bikes were right in front of a light rail stop, at the base of an office building. It took a while to get through the chain, and during that time, only one passerby said anything, and that was a guy in a suit who said, "Heyyyyy!" while walking by. Not exactly an intervention, but at least it was something. Finally a security guard for the office building came up and asked if those were our bikes. I said they were and the lock wouldn't open, and he stood there a bit and eventually left us alone. (I'll note that Mr. Outlier and I are non-meth-faced white middle-aged people.) So from casual appearances, we cut through a lock and stole two bikes in downtown Portland in the middle of a work day. And we rode them off, which you wouldn't be able to do with the lock that was on the show. So I like that aspect. My drug of choice is the placebo. It often works, and has minimal side effects. So I'm all for anything that's non-invasive, and I'd be willing to try to people popsicle on the off chance it might make my knees stop hurting. However, they said people use it several times a week, so no go on that. Money aside, I'm more interested in a one-shot wonder cure. My main problem with it is if I hear it, especially if someone's using it a lot, I immediately enter "dread" mode, fearing they're going to use it as a possessive. I was so afraid there wasn't going to be a deal and I was going to hear, "Thank you for your guyses' feedback."
  13. Well, that's a thought. Maybe for charities that the various RHoBH support, the circles of giving could be named Birkin, Chanel, Louis Vuitton. The reason nonprofits don't kick donors is that they want money from them. Fortunately, the contributors to this forum aren't similarly fettered. Which makes the $5,000 spinning class donation look kind of chintzy, and supports why I think they need a better PR person. Couldn't agree more, and I think that applies to all rich and/or famous people. I've always wondered what would happen if all charitable giving were anonymous.
  14. My takeaway is that getting some nookie is a mighty big incentive--that dad was a man on a mission. I think the bedtime ones are my favorite. I love watching those kids coming up with every reason in the world to delay going to bed. I'm thirsty. I need to poo. In fact, that was a good one because yeah, what if he really did need to go to the bathroom? So I liked seeing that you can deviate in order to address that. I love the way Jo just sits with her arm slung casually over the back of the couch amid the bedlam. I also liked seeing that there are times when you have to pull out the big guns, that just the "walk them back to bed silently" isn't enough. I do wonder if they followed through with the "no play" thing the next day, though, and what kind of meltdown that caused, and how they handled it. But the main thing I like about the bedtime ones is that there are tangible results, and in pretty quick order, actually. Going from never having to spend the night in a different room in four years to doing it after a couple of hours? That's amazing and I would think people would embrace it instead of battling it for 10 seconds and giving up.
  15. She said she's deaf in one ear, and I wonder if her dopey look is because she's having to concentrate extra hard to understand people. I have noticed that she tends to look directly at people speaking, like across a table, more than the others do. You'd think someone in her position would flourish on a show where people love to scream like these women do, but it doesn't really help, especially when everyone is screaming at the same time. Then again, Kathryn may just be a dope. It happens.
  16. As I said in a different post, I like to think that rich people make all kinds of donations we never hear about. Maybe Kyle just needs a better publicist because the donation we DID hear about was a whopping $5,000, or approximately the cost of her purse. And since she and Mauricio were the organizers of this shindig, it appears this isn't one of those charities they give token amounts to. Maybe I'm biased because I don't like charity fundraiser where the donors do things they enjoy. I can just picture people in a refugee camp in Africa watching a bunch of Americans pedaling like mad on bicycles, going nowhere, and being told they're raising money for charity. At least with a gala, they'd see them getting fed and might think, "Okay, I get it."
  17. Agree. Especially after the discussion about how much everybody spends just on purses. I always like to think that people with a lot of money make donations people never hear about, but they organized this stupid thing. $5,000. BFD. And I hate those stupid fundraisers--just give the fucking money.
  18. Marcela and Sunny, in particular, kind of pissed me off with their disparaging comments about the lemon juice that comes in the little plastic lemons. I use the stuff in bottles, which I assume is the same. I would never use it in lemonade, for example, but I do use it when I make a pie that's just a graham cracker crust that holds sweetened condensed milk mixed with lemon juice, a little vanilla, a tiny bit of almond extract, with whipped cream folded in, and with canned tart cherries on top (in the spirit of the show, I'm keeping the quantities vague, to drive traffic to my website--I guess that's why they do it). I can't imagine that it suffers greatly from the use of bottled lemon juice. And truth be told, I've used reconstituted lemon juice from Simply Lemon packets, and didn't notice a difference. I do make my own graham cracker crust (admittedly from crushed graham crackers and not graham flour) and I whip the cream myself. I'm no cook at all, but I don't like the taste of store-bought graham cracker crusts, and Cool Whip kind of gives me the creeps. But I can make my pie without going to the store for fresh ingredients, and I HATE going to the store. God bless Trader Joe's shelf-stable whipping cream. So I found it annoying that Sunny, OF ALL PEOPLE, was dissing bottled lemon juice. I've seen her make concoctions out of store-bought processed crap that even I would be embarrassed to admit to, and she's on a cooking show!. And Jeff Mauro made creme brulee with pudding mix. Marcela said she can taste the difference between fresh and bottled lemon juice, and I don't doubt it. But to act like they just can't fathom how someone would use bottled lemon juice in any situation, to the point they need people to tweet them or whatever their presumably insane justifications, got my goat. ETA: I thought that bowl out of the roll of tickets was clever. Glad I wasn't FFing so much I missed it.
  19. American Crime Story Ah. I don't watch that. Thanks, GB! Ha! Looks like they got their budget wrong. Should have been a lot more into branding, especially if it took away from the budget for incessant swooping and swirling camera shots.
  20. I've seen Rev Run as a guest on other shows, and he acts the same. It's annoying because I kind of liked him on Run's House. But it's vocal fry without the fry, somehow. Might actually be worse, because I'm always thinking, "You're doing it wrong." This from a person who has stopped listening to interesting interviews because of vocal fry.
  21. Agree with you on the belt thing, and for the record, some people do not consider it abuse even today. (Witness: Jo Frost: Nanny on Tour this week, where the guy whipped his kid with a belt WHEN HE KNEW JO HAD SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS IN THE HOUSE, and when Jo called him on it, he said they'll just have to agree to disagree.) So I can see that Farrah can say she was whipped with a belt, and Michael at the same time would say, "There was no abuse." I'm not going to listen to Brandi Glanville's podcast, but I have read the US Magazine article linked to above. From that article: The “choices” Abraham referred to revolve around her claims that her parents used to beat her with a belt for acting out, leaving bruises and welts all over her body. Well, yes, if you hit someone with a belt, it's going to leave welts. Maybe bruises, I don't know. So I can see that. But again, some people don't think punishing kids with a belt is abuse. Also from the US article: “At that time we really didn’t [have a relationship] because of some of the abusive things that had happened,” Abraham said of her painful childhood. “My parents got put into jail, both my mom and my dad.” Maybe it's the lawyer in me parsing things carefully (dangerous territory when you're dealing with either Farrah or US Magazine), but I don't think this necessarily means they served jail sentences for abusing her. Maybe they were arrested, but even then, are the arrests even related to what happened when Farrah was a child? We know Debra got arrested for pulling a knife on Farrah when Farrah was an adult, and maybe Michael got arrested when he was feuding with Dead Daddy Derek. Or maybe Farrah's lying about everything. Regardless, I'm not going to believe that her parents served jail sentences for abusing her as a child until I see some proof.
  22. But it's not called Supernanny. I've been DYING to discuss this show but there's no forum for the new one. But if people will convene here, yay! I don't really like the new format. It seems like there's more filler than the previous show. I want about 10% background, 30% observation of kids being horrible, and 60% Jo putting the smackdown on them and their parents. That said, BostonBlonde, I notice you posted before last Thursday's episode, and before that, I was firmly with you on skyrocketing BP as well as the LOL. But I was wary about Thursday's episode because of the "on the next episode" teaser, so I was recording it, and happened to look up when the dad had the kid in front of him while sitting on the couch and I knew he was fixing to beat him, and I'm just not going to watch that. Thank god they didn't actually show it, and I had the sound muted but the captions were still on, which said: screaming Oh, hell no. I watched her conversation with the dad, where he defended what he did, and I can't bear watching that family, period, so I deleted that episode. I hate spanking with the heat of a thousand suns, period. But that poor little skinny kid, who evidently has learning disabilities? And with a belt? WTF? I love that Jo says to get down on an eye-to-eye level when disciplining a child, while this asshole couldn't be bothered to stop lounging on the couch as the kid presented himself for the prelude to the beating. Fuck you. I hope that the show goes back to watching people doing a half-assed job of the naughty stool and then proclaiming it doesn't work, and then Jo showing them how to do it correctly and it does work. You morons. I get a lot of joy out of yelling at the teevee, "NO! DON'T ENGAGE! HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THE SHOW? DRAG HER BACK TO THE NAUGHTY STOOL AND DON'T SAY A WORD!" Sheeeesh.
  23. Tyler calls Cate "honey," too. It sounds very weird to me. I agree that it's very sad, and for the record, I don't have kids, and I don't automatically like a person just because s/he happens to be a child. Mistreating people you made the choice to bring into the world always boggles my mind.
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