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Everything posted by StatisticalOutlier

  1. Okay, I'm really old, but back in my day, kindergarten was optional, and I gather it's required now. I didn't go. I learned to count and to read in the first grade. Appears to have worked out okay. I thought it was hilarious when Chelsea asked Aubree about school that day, and Aubree said, "We didn't learn to read." Ha! And Chelsea said, "Well, it takes time."
  2. What's your secret? I'm thinking if I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to not notice vocal fry.
  3. In all fairness, considering Leah's housekeeping skills, that COULD have been a few years ago. I don't know...Randy's penchant for engaging in Twitter wars with people on Chelsea's behalf makes me think there's something unstable about him.
  4. Buick Encore. I can't remember which kid isn't going to college, but I can remember Buick Encore. Well done, show.
  5. The Boston nurse was mainly baby voice, with a little bit of vocal fry. The Swedish one was a good example of vocal fry, although a true vocal fry needs to drop in tone at the end, and she didn't do that much of that. Lake Bell discussed the sexy baby vocal virus. Start at the 1:40 point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY_6fFdRnik What I find interesting, though, is that Lake Bell is thisclose to having vocal fry herself, with that raspiness. And as much as she rails against this annoyance, I once had to stop watching an interview she did with Sam Jones (on DirecTV's Audience channel) because she said "like" every three words. Can you imagine having someone with that voice as your doctor???
  6. I loved the shot of her reading her phone in her cell, all hunched over with her head touching the ceiling. And her brother in the top bunk "playing" while propped on one arm so he can lean at a 45-degree angle to fit in there. The dad said one of the changes they made was making private bunks for the three boys. The bottom "bunk" is a trundle bed! But I can't believe that FINALLY someone did the smart thing and bought a fifth-wheel trailer, but it's a FAMILY OF SIX. I'm not sure I'll ever get over the look on the guy's face when his wife said turning on the air conditioner helps. Ewww. There's a subculture of families who live in RVs full time and actually do travel, and they home school. But the people on this episode are following around military assignments, so they can be in regular school. I thought it was odd that they said they're living in different places all over the Monterey peninsula, though. I assume they're getting kicked out of everywhere because their kids get sick of playing board games and go marauding in the trailer park. Actually, California has some onerous laws when it comes to landlord-tenant situations, and it's not unheard of to have 30-day stay limits to keep the residents under some sort of threshold, after which they get tenant rights and become impossible to evict. Packing up a trailer like that for travel is a bit of a PITA, and not something I'd want to do every 30 days if I were trying to live a normal life. Especially if it's just to move across town. Oh, and that $56,000 budget--that doesn't include the massive truck they have to have to move that thing. That's one of the knocks on having a big fifth-wheel--your daily driver is a massive dually. Which I noticed wasn't shown.
  7. I loved that conversation. Maybe it's just a welcome relief from the society where all the kids win medals. Thanks for correcting me--I knew it was one of the boys, but apparently not which one. But my inability to remember how anything comes out is actually kind of nice, because I can watch stuff over and over and always be surprised.
  8. Oh lord, I hated that movie. A perfect and succinct explanation of the bra-but-no-underwear sleeping thing.
  9. In the over-spending episode, they were talking about paying for college, and as they went down the list of kids, there was one where they shook their heads to indicate he wouldn't be going. It was one of the boys--I think Junior. If that's the case, they're thinking Jack is college material.
  10. I did that for a fake FB account, but then didn't log in in a long time and the next time I tried, it wouldn't let me and said I needed to verify my account by giving my birth date. I have no idea what I put, so I can't use that account any more. So if you do make up a birth date for a website, write it down. I am beyond pissed that Google is no longer a boolean search engine. No matter how carefully I craft my search terms, I get all sorts of garbage that has nothing to do with what I'm looking for because it's reshaping my search terms into some sort of context search. It's become basically useless to me now.
  11. It was a whole thing where someone fell down all those stairs (in two shifts), people ran over to help, I think someone took a photo of the person lying at the bottom of the stairs and ran away (I have an old TV and have trouble seeing things (I HATE it when they show text messages on the screen because I can't read them)), and EMTs showed up and carted the person off on a gurney. It occupied the empty space between Abbi and Ilana. If you listen carefully, you can hear a scream at the beginning of it--that's what made me look up there. [Edit: It's Abbi, not Abby.]
  12. I recall one time Dre saying to the kids, "You know Obama is the first black president, right?" and it was clear they didn't. I think even Zoey and Junior.
  13. Yeah, I love the over-the-topness, too. I love when a grown man shrieks. I'm not too good a describing how things are meta, but this one had it because State Farm was worked into the plot as an advertising client of Dre's, and they were also advertising on the show. So I thought it worked nicely. And the Chipotle one--no doubt product placement but believable product placement so I don't mind terribly much.
  14. Hmm...nobody's mentioned the opening scene, and what was going on in the background. Mr. Outlier doesn't watch the show but I had him watch that, and he didn't notice anything, so I'm wondering which one of us is the true outlier--the one who noticed it or the one who didn't.
  15. How odd. When people have rodent problems, the advice is often to get a kitty. But apparently not a SnarkKitty. My own rat experience was in Manhattan in 1994, in Alphabet City. It was around 10 p.m. on a Sunday night, and pretty much deserted. My friend and I were stopped in my car at a light. A little kid, maybe 10 years old, crossed the street in front of us, across the intersection. He was holding a loaf of bread, like dangling from his hand. Both of us just watched him go by, and then simultaneously noticed following a few paces behind him was the biggest rat I ever hope to see. I love New York City.
  16. Yeah, I posted about that jewel upthread. Her pronouns drive me so crazy that I was glad they picked her as TBette, because I was thinking that would drive me away from this stupid show. It's like vocal fry--I can take it only in very tiny doses, and can FF through a "date" on this show if the girl has it. But JoJo's pronoun abuse is almost as constant as vocal fry, and she's going to be the lead, so there won't be any escaping it. But then people here started talked about how awesome she's going to be because of her looks and personality, with the bonus of reality-show brothers and the drinking mother, and I just don't know what to do.
  17. I recognized it. It's one of those places that sell pre-made healthy meals. At his size, though, it would cost him about $100/day to get enough calories. I was trying to see around the beard and mullet, and I think the guy might not be bad looking. But I also noticed that he may shape his eyebrows. It's kind of amazing the amount of effort he apparently puts into looking bad.
  18. I guess I wasn't clear. It's the legal description in the tax assessor records that calls the Austin property a condo. I'm thinking it's a way to get around some sort of zoning issues--there are quite a few properties just like it in that part of town, which makes me think someone figured something out and everybody's jumping on the bandwagon.
  19. True, they didn't bring the crazy, but I agree with you that they may have brought the fake. Since they didn't show a place for the woman to work from home, and they did for the guy, I'm thinking she is working in Denver, and this is just a weekend place. Now, $50,000 for a weekend place isn't bad, even for a crummy one. Especially in season, it's expensive to stay up there. But $200/month HOA for water and trash? That seems kind of high. I don't cook, really at all. But even if you're making spaghetti with sauce from a jar, you need two burners. I can't imagine getting by with just one burner in anything but a weekend place, and even that might be sketchy. But really, the only thing annoying about this being a weekend place is that it's not the story that's presented. I wish House Hunters would learn that.
  20. I'd live there, except for the location. I think his 100 miles/day of driving was an exaggeration, but that house is pretty inconvenient for someone who likes to hang around in central Austin . I don't buy that there's a problem bringing a girl home if you're in your 30s and living in a separate structure. And if I were the girl, I'd pause for a second, wondering if he's some sort of boomerang kid, but when I found out it was the pool house, I'd grab a towel and a lounge chair. Good point, but at least with a woman, there's a chance it's long and silky and pretty, like a shampoo commercial. That beard hair is gross. Then again, both types bother me a great deal when they're disconnected from their heads. My sister put white tile floors in her bathroom and she said it's the biggest mistake she made. Even one hair on the floor is noticeable. And when the beard gets mentioned instead of that haircut, you know it's bad!
  21. Eight weeks of The Bachelor barely counts as dating, let alone pre-marriage counseling. Melissa Rycroft also did DWTS, and I think was on some TV shows. And Dr. Travis Stork has a TV show, although I kind of shake my head every time I run across it. Same with Jesse Palmer.
  22. I lived in two different places in Telluride, Colorado (ski town in the mountains) during the winter. One of them had baseboard heat, and it was sufficient. And all the condos and motel rooms I've stayed in there also had baseboard heat, now that I think about it. The other place I lived in was newer and had in-floor heating. That was sooooooooooooooooooo nice. I also noticed that the "ski chalet" couple had a bed that was against the wall on two sides. That would be a total deal-breaker for me. You have to be on the bed in order to make it, and it's surprisingly hard to do and have it look halfway decent.
  23. I watched the lunkheads in Austin, and did some sleuthing. The house the mulleted one bought is actually a condo. You can see the nice new fence at the back of the back yard (which I think they put up--it was a chain link fence in a photo of the property with a "coming soon" for sale sign in front). Behind that is another dwelling that according to the appraisal district has 2 bedrooms and 1 bath in 422 square feet. Yikes. That one should be on Tiny House Hunters. Anyway, those two units comprise the condominium project. I can't tell how you get to that other dwelling, but it's listed as "unit B," while the one the HH bought is unit A, and the property description for both says it includes 50% interest in the common area. The people who sold the house to the HH still own the other unit. This is in East Austin, which is rapidly gentrifying, where people who have lived there forever are unable to afford their houses any more and have to sell. The taxes on the HH's condo are about $5,000/year. Maybe turning it it into condos is a way to sell half the lot, so the people could continue to afford to live in the back. I found some sort of map for the appraisal district, and there are a bunch of "condominium complexes" located on one residential lot in that neighborhood. I wonder if a person can un-condo it at some point in the future, if both owners are willing to sell. Also, not so much in this area in particular, but coming soon for sure is buying these houses as tear-downs, to be replaced by a much bigger house. I'm not sure how that would work in a condo situation. And I'm still not sure what the "common area" in this particular one is, since there's a solid fence that bisects the lot. I also watched the audition video linked to upthread, and they used some of the dialogue from that in the episode that aired, making it a voiceover because they were wearing different clothes in the audition video. Great. Now I'll be paying attention to the voiceovers to see if any of it has a matching head talking. Aah, good old House Hunters--it's never what it seems.
  24. At one point, she said blah blah blah "his feelings for her compared to his feelings for mine." Some people are just terrified of the word "me."
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