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Posts posted by bayviewbubba

  1. Acknowledging the uneven blush contour, and that they want a bit of a haggard look,  I think Nikki's look at the moment is good.  The hair is good and the dress (which I must admit, gives slight Mrs. Danvers vibes) is flattering.  I'm not sure why I like it, but the color is intriguing, the cut is good and the huge belt blends in and isn't jarring (are the wide belts just a frequent fashion choice or part of her bad back?). AND, it's appropriate for February in Wisconsin! Personally, I'd be rocking Mukluks with it in the house, but that's me.

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  2. I'm on hair patrol this week- Mamie looks good (finally) with the braids.  I'd rather see a more age appropriate 'do, but this is pretty nice.  I've been going back and forth on this: does Tucker have a toupe' of some sort?  It looks decent in the front but the sides and back often stick out oddly.  Danny is hopeless.  Ever since Diane showed up she's been giving impressive hair game.  It looks real and healthy!  Christine does well also.  If she and Phylthy could only keep the strings out of their faces, all would be good. 

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  3. Shallow-  The men's hair dye department is buggin'. Sonny looks good today, but a few episodes back he had the dreaded premature orange going on on the sides.  Looked like a done at home emergency. He looks fine with some gray. Finn's going back and forth like he can't decide whether he wants to show the gray or not.  Let your flags fly guys.

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  4. I have no idea which thread this fits in, so here's my question:  Why do Y/R & BB do so many mirroring story lines?  I've noticed it for a few years now, and the latest is the "is Victor losing it?/ is Eric losing it?" twin story.  Is it that they put one story up on the board and then see who fits it on each show?  Are the writers shared between shows?  

    It is just annoying.  If I only watched one show it wouldn't matter, but don't most US viewers watch both?

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  5. Figured out who she reminds me of - Shirley Temple. Strong, sunny, sweet. She might have had the power to annoy with all of that but she always came out on top and everyone loved her. And, just like the real Shirley, she has been a powerhouse since she was a toddler. I want to see where she is in 20 years (though I'll probably be to old to remember that I cared enough to be curious!).

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  6. Definitely no MEK sniping coming from here. I am worried sick though about what craptastic Pratt will do to him. Seems like he can take rainbows and turn them into s**t without even trying. There is NO amount of skill that can overcome what he does to the actual fine actors that have been run through his grinder. When you can make Ray Wise look bad, well that takes some sort of special evil, doesn't it?

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  7. The original recipe VN WAS interesting, in an awful way. Truly evil, no visible redeeming traits. If they could just admit that, without trying to veil it with "everything I do, I do for family", well then maybe I could generate a little interest. This crock of crap they've been pushing around for the past 20 odd years has not aged like fine wine; it's just crap. What happens to crap when it gets old enough? It turns into nice, dark earth. Get enough of it and the current recipe VN will be buried under it. We only have to wait. Will any of us live that long? One can only hope.

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