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Everything posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Guziewicz is like Allison Janney and Jane Lynch thrown into a blender. In a good way. I so like Dean Winter and Josh Duhamel that I want the focus on them, both alone and interacting with each other. The supporting cast for me can be that, not an ensemble, good as they are. One day they can grow up and get their own shows. I am not feeling it for a Russ and Holly romance. Move along, show.
  2. Nick has to be a blindsided F2 for this to be any fun. Followed by the F1 not accepting the rose.
  3. They better keep their hands off Trudy too. My dream would be having Olivia Benson come for a crossover and oops! she blowed up real good.
  4. Ditto. If anyone in the unit was still in a relationship with a non-person, I would vote the non-unit person. We really aren't seeing much of Antonio lately, are we? Maybe him. We don't even see Atwater at all--are we sure they didn't already kill him off and forgot to tell us?
  5. Ridiculous episode re emails. We are supposed to believe EVERYBODY is stupid enough to toss off insulting emails about others in the firm, not just a couple of people a couple of times (which would have been enough to drive the point home and to pull in the techie being sued)? Really? It had to be the whole firm, about the whole firm? And the spitting on Diane's office window--really?--didn't get that employee fired? Peter managed to support his kids and stay-at-home Alicia in a house on the North Shore on the same salary, right? I have a headache.
  6. Yes, Olinsky, that's it! To me he is the epitome of cool. That's the spinoff I want to see: Chicago Olinsky
  7. If Olivia's bottle of liquor gift to Voight is foreshadowing of anything more than an alcoholic connection between the two of them, and she appears on PD next season with a recurring role once SUV ends, I am done with this show. She is one of my least favorite actors and characters on television. Let him find some non-cop romantic interest. And I am pretty tired of office romances in the unit. Wish Ruzek's ex fiancee would reappear, or another civilian. And Lindsay, two of the best looking actors on television, ever, surely would have non-police force people hitting on them 24/7. Wish Antonio's marriage and whatsishame's too, the older detective who is my favorite but so rarely has a line that I can't even remember his name, were still at least in counselling.
  8. At least we know Kaitlyn is here for the right reasons.... And the little b's are probably so pissed that she is not even canoodling or taking her pants off for one of them!
  9. Actually in Illinois the absentee ballots are not counted until the polls close (http://www.nass.org/component/docman/?task=doc_download&gid=461&Itemid=). But yes, they do get counted, I misspoke.
  10. In Chicago most people who work downtown take the El or a commuter train--few drive. But I'll give the show a pass on it. And Illinois has early voting as well as absentee but the contests are almost always clear and declared by the media when the polls close (it would be very unusual for the non-election day votes to vary that much, especially if the race wasn't close at the polls). Once the loser concedes, I wonder if the mailed in absentee ballots would even get counted--would the election become "live" again if the count showed a different winner, or is it already over because of the concession?
  11. Halsted's brother for sure and also imo the high school bff of Sevareid (from Chicago Fire duh). And I wonder if Peter Mills will go over too in some EMT function if his spot as Squad doesn't open up. Loved Trudy's hickey diagnosis. She might just be my favorie character on this show.
  12. I was under the impression no one knew about Jade's photos. Perhaps the small "b"s are not as deeply investigated as the big"B"s are. I sort of think (no reason, just conspiracy theories dancing in my head) that Arie was a sub in case more stuff came out about Chris's party days before the show started, and maybe even the whole Kaitlyn Britt thing was caused by the time it took producers to thoroughly vet them (and since early on it seemed Britt was a shoo in for B'ette, perhaps they had already done her) to prevent any surprises--there isn't much out there about where she taught dancing, for example. And those pesky skeletons always seem to get uncovered, so best to get ahead of them. But Brady was already in the public eye as a singer so any skeletons there might have already surfaced for the producers before he and Britt became an item.
  13. Hilarious. There might be more. Having fun imagining the producers begging the guys to stay on the show with Kaitlyn. "What if we set you up with Britt?" "You'd do that?"
  14. Not Chicago Med too? Eh, who am I kidding, I am absolutely going to watch every minute of it. I can't quit you and the filmed-in-Chicago shows, Dick Wolf!
  15. I imagine every little girl whose parents are A-list movie stars had dance lessons, and every other type of lessons she wanted. We are probably not those little girls, but Rumer is.
  16. Patti surely has a guarantee that she will stay through a certain level. I picked Foohair to go home this week. His fan base is probably not watching this show. I don't think at this point Noah is preventing a serious challenger from progressing by staying--there are still several people who are mediocre. At least his partner is not literally carrying him around on the stage like Derek did. So I (and Mr MML, a vet from long long ago who salutes Noah) am good with watching him and his cute fiancee in the audience another few weeks. I hope Charlotte takes a long look at Suzanne and what her future might be if she works hard and is very lucky. I can easily believe that Charlotte was bullied by the mean girls in her high school when she developed--she doesn't seem to have a quick smart mouth to retaliate with and take the bullies down. Unfortunately for this show, her shtick is only her gorgeous body and not her dancing aptitude. I don't expect her to be elegantly dressed and covered up to tone the bod down, because that leaves only her lack of dancing ability to be obvious. Last week they loved Christhebachelor and all the buzz in Bachelorland was his love of dance and his fiancee better learn how to do the fancy stuff too or he will run away with his partner instead of her! This week, meh. Love it
  17. I don't think Noah will mind one bit if he leaves the show next week (not that I think he will). The best part of tonight's show for me was when his fiancee surprised him, not because of the schmaltzy surprise, but because it was as if the show evaporated for them immediately and they could not keep their eyes and hands off each other. Even when the camera caught everyone else watching the next act, Noah and his fiancee were still talking into each other's ears, completely ignoring what was going on around them. Don't waste your time practicing for this show, Noah, spend it with her instead!
  18. Furthermore: why did Eli use Peter's phone to call Alicia instead of his own? Who is paying Kalina to babysit/bodyguard Dylan (if Bishop is no longer a client, she can't bill against his account, right?)? Why didn't Alicia just make the stupid robocall herself? Why wasn't there a racy set of "lucky" lacy unmentionables in the little bag Finn gave Alicia (oh wait that was my fantasy....)?
  19. There will probably be some double secret undercover noble reason Milt actually was with the FBI on 9/11 but that his records don't reflect it. It will come out after Russ confronts him about his story not checking out.
  20. Thank God that election is over. It was still more interesting than Carey's arrest, and at least it changes the direction of the show vs the Carey line. Alicia had to win. But that was the dullest moment of winning in the history of fake TV elections. Getting the results on the news made her campaign people look like amateurs to me--their intel was saying she lost. If it was close, doubtful the results were called by TV news the minute the polls closed (not to mention batches of votes are always mysteriously held up for hours after the polls close). I really expected the CBS News team to retract their declaration of the winner for at least a little while just to add some drama. JM was really rocking that tight red dress at the end. Adore Eli's daughter. Sorry Prady, you lost even though you were the better candidate. Now you, Finn, campaign manager and apparently Bishop are moving on? Just shoot Kalinda already too, Show. I thought it was somewhat sexist that Diane didn't want to spend time with the other women and I said to DH when she was "forced" into the spa, watch, she'll find one of these women has a ton of business to give her. Then the call girl storyline had to develop. Really disappointed me. Bet Kurt never gets invited back after his wife put the hard sell on the first guy at an inappropriate moment. But superglad RD Platt will be on the show some.
  21. Ah. I though we were moving on to bashing the Bachette herself on her own merits vs bashing the loser. In a fun way.
  22. Did Kaitlyn not "win" the battle of the Bachelorettes? A lot of Britt bashing here, considering we will probably see maybe 10 minutes more of her at most ever again. Not that I don't thoroughly enjoy any and all B'ette bashing.
  23. If Alicia pulls out of the race or resigns after being elected, For whatever reason, it would be to me the same as her waking up in bed one morning and saying it was all a dream. A giant copout finish to the story line, of which I am throughly tired. She must lose or win. if she loses, she will be diminished in her world, so I predict she wins and the final season sees her dealing with the bad clients she might have represented. I really thought Diane might have been inviting herself on Kurt's long hunting weekend trip, and that he had some shenanigans planned with the opposing expert witness.
  24. Repost from another thread--my conspiracy theories re why we had two bachelorettes for a week are multiplying: http://starmagazine.com/2015/03/18/kaitlyn-bristowe-boyfriend-during-bachelor/
  25. I can't get Wet Paint but here is the Kaitlyn boyfriend story in the Star (that paragon of newspapers, I know, I know). http://starmagazine.com/2015/03/18/kaitlyn-bristowe-boyfriend-during-bachelor/
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