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Everything posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Or just rotate in the runner up, Britt obviously in this case, and send the happy couple on their way. And only have a week in production like DWTS before airing the episode.
  2. Personally I think the fantasy suites dates are creepy and really hate that episode (probably why I dislike this season where she thinks she is in fantasy suite land all the time). But that's me. If Show thinks we need to know all about shagging and wants to make it a central part of the series, I'll be watching something else next season.
  3. I don't get why the previous Bachelorettes are all rushing to Kaitlyn's defense in the media, like she's just so courageous, while Kaitlyn follows up this week all boo hooey about making a mistake and regretting it, to the camera over and over and over and to Chris Harrison. But don't apologize--stay proud, I guess. I wonder if the hometowns are being cut to two because the show doesn't want the nonfinalists' families to entertain her and then watch the show and figure out she had been "reassuring" only Nick and Shawn, assuming they are the finalists, and didn't really give a crap about their sons.
  4. I think that was the claddagh ring he and Kaitlyn each bought on the last show (ETA Great minds... :)). I too noticed how he kept moving his hand so the camera would catch it. Such a Nick move.
  5. :( sorry Good point, and why would meeting the families affect the decision of who to take to the FS? And it's really sort of mean to the fourth family--like saying the men were all equal but then ugh, his family, I had to get rid of him as soon as I met them. Hurt feelings all around. I have to say I hate the meet the family dates any way--none of these people live with their families and many live far away from them, so they really aren't part of their lives. I would almost rather have meet the best friends dates.
  6. I really thought Faith's big secret was going to be that she's a man. I think the show is being way too PC about how nice they are to want to withhold her coming out interview. If they were really nice they would not have started asking her about it on camera. It really did not ring true for me that they would be sweetly protective of her when they kept another contestant from knowing her father was on his deathbed. Can we make Quinn's cast a continuing character? Why did I think it was some interesting sex toy that Chet needed to use at first?
  7. I was thinking of CryingGosling too, especially when I saw his blue suit at the wait, was that a rose ceremony? in the middle of the show. Now I'm thinking, thanks to all the comments in this thread, that the famous "off camera time" to which Chris Harrison refers was more than we know, with both Nick and Shawn, and possibly lots and lots of Guinness time, and all the other guys knew about it and demanded to the producers they get their own time, so the odd "we will cut it down to three guys asap so you can equal the off camera time" idea was born. Which makes no sense. Like Show says it wants a rewind but half the guys left get screwed in the not fun way. I also think her apology to Chris Harrison re sleeping with Nick was very odd and I thought he seemed remarkably cold to her. I wonder if she was just out of control in Ireland being the "fun one."
  8. I feel like this too. I mean, wouldn't it have been over the top shocking that half of the remaining guys are going to leave so there can be FSD's right away? But Kaitlyn was "meh" in her reaction, and the guys were mildly surprised but not really upset. There is either a lot of unairable story lines (like everyone but Jared and Shawn and maybe Cupcake wanted to leave but saw the awful story lines the editors gave the guys who have left) or there is just boring stuff. I think they brought Nick in because none of the men are at all competitive with each other over Kaitlyn, so he is their bad guy. Shawn is coming across as the male Britt with his entitledness. Nick is just so inappropriately giggling all the time he is with Kaitlyn even when he is crying--weird. Kaitlyn is worse and worse. Crying all the time--wait, she, not Shawn, really is Britt!!! I would watch Ben Z as Bachelor any time. If Ben H isn't the final rose receiver, he too would be amazing--very cool, mature yet young, funny subtle (not knock knock joke funny), tall, so good looking, so well spoken.
  9. Or maybe B&B, like most of the bachelors this season, just don't feel like being part of this mess any longer than they have to?
  10. I just finished watching this series last night to clear the decks for OITNB's new season. I had read all of these threads after the first episode because it was so dark and gave me such a stomach ache that I wanted to not be surprised. Mr MML was not spoiled and he literally laughed out loud at some of the dark things that bothered me even when I knew they were coming. He found most of Kevin and lots of Danny to be comic relief. Crazy. Both he and I have been talking about it all day today--it really stayed with us. I was glad the series speeded up in the middle and episode 12 was as riveting an hour as I've seen in a long long time. This final episode 13 was a wrapper upper imo but it also exposed some things that I felt were flaws, like not really showing Robert as a husband so bad that he would make someone want to abandon five kids, and still not clear what the Miami apartment or Danny's situation around it was all about. And no one from the DEA was keeping an eye on the Rayburn House as soon as John spilled the beans about finding huge quantities of drugs hidden in the shed? Sissy Spacek was (unfortunately for her) surrounded by a cast that could act circles around her in their sleep. I would have killed her off right away just for that (okay, and her nose but that's not really her fault). But holy crap were most of the rest of the cast amazing! Kyle Chandler, Ben Mendelsohn (totally new to me) and Linda Cardellini, omg. Chloe Sevigny! Sam Shepard!!!! Everyone as believable as real people as my next door neighbor is. Such good writing, such great use of the location. While I kept waiting for a twist, mainly Danny redeeming himself, I was sooo glad it did not happen. The story stayed true for me.
  11. Sharleen, Ali, and the other Bachelor franchise players are all being super pro Kaitlyn to the point of being strident and scolding about it. Give me a break and give Kaitlyn a vibrator. I wonder if Sharleen is telling us she and Juan Pablo helped each other out when she was "horned up" during his season--the conditions she thinks caused Kaitlyn's need for sex existed then, right?
  12. But as you just said, why shouldn't she bang Nick if you think "she should bang whichever of those guys strike her fancy"? This makes no sense to me--why are you calling her for "poor judgment" about him as he obviously "strikes her fancy"? (ETA Sorry, I'm not calling you out for this, it's been expressed by others that she should explore her sexual connection with "anyone but Nick" and I don't like him either but she apparently does, or just likes having random sex).I won't watch another season of this, personally--not liking her (seriously, how does this woman even support herself?) but it's a different show now. They should just call it Fantasy Suite and replace any romance with the suspense of which guys will she bang on tonight's episode? Geez, throw me a rose ceremony instead.
  13. We really need to be able to inspect buck naked guy very closely from almost all angles. Kaitlyn isn't a slut or a skank but Show has allowed her to exhibit certain behaviors and then publicized them that might lead less discerning viewers to jump to this conclusion. I mean, if she quacks like a duck.... (Yes I have been waiting several weeks to slip that duck reference in and she finally made it possible)
  14. YES YES YES! Nick's shit-eating grin while he was telling her this made me want to punch out my TV--he is such an Eddie Haskell turning everything to make him seem like he added value to it. Why she didn't turn on him for pretty much encouraging Ian is beyond comprehension. Although she did not really seem that upset about what Ian said--perhaps she has heard it before....
  15. Yeah, first she's the modern fun loving woman who thinks a good physical relationship is important to explore and definitely was laughing about it in the morning after balcony scene. Then Show says oh no, we need a modern fun loving woman who made one mistake.... I think maybe Nick is issue--people don't really like him so they also won't like her (cough Courtney and Ben Flapjack cough). So rewind! Retakes to show her regretting her tiny little mistake.... Also, maybe girl needs to lay off the Guiness and Jameson's til she leaves Ireland. They can make you do some regretful deeds.
  16. Mr MML also noted that only Kaitlyn and Nick seemed to be enjoying their own dancing and thought the bystanders thought they were mocking them. Again with the unimpressive dancing from the "dance instructor" too.
  17. Thanks Ian for giving me a new set up for one of my favorite jokes (apologies to people who share his alma mater): Q., How do you know if people went to Princeton? A., Just wait five minutes and they will tell you.
  18. 1000 times yes. Show can't decide if it wants her to be a sinner or a saint. I predict Nick is going to end up being the bad guy and Kaitlyn the sweet fun-loving innocent he took advantage of.
  19. Shawn told Kaitlyn he was falling in love with her and she said she was falling in love too, which we heard last week? And watching the other guys look back and forth between Nick and Shawn during dramatic moments make it look like the all seem to think Shawn is the one being dissed. So maybe he takes Nick's smugness more personally. Will have to watch the last 45 minutes tomorrow as we too got weather bulletins instead of drama. But we couldn't believe how sleazy the one on one was with orgasmic moaning--sort of refreshing to switch to the weather critters.
  20. Not to mention it's almost begging for compliments about her as no one would speak ill of the dead and it's not a roast--show is enjoying portraying her as a little needy that way. And I agree with everyone else tgat the guys don't really have much to say about her at this point. And it's just creepy too.
  21. I don't know why you couldn't snapchat a video that is playing on another phone or screen (like old bootleg movies were just people filming the movies while they were playing)--snapchat can't detect if it's filming a video or a real time event, right? Just aim your phone at another phone or a computer screen while the previously filmed video is playing, and there you are. I have to say I was struck at how dark Shawn's hair is in the snapchat Kaitlyn posted--it is so blond on the show and his beard is not very heavy, but in the snapchat his hair looks as dark as hers and he has a heavy heard. But again in the recent Nashville photos he is blonde with a not-heavy beard. Better sleuthers than I have not commented on these observations, so theybare probably meaningless.
  22. My problem with Nick is not that's he's Nick but the reasoning behind bringing him on late. Sure, "maybe he is the one and Kaitlyn deserves a chance to find out" but that could be said of any of the bazillion single guys who are not on the show. If the premise is that the Bach/ette might find true love within this preselected group of people, then stick to it. If the premise is that the Bach/ette might find love with anyone he or she has ever met or might ever meet, then that's a different show. Sort of not fair that the original guys are having the rules changed on them--show really is telling them that she doesn't find them collectively good enough for her.
  23. I wonder if RS still loves Kaitlyn--he was over the top thrilled with his original spoiling when he thought she sent both finalists home and was happily living the single life. Now that she seems to be a more traditional B'ette and not thumbing her nose at the Show, does she still appeal to him?
  24. I thought RS's explanation was no more long-winded and redundant than the rest of his posts, but he really didn't rationalize his original spoiling in the least, so good for him. Given Shawn's coolness toward "the other guy" as he dubbed Nick in last night's episode, if RS's other spoiling re Kaitlyn's premature sleeping with Nick (what, twice? Once before the FS, once during the FS) is true, there probably won't be a wedding in Shawn and Kaitlyn's future together.
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