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Everything posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. This is a terrible idea :). I can accept it only if the vote is a tie and we get to see both Bens for the entire season on my screen. Actually they can rename the show The Ben-chelor and just use them from now on.
  2. I thought she gave it away twice, first by explaining to Ben H and us that she had to tell Shawn he was the one because she was afraid he was going home (why would she care if he weren't "the one") and then with her half-assed reason for telling only Shawn about her "off-camera" time with Nick (again, why bother if he's not "the one").
  3. Also, Kaitlyn explaining to Jared about sending him home and thinking she would have a hometown date with him makes it clear that she was not in on or forewarned about the decision to cut the HT dates to two following three overnight dates. I wonder if we will ever know exactly what happened on this show.
  4. Kaitlyn should be as mad or madder at the show as she is the internet meanies--they gave her the edit (and wasn't Chris H a little too quick to point out that the show had no idea she snuck down to Shawn and Ben's room--Show is still throwing her under the bus).
  5. Damn there are some good looking bachelors. Her final 2 are in the bottom half lookswise. I guess we know Kaitlyn watched the show, the way she snapped at Jonathan I think it was about voting for Britt. Too bad all the Britt voters didn't bail on the show after episode 1 (like they probably wanted to). She really dismissed the guys' comments about Nick. And she said she welcomed disagreement but then was superdefensive about Nick. Those were nasty comments Chris H read. Is it wrong that I told Mr MML that Chris H probably wrote them?
  6. The preview I saw last night has Chris Harrison scolding people for making nasty comments about poor wittle Kaitlyn and boohooing from her. Um, hello, Show, did you not present this Bachelorette in the worst possible light and from the getgo alienate half of your audience by having a second candidate? Please fall off your high horses asap.
  7. I imagine the recidivism rate is high for most prisoners (around 50 percent conviction rate in the study about 15 state prison systems) cited above)--I should have said, don't come back to this show (do recidivists return to the exact same prison with the same population? I would guess not) . With such a big cast, surely a couple of them would have left, appealed, transferred, whatever in the time frame of the season. I think I'm allowed to feel this season treated the current characters very sympathetically, others of course will disagree. One of my favorite scenes was Soso telling her visitor to stop thinking it was cool that she was in prison, and to not come back.
  8. (ETA: Moved from episode 13 thread) This season was so sentimental it might have been shot in soft focus. The prisoners are in prison FGS because they are smart dangerous, stupid dangerous, or crazy dangerous. We pretty much didn't see the dangerous this season. Tell me Boo would have any trouble shoving that broomstick up rapist's ass (at least Tucky thought it would be gross to touch his sticky smelly cheeks). Come on, writers. Would you jump into the lake just because everyone else did? Apparently yes. The panty line (see what I did there?) is unbelievable. Whispers would already be cutting the patterns to minimize waste fabric (okay, ick) but there could not be surplus lace trim lying around anyway--how do they account for the overage. If Piper was squeezing out seven panties from a six panty piece of fabric, the stitchers are now speeding up production to sew seven instead of six in the same amount of time? And finally, why even bother? Her brother's wife's system of fake excretions (on store-bought panties?) will sell just fine without all the work--and their customers are not going to contact the press to complain they were sold fake dirty used prison underwear even if they figure it out. Fail. I did like Alex so much more when she was not joined to Piper's hip (but puhleeze just kill Alex, Show). I do not know Lori Petty other than this show and holy shit she was amazing. Good to know a perfectly logical reason for Norma not talking. There must be a lot more prisoners than we see for someone as striking as Stella not to be seen before, so the new capacity with bunkbeds won't necessarily bring in new characters. Could we please have some of these people actually finish their sentences and get sent home? And not come back?
  9. Rosa running over Vee was one of the best scenes in TV history, bar none. Thank you for reminding me about it! This season was so sentimental it might have been shot in soft focus. The prisoners are in prison FGS because they are smart dangerous, stupid dangerous, or crazy dangerous. We pretty much didn't see the dangerous this season. Tell me Boo would have any trouble shoving that broomstick up rapist's ass (at least Tucky thought it would be gross to touch his sticky smelly cheeks). Come on, writers. Would you jump into the lake just because everyone else did? Apparently yes. The panty line (see what I did there?) is unbelievable. Whispers would already be cutting the patterns to minimize waste fabric (okay, ick) but there could not be surplus lace trim lying around anyway--how do they account for the overage. If Piper was squeezing out seven panties from a six panty piece of fabric, the stitchers are now speeding up production to sew seven instead of six in the same amount of time? And finally, why even bother? Her brother's wife's system of fake excretions (on store-bought panties?) will sell just fine without all the work--and their customers are not going to contact the press to complain they were sold fake dirty used prison underwear even if they figure it out. Fail. I did like Alex so much more when she was not joined to Piper's hip (but puhleeze just kill Alex, Show). I do not know Lori Petty other than this show and holy shit she was amazing. Good to know a perfectly logical reason for Norma not talking. There must be a lot more prisoners than we see for someone as striking as Stella not to be seen before, so the new capacity with bunkbeds won't necessarily bring in new characters. Could we please have some of these people actually finish their sentences and get sent home? And not come back?
  10. Brittbrady is no less genuine than the franchise itself. Seemed like he was set up with her (like many IRL dates), they hung out, they are friends.
  11. What really happened? Six of the bachelors beat the crap out of him for being such a tool, and then Ben Z ran outside and seeing it was JJ, finished the job.
  12. I think Kaitlyn is very tiny over all and her teeth just look big proportionately as a result (my daughter's mouth is like this but not as disportionate). Not sure if the duckiness is from surgery--I would say no as it looks to me like she sticks her lips out on purpose both to make her upper lip look bigger and to look cute in her eyes (it is a pretty common "face" like sucking in one's cheeks). I do like quacking when she does it during the show but her appearance is not what bothers me about her anyway.
  13. YES you mentioned the 19th century castle! That's how old my house is--meh. YES you mentioned Ben's leaving in a minivan vs a limo. How awkward was his crawling into it--nobody is graceful climbing into a minivan. Nice recap!
  14. I think this was the best and worst episode I've seen. Best because of Jenn's ultimate goal, which was not a number on a scale but to outlive her husband's probable early death by becoming healthier, and she definitely did that. And those are the cutest kids I think I've ever seen on my tv screen--please someone in Hollywood, snap them both up for a remake of Family Affair. And--okay, that's all the best. Worst because as Whineandcheez says above, get Heidi off my tv screen. What was all the Jillian Michaels' channeling going on there? Since when does this show go all Marine Corps to tear 'em down before we build them back up? Please Show, less Heidi, less makeup on Heidi, more Chris. Why didn't Jenn's biological father come to the "graduation" like he promised? Did her mother ever speak? Supersad about her baby brother.
  15. I am seriously glad to read this. Show should be ashamed of itself for painting him with an unfriendly brush, not once but twice.
  16. I don't think Nick plays well with others--he played the "I didn't come here to make friends" part on Andi's season and he didn't make the least effort that we were shown, anyway, to ingratiate himself with the guys on this season. If he is really like that on a personal or social level, he probably won't be happy with an outgoing person like Kaitlyn seems to be. Of course maybe he has a ton of guy friends in Chicago that he hangs out with, but I really miss the camaraderie and silliness we used to get shown with the bachelors. It will be interesting to see the interactions in the MTA--I really hope the guys had a lot more fun this season than Show showed us.
  17. Everyone knows men only pull down their pants on the golf course when their drives don't reach the ladies tee. Not strip naked and show the whole world your putter just because your deranged "girlfriend" thinks that would be funny (sure, great sense of humor that girl has, just go right for the genitalia whenever you need a laugh) . At least we know who the streaker was in the season's overall preview--I thought Show was going to let that slide. Poor families. Imagine the fun viewing parties they had after taping their "hometown" dates, watching their respective sons' "girlfriend" get into the other guys' pants. Poor Bella :(. And then realizing every bit of drama on the show was a result of this chick's own actions. And she's blaming their sons for it. They are probably wishing there had been four hometowns and their boys left before the final two. Funny moments: the little ducks quacking edited in as Kaitlyn approached Ben's overnight date--from one duck to another. Kaitlyn with her revealing orange dress at the rose ceremony (finally! A rose ceremony! And Chris Harrison too!) telling the guys her heart was beating out of her chest. Which they could clearly see it wasn't, in that dress. Ben trying to squeeze out a tear in the limo. Kaitlyn and Nick "dancing" in the middle of his family circle--I guess they were showing them what she does for a living? Now that's funny. Gah, just get this over with.
  18. Don't forget he had to write and promote his novel, "The Perfect Letter," reviewed here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/18/chris-harrison-book-the-perfect-letter_n_7293566.html Man can't be everywhere, but if Show goes to Paris and Budapest and Bora Bora next season with more interesting leads, maybe he can put in more of an appearance vs the wilds of Des Moines last Bachelor and the less luxurious Ireland digs for the Bachelorette.
  19. I think the editing was already a done deal before the snapchat of Kaitlyn and Shawn in bed, but I also think the episodes that had aired at he time of snapchat were not unflattering to her. So i think her snapchatting the world was a dumb mistake but not a revenge "mistake." For whatever reason the bad edit of her was already in place (and maybe BN doesn't think it's a bad edit, all in all--they are all supporting her behavior so maybe it's supposed to be a good edit. In bizarro Bachelor world).
  20. I read somewhere the scholarship was to a dance school. No more details than that. Perhaps a dance company? No story about its name or if she actually attended. Found the reference: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/25-things-kaitlyn-bristowe-2015246 This is all she says about it:
  21. Doubtful a Kardashian could carry a network show as the lead (or they would already be doing it, with their marketing machine). That really would be the end of my Bachelorette-watching days.
  22. I think I am over watching this show. We were not able to watch Monday night and are still out of town. Being thoroughly spoiled, I know what happens, but have still watched, but the enjoyment really isn't there. The idea of another episode of Nick's Kaitlyn-licking foreplay makes me gag. No one is having any fun and whoever told Kaitlyn she has a great sense of humor is a big fat liar. Will check in for the MTA and ATFR. Just hurry up and finish it, Show, and make these three leads slink back into their little lives, whatever they really are. And don't make me have to ever see them again. If the next season is going to be like this one, I'm passing on it.
  23. Sharleen is so defensive of Kaitlyn (really, why?) that I can't help but wonder a little about the extent of her and Juan Pablo's canoodling. Which I don't want to do.
  24. I can hardly stand Nick as a bachelor. I cannot imagine watching him as The Bachelor no matter how six packy he is. I wouldn't even read recaps of his season. Show should go after Jon Hamm (bonus: if the rumors are true about his "lower abs" even the female producers will be looking for off camera time) and have Amy Schumer replace or cohost with Chris Harrison. There's a show I'd watch even though it would never hapoen.
  25. I am not a Kaitlyn fan but I think she is getting a terrible edit (of course not being a Kaitlyn fan I have fun imagining WHY she is getting such a bad edit and what she did to piss Show off so much :) ). She could have been kind and comforting to Shawn six ways to Sunday but we didn't get shown that. So I have to take Show with a big grain of salt. And vodka.
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