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Everything posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. It's really hard to distinguish the ER sets from the rest of the hospital, or is this really just the ER with a psychiatrist and the overall hospital administration hanging around all the time? I was hoping for a good Munchausen by proxy storyline but I am sure one will appear soon enough.
  2. So no comeuppance scene for smug detective who hounded and arrested Boden for the assault? Color me disappointed. The secret ornament decorating was a bonafide act of insubordination on the admin asst's part (can't remember her name) and the fire fighters. She should have been fired for that. I wish I cared enough about Chili and Candidate to give a flying fire hydrant about what's going on with her. Ditto Silvee and Felon, who we know will really be a bad guy and didn't just get the book thrown at him in his misspent pool hopping youth in la di da Lake Forest (total population of latchkey kds: 0). Herman was a total jerk with Freddie-like poor Freddie was ever going to be able to turn it around and bust his chops back. Now Freddie is going to have to go to juvie and join another gang--thanks for bullying him, Herman! Go away, Gabbie.
  3. I don't think the purlettes are making the bag-- they are knitting in wool a rectangle the size of a small hand towel. I knit reasonably well and that would take me maybe four hours tops, pjrobably chunky wool and size 10 needles. Someone else is doing the felting in the washer and dryer, someone else is seaming the bag and lining it and attaching the straps, the things that take more time than the knitting. The knitters aren't making near minimum wage, though, and the woman making the pitch is going to be sorry she opened her mouth about it. I'd be so mad if my nana told me this nice lady was having us all sit around a table all day and knit for her. But geeez, Lori, you act like these knitters are Holocaust survivors and you and all the other sharks have to make a pity investment in them or something. Um, no. Good on not all the sharks being interested in it. Personally, I don't even like the handbags. Funny that Lori was unclear on what a brooch is. There is a fashion/style/beauty gene that is real and I am in awe of the people who have it. The Korean women will make a fortune. My son travels at least once a week for his job, sometimes for three or four days at a time. He would totally buy that suitcase. The tricycle guy should charge $1200 and keep personally inspecting those bikes as a niche product for rich people. He's young, but he needs to grow a thicker shell re saying the sharks were rude. Agree with above poster that something seems to have been edited out. Too bad he couldn't think of some pie in the sky product to tell Mark he was developing, anything, just to look creative.
  4. Paraphrasing, but I think my favorite part was when Logan asked Chris if they should do the cell phone or the tailoring task and he told her to decide. She said tailoring, and he said, I would have picked the other one. I'm not good at that. Classic--so if we screw it up, it's not my fault. I think he would have said the same thing if she had said cell phone. I probably would not like Green at all if Papparazzi weren't so thoroughly unpleasant to each other, to the other racers, and to the locals (who they treat as if they are invisible imo)--Green's unpleasantness is related to the competition, but imo Paps are just unpleasant all the time--it's their shtick almost. So I'm going with Green ftw. I felt like there were possibly some producer shenanigans going on through the show. In the classic story arc the front runner has to stumble before going on to win, or there's no contest/story. How did Green find that phone so fast in that sea of places with used phones? How did they then get a cab that lost them? The wrong ferry, yeah, that's on Green, but--no one seems to get penalized for finding an earlier flight or an alternate mode of transit, so not surprising that they didn't think about it. I wonder if they would have been penalized the extra 25 minutes if the cheerleaders had been closer (and yet another bad taxi driver? Hong Kong cabbies are not looking too good)--there seemed to be just the right amount of time to have Green stay in the race. So Green can go into the finale stripped of the front runner status and win as an underdog? The cheerleader swimming was just painful--had to be contact lens related. The acrobats had to be so tired of them by the end of it. Hope they find the millionaires they think they can marry. Better hurry up--Beauty fades, dumb is forever © Judge Judy. I have no feeling at all about the reporters. Maybe they'll win but there isn't much of a story arc for that. Maybe the little engine that could, the tortoise and the hare, etc.?
  5. So impressed that real Tim Olyphant is down with having character Tim Olyphant follow character Dean's lead in the schizo-level obsession about their Grinder characters. Such funny subtleties combining to elicit not-so-subtle belly laughs. Genius writing and acting.
  6. I predict Chilli will get the active alcoholic storyline what with the bottle in her living room--always the women, such as the late great Shay (tapping chest in respect) and one of the older firefighters (probably St Christopher) will be a recovering alcoholic and sponsor her. Show will get her through all 12 steps in the next episode or two. Nice finesse Boden of confronting the bad guy and telling him exactly what you suspect. He'll never be able to cover his tracks now! Boden is becoming such an idiot.
  7. Must buy prednisone.... I can't believe how utterly dorky "Halsted's brother" is. Where is the somewhat interesting bad boy plastic surgeon who fled Manhattan for mysterious reasons? Now he is this redheaded Opie-ish dork who stumbles around Dr Madonna. Did we forget the backstory, Show? I was so hoping deaf violinist was writing "I'm suing your ass" (not that she necessarily had grounds to). We need a one-note villain, right? Good to see Moffett on my screen.
  8. YES! I watch this show only for the great Tea Leoni and to see how far they have to go drab her down in every way (hair, check; makeup, check; delivery and timing, check; wardrobe, check times 1,000), but those shoes snuck through as did a tiny bit of her physical comedy in hopping on Pop there at the end.
  9. So Halsted could have consulted at any time with the cardiologist on call, I imagine, which might mitigate Halsted's culpability in the unfortunate results from his decision to continue treating a patient beyond the point of helping him. I'm thinking in real life he'd be in hot water for a long time over this, so it will be interesting to see if thr plotline continues.
  10. This show.... I'm confused about the medical hierarchy and who is in charge--who was the older doc who told Halsted he wouldn't have kept the now-permanently disabled patient alive for that long? Where was he when Halsted was trying to save his life? And how could Halsted not know that his actions were going to result in a persistent vegetative state? Surely the wife is going to have millions of dollars handed over to her. But I can't even get beyond Halsted's horrible hair. Didn't pregnant baby doctor--Natalie? Very subtle, Show--realize that if a fourteen-year-old ward of the state could successfully live with her older sister, she already would be? Stupid. Beyond stupid, Halstead ripping the canister of magic healing gas from Natalie--there's only one? Really ott hit me over the head scene with the medical student playing Where the Boys Are for the "elderly" couple. Connie Francis is a few generations removed from medical student--Dr Oliver is an idiot for thinking she would have any idea who that is. He can find his office and act like a psychiatrist any time now, Show. And please give S'epatha something to do.
  11. I mean really, just when I thought there was no way to make this show funnier, cooler, more special and surprising and insanely well written--why not unexpectedly toss in the incredible Tim Olyphant. As himself! Genius, just genius.
  12. Like I said on the thread from last night, I'm okay with Bindi but wanted Nick. Mr MML who knows a lot more about dancing than I do said Bindi was amazing and deserving of the win, but also pointed put that her partner leads, unlike the female pros who are being led by the nonpros, and someone at Derek's level can guide his nonpro and make her look better especially in the dances where he is holding her (I know this is true because Mr MML is quite the strong guiding dancer himself--fans self). So it's really hard to judge apples to apples for Bindi vs Nick and Alek. Whoever did Bindi's hair for the finale needs to be fired.
  13. I am okay with any of the three finalists winning, although I admit I hope it will be Nick. I'm not a voter and I know less than nothing about dance. Based on last night's dances: I think Alek would have to win if the show's goal is rewarding who advanced the most. His last dance showed to me a guy who I imagine never danced in his life before this show has learned how to dance. So he can't wiggle his hips--meh. Bonus points that he is a nonperformer and a perfectly ordinary guy who happened to be on that train in France a few months ago, so many of us can identify with him. I think Bindi would have to win if the goal is youthful enthusiasm with a very cool accent plus learning how to dance. I think she also was a nondancer for the most part, but she has been performing her whole life. She has an unbelievable personality like her father's (does anyone know if her father is still alive? /sarcasm) and people like her do make me wish I was a nicer person, so bonus points for that. Nick? To me he is the most fun and interesting to watch, and my uninformed eyes see him as the best on the floor, so if that's the show's goal.... I am way too old to know anything about the BSB and usually I hold a career that involved at least some dance againt a contestant, but this guy is even nicer than Bindi. He immediately turns any praise away from him and reflected it back to his partner, the show, the other dancers, the other contestants, the judges, etc. I think unlike Bindi who was born nice, he grew into it, so obvious as you watch the unsettling package he had to see right before dancing last week--he is a Star and it is most interesting to see how he evolved inthe past twenty-plus years. I watched his face when he was waiting to hear if he or Carlos would be going home last night and he was just listening, obviously not expecting either to stay or go, and you could see that he was okay with either outcome. I loved that.
  14. It can't be summer--Peter and Alicia just wore winter coats in the hilariously funny (/sarcasm) pretending to be outdoors in Springfield but really indoors scene, to make his candidacy announcement. Maybe Alicia is homeschooling Grace now. Predicting this show will end with Alicia running for president. Sure, why not.
  15. Totally agree, dowel jones. This episode highlights how this show has become just so out of touch with reality and quite unsuccessful at creating its own alternate reality. And it has made every character a one-note 100 percent "nice" or "evil" instead of giving them nuances of both. I would love to see Casey get attracted to another woman, for example, as even nice people do in real life, or Severide to have provided some real reason to be demoted other than "too much turnover" (puh-leeze, as if he is responsible for personnel), which would have then allowed Patterson to not be the 100 percent evil guy.
  16. A big fat YES to this. Baker was so good and so believable on the Fire trainwreck episode. And Gabby Sue was still going to night med school or something, but I digress.I totally called that the pregnant doc's husband had died serving in Afghanistan. I love that the surprisingly Spanish-speaking new fellow got his MD in Guadalajara, so that makes sense that he speaks Spanish. Not loving that Oliver Pratt's character also starts speaking Spanish later in the episode. Sort of overkill and diluting the impact big time. And yes to his character laying off the sauce and being a real psychiatrist and not a dilettante. I also agree that S'epatha needs to wear a white coat. But she doesn't have to flaunt her mastery of Spanish too.
  17. I don't know why but I loved everything about the sex scene. I didn't see it coming, and laughed at Eli's flusteredness and at both Peter and Alicia's matter-of-fact response to him. I loved it all. I hope Vanessa Williams has more time on the show-- she was pretty much a passive reactor in her scenes to what was going on around her. I get no spark whatsoever between Alicia and Jason. His character seems to be polarizing and I'm in the creepy camp. I have only seen the actor in this show so not talking about the actor. Speaking of Justified (oh we weren't? Why, I am always talking about Justified), Sam Elliott stole every episode he was on. The driverless car plot was so tedious.
  18. Every week I think this was the dumbest episode ever, but then the next week proves me wrong. Who is writing this garbage? Framing Boden with a fake assault? There is no easier way to get him out of House 51 than getting his neighbor to vacate the property to allow a plant to move in? And Bodin wouldn't just give her a locksmith's name instead of kicking in the door? Come on, writers. We all know PD is going to investigate the neighbor and find she does this all the time and she knows Riddle and and maybe even Patterson and boom, end of story line, until the next time the brass decide they need to shake up House 51! How ludicrous is Severide being treated like a candidate. Come on, writers. And how cute the cheerleaders I mean professional EMTs and firefighter, all giggly over Chilli and Jimmy, talking in the girls bathroom between classes. Gah. Gabby probably had to run to Walgreens to stock up on more makeup since she surely uses up an entire container of eye shadow every day. Come on, writers. And there are clear limits on gifts that city employees can accept (https://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/ethics/supp_info/gifts.html), so nice going on accepting the Rush tickets without a second thought (come ON, writers!). Pretty sure Riddle could bring down House 51 just on this ethics violation, but that would be way too easy.
  19. I have the probably 100 percent wrong interpretation that the "either Nick or Bindi has the lowest combination" meant between each other, not of the four total remaining dancers. Erin asked Nick after he screwed up the first dance what was on his mind. I think it was watching that pretty sad intro package--dysfunctional family, childhood ending at 13 when he went into the band, thinking making money would solve his family problems, getting into alcohol and drugs at full speed, sister od'ing and several people commenting in the package that he blamed himself for it--sure, now that you've been reminded of these things, go out there right now and dance your breaking heart out! I thought Bindi's trio was really clunky with the props. But I do like her. She probably didn't have time for a whole lot of dance lessons growing up so she is amazingly good. Alek likewise doesn't seem like someone who knew much dance, so props to him for that magical 30. I'm enjoying the season and anyone but Carlos will be okay by me.
  20. Trudy seems like the kind of woman who would looove another woman helping with an engagement in any way, especially Burgess knowing there will be a surprise proposal (sarcasm translation: not in a million years). Hard to believe our Trudy is not aware of what is gojng on. More likely, and I would love this storyline, Trudy would propose before Mouch can--hope that happens and Mouch is left to come up with a story about why he already has a ring that Burgess magically sized. I liked the Atwater storyline because it is not the typical tv style happy ending where the kid sees the error of his ways. Also the conflict on Atwater's part in being asked to do this as a favor and involving the other officers. It seems like a pretty realistic beginning to how good intentions lead to problems and the group dynamics that contribute to what may have been a really bad move and make the situation worse. So hoping there is a tv-style happy ending to this storyline for Atwater.
  21. Stupid episode. Did that bride even want to get married in a firehouse? Really, that couple could have just gotten married in the hospital (if only Chicago Med had already started :)), boom, problem solved. And weren't some of the wedding party drinking in Molly's that night--guess our bar owners didn't want to offer a free wedding. I missed out on exactly who William Dunbar was and why his family needed the house to cough up money for him for several days, but I thought sure that boot full of money was going to get stolen during the wedding. Go away Gabby. Grrr to the EMT case of the week--I would be calling 911 again if those two showed up. They couldn't even move that guy without help? Look, Jelly/chilli, a big fat man had a heart attack and almost suffocated a woman who is married to someone else! No wonder you don't want to get married, that could happen to you! At least I think that was the only point of that plotline. And Brett's just a pink ruffly stereotype now--she likes babies, it was her idea to have the wedding at the firehouse, she has the voice of an angel. Get her a man and send her out of here. I miss Shay more and more. Why is Boden's boss micromanaging the house in the first place, calling Gabby in to evaluate her physical and mental condition, demoting Severide? Just stupid and unbelievable.
  22. I absolutely love this show. Not a false note in the whole half hour.
  23. Not to mention, is any other law firm now going to be interested in someone who might be secretly recording all her interactions with them the entire time she is working with them and posting unflattering moments online? She should have just sent the video of the interview moments to Diane as a little veiled threat, and perhaps job offer would have magically been made.
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