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Everything posted by MakeMeLaugh

  1. Seriously, they were the most impressive thing about this episode. I so want them.
  2. No kidding re episode discussion. That's how we know it was a boooring episode, when events going back to the first season are being batted around instead of this episode's. I wonder re hospital if the storyline is just a big sledgehammer history lesson/commentary about the origins of the National Health System in the UK. Snoozefest lesson, too.
  3. Oh yeah, and Show? Any "sex science" scenes with everyone in underwear smelling each other are very very creepy. Don't do that anymore.
  4. Olivia can relax her jaw joints and eat her prey whole, like a python. Lace has multiple personalities while the twins share only one. Run, Ben. I too noticed the totally untouched restaurant meal when Ben and Caila left and wondered if it were fake. Was that even a real restaurant? I wanted at least a couple of the little b's to not know who Ice Cube and Kevin Hart were. I did love that Caila wanted them out of their date. Blatant movie promotion. Shut up, Amber, or get up and go talk to Ben like everyone else. Pretty bartenders in Chicago are not usually shy.
  5. I only saw the last five minutes but imo Hope has thyroid issues. Show must know about them (even the last scene with her is medical re pregnancy chances). Why would you want to have a baby until you dealt with your own health?
  6. This episode was pretty boring--hence all the discussion here about long ago events vs what actually happened on this episode. The whole drawn-out and boring Drewe plotline is just a device to allow stupid Daisy's FIL fired storyline to have a resolution. Hilarious that little Marigold was comatose when she was found with Mrs. Drewe--so was I by that time. I would hate to have Edith as a boss. How magnanimous of the family to insist the wedding be held at the mansion--a gesture that costs them very little. Blah. I agree with the above poster about some of the clothing--when Mary stripped down to her lace and silk skivvies, they were absolutely gorgeous (and comfortable-looking) and I wonder/hope if one of the lingerie companies will be marketing a line based on DA.
  7. I was struck that fishnet stockings don't always make one's legs look more slender (that's for the unicorn comment, Diablo Cody. Although I did love Juno.). And Kaitlyn. Yuck. Haven't you used up the fuchsia lipstick sample yet? Sober January, indeed.
  8. I thought everyone--coaches and clients--was somewhat unpolished, which was sort of nice. I liked the Vegan coach and totally got where she was coming from. Her approach wasn't very westernized, though, so a lot of people might not give it a chance. The clean momma made me want to throw a bag of potato chips at my tv--and how rude was she to her client's husband and mother! She sounded like she had that speech about whatever it was ready and wasn't sure when to use it so just started ripping them. I still don't know what principles Most of them are following. I love the premise that the trainers can be kicked off but not the participants. It's a good post-holiday pre-superbowl series, pretty light.
  9. "Waah waah I want tattoos." Nice going Bob. Isn't there a saying about biting the hands that feed you? PS Bob, that wasn't even funny, which might have redeemed you a little. I thought it was genius for him to move into the host role here, because that could be a skill he could use on other venues, like becoming the Ryan Seacrest for reality personal makeover shows. I miss Allison.
  10. The cast of Fire have all pretty much devolved into morons.
  11. Here is a table of life expectancies in the USA: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0005140.html Looks like a white person who was 60 years old in the early 1920s had another 15 or 16 years ahead of him or her. A white person who was 60 in 2011 had just under 25 years left. The stats for the British population probably aren't too much different. I agree with the above that Mr. Mason does not seem as if he could farm much longer even if he could find a tenancy. But maybe WWI left a shortage of younger men so he still could find one. Another thought re the episode: I'm thinking the laborsaving devices (cars so stable workers not needed, refrigerator so less daily marketing needed, telephone so less sending someone off to send a telegram, etc.) helped the remaining staff shoulder more work when people quit without necessarily being replaced.
  12. I think it was a strategic ploy on the prosecutor's part--they just wanted a witness who could testify (as the other patients were off limits having been involved in the fraud case, which makes no sense to me but sure, why not). Voight actually saw the doc administer the chemo to Mrs Voight--I don't think it was a question of whether doc killed her, just that he stuck the syringe in vs another doc or nurse. Then the other lawyer cross examined and brought up the other patients who then somehow could be witnesses since she opened the door (again, really? but sure, why not).
  13. Yes, hard to believe they would both be sooooo rude and know it all to a low level non-medical person and in front of a group of first-time parents (second time parents usually skip the prenatal classes and tours). Why did Maggie insist on the doc going through the tour if she was just going to question everything the tour leader was saying (and so rudely)? I would love a followup plot with them both to be called on the carpet by S'epatha after the patients complain to their own ob/gyns, who then raise hell with the hospital.
  14. I think Sue Ellen wore a bra in this series (gratuitous Seinfeld trivia reference). Is this episode testing the waters for a Chicago Legal? PD is my favorite Chicago: tight writing, fast pace, quick resolution of plot points. Trudy and Alvin both get screen time tonight. Sweet scene of Erin working late and Voight reminiscing with her about Camille. Good show, Show!
  15. This show more and more just strikes me as a bunch of actors saying lines. Gaby, go away, but wipe a couple of layers of makeup off your face first (Sylvie too--do they spend their lunch hours at Macy's MAC counter trying on all the eye makeup at the same time?). Herman must have been awake enough to have signed a whole lot of HIPAA disclosure forms--so not believable that Cindy wouldn't first be pulled into a consultation room to be informed of the medical stuff. She could then have acted her ass off telling the house about it, but no, the whole waiting room gets to hear everything straight from the doc, and she's just the weepy lump. Amy Morton's acting imo is so above the Chicago Fire cast's actors that they are diminished whenever she is part of the ensemble. Trudy is the last person I imagine with a romantic side and boom she nails me with her disappointment over the botched proposal.
  16. Yes! Show really went all out "giving" these "generous" memberships (and as if anyone is even paying a penny for a sponsor's product placement. Like Oprah gave away cars--that the manufacturer donated).
  17. So she ages twenty years in the two weeks or so that the story line has advanced since the end of the last season? Nobody else aged twenty years in that short gap.
  18. I think 13 lbs is quite a lot too but for a guy in week one when the other team's guys near the same starting point lose in the mid-20s, in BL Land it indicates shenanigans. Hatch probably practiced waterloading at home so he knew exactly how much to imbibe.
  19. He's a strategic group dynamic genius. Absolutely he threw the weighin, and not just so he could stay in the game--he wanted his team to lose so he could manipulate who got sent home (you don't ultimately win as an individual because you kept your team safe). Britney was potentially a bigger threat as a competitor being younger than Toy and presumably without the psychological issues, so off she goes. He also endeared himself to his team by stressing that he and "kelly osborne" helped them all out when they won the challenge and chose the 8 lb advantage group reward vs the $40k. Which he then had a big part in squandering (I am imagining him possibly subtly sabotaging other's efforts, not to mention getting a little alliance set up off the get-go, like he did in the first season of Survivor). Richard will make this season fun to watch for me. That, and trying to understand why Bob is addicted to tattoos.
  20. Pizza night! I see Dr. Gillian isn't the only trainer to have a Doctor of Psychobesity. Yessiree, Dr. Bob, you are equipped to counsel Toy out of her grief and guilt about her child drowning. Not sure there even was a connection made to her weight, but oh well. Dang I miss Allison. The wheels in Dolvett's exceptionally pretty little head started turning when Richard Hatch lost less than the optimum amount at the weighin, followed up by other members on the red team dropping just a few and losing the weighin despite the 8 lb advantage Hatch and "Kelly Osbourne" chose during the challenge (Hatch: Damn we should have taken the $40K! Britney: Damn I should have taken the $25K!). After all is said and done about him, do not underestimate the strategic genius that is Richard Hatch. There are a bunch of crybabies and this doesn't seem to be the smartest group ever put together. I hope we don't have to hear too many more sob stories, although most of them seem to be I'm sad cuz I'm overweight and I'm overweight cuz I'm sad. Britney is delightful today. Love her body confidence!
  21. I don't really want to imagine anyone having sex (unless it's Mattew Goode and ME :)), but that kiss between Hughes and Carson didn't make me think they'll be making much whoopie between the sheets any time soon. For God's sake, Carson, lay one on her next time!
  22. Not Saint Bates :). That would have made him a teeny bit interesting if he had had a randy side to him in his youth.
  23. This show--sets, costumes, hair--looks gorgeous but geez. Why didn't Mrs Hughes unload her concerns to Cora who would then tell Robert who would then tell Carson? And then maybe we'd have had some reference to Carson's plumbing not being the able to fulfill HIS marital duties. Because he's probably no stallion in the sack any more. And so uncomfortable that one old female virgin asks another old female virgin to solve the issue. Anna needed to refer us, perhaps in a heart to heart with Mrs. Hughes re the above marital duties, back to the quite violent rape she endured from that visiting servant--scar tissue and general reproductive issues could have resulted. Then we might care about her uterus. If Bates was a more compelling character I might actually care about him but ugh. Thomas's treatment by Show is just too politically correct 2015--in 1925 homosexuality was a crime, and I imagine in those unenlightened times he would have been kept far far away from any male children, but no, not in Downton Abbey. I wish Daisy had been fired--such public insubordination to her employers when they told her to shut up. But no, it's not really 1925 in Downton Abbey. I still miss O'Brien. I hope Gregson returns--it's a soap opera, the earlier reports of his death are easily explainable. And could we just see Matthew Goode like every five minutes from now on? And once again, Maggie Smith steals the whole show.
  24. Yeah, so this is really Chicago ER and not really Chicago Med, so far. Even Anorexicish Girl was being treated in the ER because she had come in as a movie theater patron who happened to be feeling nauseous. Not sure why Sarcoidosis Senior Citizen was there but she too was in the ER, not admitted through her own docs to the main hospital for some issue.
  25. Show is lying anyway about sarcoidosis being an African American only disease anyway. From WebMD: "...Sarcoidosis ... is 10 to 17 times more common in African-Americans than in Caucasians. People of Scandinavian, German, Irish, or Puerto Rican origin are also more prone to the disease." I think the racist patient looks like she could fall into the Scandinavian, German, and Irish subgroup. So nice going, Show.
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