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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. His comment about Jennifer riling up the other wives made me think that Jennifer has a lot more chemistry with either of them than she does with Jeff.
  2. "At least this dancer moves his legs." How low our standards have sunk. (Agree that this dude is pretty good. I'm just appalled that "legs moving" is reasonable criteria for actual dancing.)
  3. I want to fire both Onyeka and Nicole into the sun via cannon. SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU. [Onyeka tattles on Nicole about something someone else may have told her.] Onyeka: I hope Nicole doesn't spend her time with Colton talking about ME. Nicole: Colton, Onyeka has been bullying me. [stupid argument ensues]
  4. #patternmixingisnotawesome #thattopandskirtlookhideoustogether
  5. "I did it myself. I did it." Shut your lying ass, Morose Meri. You spent all of last week bitching and complaining and slamming doors and whining endlessly about how your beloved Sister Wives wouldn't help you with the money and what will you dooooo and you have to run and hold an ugly clothing sale RIGHT THIS SECOND and no one should expect you at any fambly functions EVER because you'll be too busy shilling ugly rags...and now...you've got such an independent streak, and you did it all by your damn self. Meri, you aren't part of the fambly. You aren't interested in the fambly. You don't participate in the fambly. So seriously. Shut your pie hole for once. If you want to "do things on your own," then DO THEM. Quit bragging about your non-existent accomplishments and then waiting to be showered with praise. THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF INDEPENDENT.
  6. Do none of these thirsty women watch the damn show before they go on it? When has snitching on the other women ever had a good outcome?
  7. Casey: That's why I don't do things. Truer words were never spoken.
  8. I had the following conversation with myself at least 100x during this episode. Me: What kind of idiot...? [one minute later] Me: Question asked and answered, Grey.
  9. Ah, the all-important #bananabread hashtag. My eyes hurt from rolling.
  10. I mean no disrespect, Twopper, but watching the latest episode won't result in a greater understanding of Strive. Nor will reading Janelle's blog, theoretically about Strive. No one knows what Strive is -- including Janelle.
  11. "It's time to start seeking again," my ass. Like Dimitri ever stopped "seeking." He is so full of shit. Ashley asked him a straightforward question like, "What are your boundaries on dates?" and he mumbles some wooish mumbo-jumbo like, "It's about how I conduct myself as a married man," which ISN'T AN ANSWER AT ALL.
  12. Didn't we hear Meri complain that Mariah should have told her mother that "Sam" wasn't really a handsome billionaire who wanted to sweep Meri off her feet, like Christy's child did? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SHE DID! What's it like in Meri's head, where nothing (NOTHING) she does is ever her fault?
  13. I swear, I just heard these bozos have the following conversation: Christine: Where is your mom going to live? Meri: In one of the rooms. C: Then that's one less room to rent. M: What do you mean? C: You'll only have four rooms to rent, which is less income. M: I don't understand what you're saying. C: If you're only renting four rooms out of the five, you're making less money. M: I don't follow. C: Where is your mom going to live? M: In the caretaker's cottage. C: You never said that. M: IN MY MIND I DID. C: Um... M: You all are so mean! Even though I totally betrayed the "family" and tried to leave, and have been lying about it ever since, you won't give me $40k because you're worried I have no business plan, no solid way to pay the money back, and want to leave all of you out of the business profits even though you're investing YOUR money! Waaaaahhhhhhh!
  14. Meri clearly has no interest in participating in the family (such as it is), but she clearly wants to benefit from its resources. She is the epitome of selfishness
  15. Two hours in, and I'm already exhausted by Casey's endless whining, pontificating, and bloviating. What a pathetic, complaining overgrown (very) baby he is.
  16. Dear Whitney, Todd hates you. He's also right about your uninspired, half-assed "dancing." Love and hugs, Grey
  17. Oh my hell...is she honestly presenting the idea of breathing as an aid to anxiety as some kind of revolutionary find? Being Janelle must be exhausting. Yes, but have you been doing it in a super-special, conscious, energy-aware, PURPOSEFUL way? Hmm, have you? Well, you've been doing it WRONG.
  18. I'm not buying Whitney and Todd's "ride or die" friendship, no matter how many times Whitney waxes poetic about it. He's constantly insulting her, and saying what the rest of us are thinking. That "kiss" with Buddy was guffaw-worthy. Yeah, they're clearly burning with passion for each other. And Whitney kept bringing up Buddy to Heather (even though Heather had asked her not to) because she wants to poke the wound. She WANTS Heather to think there's something going on between them. Great friend there. And don't even get me started on Heather pining away for Buddy a year later! Get over him already!
  19. Damn, those were the saddest weddings I've ever seen. When I married Mr. Grey a decade ago, we had a small wedding: about 45 people. Some people dressed up, and some didn't. But you know what made it a great day? HAPPINESS. We looked HAPPY. Our guests looked HAPPY FOR US. The folks in this episode - guests/hostages and brides/grooms alike looked like they were heading for executions and thought they might be the ones on the chopping block.
  20. Apparently Lisa passed away. https://people.com/health/my-600-lb-life-lisa-flemming-dead/
  21. Thank goodness. We wouldn't want to miss one minute of Dimitri's brave search for fresh poon.
  22. I can't believe TLC chose this episode title. Doesn't Whitney realize that the network is (openly) mocking her?
  23. Ashley doesn't want a horny teenager? Whew. Good thing Jay finally hit the big 2-0! I know Auselu gets a lot of flack around these parts for being less than brilliant, but watching Kalani complain about being pregnant and then admit that she was having unprotected sex - without any understanding of how the latter led to the former - was soul-deadening. Watching Steven sit there dead-eyed as Olga cried about the thought of having her son ripped from her arms made me want to fire him into the sun via cannon. I never thought I'd see the day, but it finally happened. Larissa's ridiculousness finally made me feel...sorry. For Colt. Watching him dance like a marionette, trying desperately not to LOOK AT A WAITRESS actually made me sad.
  24. Now that it's Hanukkah, I am feeling melancholy/morose/cannibalistic. I am struggling to walk to the mailbox. Because I also have bad breath, I have been trying eating raw onions. I am not really sure about my bad breath, because I can't smell myself, but I am finding raw onions to be a nutritional rock star!
  25. We are truly living in a golden age, earlgreytea.
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