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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. LOL, what a great line. 😂 Yeah, that connection between their powers felt pretty pointed. Not subtle.
  2. THIS. "We had a birth plan..." No, YOU did. And your "plan" came about entirely because you're a selfish, knuckle-dragging ass. Sideshow Jason: So I don't get any say? Nurse: No. "Doctors and nurses don't care what I think." Look, you nauseating little troll...no one cares what you think! And no one should!
  3. Including to Jughead and Tabitha. And to the actors to play them, who look like they're abjectly miserable when they have to share screen time.
  4. Pretty sure that's intentional on the part of the writers. I mean, Kevin and Moose had a kissing scene, and they reunited in this very episode. They're deliberately writing Jabitha as blandly content-ish (they can't communicate, which doesn't equal truly contentment) and utterly passionless. It'll be easy, then, when they realize they got into a relationship for the wrong reasons and decide they're not right for each other.
  5. Have you seen any of the actors' recent interviews? They seem like they are done with this show.
  6. I agree completely. This show's attempts to deal with sensitive real life issues are clunky at best and offensive at worst.
  7. Honestly? Erinn isn't a strong enough actress to carry an entire 45 minute show. It didn't get much better after you turned it off. A few interesting/moving moments, but overall you made the right call.
  8. I laughed when Nana Rose shut the doll into the curio cabinet and announced the entire problem had been solved. Does she know glass breaks? And I share your dislike of the town meeting as plot device. Six of them in two episodes? Pick another expository device 'cause this one sucks.
  9. Wow, Ella was totally infuriating. "Didn't I own it [the cheating]?" No, not remotely. You whined about how you "didn't mean for it to happen," and you were sad and your "love language is touch," and blah blah, so many excuses. And listening to her sobbing crocodile tears because she "wanted to have a good birthday"? Oh, come the fuck on. She is a manipulative, simpering whiner. "Everybody makes mistakes"? Yeah, but most people take responsibility for them, they don't try to pawn them off on other people. The way she manipulated Johnny into apologizing when she was the one who cheated was nauseating. Stay in China, Johnny. You seem like a nice dude. Change your number and don't look back.
  10. Definitely, but there's no denying that people get attached to characters and couples, and people got attached to the original couples. Without them, a lot of people have lost interest. Would reuniting them help ratings? Some, probably. But having them gone, and replacing them with the current dreck, is almost certainly contributing to the putrid ratings (not suggesting they're the sole reason).
  11. Of course not everyone liked them, but they were the most popular, enduring couples for years. They certainly had/have more fans than Veggie, Jabitha, and Tangs. It makes sense a lot of viewers dipped out when more popular ships were replaced with less popular ones.
  12. I think the Dani/Mo shit show changed the show permanently. Some of the early couples were pretty normal and reasonable. But the network hit paydirt with Mo Frauding Dani, and they ran with the freakshows. ETA: I loved the Dani/Mo shit show. It was appointment viewing. Not trying to suggest I'm above lovin' me some train wrecks, because I am NOT.
  13. Oh, I had no idea she'd had work done pre-Bachelorette. She was absolutely adorable in high school.
  14. I always thought she was of the naturally prettiest bachelorettes, too. She had such a fresh-faced cuteness...
  15. Oh, definitely. No doubt. But going from over 1mil viewers to less than 200k is a rather precipitous drop. Even The Flash does better, and it's in season 8. And of course some viewers like the show now (didn't mean to imply otherwise), but such a large drop in viewership is a clear indication that a lot of former viewers do not the direction of the show.
  16. My "not seeing it" isn't the issue here. Chemistry is inherently subjective. I've never seen romantic chemistry there, and that hasn't changed. I respect that you have and do.
  17. It's fairly obvious viewers don't like the story. If they did, they'd be watching. You're absolutely right that season 7 will happen, and the writers will do...whatever they're planning to do. Television ratings don't matter like they used to, but they still matter. Advertising revenue still matters.
  18. I think they had one good love scene. The others have been tepid, and they seem like frat bros now (my opinion only, of course). I've never seen them as having a romantic spark, and they've never seemed compatible.
  19. Sure, but there's no way to spin these numbers as anything other than putrid. They lost 60k viewers in the span of two weeks. People know when the show is on now, and they aren't interested. The Flash is in what, season 8, and a lot more people are tuning in. They're average more than twice Riverdale's viewership.
  20. Geez, this show is doing terribly. Didn't even crack 200k viewers this week. A whole 180k people watched. Viewers do not like what they're seeing, and they are not tuning it. How embarrassing.
  21. I burst out laughing at this. Everyone knows the Big Bad has to have an unreasonable grudge against a high school student!
  22. That's my guess. Perhaps the bomb or Cheryl's curse created more than one universe. I think the writers want to play around with the supernatural without really committing to it.
  23. Agreed that chemistry is tricky to define, but I don't think it's just looking good together. A lot of it has to do with how comfortable the actors seem with other, which can vary by scenario. Jughead and Tabitha have good friendship chemistry but zip for romantic chemistry. They look awkward even hugging. Veronica and Reggie have good romantic chemistry, as they seem to be very attracted to each other, but seem annoyed as friends. Bad chemistry pulls viewers out of a scene and reminds them they're watching something fictional, while good chemistry makes the story immersive. Just opinions, of course, all my own.
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