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Everything posted by the-grey-lady

  1. He's like every bully ever. He loves to bluster and whine when people are "attacking" him, but when he's offered the chance to talk without interruption...he sits there like a lump.
  2. Jason: Let me think, let me think... Me: That'd be a first.
  3. Can you imagine being so beaten down that THAT NAME is your hill to die on?
  4. Wasn't Gabriel the name Jessa had originally picked out for Spurgeon? Surely she regrets that choice now.
  5. Kylen: You guys can't just sit here and attack Jason. Anyone aware of the existence of that hobgoblin: Yes, we can. And we should.
  6. Nothing interesting at all or actually nothing. Sounds like the essence of Jill R. distilled into one tidy phrase.
  7. Wow, Jim Bob really does think of himself as the King of Shit Mountain, doesn't he? His own little fiefdom where he can rule like a tinpot dictator over his brood of children, their hapless spouses, and their helpless children. Gross. He nauseates me. They also want to find out if you're having (gasp) sexual fantasies. Gotta stamp those harmless parts of adolescence right out.
  8. I'm still watching, but at this point I'm tuning in in hopes they'll explain away the current dreck at the end of the season, and reset to something halfway decent and/or interesting. (I do think a reset is coming.) The current show is utterly joyless. Somehow they've managed to suck the fun out of having superhero type powers.
  9. Oh, absolutely. It just angers me more than I can say, how he claims to care so much about protecting them when in reality he ignored real danger and in fact let it fester and get worse.
  10. He required potential suitors to complete an application...but papered over the danger they were in in their own house? He was so concerned about his daughters being mistreated by depraved sinners...but threw 20-year-old Anna to the wolves? That is infuriating.
  11. I can't believe some of these questions. The ones in the "extraneous spiritual experiences" section have my jaw hanging open. "List, if any, activities you have been involved in which you consider to be anti-Christian, unbiblical, ungodly, or had satanic involvement"?! I can't imagine Josh having the stamina to fill out this entire application. And heaven knows he would've had lied like a cheap rug the whole way through.
  12. Michelle had a laundry room breakdown related to her family size... ...and went on to have TWELVE more children. I simply cannot get over this. Ever.
  13. I was gonna say... How much time do you have? Is there a comfy chair nearby? This might take awhile.
  14. Every time I see @jerduggar, I think @jerkduggar, which could apply to most of them.
  15. How am I supposed to respond properly to posts about Jill Rodrigues without an eye roll emoji?
  16. THIS. Like Yve, I don't want my husband to have say over what I wear...which is why I specifically married a man who doesn't want any say over what I wear. It feels like sometimes the U.S. half of these couples expect their intendeds to change into different people as soon as they set foot onto the vaunted shores of America, like they'll shuck their cultures and religions completely.
  17. I have, just for fun. We joke I don't "glorify" him enough. Sayeth the husband: "What the Hell are you doing? That's effing creepy."
  18. I had this operation, and it is excruciating. I so hope Jackson is able to avoid it.
  19. After last week's somewhat intriguing outing...the writers stuck us with this dreck. Why not continue with some of the compelling points from last episode? Who on earth finds a possible Tangs engagement interesting? Even Toni and Fangs didn't seem to find it interesting!
  20. I hope not. One of the things I liked about show from the beginning was how they didn't drag out that tired love triangle nonsense. It would even more annoying for them to do it now, when the characters are adults. Although I think you're right. If they do it, it won't last. I wouldn't be surprised if they started and finished a "triangle" within the span of a single episode.
  21. Don't assume what I'm assuming or dismissing. It's rude. And I'm not required to agree with you about what we've seen on screen.
  22. We disagree on this point. I think the connection between their powers was quite intentionally pointed, and the writers are setting up a Varchie reunion in the future.
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