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Posts posted by Emme

  1. The uterine tissue inevitably gets thinner and more fragile each time it's stretched, and c-sections add damage; having any organ sliced open, repeatedly, is unlikely to be beneficial. But -- and this is the reason doctors can sound so militant about it -- eventually if it's too fragile the uterus can rupture, and when that happens the woman bleeds out so fast that she usually can't be saved. When a doc says, "No more kids for you," what s/he means is, "Don't have more children, or you will die.

    Yes. This is exactly what my OB said to me as he was stitching me up after C-section number four. I remember it seemed like it was taking him a long time. He said that my tissue and muscles were very thin, and it was delicate work to stitch.

    • Love 2
  2. As the mother of 2 "whopper" babies I just can't stand Jill's birth-weight-related accolades any more. Lots of women birth big babies. My daughters, now 27 and 29, came out weighing 9.7 and 10.5 respectively. One was a  c-section (though the decision to do that was unrelated to her weight), but I pushed the other out all by myself. Though I do now wish I'd driven to a small town to deliver. Maybe then my daughters would have made me a record-holder! As it was and continues to be,  lots of healthy women have big babies. So sorry Jill ... find another claim to maternal fame.

    I know. So annoying. One of the websites was discussing how miraculous the birth was, and what a trooper JillyMuffin was. My first two were 10.5 lbs. and 9.2 lbs. respectively (17 mos. apart). They were big (and beautiful), but I didn't feel like I had done anything more heroic than any other woman giving birth. By the way, a previous neighbor of mine had a baby weighing more than 11 pounds. She was a little thing, normal pregnancy with no expectation the baby would be so large. She set all records at the hospital.

    • Love 3
  3. Oh that's what she said. I didn't catch what the girl name they picked out.


    Actually, the name was Isela (I had the cc on the TV). It's pronounced IS-SAIL-UH. It's a Hebrew name (and, I believe a variation of Elishiva (Elisabeth)). It means "Devoted to G-d"


    By the way, I kind of wanted to punch Meechelle in the face every time she spoke about Cathy. Oh, and another thing, I only have FOUR blessings, but I can certainly remember finding out the gender of each one. She has so many fucking kids that she doesn't know/remember anything about.

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  4. Just an FYI - Israel is a boy's name. It is the name that the angel called Jacob after he wrestled with him and G-d later confirmed, if you will. It is a very common name for Orthodox Jewish boys. In fact, I've never heard of a non-Jewish boy named Israel. I know (Jewish) boys and men named Israel in the double digits. Nobody calls them Izzy, though - that's a grandpa name to us. It's a bit startling to hear of a Christian baby named Israel - it's like hearing of a Jewish baby named Christopher. 



    Not really. In English, it's Is- (as in "that IS the name") and -real (as in "for REAL, that is the name). In Hebrew, it's Yisroel (YIS rhymes with this, ro as in row your boat, and el as in bell. 


    Glad mother and baby are healthy.


    Yes. It's a Jewish name to me too! In fact, one of my son's Hebrew names is Yisrael - in honor of his great uncle.

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  5. I admit, they're pretty dirty looking, but if you were 42 weeks pregnant going to the hospital to get an induction, would you take the time to take off your nail polish? I wouldn't.

    Glad the baby arrived safely.

    I hate to admit it, but not only did I have a mani/pedi before each baby, but a bikini wax and blowout as well.

    • Love 4
  6. Anyway, I have a question. At what point does a doctor say ' no more pregnancies' if you have repeated c-sections? Like, whats the cut off? I know Jchelle had a few but she was able to have most births in between vaginally...but if JillypIcklymuffin has a c-section with JesusJr , then a second one, then a third...at what point does it become really unsafe? Would repeated c-sections decrease fertility?

    There is no set number - depends on the patient, and the OB. i can say that doctors (particularly OBs) are becoming more and more malpractice phobic. I believe it's gotten more difficult to find doctors willing to do VBACs.

    I have had four C-sections. My first was very large (10.5 pounds) and wouldn't descend. My doctor wouldn't allow a VBAC try for any subsequent babies, as he feared they would all be large. Actually, my last baby was an average 7 pounds.

    As he was stitching me up after number 4, he said "no more babies." My muscles were very weakened by that point (we were done anyhow).

    LOL - C-sections did not affect my fertility! My last two were conceived easily after my 40th birthday.

    Wishing Jill a safe and joyous birth.

    • Love 3
  7. Someone mentioned in the show thread that Cameran has a nice house, nice car, and there was a Jaguar in the drive way too.


    Hubby must be raking it in or has had the practice longer than you would think, unless he's a lot older than Cameran.  Unless he didn't have school loans or something, you wouldn't expect that level of affluence early in a doctor's career.


    So while she should have a back up plan, if he's making several hundred thousand a year, she shouldn't have any money worries, unless they split up after only a couple of years.

    Cameran's husband graduated medical school in 2002. So he's probably in his mid- to late-30s. Don't know how he financed his education, but I'm sure he's making a very nice salary at this point.

  8. Hmmm... I've always thought this baby would appear April 3.

    Like Jill, I was a June 21 bride, and like Jill, I got pregnant right away (unlike Jill, I am not a fundy!).

    Anyhow, my baby was due April 3. I convinced myself I would give birth March 21... Baby arrived April 16 - 13 days late, and a whopping 10.5 pounds.

    I'm going with my original due date (April 3) for Baby Dill.

  9. Interesting to note... I was just over on iTunes downloading some stuff for a trip. All three seasons of The Americans made the current Top 25 of TV season downloads.

    So, I guess that means people are catching on - and catching up? How much stock do the networks place in download numbers when making programming/renewal decisions?

    • Love 1
  10. I'm going with one of these names: Mya/Mia, Melody, Megan/Meghan, Marissa, Mallory, or Meredith.

    I hope they don't do something like either Makenna, which is way to close to McKenzie, or Margo, which is the baby name I've chosen if I'm having a girl this October.

    I love the name Margo! I had a cat named Maisie years ago. I later wished I had saved it for my baby.

    I agree M4 might be Madysen or Mikayla... I don't know, I hope it's something different from Makynzie (?) - it's bad enough they'll all be "Ms"

    • Love 1
  11. I'm mentioning mtv because the only way we found out about new music was mtv. That's why the British invasion got huge. It's why Duran duran broke. Adam ant. A flock o seagulls. Altered images. Human league. All in one year. Mtv had British music in rotation. Anyone who was a teen then would know that. MTV a was HUGE. It was enormous. Maybe someone a few years younger as you just said the scriptwriter was wouldn't remember what a HUGE change it as. I remember sitting at my best friends house and seeing "video killed the radio star" and the jolt we all got. Buggles.

    I live outside of NYC. I was a college DJ in 83. The scriptwriter might be misremembering what year she heard yaz. Yaz was not mainstream. Someone Henry's age in 1982 just doesnt have the same experience as someone my age in 1982.

    For example, I was 10 in 1975. Does that make me qualified to write about what high school kids were thinking about then? Nope. My brothers were older, but I am not them, dimly have a sense of what they were doing but some of he nuances would be missing.

    Lots of people last episode said they'd never heard of yaz. That's accurate. Yaz got a little bigger in the MID 80s, not when the record was brand new. That smacked to me of "looked up on wiki when album came out."

    You may buy it, but I don't. It's a small thing but it takes me out a bit. I know they work hard to get things right but sometimes I think they work too hard. They had Paige saying all the kids loved he album..l that just seems off to me.

    Still wondering about then accent thing.

    Anyone here know when WHFS started broadcasting in the DC area? They were a great alternative station broadcasting out of Annapolis. My husband and his friend went to the studios one day and ended up hanging with one of the main DJs (Niecy). Anyhow, if WHFS was around in '82, they certainly would have been playing Yaz. Speaking of Yaz, the album "Alf" by Alison Moyet was THE soundtrack to a painful breakup of mine... "All Cried Out," "Invisible." Great songs, and perfect for wallowing in my sorrow.

  12. She never called him an alcoholic. He chose to stop drinking because of the family issues with alcohol. And I'm not sure why that means Lisa has to stop drinking since she isn't the one with a family history of issues with alcohol.

    Didn't Kyle ask Lisa R. Something about how Harry's "sobriety" was going? For a moment Lisa looked really pissed, then composed herself. Did I imagine this? If so, kind of shitty of Kyle.

    • Love 3
  13. Watching Yo deal with Lyme makes me nuts, because I was diagnosed in 2009 and treated with oral antibiotics (3 different ones over a 6 month period) and didn't get better. Then the "Lyme Doctor" put me on IV Rocephin but didn't protect my gallbladder, so I wound up in the ER with a gallbladder attack and had a procedure called ERCP to clear the bile. I had complications from that (pancreatitis and a blood infection) that nearly killed me and I was in the hospital for nearly a month. (I had two babies with no drugs, and that was nothing compared to pancreatitis. I shit you not.)


    BTW, ERCP is what just killed two people at UCLA Medical Center.


    Fast forward to 2014 when I started having weird motor symptoms again but after multiple tests and finally a DATscan (special brain scan at Columbia Presbyterian in NYC) it turns out I have Parkinson's, and never actually had Lyme at all. The motor symptoms I had back then were just the very early signs of PD.


    That's a long way of saying that one would hope that someone with Yo's resources would be ruling out all of the other possible neurological illnesses she could have. My PD doctor at Columbia says the fact that I didn't respond to 3 different oral abx should have clued someone into the fact that it might not actually be Lyme.

    Wishing you the best. I know how difficult it can be to pin down actual underlying causes of neurological illnesses. I've seen it many times, including a colleague who wasn't accurately diagnosed with ALS for nearly a year. You must be relieved to have an accurate diagnosis so that you can receive the best possible care.

    Like you, I find watching Yolanda and her dealings with Lyme (or whatever is ailing her) to be frustrating. She is a public figure, and I don't find her a reliable source. You might say, "well, I don't look to the Housewives for medical advice," but I'm afraid many do.

    • Love 3
  14. I suppose it would be hard to place yourself as a "leader" with every action of the group and never mess up.  I sure hope he didn't to anything and has learned his lesson.  Since I just started watching it this year I was not aware of Gothart background.


    Well, I consider myself the "leader" of my family. I certainly mess up. However,  I find the despicable actions of Bill Gothard more than just "messing up." Not to mention the alarming tenets of the Gothard movement (cult) in general.

  15. I keep going back to that scene in the last episode where Agent Aderholt is asking Stan about being embedded with the white supremacists. Stan says something like, "tell them what they want to hear" (paraphrase) in terms of how he successfully embedded. I think that's in his mind as he deals with Zendaia.

    • Love 2
  16. So boring. The mom and dad were just reading lines. There's nothing unique here. I mean, every mom cries when she sends her kid off to kindergarten.

    Oh, and kindergarten teacher? Crazy tight mini skirt. How does she teach in that thing? With little kids you're on the floor, lifting, etc.

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