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Posts posted by Emme

  1. I think the Spacey jokes are an aside to the fact that he is very private about his personal life, but there are rampant rumors he is gay. 

    Julie's hair in season 2 really bugs me. I rewatched season 1, and I like her better without the big, choppy hair.

    Andrea Martin is, and always has been, amazing. I love watching her.

  2. I'll bet Dr. J bows out on this pregnancy... too much risk. I had four c-sections (age 40 and 41 with the last two). My OB said another pregnancy was out of the question. I can't believe she's doing another c-section, and even pregnant again after placenta previa.

    Just putting this out there... post c-section, you have access to painkillers for quite some time (if needed or not!). I've long suspected Tori has a problem with prescription drugs.

    • Love 7
  3. On 9/25/2016 at 11:34 AM, DearEvette said:

    I don't think the questioning is that he hired someone, but more along the lines of how does a PI even reasonably go about finding someone who anonymously left a baby  at a firehouse.  And from there, proving that this guy is actually Randall's father. 

    There are a lot of suppositions that could be made about what happened off screen: it wasn't anonymous, he actually gave his name when he dropped the baby, there was a note left with Randall, there were security cameras etc.  But the show didn't bother with any of that.  For me the details do make a difference in this instance because of how absolutely sure Randall is that this guy is his father; so much so  that he invites him into his home with his children.

    I actually have some knowledge of how this works. I hired a PI to locate my birth mother. She was found in one weekend, with very little information to go on (date of birth, name of adoption agency, county of birth). I received very detailed info from the PI, leaving no doubt this was my birth mother. I'm fact, a lot more info than I expected - current spouse, current and previous addresses, country of origin (she was not a U.S. Citizen), her maiden name, married name, my birth time, weight and length)...I did make contact with her, and yes, it was her.

    it was so emotional getting those details as an adult, and a mother myself. I was, for some odd reason, fascinated to now know the time I was born.

    • Love 11
  4. I work in development in the non for profit world.  This year, several people donated their drink and paint by vocal instruction treasures for selling and assigned values of $100+ to their gift.  I was horrified.

    Sigh. The "special snowflake" generation is coming of age. I'm actually raising four of them myself. I try to instill healthy self esteem without providing unrealistic expectations. Some of the parents (and it's mostly mothers) are insane in their promotion of their kids. I mean, every kid IS special, and every kid IS good at something. But it can't be every fucking thing they do. Interestingly, the teachers seem to follow the parents' lead, and also promote the same kids over and over again. I think some of them are scared of the obnoxious parents (or probably weary of dealing with them).

    If Kathryn really wanted to secure her future (get money for a leisurely life), she'd do two things.

    First, get a mediator, and work out a generous deal with Thomas. By law he may not have to give her much, but the girl is nothing if not manipulative, and I'm sure she could get something in writing that would provide continued, generous support.

    Second, Patricia. Now her bridges are pretty well singed already, but she should have gotten on her good side. It's no question that Patricia is aching for grandchildren. If Kathryn was smart, she could have used her connection to Patricia via the show to get close. I bet Patricia would have rolled it out for her in exchange for continued access to Kensie (and now St. Julien).

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  5. I think she's doing what's called in recovery circles, "pulling a geographic" with each move. You change your surroundings in an attempt to make things right, when really what you need to change is not your surroundings, but your own approach to life. When you have a lot of money (ok, in her case, at this point it's her mother's money), you can keep trying this over and over again, continuing to hope that if you just find the right place/get things right this time, everything will be ok. But of course it won't be, because the stuff, the place, other people, etc., aren't the problem.


    (I'm not saying she has a substance abuse issue, although she clearly has an adjustment to life problem - but it's one of the unsuccessful things people try to do to solve an alcohol or drug problem, or any other problem that's actually one that has to change from the inside, so you learn to recognize the pattern).

    Exactly! She keeps moving, hoping for change. But people don't really change.

    I've long thought she has a painkiller addiction. That's why all the hospitalizations, migraine treatments, etc.

    • Love 4
  6. Yeah Katie Lee was Billy Joel's wife for awhile (2004-2009). At least that's what Wikipedia said. Also a food critic, though I've never heard of her in that realm.

    Katie Lee was also the first host of Top Chef - way back when Bravo aired it. She was so one-note and wooden, and didn't appeal to viewers. Padma Lakshmi was brought in for Season 2, and has been there ever since!

    • Love 1
  7. I am currently going through surgically-induced menopause. I am often suddenly hot, am dealing with sadness from this sudden change, and short-temperedness from hormonal changes. I am often low on energy, and my brain is kind of foggy.


    Whatever else Yolanda is dealing with, I am firmly of the belief that she is experiencing menopause. At the exact moment her daughters are being celebrated for their youthful beauty.

    I am adjusting to my changes, because I am raising four kids, and life goes on. I am happy to be alive, and going through this is a small price to pay for that privilege.

    I think all of Yolanda's money, resources, and health advocates, and adoring fans responding to her Instagram are keeping her from figuring out what is going on, acknowledging it, then going about the business of being alive.

    • Love 4
  8. They still say that. Death Certificates list the actual COD.. AIDS doesn't technically kill you . It weakens the immune system allowing you to acquire Opportunistic infections , cancers etc.. Now it may sometimes get listed as a secondary, like PCP due to HIV infection. But generally a DC lists the infection that kills you

    My brother was unfortunate enough to contract HIV in the late 80s - when treatment options were few, and survival rates grim. His death certificate read his cause of death as pneumonia. However, he instructed that his obituary read about his HIV/AIDS as a way of acknowledging, and taking some of the silence away from it.

    I can understand people with chronic illnesses wanting those acknowledged as well upon death, in addition to the primary cause of death.

    • Love 15
  9. Noah Emerich has a cameo role in Aziz Ansari's Master of None ... as Claire Dane's


    . The Americans and Homeland crossover vibes were probably not intended. Not. If anything it shows how good this little show is, check it out on Netflix.

    Love Master of None. Best thing I've seen in a while.

    I enjoyed Noah's character in this. So different from Agent Beman!

    • Love 1
  10. I expected nothing less from these two. They are hellbent on tarnishing the "family name" (Calhoun, Ravenel, etc.) with their ridiculous exploits, but then go on and on about how vaunted and respected those same names are.

    My friend's husband is French (born and raised in France). They named their baby boy Julien. He's five now and I think it's a really cute name for him. No "St." however. I'm going to have to tell my friend they messed up!

    • Love 1
  11. I don't really like the Denise role. I think it's just bad acting. She always sounds like she's just reading lines off of a card. I do like the idea of a female buddy for De to play off of, but it just doesn't work for me.

    Loved seeing Noah Emmerich. He's pretty great on The Americans.

    • Love 1
  12. I must have missed it, but where did the in utero nickname "Qunicy" come from?

    My daughter has a surname for a middle name. It's in honor of a friend who died while I was pregnant with her. It's a simple surname, however. Nothing like Spurgeon. She likes it.

    Sounds like maybe Elizabeth for the first Baby Girl Seewald (arriving January 2017). think that was Ole Spurge's wife's name. But then, you'd have a normal name paired with a weirdo name.

    They should go with Elliott.

    If they adopt any pre-named blessings, will they change the name? I'm adopted and was called Judith the first three months of life. Always thought that was so odd to have once had a completely different name.

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