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Everything posted by JMO

  1. Ah, a true artist! How wonderful---I'm always in awe, as I haven't an artistic bone in my body. Unless, maybe, you could draw me one. ;-)
  2. Not that I would consider myself an artist. But you have me curious, Normasm. What's your area of art? And, while I wasn't kidding about not wanting to disappoint, I was kidding about the pressure. Any pressure I feel is completely self-imposed. Once I start a story, I feel a certain level of commitment to it, and the readers, to keep things going at some kind of pace. Plus, it's more fun than paperwork (for which we need a new name).
  3. Jeez, now I'm worried I'll disappoint. The pressure! Worked on it a bit this AM, will probably get something up tonight or tomorrow AM.
  4. No arrogance at all, Droogie. You were probably right. As I told you, I do my best to stay out of the ICU!
  5. Back in April, I read on some (obviously unreliable) source that there was to be an immediately upcoming episode dealing with JJ's PTSD. Since I didn't quite trust TPTB to involve Reid, I preemptively did it for them. It addresses one or two of the criticisms launched at the actual episode. So, for what it's worth: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10242212/1/Anesthesia
  6. This will probably be my favorite scene of the season (sadly). It also reminded me of when Morgan and Garcia returned from London and Reid turned Morgan's attempted fist-bump into a fist-shake. He's come a long way in two years!
  7. Just for clarification----I don't know if by 'lazy eye' you meant that JM's lid was droopy. If so, that can be caused by a Bell's Palsy that doesn't quite resolve. But, if you were using the term as it's usually used, to indicate eyes that don't quite align with each other----that cannot be caused by Bell's Palsy.
  8. If I squint at things just right, I actually think there was build up to the PTSD, and I think JJ's blatant denial was a part of it. Intermittently throughout last season, both when she was acting odd regarding Cruz, and after (the awful) '200', there were scenes of Reid giving her looks, taking measure of her, etc. I'd chalked it up to acting choices by MGG until logic kicked in, and I realized that whoever edited the episodes decided to keep those throwaway few seconds, multiple times. So, there was either a plan, or they were just keeping their options open. Regarding the seeming suddenness of symptoms in yesterday's episode: people react when they react, and it often doesn't make sense, because it has very little to do with logic. I see it a lot through work, and, often enough, it looks similar to what I saw on my TV screen last night. CoStar, I saw that scene differently. She was pent up, and beginning to unravel. He penetrated her defenses, both with his analysis and by showing how much he cared, and she feared she wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer. She needed him to stop, so she wouldn't fall apart. It wasn't an insult. It was a plea.
  9. Great points. I really do wish they'd gone that way. It would have cost nothing in terms of screen time and would have had greater dramatic impact. (Of course, if I was a Morgan fan, I would be saying that I was just happy to see him for a little bit!)
  10. Echoing what Normasm and Droogie said, Chaos Theory. I understand why you would feel as you do. It does get pretty (unnecessarily) vicious about JJ here, and occasionally spills over to real people, which is when I get up and walk away. But I've never felt like I couldn't express a reasoned opinion and be heard, even when that opinion seemed unpopular (and, about JJ, my opinion is pretty much always unpopular!). And, frankly, the discussion is not at all interesting when every opinion is the same. People tend to be pretty supportive of each other on this board, if not of each character. So stick around, figure out what exactly makes you like JJ, or anyone or anything else about the show, and let us know. We're listening.
  11. The voice of dissent has arrived. For me, this was a welcome relief in what had become a long string of disappointing episodes. It wasn't without its issues, but I liked it. Why? Well....Reid, of course. I thought they (Breen Frazier and MGG) hit the right notes with his portrayal throughout. This was the Reid I've come to know and love. He was smart, and amusingly offended when Kate challenged his facts. In other episodes, a challenge would have resulted in a confused look, and then silence. This was more consistent with a mature Reid. He was concerned and empathetic with JJ, but still reserved enough not to reach out to her physically. I think, over the years, we've see him respond when someone reaches out to him, but he almost never initiates. Not to mention, except for that one side of his hair, he looked yum. Since the long-delayed PTSD was to be portrayed, the two directions that would have made sense would have been vertical (Hotch, her boss, talking with her) or horizontal (her friend). Either would have worked. Both would probably have been better, but I was happy with the choice they made, because of ....Reid. Yes, I guess I'm one of those 'deluded' fans. But I maintain that it was an entirely legitimate dramatic choice. I think it would have been better if there had also been a scene or two with Hotch, but I thought it was legit to choose to portray only the scenes with Reid. I don't think the absence of input/observation from the others necessarily reflected their not catching on. If we'd had those scenes as well, there would have been no time for a case. And I think it's very typical of Reid to want to earnestly help a friend in need. He is much more empathetic than some of the writers portray him. I wasn't put off by how much the episode focused on JJ, since it had been touted as a JJ-centric episode. In that respect, I don't think it was any different from the Morgan/Chicago episodes, or the Rossi/Vietnam vet episodes. I get being annoyed when a non-centric episode is unevenly distributed, but I don't understand the upset about this one. Having said that, I thought AJC did well with her scenes. I will still probably prefer the subtlety of her performance in 'Risky Business', but that wasn't what was called for here. Two little things she did that I loved dramatically: on exiting her first long scene with Reid, she wipes her eyes, pulls back her shoulders, mutters, 'OK' and, pitifully, puts on her profiler face. That spoke more about who JJ is than anything else. She did something similar in the very last scene, where she keeps saying 'no'. I didn't have the sense that she was willing to fight. I had the sense that she was going back to the land of denial. If so, good dramatic choice. I've noticed that a few people were upset with JJ about her outburst, and not being more considerate of Reid and his past experience. But that simply doesn't happen with someone when they are in the throes of a mental/behavioral/emotional crisis. Maybe before, maybe later. But not in the middle. It's too overwhelming. When you're in the middle of it, it seems like the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone, and it's happening to you. Reid's calling JJ out brought her crisis front and center, and put it right in between them. She was intellectually familiar with PTSD, but not emotionally. She didn't really 'get' it until she lived it. And then she needed a 'new word' because it was so much stronger than what she'd realized. The one consistency in how JJ has been written since the beginning is that she's always been portrayed as someone who kept a tight rein on her emotions when in public. How that played out was different with each different situation. To me, her reactions in this episode rang true to that aspect of her character. She'd reached the point where her emotions threatened to show themselves despite her efforts to keep them contained, and that frightened her as much as anything else. I will need to rewatch to catch the intricacies of the case, but I liked the twist of having a serial killer show up in the cult. And I liked the idea of the parent having gone underground. I think that is based on several real cases. Less gore, more depth=my kind of case. On the other hand: I didn't understand why Reid offered to watch the kids while JJ went after the unsub. Did he think she was more capable than he? And that he was a better choice with the kids? Did he not realize how dangerous it could get, given her current mindset? Did her forget there were other LEOs there? I may have to explore this in writing. I didn't understand why Reid chose to help JJ by giving her the information on her captor. Didn't follow the reasoning. I agree with those who thought we should have seen a Hotch/JJ scene about her not following orders. Zaneej, you asked a few questions that, for once, I have answers to: Why did we get a scene of JJ looking at her abdomen?----remembering the miscarriage, and the tasering. The taser memory is what helped her recognize the burn mark in the photo of the corpse as Garcia was presenting the case. How did she hurt her hand, if she was wearing gloves? She punched her locker. JJ's office? Reid said he'd left the folder for her in her 'old office', where she might have some privacy in reading it. (But I still don't understand why they haven't given that office to someone else by now!) Oh, and the fist bump. Best scene of the year, so far. Disappointment is a tough land to live in, so I sympathize with those who are still there. For me, it's been a long visit, but I'm on my way home. Hoping not to be detoured back next week.
  12. Two things----Firstly, I think there's much ado about nothing regarding AJC's recent interview, or any interview, for that matter. Most of these things take place in a matter of a few minutes, and not everybody is all that good at thinking on their feet. Most of what they end up saying is a combination of nonsense-speak and throwaway remarks. So reading into anyone's words, or reacting to them, or reacting to what we think they might have meant (and then getting annoyed with them for what we think they meant) doesn't really make all that much sense. Even for MGG, the only interview I've ever paid any attention to was his hour long podcast. It was much more in depth, and much more genuine. Not entirely genuine (there's definitely some 'party line' in there), but much more worthy of attention and reaction. I'm not aware of any such interviews with AJC alone, but would be interested to be directed to one, if any of you know of it. (And, yes, at work I use an official 'no whining' mug where it seems to be popular and even, sometimes, effective. All I have to do is point.) Secondly---there doesn't seem to be a dedicated thread for tonight's episode, but I will officially say that I was encouraged by one of the previews released yesterday. Hoping that the full episode will live up to that promise.
  13. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Yes to everything Normasm said about JT eschewing 'Hollywood aging' and showing us what a real woman looks and acts like. I appreciated that she brought that to my screen, even if I found her character hard to get to know. Regarding the comparison: Neither actress holds any star power for me. I remember JT in The Firm, where the plot was more important than the acting. I remember JLH from way back in Party of Five, where she did 'fine'. I never watched The Ghost Whisperer, both because I didn't care for the premise of the show, and because it effectively bumped Joan of Arcadia (which I thought was richly conceived and worthy of a longer run, and which offered Joe Mantegna a meatier role---he's good as a dad) off the air. So I can only judge each of them on how they've been on CM. JT---finally showed her ability at the end. That it didn't project earlier is a puzzle. Was she unhappy, and holding back? Was she struggling to find a way to inhabit an essentially unwritten character? I don't know. JLH---I really feel like she's barely been on. I've liked what I've seen of her character, because I think 'Kate' has brought some much needed lightness to the show. (Even Garcia takes herself too seriously these days, and most of the attempts at comedy are leadenly heavy handed). But I don't think what I've seen from JLH so far has required much in the way of acting. So I'm reserving judgment until she's given something to work with. It sounds like that might be coming later in the season.
  14. Watching 'Elephant's Memory' for the zillionth time this AM, and I'm struck by how much I really do love this episode. It's character-centric, but that centricity actually integrates Reid with the team ( several great scenes with Hotch and Morgan). Nearly all of the character-centric episodes of recent years (Rossi's old friend, Morgan's Chicago issues, Hotch's Hayley dream, Garcia's hacker friends, JJ's inquisitors, Emily's spies) have mostly portrayed the character's interactions away from the team. Come to think of it, most of Reid's character-centric episodes (Memoriam, Zugzwang) still keep most of his interactions within the team. The only real exception I can think of (without my second cup of coffee) is Revelations. We see a lot of the unsub, but it makes sense. Reid is relating to him, so we need to relate to him too. There is strife within the team, which is a somewhat welcome contrast to when they can (literally) finish each others' sentences. Hotch gets to act like a boss and team leader, both in calling Reid out and in encouraging him. There are times when Hotch looks a little lost as to what, exactly, he should do about Reid seemingly going off the rails. I love seeing that kind of vulnerability in him, as a man who knows he has a job to do, but cares so much about the young man in his charge. It portrays Reid's ongoing struggle with recovery in a way that is probably realistic but not over the top. Loved the interaction with 'John' as well. Overall, a well-conceived, written and executed episode, proving that it can be done.
  15. So sorry for all of your troubles, SSAH. Hoping your 2015 will prove to be better than 2014! Adding your family (and your cousin's) to my prayer list.
  16. JMO

    The Bullpen

    I saw those tweets and thought that he sounded unusually peeved (because he was being hounded over something he doesn't control, and is probably tired of hearing about) or defensive (which so often means the nail has been hit on the proverbial head). But I agree with Normasm. It serves no purpose to nag at him. He is one of the few from the show who communicates pretty freely, often, and nicely, with the fans. He doesn't have to do it at all. In the end, I don't know that the fans will have a whole lot of impact about anything to do with the show at this point, no matter whom they approach, nor what they say. Those running it, and writing it, are satisfied with their product, even if some of us are not. By the numbers, they've still got a hit show, which will continue to pay their bills. And, given that it is in season ten, its run may already have exceeded their expectations. If they feel they're looking at the waning season or two of the show, they would have no economic pressure to respond to fans' wishes. Of course, that doesn't mean they couldn't do it just because it was the right thing to do.
  17. On the JLH announcement: I read somewhere that Kate is abducted in the season finale. Maybe the kidnapper will keep her for nine months. I actually don't mind the character, but wish we knew more about her. I've seen the comments on the CM Facebook site, and often wonder what show some of them are watching, as I think we've seen very little of Kate. That said, I can't miss who I don't know, so it would be fine with me if she were written off. But I have enjoyed the little bit of humor she's brought to the show. Doesn't matter to me one way or the other if they write the pregnancy into the show. At least they don't have to invent a husband for her. On the Reid 'emotional arc': I find the phrasing interesting, since so many of the writers do their best to write him devoid of emotion (and then MGG thwarts it with a look on his face). So I haven't a clue what they might think is an 'emotional arc', and find it strangely disturbing. On the other hand, there's this priceless reaction to it (not mine): https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10957117/1/When-Worlds-Collide-Reid-s-Rebellion
  18. JMO

    The Bullpen

    Your post made me think, Droogie. In the end, I came down on the other side of it. I think characters like Hotch (whom he was referencing in that 'I'm a blinker' conversation) are meant to be people who don't acknowledge their own fears, even to themselves, let alone to anyone else. So Hotch is careful never to let it show on the outside (and maybe not on the inside, either). But Reid has the reactions that most of us would have. He experiences the fear. He does blink. And then he gathers himself and stands up to the evil anyway. To me, that's true courage.
  19. Just stopping in to wish everyone a Happy New Year. Hope that your holidays, whatever you celebrate, were joyful.
  20. There was a lot to like about this brief series, most especially the nuns. While it was clear that not all of the young ladies were genuinely pursuing discernment, it was wonderful to see the patience and guidance given to each of them, regardless of where they were coming from, or where they were (obviously) headed to. The professed sisters on the program offered a welcome example that it is possible to live in community and have disagreements without extreme drama, that it is possible to have a bad day without having a bad life, that it is possible to live with restraint and not feel deprived. This is the kind of reality TV I would like to see gracing my screen, over and over again. Count me with those who would love to see a series focused on the sisters themselves. Nuns rock!
  21. It's one thing to comment on a person's actions, which are relatively objective. Or to have an opinion on the product of their work effort. It's another thing entirely to be disparaging of a person because of a presumed intention, or a misassigned responsibility, and it makes me very uncomfortable. Which is a long introduction to why it is now better for my digestion if I go and eat lunch in my office. See you all on a kinder, gentler thread, or at a kinder, gentler time. Hopefully, that will be after tonight's episode!
  22. Moving this over to Reid's thread. I'm curious what people think would be a good storyline for Reid on the show. It seems there is dissatisfaction with the idea of another romance, or of focusing on his relationships within the team, or with his mother returning, even more so with his father returning..... The show has already done (and poorly wrapped) a story about a career crisis (True Genius), his relating to unsubs and victims (Elephant's Memory, The Uncanny Valley, Coda among others), and several 'Reid in peril' episodes. What are your ideas? What would be an acceptable premise for an episode, or even an arc?
  23. I think I have the kind of visceral reaction to Will that some do to JJ. Ever since 'Mayhem' I try to shiver him away whenever he's on screen. He didn't do anything to deserve it except never smile and constantly slur his words. But it always feels slimy, and he gives me the creeps. Which is why I get that some people will never again be able to wrap their minds and arms around JJ. So I understand if there's disappointment that a little Reid screen time will be shared with her. For me, as a fan of their friendship, it's great news. Forgive me if I'm pointing out the obvious, but I've learned that some things are only 'obvious' to me: Reid might have PTSD from the Hankel incident, or from witnessing the death of Maeve, or even from the second attempt on his life in last year's finale,since he was aware of all of those things. But his getting shot is very low on the list of probable causes. Sudden, unexpected trauma to someone is more likely to produce PTSD in their loved ones, who experience prolonged periods of tension and distress, than it is in the recipient. The recovery experience from a sudden trauma-----procedures, therapy, etc.---may impose PTSD on them. But Reid was shot, treated and 'recovered' within 24 hours. So, no, I don't think he would be getting the PTSD episode this season. But he is a very likely candidate for JJ to turn to. She knows he's had PTSD, from several different traumas. She knows one of those episodes involved his captivity and torture, as did hers. And---he's not her husband. There's a reason there are support groups for things like this. It's rare that someone gets through it simply with the support of their family. It's far more realistic that JJ would reach outside her family, and to someone who's been through it, for help. Even though Will is his own candidate for PTSD due to captivity, thanks to (the awful) 'Hit' and 'Run'. The JJ/Reid friendship has been portrayed to greater and lesser (mostly lesser, alas) extent since the first season. Their argument in 'Proof' would not have happened at all if not for that friendship. It was the betrayal of a specific, and more intimate, trust that got to Reid. My guess is that we all know people who have fallen out with good friends over something. Sadly, some of them have let those friendships die as a result. None can claim to have behaved maturely in doing so. I like to think that Reid is more mature than that. One of the challenges to the show is unavoidable. JJ was traumatized by being held and tortured last year. But she was also traumatized by her experiences in Afghanistan years ago. Since the war experiences were only 'invented' last year, it was impossible for the show to give her retroactive PTSD from that earlier time. So it will be interesting to see if they somehow try to incorporate both traumas into one reaction. I can think of ways to do so, but I don't know that they will. I still have trust issues with the show and writers so, while I'm pleased, my expectations are low. I am glad to see the announcement of MGG's directing episode 21, as we'll at least get some of his viewpoint from behind the camera, if not his presence in front of it.
  24. 'Just My Opinion' because, well....
  25. I'm fine with it. I suspect it was because of MGG's acting choices more than it was the writing or direction, but we saw Reid being solicitous of JJ last year, when she was worried about her connection to Cruz coming out, and we've seen it again this year. In addition to some subtle reactions and eye contacts, we even got some dialog. So, for me, it makes sense, and I'm glad they've decided to play it out. And, if it means EM has been paying attention to fan complaints, well, isn't that the point of making them? Why not be happy to have been heard?
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