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Posts posted by Adrienne2729

  1. On 12/4/2018 at 9:42 PM, spanana said:

    I like Miles, Sky and Ariana and have nothing against Mack, but I have a hard time with the who should win or who deserves it the most since it's not really fair to be comparing 10 year olds to 14 year olds.  That is a world of difference maturity wise and a million other things.  So I can rationally compare Miles and Mack to each other and Ariana and Sky to each other but can't really otherwise.  I know we do it all the time with the adults, but adults are adults.  To me there is just such a huge developmental difference between 10 and 14.

    Miles and Mack are the same age. And they represent so perfectly why middle school is so awkward - some 14-year-olds look like little kids and some look like grown adults. 

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  2. 19 hours ago, liammaam said:

    Speaking of seatbelts:  WHY DO LARISSA AND COLTEE WEAR THEIR SEATBELTS LIKE IDIOTS?!?  Also, the car windows are clearly rolled up, so bullshit on the AC "storyline."


    Production requires that the windows are rolled up during scenes filmed in the car, because otherwise the wind noises overwhelm the sound. 

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  3. 2 hours ago, TVForever said:

    As far as the world was concerned, the plane was lost at sea with all passengers dead ( kind of like the real-life Malaysian flight that disappeared about 2 years ago, and still hasn't been found, despite a massive search that went on for some months). In fact, a plot point from a previous episode was Grace stressing because the insurance company wanted their payout (for Ben and Cal's deaths) back. I think this week was the first time we've seen the scientific community trying to come up with an explanation for just what happened to the plane. It was a minor scene, but enough to let us know that folks were working on this. I don't think it's going to be a real part of the storyline, though. 

    As for how the passengers were chosen for the experiments, they seemed to be all the foreign nationals from the flight,whose absence was easily explained by the claim that they were all repatriated to their home countries. That's why even Vance and his crew didn't realize anything was amiss, until Michaela sent the picture of the woman at the "farm" in upstate New York that was reported to have been sent home to Norway.

    That is also quite an unbelievable plot point.  As if the news of a Norwegian person who was on that plane (a worldwide major news story) didn't return to Norway would never be realized?

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  4. 13 hours ago, Orillia said:

    What I can't believe is the lousy quality of the picture that Michaela took.

    That was driving me crazy!  Maybe it's a cop thing or a nod to having missed 5 years of socio-technical momentum, but who thinks to grab a point-and-shoot crappy digital camera to snap a quick photo? 

    If The Blacklist and Lost had a baby that inherited their most unsavory features, it would be this show.

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  5. On 10/2/2018 at 10:59 PM, breezy424 said:

    So Randall picks up the girls from school.  Deja is the only one with nothing to do so Randall drives Deja down to Phillie to hang out with Skye.  Um did I understand that correctly?  Kids in NJ get out of school 2:30 - 3:00 depending on the grade.  But Randall manages to drive two hours to Phillie, call the representative guy, follow him to where he's getting a haircut and then back to the center.  Plus buy a light bulb.  Then he manages to get Deja back to Alpine and change, then goes to NYC for Kevin's premiere.  Sorry...  I just can't with this stuff.  They should have had William move to Newark rather than Phillie and then I could buy it. 

    Do we know where in NJ Randall's family lives?  Because the NJ state line borders the city of Philadelphia so a drive from NJ to Philly could conceivably be a couple of minutes.

  6. 22 hours ago, charmed1 said:

    ITA. For me, it harkened back to enslaved African women being forced to serve as wet nurses and midwives for the children of plantation owners. Especially seeing her dressed in that get up.  Wonderful piece of acting. Her scene was the very first and only time I shed a tear during this entire series. Every one of my doctors is a black woman — from dermatologist to therapist. It definitely resonated with me.

    Absolutely! This whole series "harkens back" to American chattel slavery which - for me - makes all of the contemporary feminist commentary so incredibly fascinating and ironic.  IMO this was one of the best scenes in the entire series for this reason.  It visually brought the parallels between this dystopian nightmare and real-life not-so-distant U.S. history to the forefront. Brilliant.

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  7. Cate and Tyler seem pretty clueless about parenting and what it takes. And sending Nova to Cate's mom's house 2-3 nights per week is a pretty outrageous decision for two non-working parents to make (especially given Cate's mom's history). Clearly Cate has some issues going on (i.e., depression, guilt, etc) and she should be engaging in some intense counseling.

    That being said, I think that Tyler's mom seemed somewhat jealous/resentful that Nova was always at Cate's mom's and not available when she was able to make it to visit. She works, right? And has a life that involves typical adult responsibilities? So she is probably not able to keep Nova nearly as much as all of these unemployed people.

    I loved how she gave Tyler the business about being lazy.

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