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Everything posted by ally862

  1. I realized today that I don't even know what is going on in this show anymore. I have a newborn and at first I just figured I've been distracted when I watch the episodes but I realized I know what's going on in the other shows I watch. Every time the previously ons come on I realize I don't remember anything from the last episode. I used to love this show. I miss it.
  2. The producers are really pushing to get teenagers into this show again which is why they praise Jena so much. She's much more marketable to teens than Jessica is. I think the problem with Jena though is she's buying the hype and think she's as amazing as the judges say. She's young so I can't really blame her for that but she does annoy me. I can't believe they brought Ariana out right before Sam had to perform. He handled it better than I expected though. I thought he would have melted into a puddle of embarrassment.
  3. I loved his line about the mother hen. Do ridiculous but so funny.
  4. I actually found Winston really funny but the rest I was just meh about. It's definitely not the same show which is too bad. Funny enough, I had a dream I was watching an epidsode of New Girl and the episode in my dream was hilarious. I cracked myself up in the middle of the night when I thought "I could literally write a better episode in my sleep". Haha.
  5. Love Winston. His yawn is adorable and cracked me up because I have a newborn who I love watching do the same exact thing. Loved everything about him this episode including the white suit reveal. I'm not happy they broke up Nick and Jess and I hate the will they won't they as much as the next guy but that last scene reminded me how much I like them as friends. They have such a sweetness between them that that scene sold me and I might not mind seeing where they're going with this.
  6. Seems like they're really trying to push Sam in the dinner sequence. I wonder if they're trying to show us good personality to justify the save but he and Caleb seemed to take up thy whole thing.
  7. I'm confused about why Penelope was still around. I thought she was just queen for a day. Is she just around because Henri wants her?
  8. Wow really? I could have sworn he closed the show more than that. Thanks!
  9. I'm actually starting to feel bad for Randy. It feels like being at a family party where Grandpa sits in the corner and makes comments that everyone ignores but no one want to tell him to stop talking because they want to make him feel useful. He really should have just let gracefully last season.
  10. I don't even care about the old ladies comment, I'm just over Caleb. He clearly has no time for the judges and is only using idol as a jumping off tool which is fine but at least pretend to play the game. I'm also sick of him getting the pimp spot all the time. I get that he has the biggest performances but its just ridiculous.
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