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Everything posted by AnnieF

  1. I have received my secret santa gift (and will post a pic in the other place tomorrow). It is a t-shirt that says "Rogue demon hunter." Perfection. Thank you, not-at-all-secret santa! ;)
  2. Sorry, yeah, this is vaping. The active ingredients in THC (the whole point of the marijuana adventure in the first place) don't become active until temps around 350° F. So you cook the frell out of it, vape it using a fancy vaporizer (because not-fancy vaporizers don't work so hot [get it? Never mind]) or set it on fire and breathe in the smoke. Of course if we'd been allowing actual medical research into marijuana then maybe we'd have a better way of getting it into your system by now, but since drugs are bad, m'kay, we don't. So light that shit on fire, yo.
  3. Alas no. It has to be heated to a fairly high temperature to be active. Even people who've just thrown a handful of bud into brownie batter are usually disappointed with the results. You either have to cook it in a fairly extensive manner, or smoke it, or vape it.
  4. Yes, although imo edible products are a pain unless you live in a state with medical pot and dispensaries where you can buy said edibles. Making them yourself is a royal pain in the ass. Pot brownies (or whatever other baked goods) are made with pot butter (at least, the kind that'll do you any good are), which is just what it sounds like -- pot cooked with butter and water for at least half an hour, usually longer, to extract the cannabinoids. It is a giant pain in the ass to make, but if you want to make the most of your product, that's what you do. Just throwing marijuana into brownie batter and baking it off will not bring it up to a high enough heat to activate the cannabinoids. Or so I've heard. Ahem.
  5. Huh. I've got the smoking part down (although at this point my tolerance is so high*, I don't really get stoned, as such) but could never do the rolling thing. Weird. ;) Erratic, I swear my first reaction to this: was: I mean seriously, dude. Listen to yourself. Good on you for pushing back on that. :) *Medical ganja has saved me. I can't take opiate painkillers anymore, so my pain-management options are very limited.
  6. I have never been able to roll a joint. Of course now I couldn't do it because my hands are bad, but even when I was nimble-fingered in my youth, I couldn't do it. When in desperation back in the day, my friends and I used to make apple pipes. Makes the smoke taste good. ;) Mmm, Granny Smith. Heh.
  7. Boo, bronchitis. feel better, Hostile and Hostile's dad. My sister gets bronchitis every winter, and it's becoming a struggle to find an antibiotic that works. She's onto the really hardcore stuff now, because the standard first-line treatment no longer works on her. It is scary. I approve of everyone's NYE plans ( know you're all relieved:P). Staying snuggled up indoors is defs the best plan. :)
  8. If it is all snowy and icy I am perfectly justified in skipping the pool this morning, right? Good, thought so. I took extra pain meds to get through my holiday dinner with the inlaws. Whatever it takes. There was a time when I would've handled it with extra wine, but now it's pain pills. Oh well. Erratic, I hope that there's just some worry on their part about their own ability to be good grandparents to special needs kids. I mean, it doesn't sound like that's what was happening, but I have hope that maybe that is part of it. And that they will realize that indeed they do have enough love in their hearts for the lucky kids who end up with you and Kory. The forecast is for snow in Vegas tomorrow night. It's forecast snow here too, but we're 400 miles to the north. Vegas almost never gets snow. I can't even imagine the hell of Snowvegas on New Year's Eve. You can bet your ass that the cabbies don't know how to drive in snow. Yikes. Anyone doing anything fun tomorrow night? And by "fun" I mean staying away from scary drunk drivers. ;)
  9. Happy Christmas, everyone. Thank you all for being here, my friends. :)
  10. Happy Chanukah, to those who celebrate it. :)
  11. L&b, you've got a few seasons to go before Mark Shepard shows up. Both leads have some pretty serious chops as actors, but the show doesn't really let them go there in the first season. It gets better. Then it gets worse, but IMO you've quite a lot that's mostly good road ahead.
  12. It took my grandmother's death to make it real to my mom, so that's possibly the only tip she could offer: "Do not do unto my own children as my mother has done to me." My mom is one of 8 children, her mom ended up settling down in her town for her golden years, my mom knew she was going to get stuck doing all the post-mortem cleanup, and indeed that was the case. Fingers crossed that the "badly kept secret" strategy works, Erratic. :)
  13. Fuck MS indeed. And cancer and dementia. Sending you big de-stressing vibes, Endeavour. Not distressing vibes; I have some of those that I save for very special inlaws, but you don't deserve that. ;)
  14. Y'all are making me feel really grateful for my mother, who is already paring down her belongings in anticipation of the inevitable (which is probably not for quite a while; my mom will be 70 this year and is in pretty good shape). She was the one who got stuck cleaning out her mother's place after her death, and that wasn't fun. So much crochet shit, oh my god. My mom doesn't want me to have to go through a house chock-full of crap, so she's become quite the minimalist. I am going to be sure to tell her again how awesome she is. Fingers crossed for work, KPC! :) ETA: Does this sound morbid? It's really not; my mom has reduced the amount of material ...material in her life because she's found it really freeing. The helping-me-out-after-her-death part is just a bonus. But a bonus that I'm feeling very appreciative of because of everyone's stories of recalcitrant older relatives. Thank you all for reminding me that I should say nice things to my mom. :)
  15. I also haven't heard about Secret Santa. Big vibes for concussion-healing, heart-healing, and adoption-readiness. :)
  16. Yeah, Torani, for example, is a big market-share holder in the flavored-syrup market. And also it's almost never wrong to figure that if an American thing is named after something European, it's because in marketing terms, "European" equals "fancy" (or "classy" or "sophisticated.") France is the #1 choice for this, usually, but if your product has actual European provenance (like Italian flavored syrups!) then so much the better.
  17. Every time we visit Mr F's grandma, she exclaims "you just got here!" when it's time for us to go. Doesn't matter how long we've been there, when we leave, we're leaving too soon and we just got there two minutes ago. It's both sad and annoying, to be perfectly honest.
  18. Thank you all so much for vibes; you guys really are the best. :) I sneezed three times in quick succession this morning, and it was pretty much a cacophony of achooahhhowwwachooAHHAHAachooOWWWWWFUCK. Fun! Big big vibes for your mom, Endeavour. :) Butterbeer sounds like a thing that is not for me (butterscotch flavor has never been my favorite). And that Peter Pan sounds...interesting?
  19. Acute pain vs chronic pain, which is worse? (J/k, chronic pain is worse. Acute pain has an end.) I got a cold. Yeah. A headcold where there's sneezing involved. I'm becoming adept at sneeze suppression. Sometimes I think the universe entered me in a pain endurance contest without me knowing about it. And I'd rather not be competing. But I don't get a say. Butterbeer sounds tooth- achingly sweet? Is it tooth-achingly sweet?
  20. Oh ew, I vaguely remember that. I had to satisfy my curiosity, and he's been working fairly steadily, just not in anything with much of a profile. Some voice work, too. So, eh.
  21. The ribs are really painful. Thanks everyone for vibes. :) I have reached the point in my Gilmore Girls rewatch where Jess shows up. I thought I didn't like him before, and I didn't even have a teenage son then. Now I do, and I just can't even with the attitude. I get that shit at home, I don't need to see on TV as well. Can't wait to be done, although if memory serves there is a fair amount of Jess to be tolerated. Blergh. Whatever happened to Milo Ventimiglia, anyway? He was on "Heroes," (and was way easier to take, I believe) but that's all I know. I know I could just IMDB him, but I don't care enough. ;)
  22. Boliver would like to be added to the list, please. :) I bruised my ribs (by falling into a table. Have I mentioned how fun MS is?) and hooboy, that's painful. Sneezes have become some sort of thunderbolt from above, intent on causing me to rethink my life, my goals, my plans, and my ability to tolerate pain. So much fun is being had, I can't even. :/ Vibes to all in need.
  23. Holy crapballs. Of course he is a cop. Of course. I hope things go well for your friend, cko.
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