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Posts posted by MachuPichu

  1. Quick thinking by Liv to kill the guy who was dying anyway by Tyler to not activate his werewolf gene.

    Alaric with all his power can't compel the doctor?

    Elena wants to be a doctor but her idea of saving everyone is vampire blood? Then she acts shocked that the pen trick works? How did she intend to actually treat patients? And hero's are her type? How does that explain Damon, the guy who has killed her brother/tried to kill her brother again/tried to kill Bonnie etc... He's so heroic in those actions. *rme*

    Loved the Damon and Stefan reunion, but hate that Bonnie sacrificed herself for him. It's been like Damon's the most loved guy in the world, with Stefan, Enzo and Alaric all going insane over him being gone yet it's Bonnie who? Caroline and Elena carry on like normal and only Jeremy remember while Damon has a mourning fanclub.

    My thoughts exactly on both Elena being a joke for a doctor and the whole universe becoming Damon-centric while poor Bonnie is an afterthought. Really geting sick of this show turning into a competition on who woves Damon more. The only true connection I still buy is between Damon and Stephan.

  2. I found it to be hypocritical bullshit. If Alaric misses Damon so...why doesn't he try to find him? Why did Stefan seem to be the only one who was following any leads (that all turned cold I may add)? Alaric's only known Damon for like...3 years in which they both tried (and were successful in Damon's part) in killing each other. Oh yea...BFFFFs

    Yep! Right there with ya. That scene irritated me on the same level as the many unbearable Elena scenes we had to suffer throughout the years. The nerve?!?!?!? Everyone keeps berating Stefan for not doing more on top of what he was already doing for months. And next to Enzo, Stephan was the only other one doing jack shit. What the "eff" did YOU do, Ric?! Oh yeah, that's right, you helped Elena be a coward and forget about her epic wove. Let's see... And you also went back to teaching (note how looking for Damon has nothing to do with teaching). What else? Ah, yes! Let's not forget the anxiety you're experiencing over "losing your game" with the annoying doctor. Tres important things to dwell on in light of feeling so strongly about losing your bestest bestie. Self righteous hyppocrite...

    Poor Elena, she's only trying to move on cuz dealing with her grief is too painful. But Stephan? Oh, yeah! Total dick! The only one Stephan is being a dick towards is Caroline, which is shitty, because she's the only one who appreciates him. Well, make that past tense, rightfully so.

    I like ivy as a baby vamp. She's fun. Bonnie sacrificing herself to save Damon is nothing new and is completely in character for her. She would have done the same thing for random brick.

    Elena and new guy: yawn! Although I do like the actor, he and Nina have zero chem.

    The Tore hug was made of epic puppy fluff, rainbows and sunshine. Good stuf. Made my jaded, cold heart skip a bit.

    A bit surprised that in the next episode's preview they didn't show the angst that will inevitably ensue as Elena and Damon reunite after his return and as he learns about her conscious amnesia achieved with the help of his bestest bestie.

    • Love 1
  3. I found it to be hypocritical bullshit. If Alaric misses Damon so...why doesn't he try to find him? Why did Stefan seem to be the only one who was following any leads (that all turned cold I may add)? Alaric's only known Damon for like...3 years in which they both tried (and were successful in Damon's part) in killing each other. Oh yea...BFFFFs

    Yep! Right there with ya. That scene irritated me on the same level as the many unbearable Elena scenes we had to suffer throughout the years. The nerve?!?!?!? Everyone keeps berating Stefan for not doing more on top of what he was already doing for months. What the "eff" did YOU do, Ric?! Oh yeah, that's right, you helped Elena be a coward and forget about her epic wove. Let's see... And you also went back to teaching (note how looking d. What else? Ah, yes! Let's not forget the anxiety you're experiencing over "losing your game" with the annoying doctor. Tres important things to dwell on in light of feeling so strongly about losing your bestest bestie. Hyppocrite...

    Poor Elena, she's only trying to move on cuz dealing with her grief is too painful. But Stephan? Oh, yeah! Total dick! The only one Stephan is being a dick towards is Caroline, which is shirty, because she's the only one who appreciates him.

  4. For as many ridiculous and outrageous Elena moments this show has begotten, today's episode was the first one that finally made my eyes roll. When she said that Damon killed Jeremy right in front of her and actually had a reaction a normal person should have, I finally gave in and rolled my eyes and said "bitch, finally you came to your senses. All it took was a supernatural lobotomy to drill some sense into you."

    Overall I'm intrigued by the storyline because it's missing the dreaded love triangle and the super, duper, uberest, baddest bad, and we're back to good ole vampire exterminator dude story line. I'm also curious to see what in the heck is going on with the Bonnie hell. This can't be what her grandmother wished for Bonnie.

    But some things are the same, such as Stefan not being able to really move on. And of course, he gets crucified for trying, figures. Yawn... Damon being boring, Elena and Damon being boring, Elena being a douche, Damon being a douche. Wait, what? Is there a pattern here I'm noticing?

    As much as I understand Stefan's desire to move on, I don't like the way he treated Caroline. I was always against them romantically but really appreciated their friendship. I thought that he should have at least given her a courtesy of a conversation to explain that he needs space and distance and then, after she inevitably starts to talk him out of it, to commence the ignoring until she's able to respect his way of dealing with losing his brother.

  5. No surprises here on the order in which the finalists were placed, but I did get very nervous there for a moment that Valerie may have clomped her over the finish line.... And then Cat called Ricky's name and all was right in this world.

    Honestly, I was shocked that the Bollywood boys won the vote. I guess the public wanted something other than hip-hop, locking, crump, street dance-y style. I didn't like the routine. It seemed uneventful and kind of a mess. The group that placed second was far more interesting to watch.

    JTF was hilarious! Finally, someone said "jidges" on the actual show!! (Unless it's happened before and I totally missed it). Paula, thank you for being such a mess, at least you're consistent. Enrique (what? No last name now?), thank you for showing everyone that you've got mad lip syncing skillz.

    The last group routine was pretty great. Nobody mentioned the opening number but I thought it was amazeballs! Please, make this choreographer stay, show. You can put Oreo on that flying carpet and make it fly far, far away.

    The Australian kid was nuts. Want to see more of his dancing. Whoever compared his style to Rudy's, only with more polish and much better technique, was spot on. The twins were sick. Very entertaining and awesome performance.

    I know I'll be in the minority, but I'm just not feeling jasmine when she's dancing hip-hop. That pharao number with Emilio, I kept watching him the whole time. His moves are so sharp and tight. Hers come across like they don't end soon enough. Not sure if that makes sense but I just feel that her arms and legs take too long to complete a move, they just keep going on and on. This is a great asset for contemporary dancing, but not so much for hip hop. But she has been working with Ciarra even prior to the show, so that just shows how much I know, lol! I just know what I find more appealing.

    I really hope the show gets picked up for another season. As many stupid things as Nijel may have said, and as much pointless and empty feedback we may have heard from the jidges, I will not complain and nit pick this show apart. I enjoy watching people dance and appreciate being a witness to their journeys from the auditions all the way to the finale. And Nijel can keep patting his back as much as he wants to because, as annoying as it may be for some, I believe the reason he keeps talking about how important this show is, is because it is, people! His heart is in the right place. If you think about it, there is absolutely no other platform that brings dance in such form to the general public (I'm sorry, but DWTS simply doesn't count). So I completely understand when he's trying to drive this point home each and every time he gets a chance to. I'll keep watching the show for as long as it's on and enjoy what it's bringing into my day.

    • Love 6
  6. Really? I sure couldn't. I feel a massive need to defend this kid who just loves to dance and is trying to make a go of it. She auditioned, made the show, has surprised me NUMEROUS times and clearly loves to dance. I don't see all this "clomping and stomping" that alot of you guys see. I enjoy watching someone who loves what they do. I do NOT understand the venom that gets heaped on Valerie. She's been voted through every week. Deal with it.

    Don't bother defending her as she clearly doesn't need it. Having said that, yes, I see someone who's very endearing with the smile that lights up the stage AND, at the same time, so painful for me to watch. You like her dancing, as do plenty of people, but plenty do not and say so on the forum, which is meant for people to share their opinions. Deal with it.

    It's the same thing with Jessica. Many people here find her to be "boring", "no chemistry", etc and I see her very differently. I thought she was sexy as hell in Spencer's number, which was one of my favorite of the night. So was Zach, by the way. I also really enjoyed her last piece with Robert, also one of my favorites, where I thought the partner connection and acting was brilliant.

    I thought the finale was a head and shoulders above the rest of the season that I, too, found lackluster overall. I love Zach but I love Ricky just as much. I really like Jessica too so I'll be ok with either of the 3 to win. Valerie, as adorable as she is, is way out of her league compared to the other three and, even though it's America's favorite dancer, not best, I still don't think she's deserving of the title next to the rest of the finalists.

    I usually don't let Nijel's comments register with me but his word diarrhea about suicide was all sorts of offensive. Having lost your friends to suicide doesn't give you the right to disrespect others who experienced the same and the memory of the ones they lost on the national tv. They may not share your opinion. So bone headed.

    As much as I found JTF hilarious, he was extra pervy with all the flirting. Must be taking pages out of Nijel's "Old pervy gizzard" book.

    • Love 3
  7. Oh, goodness. I am seriously considering boycotting the show if Valerie wins. I'm 99.9% sure Ricky will take the trophy but there is still that small chance, considering Valerie has naver been in the bottom. She gets on my last nerves. I'm one of the people for whom the personality is far from enough and I need a great execution to keep me interested. Although she pleasantly surprised me in her hip hop it doesn't make up for the horrible execution of most other dances. I simply don't care if she has a genuine smile and that lovable personality, and that she exudes joy. Call me jaded but all of these things make me wanna go barf in a bucket if you don't have the facility to back it up with.

    I really liked Jessica throughout the show but today I was a bit underwhelmed; although, in all honesty, part of it is because of the dances she had: disco and the weirdo jazz??

    I was a bit shocked Casey was sent home over Zach. I like them both in a different way, but I was still surprised.

    Loved Jacque and a Will's dance. Definitely a standout this season. Good job redeeming yourself, Cheesman!

    Casey and McKenzie made me tear up and that's saying a lot considering I'm a sarcastic and jaded soul and I actually don't think I ever got sappy in all the years watching this show. For christ's sake, I thought Titanic sucked major ass and I couldn't wait for both of them to just die already. So it takes a lot to get me that emotional. And I'm sorry, but McKenzie is a Goddess, period! Everyone who goes "McKenzie who?" can just drop.

    On a more shallow note, I wanna marry Wildabeast. His choreo, and also his dancing, is siiiiiick. On a cute note, my 4-year old has the most adorable crush on Casey. She said she likes him and that his muscles looks strong, lmao!

    The finale should be interesting. Looking forward to Kathryn and Robert. Never was a fan of Aaron as he always looked very clunky to me. Him and Valerie should become a Queen and King of clunk. Hope he's paired with her instead of Zach, cuz Zach will wipe the floor with Aaron.

    • Love 5
  8. It's like in the TVD universe: Good people suck, are boring and will be judged harshly if they ever make a mistake & bad people are fun, sexy, cool, snarky and should be held in the highest regard.

    Does not compute.

    WIN, WIN, and more WIN! That is exactly how I feel. The stuff that Stefan did in moments of greatest weakness PALES in comparison to what Damon does on a regular and yet somehow killing people, and not just any people, I'm talking about brothers and best friends, gets easily compared to "stalking" and raping gets compared to "tricking Elena into a relationship". Like, are you for real? Are we really comparing them side by side? These acts are universes apart!! I must be extremely stupid as I utterly fail to see any comparable similarities between the examples above.

    And Stefan allegedly thinking that his choice of vampirism is better than anyone else's is purely speculation based on the preference of Damon character as there was absolutely no evidence of him feeling this way. Yes, Stefan was pissed at Damon for hurting people he cares about or carelessly killing people in general. But no shit!!! Anyone having any morals would be upset! This has nothing to do with thinking one is better than the others.

    For christ's sake, Damon even killed their Uncle What's His Face! If being pissed at him for killing own family, best friend, and a slew of random people means having holier than thou attitude then I'm sorry but I'll have to wash my hands off trying to understand the other point of view.

    • Love 2
  9. Damon wasn't feeling an ounce of guilt for killing Aaron. The only reason he was so distraught is because he thought Elena would hate him. Silly Damon. Elena doesn't hate people who kill her friends. She doesn't even hate people who kill her brother, and then threaten his life again.

    Funny thing is that if Stefan did even 1% of the evil shit that Damon does, we wouldn't hear the end of it from Stefan haters. But since he doesn't, the grasping at straws takes place via accusation that Stefan has a "holier than thou" attitude. Oh, and let's not forget "he needs to own his vampirism" argument. But of course! He needs to drink human blood, even though it has a mind altering effect on him, just like a drug. But at least he owns his vampirism, and that makes it worth it to rip people's heads of. Did I get that right? Instead, Stefan tries to do the right thing and survive by other means because he actually gives a shit about people and doesn't want to hurt them. Nope! Wrong choice! Own your vampirism, they say. But yet at the same time his ripperism is being used against him just as well. Oh, well, you just can't win. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. But even with the alleged "holier than thou" attitude (which I personally think was pulled out of someone's ass in a moment of desperation), I'd take an attitude over brother-killing, friend-killing, friend-raping whiny man child any day.

    • Love 3
  10. Ok, so again, this is a vampire show, but no matter how far removed a premise is from reality I can never be sold on this. Just no. You may forgive something this atrocious, if you're close to sainthood, which we all know Elena isn't, but you sure as hell don't start dating a man who basically kills your brother, regardless if the brother comes back to life.

    So yeah, no consequences at all here. Damon snaps Jeremy's neck and he still gets Elena's magic vagina and epic love. Then he's willing to go down the same route again and then what? A whole lot of nothing. It's like it didn't matter to her! And then Damon comes to Jeremy's parent teacher conference? To me this is just disgusting! Elena is a shitty sister. But that is, of course, just my opinion. I'm extremely protective of my family and am incapable of making such a huge mental leap to comprehend how Elena can possibly stand herself as a sister.

    Whereas this show used to have ridiculous plot points like that just lightly sprinkled over the seasons, this season has been one major fail when it comes to any continuity or rationale.

    Btw, I apologize for not quoting, I always use my cell and it's not the easiest thing to do in the absence of a desktop/laptop, especially when wanting to quote multiple posters.

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  11. I fully comprehend we're talking about a vampire show, but since the latest conversation is about the sibling matters, I'd like to just say what I think about Elena as a sister. If someone snapped my brother's neck I would make sure this person burned the painful flames of hell. He would not have any second chances to as much as look at my brother again. Out of all the idiocies this show has come up with to me this one is, by far, the stupidest one of them all. This wench doesn't deserve a brother, she doesn't deserve a family. The end.

    • Love 3
  12. Gingercharm, I so agree with you regarding Ian's acting "abilities", or the lack of thereof. I was cringing so bad when he was talking to Bonnie about how she needs motivation because his brother is dead. He looked like he was struggling to take a big dump, not being emotionally distraught, lol!

    And I also agree, just because Stefan isn't a man whore like Damon doesn't mean he's gay, lol! We were shown his two relationships with women that were/are platonic. In over 100 years of his life that's not indicative of anything more than simply the fact that he's capable of a platonic relationship.

    Even though I loved seeing characters from episodes past I still think this finale sucked and I'll be reading recaps next season to see if I want to give this show another chance.

  13. Bleeeeeehhhh! This episode gave me the cramps. I really like all the characters on the show, except for Damon and Elena (although I did like them at the beginning of the show, separately), but the way the writers are handling them makes me very disinterested. Anyone in Elena's vicinity instantly becomes a huge bore, death means nothing so how can you get even a little sad?! My feels have atrophied!

    I'm not interested in Steroline in the least. For one, even during this season Stephan was still barely staying away from Elena/Kat and, secondly, people should take their amorous adventures outside their friend/family circle. It's getting very eecky.

    Writers, how about a little less epicness and a little more character development and simpler, but more meaningful story lines with fewer loopholes. Did all your creativity get sucked into the other world and disappeared into whatever is swallowing its residents? You've cooked up a good formula for the Originals: good old family feud and turf wars. Here it's like, how can we top ending the whole world as we know it? Which inevitably results in plots so contrived they become laughable. And when are you going to realize that killing pretty much all your main characters just to bring them back is so stale nobody cares!!

    • Love 1
  14. Nobody pointed out Lexi because it'll ruin the "poor misunderstood Damon" BS. The writers are so hard at work trying to shove the idea that everyone is so mean to poor Damon, and it's everyone else's fault that he does what he does. Let's not forget how he blamed Katherine for his whole shitty personality.

    But no, really, he's such a swell guy deep inside. (Barf!). In what universe will someone feel bad for killing a crazy threatening his life over a fear that his brother will hate him cuz the creep is his friend, who said brother himself left to die once already in order to save himself?? This show is making my brain hurt so bad right now.

    Bonnie and Jeremy make me feel very eecky. Can Jeremy go back to making out with ghosts? That was hot! I'm only enjoying puddin pop and Tyler's scenes.

    • Love 2
  15. There is no way I can ever buy the argument that Damon gets angry mostly when his feelings are being controlled (or whatever the argument was). There is simply nothing to support it. The perfect example was the breakup with Elena/Kat. How was that her trying to control his feelings? She right out said "we're done". There was no delay, no mingling words. Same when Elena told Damon they can't be more than friends.

    And yes, Stefan has a point not wanting to tell Damon about Enzo. Did you see the crazy in Damon's eyes when he was boozing it up at the end of the episode, talking about how he owes Enzo to find him and save him (same Enzo you left to die, right, Damon?). I totally see this Damon going on a murder rampage. What's really frustrating is that Stefan should be able to tell Damon the truth without being afraid for everyone's life. Because, come on, Enzo was about to kill Elena and would have killed Stefan had he not decided to change his mind in the last moment. Stefan found Enzo going after Elena and then was fighting him to protect his own life. Why in the heck would Damon be mad at Stefan is beyond me, but we all know he would be mad at him.

    I could never reconcile the Damon babying thing. It's damned if you do and damned if you don't when it comes to Damon vs anyone.

  16. The mentality and mindset of an era from which the originals come from is totally different compared to colonial America. They simply don't compare in terms of how two eras value human life. The original siblings came from an era where human life was short lived and the loss of human life way more common. You can argue people developed a sort of emotional immunity to the tragedy of a loss. It was all about survival. Plus, the originals have been around for hundreds of years and to them death has become the norm and, therefore, their reaction to death has evolved way past what is the norm by anyone's standards, not so much because human blood is their source of sustenance.

    Contrast it to the colonial America, the progress in the field of agriculture, medicine, and major changes in the way of thinking when it comes to human rights, liberty, and value and quality of life. The whole societal norm has drastically changed in almost every aspect. So comparing the mindset of the originals and the vampires originated centuries later is like comparing apples to persimmons.

    There is no "true vampire" mindset. Vampires originate from humans, and, as the show kept stressing in the early days, amplifies the core human characteristics. Like every person is different, so is a vampire. Damon was an insecure dick when he was a human and became an even more insecure dick as a vampire, hiding behind his insecurities and fully cognizant murderous sprees. He's a coward.

    Stefan is rightfully disgusted by his need for human blood and his inability to control his thirst. Being a vampire doesn't negate the value one places on the human life. Not sure how anyone would even get to this conclusion.

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  17. Stefan doesn't give Damon enough credit because there is no credit to give. Why the hell does Damon deserve to be treated any differently?? He just went on a killing/torturing spree (including Elena's freaking brother!!!) after he had yet another hissy fit cuz things didn't go his way. You have got to be a raging cretin to give this dude a chance. Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result.

    I totally understand telling Elena about Enzo. Stefan may need someone in his camp when pacifying Damon (yet again), and Caroline is not someone who can do the job, it has to be Elena. Stefan didn't lie to Damon because he thinks he's better than Damon. I'm sorry, but that's just grasping at straws. He did so because he doesn't want Damon to throw yet another bitch fit and go on a killing spree (over a guy he left to die a fiery death cuz he had to save himself, and then hasn't seen this "best friend" in fifty some years, really???).

    And, um..., Stefan is as vengeful as Damon?? ROFLMFAO! I got nothing there!

    Meanwhile, Jeremy and Matt are the epitome of a "dumb dumb" but I still love these morons.

    This episode's Elena made me wanna throw up into an oversized trash can, but what's new here?

    Liv bugs. The whole time Bonnie was lamenting how Liv was more powerful than she ever was I kept thinking, didn't you mess with expression at one point and the power was literally bleeding out of your orifices?

    Anyhow, I actually enjoyed this episode more than their main storyline ones, which is always the case, because their main storyline is so contrived at this point I don't even bother to dissect it.

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  18. Carrie Ann, I completely agree with what you said about Stefan cleaning Damon's mess.

    Damon and Stefan are nothing alike and Stefan having a "holier than thou" syndrome couldn't be further from the truth. Stefan is perfectly aware of how imperfect he is. And I'm sorry, but since when does calling someone on their bull (which Damon is full of up to his ears) equate to: Stefan wanting to make Damon more like him, Stefan thinking he is better than anyone, etc?? This smells of desperate grasping at straws by Stefan's critics and painfully lacks any logic. How about Damon does stupid shit and Stefan calls him on it? Simple.

    Bottom line is that Damon is a butthurt man-child who everyone freaking babies, hoping that the "good" Damon prevails. And whatever crap Stefan ever did always has a plausible explanation, like his Ripper state of mind, which is clearly altered. Damon's state of mind is "I'm selfish and generally don't give a shit unless Elena tells me to give a shit, so I randomly kill innocent people and regularly threaten/kill the brother of the woman I love." Ha! Yes, sure all our vamps have done terrible things but no matter how you spin it, Damon is by far the worst. His whiny ass doesn't deserve all the chances everyone is giving him.

    Caroline is the only one who treats him the way he deserves to be treated, with suspicion and dislike. Even though one could make an argument and say "well, she's an evil bitch and a hypocrite for what she did with klaus", while this is true, this is not something we come to expect from her, this is not who she is, she made a mistake and, thusly, feels badly about it. Shit that Damon pulls is what we do expect from Damon, plain and simple, because that's who he is. And spare me "he owns his vampirism" bull. He owns nothing! Not even his decisions or path to supposed "redemption". Damon is weak and pathetic. Was like that as a human and even more so as a vamp.

    • Love 1
  19. ^^ Agreed. Even though neither relationship is totally healthy, Delena is bubonic plague compared to Stelena and I'm not even shipping Stelena. Stefan's continued love towards Elena has become pathetic and I enjoy the character much more when he's far removed from her. As for Damon, I just want him to go to hell and take his twitchy eyebrow along with him.

    Episode was just ok, much like the whole season. I'm still watching because...oh, hell, I have no freakin clue. But hey, at least they've set up for the next in line Big Bad so I'm mildly curious to see what the travelers are all about.

  20. I'm not buying the "changing vampire Elena". The way the show has always sold vampirism is that it amplifies one's core personality attributes, which, for Elena, are supposed to be her compassion and self-sacrifice. With others it's been pretty much spot on. Damon was an insecure dick when he was human, and he became an even bigger insecure dick as a vamp. Stefan was a good son but probably with some inner demons that never got explored (cuz nobody is a perfect good boy, right?), so his demons morphed into the Ripper and his good side became a bunny sucking connoisseur who doesn't want to hurt innocent people.

    But Elena's character did a total moral 180. If there were one word I'd describe her as, it would be "selfish", which is in a total opposition to her human self. This 180 was done purely for the purpose of creating and dragging out the triangle of suck. Now she's feeling all these feels about her and Damon not being good for each other because they end up doing shitty things for each other. Their relationship was never healthy. There was always lack of autonomy when it came to decisions, possessiveness, insecurities, obsession, you get the picture. So if this is the writers' way of attempting at putting Elena back on her own path I'll wait and see what happens but she's got a loooong way to go after all the selfish decisions she'd made.

    • Love 4
  21. Add me to the Stefan fan girl club too! In big part due to Paul's significantly wider acting range :) I also find him way more attractive than Ian (I know, I know, I'm in the minority here). Damon's character at least used to be entertaining in season 1 and 2, but ever since he fell victim to Elena's magic vaj even that is gone. Ian's one dimensional representation of his character doesn't help either (and I cannot blame solely the writers for it either).

    I like Stefan's internal struggles and the fact that they are multi-faceted, as opposed to the "I'm good when Elena loves me but I'm a murderous dick if she doesn't (and sometimes even when she does)" kind. It makes me more vested in Stefan's character, even though he may be a bit boring when his own persona gets eclipsed by the Elena drama.

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