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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's a new one for me, too, as I've never had it served or packaged separately. It sounds like your son might have liked the texture of the noodles more had they been sitting in the sauce the whole time. I was not at all in the mood to cook last night, so ordered in: shirazi salad and kabobs - one beef barg, one chicken koobideh, and one lamb shish - with roasted vegetables. Tonight, shrimp tacos of some sort. I think I have a mango left, so if I do it will be shrimp tacos with mango and avocado slaw. The salad will be nopales based, as I have just enough left for one side salad, but I'll figure out the rest later.
  2. This is still true, and I miss that blue line far more than I would have predicted if asked about it.
  3. Oh, thank goodness that wasn't just me.
  4. Other than wanting the real thing rather than the mocktails featured in the latest episode, I would happily attend their cocktail party with that menu. I like raw oysters, but I also love a good Oysters Rockefeller, so this cooked version appealed to me as well (and I agree it's a good way to possibly tempt non-oyster people). I'm never excited by bread on its own, but can mightily enjoy it when balanced with other things, such as bruschetta, and I love artichokes so this was a version I'd be very happy to eat. And, of course, baked brie (with compote as a bonus). Yum!
  5. I watched in the bedroom with a cat demanding cuddles, so didn't keep track of my performance. Luckily, she's used to me hollering at the TV thanks to football season, so didn't react to my increasingly loud attempts to get one of the contestants to hear me giving them the Tina Turner answer. The other TS I remember getting are A Christmas Story (not at all a fan, so thanks to the in memoriam thread somehow making that stick for me), cottonmouth, dogwood, J. Edgar Hoover, and contrite. I did pretty well overall, but had no idea for FJ. Boy, after a dismal first half of his first game, Neilesh has thus far had a winning comeback followed by a game of total dominance.
  6. In response to recent discussion as to where the words soda, pop, etc. are used, here are the results of the famous Harvard dialect survey: Most of the country says soda, with pop coming in second (53% and 25%, respectively), and being most heavily concentrated in the Midwest. You can see details and a map here.
  7. Taking soda vs pop vs other discussion to Small Talk ...
  8. I had seen most, but not all, of Monk originally, and not in a long time, so decided to watch the entire series last year. I quickly discovered - and, yes, this fits in the UO thread, as there are people in the show's thread who watch multiple episodes on a daily basis - it is not a show I can binge-watch, as all the characters become utterly unbearable with sustained exposure. Monk is selfish and possesses not one ounce of empathy, Sharona is a blazing idiot when it comes to men, Randy is a buffoon, and Stottlemeyer is a jerk (who misses things a rookie, never mind a captain, should catch). They are all also many other things, so when I watched once a week, they were a great group to look in on. But a few episodes in a row? All I saw was their worst traits and couldn't stand them. So I watched an episode or two every other day or so and made my way through the series. As the show went on, I really started losing interest, but at that pace at least I never hated everyone again.
  9. To me, he's the bomb squad guy from Major Crimes. Sharona has the worst taste in men, so that tracks - her best boyfriend is a guy who was lying to her the whole time.
  10. This analysis is almost 15 years old, so things may well have changed, but at the time:
  11. I'm sure it depends on the industry and profession, but in mine, yes.
  12. Psycho's popularity as a classic, that Jamie's middle name of Lee comes from Janet Leigh's last (stage) name, and who JLC's parents are being part of the never-ending "nepo baby" conversation are why I was a bit surprised no one got that. I was the only one among my friends who got the Irving Thalberg & Norma Shearer TS, but that didn't surprise me, as I'm the only one who watches TCM. One who is familiar with some of her films recognized Shearer from the picture but couldn't think of her name before I spoke, and had no idea who she was married to, or how HUGE Thalberg was in the development of cinema so wouldn't have come up with him even with more time. The other didn't know who either of them were even after I said the names.
  13. Checking the archive, he did. As did I, and I also guessed the Torah after the contestant's (and one of my friends') guess of the Pentateuch was ruled incorrect. It's not often that I get two biblical clues in one game correct.
  14. Finally, I got to watch a game again. I was with friends so didn't keep track, but I know I did well. I was terrible in classical music, but good to great in everything else. And, like several others here, I said Sacagawea about halfway through the clue, so FJ was an instaget. None of the three of us had noticed Neilesh's comeback in DJ, so when he won, we all said some version of "Wait, what?"
  15. Nor did I, so I figured it was new, but I just looked it up and it goes back to 1997! I knew it hadn't been that long since I watched an awards ceremony (almost, but not quite), so my next assumption was that award is given out during the Creative Arts ceremony, not the main televised one, and that time I was correct. So that's how some of us managed to never stumble across the fact such an award exists. I hadn't seen most of the nominees (only "Like a Good Neighbaaa"), so looked them up last night. I liked the Sandy Hook Promise PSA "Just Joking" best.
  16. I hope whoever did that had her permission; she has been, so far as I can tell, incredibly quiet about the pregnancy and resulting baby -- she was visibly pregnant at the Golden Globe Awards and then on the show, it was known, but she hasn't shared any information that I've ever come across. There's nothing wrong with those, like her co-star, who choose to share pictures and other updates, but since she apparently chose to keep this part of her life private thus far, I hope someone with access didn't share something she wasn't ready to make public.
  17. It's common for lantana to cause mild skin irritation, but for someone with such an extreme reaction, I certainly understand not wanting it around. I'm one of those who just gets a mild case of itchiness and sometimes red spots that go away fairly quickly after I wash my arms (interestingly, I don't get it on my hands). I cut mine down to virtually nothing recently, and all the green sprouting out from thick branches that looked long dead is similarly making me happy -- I'll be able to go out and cut down even more, now seeing what's capable of new growth and what isn't, basically starting over as if I have two new plants instead of the overgrown monsters I'd let them explode into in recent years (I first planted them about 15 years ago, but used to maintain them better).
  18. I don't think so, but I don't know where it originated. I don't even remember him saying that. What I remember, Lincoln-wise, from his phone routine, was talking to President Lincoln, not his wife, concluding with: "Tell you what, Abe, why don't you take in a play?"
  19. While you'd need a flowchart to keep track of the affairs, the only members of Fleetwood Mac ever married to each other were John and Christine McVie. They'd been married for two years when she joined the band, and they split six years later (amusingly, Rumours is so damn good because those two had broken up, as had Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham [who never married], and everyone wrote great diss tracks, basically). So no Fleetwood Mac members have been married to each other since 1976.
  20. Preempted, archive, can't see the pictures, blah blah blah. Aw, man, The Cutting Edge as a TS, even after someone said The Bleeding Edge (LOL)? "Toe pick." The first round was the story of so close for me -- I got all but one in each. Had I been able to see the picture for the Damascus clue, I might have run capitals; if "highlighted here" means they showed a map indicating they wanted the capital of Syria, yes. I ran history and nude, but overall DJ was not a great round. I was terrible in World Heritage Sites, only getting coffee. I missed three each in pop culture and books, and two in hats & cattle. I had no idea for FJ, and never would have come up with it no matter how much time I gave myself as I had no idea two members of Talking Heads are married (I couldn't name anyone other than David Byrne if my life depended on it).
  21. Since others have already corrected the misconception of LaSalle's actions regarding the Benton/Corday relationship, I will simply add quotes from the actor himself when asked about it at the time (and add that he not only said he liked working with Alex Kingston, he said he liked the Benton/Corday relationship; as already conveyed, the issue was it didn't exist in a vacuum, and within the context of Benton's other relationships, it was a problem). In another interview in which he said much of the same things, he had this simple comment:
  22. Yeah, they have some nerve calling it "blind judging" while the two competitors for each round are standing right there, and reacting to the judge's comments. I don't come close to watching every cooking competition on TV, but of those I watch only Tournament of Champions is - and quite deliberately so, which I applaud - set up for actual blind judging (judges can still use subconscious bias based on thinking even in the back of their mind X person often appears and often cooks Y cuisine, so this might be them, but it's reduced as much as it can be by not letting them know who's competing in a given season, let alone the particular round they're judging). It's not remotely a coincidence that ToC, with all five seasons being won by women - three times by women of color - has a winners list that looks much different demographically than that of other shows. More shows, especially those wanting to be regarded as featuring only the best of the best, need to follow suit.
  23. It's her mom doing the correcting (it bugs me every bit as much, I just don't say anything). As for how frequently she has cause to (mis)use the term, that's on her coworkers. Hopefully that means there's an end date to my aggravation, if enough of them quit/get fired and are replaced with sane people.
  24. I recently binge-watched all of Reservation Dogs, some of the most incredible television I've ever seen in my life, so I'm going to be hella pissed if that doesn't win Outstanding Comedy -- irrational as that is given I haven't seen any of the other shows besides The Bear, which I made it a whopping 2-1/2 episodes into before taking a hard pass.
  25. The show will be preempted again tonight, so I just checked the archive. For a couple I had to give myself credit that had I been able to see the picture I'd have known (e.g. a key fob), but thankfully they weren't much of an issue. I figured I was going to be terrible in cyber, and I was, missing three (but I did get the lurk TS, at least). I missed another three in literature, so it was a rough first round. I missed two in 6pourri and ran the rest. In DJ, I was every bit as terrible as the contestants in opera -- Carmen was the only one I got, too. I missed three in cinéma, and two each in education and history. I only ran nicknames, but got all but Ghibellines in letters (thanks to my joke guess of hymnology actually being a thing, otherwise that would have been a two-miss category). After two instagets in a row, I had absolutely no idea for today's FJ.
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