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6 MeowMeowBeenz

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Posts posted by 6 MeowMeowBeenz

  1. "Living a life to relegate,"


    Bwah! Sounds like a 'kissthisguy" kind of posting!


    I think the Renegade will sell pretty well but despite, instead of because of, those commercials. When you are trying to convince people something's cool, then by definition it isn't. Hipster backlash gonna backlash. 

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  2. Mo Rocca is pretty quck and knowledgable, I think he'll do OK. He can be a bit precious but I love that the people on Grandmother's Ravioli seem to dig him so much. 


    I too am curious to see how Aaron Rodgers does...is he really smart, smart for a football player, or dumb jock?

  3. She reminded me of the Simpson's Goldilocks:


    I yelled "Lillian Gish" at the TV and no I'm not that old.

    and boat lady should take that $800 to the nearest orthodontist. POSTHASTE

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  4. I didn't think I could dislike Jan from Toyota more until they had her doing readings from the brochures.  She's just so terrible at it.  I'm actually kind of embarrassed for her.


    Well, then, bunky...you'll appreciate this. I was looking at Toyota inventory online (for work, I actually kind of loathe Toyotas) and lo and behold, the banner at the top of the page has a picture of Jan and the message "All Toyota vehicles are Jan tested and Jan approved"


    Because, you know, she's like Consumer Reports and NHTSA all rolled into one!

    • Love 5
  5. Particularly the stretch where Lorelai Rock is located.  You can cruise down it and stare up at the castles along its cliffs.  (Not that I've done that, but I've seen video.  Someday . . .)


    I've done it, years ago. DO IT. It's amazing


    I'm starting to warm to the new champ but he is an odd little duck

  6. I'm starting to believe that the Penny-Leonard wedding is never going to happen, although I can't imagine that they would end the series with anything but a happy ending for Penny and Leonard


    Hmmmm: "how I met your physicist". This time they BOTH die. 


    I decided last night I absolutely HATE L&P as a couple. Not overly fond of them individually at this point, esp. compared to their personas the first couple of years of the show. 


    Bernie is written uglier all the time, but I agree that they cannot live in Howard's childhood home as a museum to his mother. Either she gets a say in how it's decorated, or sell it and move. 


    Blanket fort...cute, but it's been done. Troy and Abed own pillow forts. 

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  7. This one got to me. Bonnie being defensive, then hostile, and making things everyone else's fault, rang so true as my son does the same things.


    Bonnie will have to hit bottom; will they be able to make it work in a sitcom?

  8. JJ always says you don't need math to be a lawyer. But FFS...SIMPLE math? EVERYONE should be able to calculate the difference between 2014 and 1967


    I'M going to be 60 this year...that would make me a 1955 model :)

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  9. I'm with you on that Coachella thing.  I thought it was a brand of designer handbags.


    I can never hear "Coachella" without thinking "Coachella Valley Carrot Festival"


    I took a wrong turn at Alburkoiky :)

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  10. I've always wondered what a "sister car" is


    Actually the term has meaning in the industry...(going slightly OT here) but really not what our grammar-challenged JJ cast had in mind!


    A sister car is one that is substantially like another model except for badging, for example a Chevy Silverado and a GMC SIerra pickup truck, or a Chrysler Town and Country and a Dodge Grand Caravan


    Now you can be happy you have learned a semi-useful factoid and your day surfing Previously.tv has not been all recreational ;)

    • Love 8
  11. thought the FJ was incredibly simple, and didn't even consider another author.  Maybe if "Oriental" hadn't been in the clue, Amy Tan might've sprung to mind, but that's just such an older Western term that Pearl Buck seemed obvious.


    me too. PG was an instaget for me and not one moment of second guessing


    Simone de Beauvoir said women are the "other". She must have been thinking about Jeopardy: men are "authors, women are "women authors" 

  12. We got a rerun Saturday of middle school daughter who fought with classmates because "drama". She talked like she wanted to be a Mexican gang banger, and looked like a good shampooing and combing would benefit her hair.


    JJ told dad she was/is trouble and I have to agree. The case was filmed in 2011. Oh how I wish they would do a "where are they now" on this kid. I would bet money on juvie and/or pregnant.

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