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Everything posted by arc918

  1. They could have gone to town on samples of the Amish beef jerky!
  2. Reading Terminal Market is really cool. Our kid goes to school in Philly, that's the first place we go whenever we get into town.
  3. If Colt can't afford a car with A/C, how on earth can he handle the financial side of the K-1 Visa? Same with breakfast burrito Eric.
  4. The real question is whether Eric can afford the financial aspects of the K-1 visa. Or perhaps his ex-wife can co-sign...
  5. Oh I remember, their place was crazy small. But I'm guessing they would figure something out before they let her sleep on the street.
  6. I'm thinking Hazel, her parents, her cousin & baby daddy are all living it up in the fancy new apartment that Tarik just threw down for! Were her parents really going to let her be homeless?
  7. Hazel has to win some sort of award for "the least enthusiastic declaration of love" in human history! Producer: Do you really love Tarik? Hazel: pauses & thinks then quietly whimpers "yes"
  8. If you throw shoes at me, I'll never be a fodder to your kids...
  9. Seeing her family apartment was eye-opening. No wonder she's looking for any way out possible. I hope she finds what she's looking for.
  10. I literally LOLed at the following last night: Pole wisely asks (more or less); do you think our relationship is ready to move along to having a baby already? She naively replies: yes, we'll focus on the baby and that will keep us from fighting and strengthen the relationship I'm guessing 100% of parents laughed at that one as well!
  11. I'm thinking maybe "Melissa" is a part of catfishing ring. They use her pics and gifs, and somebody else does the chatting. They can trot her out as needed when a new $ucker comes into town.
  12. I love how she marrying an American man for the money, while he's all but taking a Greyhound bus to Manila. Poor sucker probably drained his 401(k) just to get over there.
  13. All I can say is thank god for the fast forward button my DVR! This stuff is getting just plain unwatchable. Each episode seems more and more producer driven than the last.
  14. I believe that gold buyer is essentially paying them a "deposit" on the gold. He then will melt it down and pay them the balance of whatever is left after the imputirities are melted (smelted?) out. Win-win, they get cash up front and the buyer doesn't have to worry about gold sellers owing him any money back if their gold is impure.
  15. As expected a total waste of time - even while fast forwarding on my DVR. Do these fools honestly believe they are going to get VC money for their joke of a "business?" FFS: Meri needs to go back school like Kody needs more kids... Indeed the show is really running out steam with each episode. The first season or so was "wow, 3 wives, I wonder how that works?" Then they add Robyn and perhaps another "I wonder how that works?" moment. Now we're down to the producers interviewing every person they come in contact with. - Hardwood floor guy: "I never put in floors for a guy with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice people..." - Car dealer: "I never sold a used Nissan to a guy with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice people..." - Teenage kid working at taco shop: "I never made tostados for a guy with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice people..."
  16. Have you ever seen anybody so "family oriented" do less parenting? Kody seems to be much more interested in making children than caring for them.
  17. Shark.Way.Jumped. Each week is more and more painful. Just a matter of time until we read about them losing "their" Vegas houses (wet bar included) and moving back to Utah (despite the on-going legal threats...).
  18. What a painful episode. They are really grasping at straws for show ideas. Hey, I wonder if the Big Texan Ranch ever had a guy with four wives fail at the 72 oz steak competition... Cut the interview shot with the manager: We never had anyone with 4 wives here before, but they seemed like nice people.
  19. Blah, blah, blah... Interview segment with friend: I've never met anyone from a polygamous family before, but _____________ (insert Brown kids name) is really a nice person.
  20. Holy crap was that PAINFUL! There's no way that pitch could have been real. $2.5M for 20% of a business doing $180K in sales? There isn't an investor in the land who would want to be in bed with these jokers. The numbers don't lie, people look their website and don't buy anything. The company name is cluncky & stupid, as are the product offering. When I hear Meri say "going back to college," I picture her moving into the dorms at UNLV. And Kody, if eveything you touched turned to gold, I'm guessing there'd be a few less bankruptcies in your past...
  21. I can almost guarantee that their joory business is running at a loss.
  22. Are these people smoking crack with their plans for that "business?" Their own brick & mortar store dedicated to their brand? The gross sales don't lie, I can't imagine the demand for this stuff going anything past "novelty item." No VC would touch them with a 10 foot pole!
  23. Glad to see I'm not the only one who HATES those stupid twitter feeds. How does anybody think this makes my TV watching experience better? @jeepgirl207: Way to get on the crab Wild Bill...
  24. Can wait for another season of "I bet he's never done HVAC repair for a guy with 4 wives before..." Cut to interview of HVAC repairman: I can't say that I've ever fixed the A/C units of a guys with 4 wives, but they seemed like nice enough people.
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