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Posts posted by roseha

  1. 19 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Did the friend apps on/off for a year. It resulted in me making 0 acquaintances/friends. Like 0. I tried so hard and got nothing.

    People either ghost or are not interested in doing anything or even regularly texting.

    Forget about finding a mate.

    This whole apps thing made me even more depressed.

    Being an only child stinks. I know having siblings doesn’t guarantee that you will be bosom buddies for life… but at least you have relatives.

    You have my sympathies @oliviabenson.   Have you looked into making friends through a hobby or an activity that you would enjoy?  I find that's a good low pressure way to possibly make friends.

    I don't have a lot of current friends - I have never been terribly social - but the ones I do have now I have mainly met through art/photography activities.  However I've had health issues all year and have only seen my friends a couple of times.   Fortunately I have three siblings and we all stay in touch by video visit almost every weekend (we started it during the pandemic).  I start the call over Google Meet, formally Google Duo which someone here told me about.  It's also fortunate that we all live fairly close by so can visit or support each other if need be.  I wouldn't normally routinely call one of them for no reason, they need their space but it's good to have family members you can talk to.

  2. 7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    I hate stuff like this. 
    I usually have to spend at least several hours on the phone, often over multiple days, patiently and relentlessly explaining the problem and making sure it is fixed. (My problem had to do with billing incorrectly)

    Often talking to a manager is helpful, which I do by asking the person who answers the phone something like:
    I understand, but do you think the manager could help with that?
    (and then quietly persisting until they are willing to transfer me)

    Do you have a relative or friend who might want to do the calls? They can throw you under the bus a bit and say they are calling on your behalf, and then stir up some sympathy for you. 😉

    I am so good at this, I bet the customer service folks start hearing violins in the background.
    Sometimes I make my voice sound halting (which it probably will be in a few more years like my mom's was before it went altogether).
    But it works.

    Thanks very much @shapeshifter.

    I ended up walking over there.  It was for blood pressure medication which my doctor wanted me to start on and I didn't want to delay it.   Generally this problem seems to happen when I get a new medication prescribed, otherwise it's not as urgent for me to call ahead for a refill.

    Normally this wouldn't come up but my vasculitis seems to have come along with one issue after another so until it's -hopefully- resolved I may keep having to get new prescriptions.  Maybe I should be more on top of looking up the prices, if they are cheap enough I could just go to Duane Reade/Walgreens and use a discount card.

    Thanks again.


    • Hugs 1
  3. Hope it's okay to put this here and not in Pet Peeves:

    I am peeved because my Medicare Part D plan has some kind of tie-in with CVS.  So my doctors send the prescription to CVS, I call them for delivery (because I can't do it online), tell then I'm okay with the cost, they say they will send it tomorrow.

    Oh, then they forget.

    I've had so many prescriptions due to multiple issues this year and this has happened at least twice.  How hard is it to remember next day delivery?

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  4. This is also a good argument for having paper prints made, whether you take photos with your phone or a film camera.  I use film cameras almost all of the time because I learned on them and also I like the look (I also have a fine art Epson printer for making prints for shows).  However there's no reason you can't upload a digital file and have a company make prints for you.    It's certainly the best way to keep memories, who wants to lose those to a computer crash?

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  5. I get very upset over violence as well.  In fact, even looking for an escape can be hard because I have always been ultra sensitive to violence in movies.  Way back when I was in college, I came to realize that I couldn't watch anything graphic.  Also there are probably even some movies I saw back then that I wouldn't be comfortable watching now.

    I'm okay with watching some classic films or TV, or of new shows, I am usually okay with mysteries of the non-graphic kind.  But sometimes I just find something on Youtube that runs long enough and watch that.  If I really need cheering up over dinner I watch the Silent Comedy Watch Party episodes on Youtube.   I love seeing sometimes obscure and really entertaining silent shorts and watching Ben Model and Steve Massa revealing all kinds of history about them.

    • Mind Blown 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Blergh said:

    I guess the point I'm making is if you have aging parents or other relatives who've saved photos of their own original families PLEASE do all you can to get them to ID who these family members are (many of whom seem as though they'd be quite the characters)!.  And, yes, I've heard some stories about a good number of my parents' extended families but I would like to have faces to match the tales if they're available.

    That happened in one case in my family.  We have some very old photos that were in a book with penciled names on the pages.  The photos got separated from the pages so we  couldn't know who they were.

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  7. 9 hours ago, ABay said:

    I signed up for an online drawing course by a YouTuber whose videos I'd watched. I am trying to come to terms with just how badly I draw. There have been 5 projects so far and I don't seem to be improving. Lack of time, carpal tunnel, impatience with details...I have many excuses, but chiefly lack of talent. So depressing.

    @ABay is there a local drawing class near your home?  If you would like to try in person it might be easier.  Maybe the teacher's feedback would also help.   Of course you can draw maybe a still life at home but I have to admit that I have never found that the most exciting subject myself.  However some people seem to love it.

    • Like 6
  8. On 5/9/2023 at 9:18 PM, Gharlane said:

    This one was OK, but I'm getting tired of Neil pining after Abby. Why did Jeff seem familiar?

    Kurt Fuller played the looney coroner Woody in Psych.

  9. I watched both of the last two together and I agree that it was really the way to go.  I think the show is coming together.  One thing I am noticing is that Olivia is really becoming more of a character with her own weird quirks.  Gurgs has been funny for a while and plays well with everyone else.

    John Laroquette continues to be so brilliant, I was almost taken aback when he made his little speech to the jury about how Abby had taken him out of the place he'd been in, and he put so much into that few minutes.  You don't normally see acting like that on a sitcom.

    Neil I don't know.  He had so little to do in the last show that I am wondering if they will write him out, or else give him a new plotline?

    I really hope this is the end of the Rand storyline.  I normally don't criticize actors because they almost always seem competent to me but Pete Holmes continued to be so bad I was just cringing.  True he had some really silly lines but a decent actor could have done more with them.

    So great to see Roz!  On reddit there was a reference to Melissa's instagram and a post from Marsha Warfield also, they indicated she will be back for the start of Season 2.

    Just thinking now, maybe the thing that will bring Dan back is a feeling of "been there, done that".   He's been a judge but doesn't find out he likes it.  Anyway I hope so.

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  10. 8 hours ago, bmasters9 said:

    I have the paper of last Sunday, May 7, and that tagline is still there.


    Thanks @bmasters9.  I only read the NYTimes online and there tagline isn't there.  I think it should be.  Of course digital is not "print" but in the age of online conspiracy theories the need to be "fit to print" has never been more important.

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  11. Good luck with your appointment @TattleTeeny!

    I remember that I posted here about my credit card being hacked and having to change all kinds of recurring payments.  Now another one has been hacked!  I swear I am a careful person.  I have to go to my records now and see what card I am charging my prescriptions to.  Among other things . Can't believe this.

    • Mind Blown 1
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    • Sad 3
  12. 21 minutes ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

    E-Reader peeve.  I bought a book for my kindle last month but only got around to reading it today.  Well let's just say whoever did the proof reading needs to take a refresher course!  It is really pretty bad.  Words running together "thelilies were bloomingand" kind of thing, missing punctuation and other glitches.  I owned this book years ago when it first came out so I know this is NOT how it was originally published. 

    Let my mistake be a cautionary tale for others - there is a window of time, at least with a kindle, where you can return an ebook.  But that window of time is not a month.  Check your purchase as soon as you get it if you think there is any chance the quality of your copy might be an issue!

    I seem to see that a lot with kindle books.  I have to wonder if it's some kind of software glitch that happens when they translate the text to  whatever Kindle is based on.  I used to scan magazine texts sometimes for one of my jobs and it never came out perfectly.

    • Useful 3
  13. I really liked the vet episode.  Just the right mix of multiple suspects and comic relief with Frodo and his pet.  I particularly liked the scene where Chalmers was in the office and one person after the other gave him the exact same runaround.  I did kind of suspect the killer though as the show went on though I wasn't at first sure why.

    Missy's been a great addition to the show I think.  The actress is funny and she gives Chalmers someone to relate to and trade quips with.

    I wonder how long Mike's marital status will hang in the air.  When Beth said she didn't want to play footsie I didn't think she was talking about Hercules!

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  14. 1 hour ago, Suzn said:

    I never had any of the menopause symptoms that so many women report.  I'd never heard of any connection to eating meat before.  I've been almost completely vegetarian for many years (I eat fish/seafood occasionally) 

    What made me think of it is that apparently there is no word for "hot flashes" in Japanese.

    Again, this is purely speculation on my part.   But there are good reasons not to eat a lot of meat.

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  15. I was talking to my family over video and heard loud thunder out the window at least four times here in the city.  It's been absolutely awful all weekend.  My Ipad was telling me that my neighborhood was in a "flood zone", a bit of hyperbole fortunately.  Still I am happy not to be out there walking in it.  It's been really cold too, with temps in the low 50s and feeling like the 40s at times.  It should be a lot nicer in maybe a week.

    • Like 3
  16. I agree with all the above, he should be reported,  In the meantime, you can get a locksmith to put a deadbolt on your door that you can lock on the inside.   Call today before it gets to be night time so they will come today.

    Also 311 may have advice.

    • Like 11
  17. My smart TV turning into a dumb TV today.  In the middle of the day the remote, which had 2 new batteries, decided not to power on or off, change volume, input, whatever.   The only thing I could do was run my Tivo from the Tivo remote, but then the volume went dead on Tivo. 

    Somewhere in that time I tried removing the TV batteries and re-inserting them, the pressing the power button for a long time.  Nothing.   Then Sony mysteriously did a reboot.  Still no sound on Tivo.

    Then in the evening the TV volume suddenly came back on.    Then TV remote goes back to working.

    Meanwhile I figured out the Tivo to Sony remote control code so now I should have another working remote.  Until tomorrow?

    • Mind Blown 2
  18. Yes it may not really be the end of Abby/Neil.  Not saying that I'm hoping for it, but I can't stand Pete Holmes at all so I hope Abby at least does break up with Rand.

    The funniest part was Dan trying to get one of the prisoners to throw the drink at him and the actor failing at it.  It was funny to see Bearded Guy again - I missed his first name, but isn't his middle name Marilyn?

    Hopefully they will  start to have more in court characters and scenes.  Right now I don't think there's much more to be gained with all the "personal" story lines.

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  19. Not going to say much yet because I've only seen episode 1 of Season 12 but I'm sorry to see Malcolm go.  Of course he was obnoxious but he and Vera had so many memorable exchanges in a dark kind of way.  Will have to see how the new coroner works out.

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