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Posts posted by roseha

  1. Speaking of the music, which I really like in this show, i was watching "....Gallant Grafter" again last night and there's a certain "haunting" musical passage that I swear was also used at times in episodes of Star Trek.  But I really don't know how I'd go about trying to confirm that.

  2. On 2/10/2023 at 12:13 PM, shapeshifter said:

    Burt Bacharach was so prolific and his work was so often interpreted by different artists, that it's probably the norm for anyone to be surprised to discover this same person wrote one of our favorite songs as well as another. 💗



    Here's one that would probably surprise some people, Arthur Lee and Love performing "My Little Red Book" on American Bandstand in the 1960s.

    Another Burt Bacharach song.

    RIP sir.

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  3. I was going to post this in the TCM thread but since I watched it online I'll do it here:

    Given the Cary Grant love I'm seeing on the boards, I thought I would mention a 1936 movie currently playing on the Criterion Channel, Big Brown Eyes starring Grant and Joan Bennett, directed by Raoul Walsh.,

    "Cary Grant and Joan Bennett make for a most delightful crime-solving duo in this eccentric mix of gangster drama and screwball comedy."

    Grant is a police detective in love with Bennett who goes from manicurist to crime reporter back to manicurist while helping Grant reveal a gang ringleader.  By the way the title doesn't really amount to anything that I can tell, maybe Grant or Bennett had brown eyes but it doesn't come up. Generally a fun movie though; it was recommended in an interview on the Nitrateville Radio podcast by the author of a recent Grant bio.

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  4. On 2/2/2023 at 5:00 PM, babyhouseman said:

    I just remembered Johnny Carson was on the old Night Court. Yeah, NBC crossover. 

    Do you remember the episode?  Because I can't remember Carson on Night Court, though I think the head of the network appeared once as stunt casting.

    I do remember Carson doing a memorable bit as a train conductor in an episode of Get Smart.

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  5. I canceled Netflix a few months ago when I realized that I wasn't watching it at all, and then I canceled my HBO Max trial after watching a couple of fine documentaries  - on Orson Welles and his art, and the unique New York fashion photographer Bill Cunningham - and then realized that was it for me.

    What I find I am still watching is the Criterion Channel.  They have so many classic films that it's easy for me to find one that I've never seen before, and I'm kind of in the mood right now to watch something in the evening that's not too heavy.   Theoretically I could also see this kind of thing on TCM (and I have Watch TCM since I still have a bare bones cable plan) but it's good to have the other option as long as I find myself watching it.

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  6. I see that I contributed my mishearing of Satisfaction a long time ago on this board, but here's another that actually surprised me:  William DeVaughn's "Be Thankful for What You Got" in which he sings about not having a cool car, or a car at all and then:

    "Diamond in the back, sunroof top
    Diggin the scene
    With a gangsta lean, wooh-ooh-ooh"

    I always thought and would have sworn that he was singing:  "Diggin the scene with the gasoline"

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  7. I've been under the weather for awhile so my mind may be drifting a bit but...

    I've been listening online to a fine radio station out of Long Island, WLNG, who often play fabulous songs going back even to the 50s.  However sometimes they throw in some songs that are not so great, such as....

    "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Taylor.

    No offense to Bonnie Taylor but while it was playing I thought "This sounds exactly like a Meat Loaf record".  That's how bombastic the whole thing is.  Not a compliment!

    On the Beatles, I don't want to minimize them as some people now do, but the more I hear of their later works, especially post breakup, the more I feel that George's songs are more personal than John or Paul's.  Even as late as the Traveling Wilburys.

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  8. Those of you who have ESPN plus, you may want to watch the replay of the men's doubles final, in which the fun and likeable Aussie Wildcards Rinky Hijikata and Jason Kubler took the title.   I watched their semi and will be sure to catch the final on replay.  Great story.

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  9. I'm on team Ben Shelton too!  He's really great to watch and seems to be playing with no pressure at all.  After all he's never even been out of the US before!

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  10. 22 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    I have only gotten to watch a couple matches on the ESPN app that they have available for replay. I feel totally out of touch with the tourney so far, but maybe next week will be better. 


    @TVbitch, Just thought I would mention that you should be able to find all the replays on the app if you scroll down to all the sports symbols and find the little tennis ball.

    The good thing about the next day replays is that they often don't put the commercials on them, and you get to hear the quieter Australian commentators.  By the way I am starting to watch Ben Shelton's match from last night and he's an exciting young American player.  A left-hander too!

  11. I watched a Rune match the other night.  I am as surprised as anyone by his rapid progress.  He has been a brat in the past, let's hope he can mature if we're going to be seeing a lot of him!

    I am sorry there have been so many upsets, it may make the later rounds dull, but I am glad Felix is still in the mix.

    • Like 2
  12. 18 hours ago, Harry24 said:

    Would anyone here be able to guide me through how to cast my espn+ video onto my 2007 TV?

    Harry maybe look into getting a Roku so you can watch the ESPN app with it?  They are pretty cheap.  I guess you need to see if you can connect a current Roku to your TV by HDMI though.   I have a bedroom TV from about 2009 i think and it does have HDMI. 

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  13. I've just recently set up my TV that I must have bought some time in 2009 again in the bedroom and ran a few channel scans.  To my surprise I can get both MeTV and MeTV plus (?) in great reception  here in NYC.    I guess they moved their transmitter away from New Jersey, not sure I remember anymore. 

    I also was able to tune in Get TV which was showing back to back episodes of The Rockford Files Sunday night (the second featuring Stuart Margolin, RIP).

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  14. Not sure anyone else saw this, but Ash Barty is also pregnant.  Congrats to Ash, who seems to be totally happy in her retirement, and also congrats to Naomi. 

    As far as the AO goes, it does look like a foregone conclusion for Djokovic, to which I can only say that I have to be grateful that the finals will start at 3:30 AM my time, and I won't have any need to watch it live :)

    • Like 4
  15. 2 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

    I think there is a backlog of issues being worked on but I reported that issue (also the bottom ad bar hinders notifications) in the Open Update thread. That and reported so many of those nasty ads. Since the update has made the IPS default theme obsolete I am seriously considering an ad blocker. The ads here really diminish the quality of this site.

    After a few days of this "redesign" I'm convinced that it was made to create more space for ads.  The column for the actual posts definitely looks to me that it is smaller and narrower.   I've gone to the dark theme to try to minimize the effect but the overall look is definitely annoying.

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  16. I remember going down to visit my parents in Sanibel, Florida many years ago when they had a vacation house there, and there was an unexpected 8 inches of snow that morning.  I remember being switched to a flight to Naples in upper class, and having to call them from a pay phone there.  After all that confusion, I would never want to fly on an early morning - or any really - winter flight anywhere.  My sympathies to all the stranded passengers out there.  This last storm really came at a horrible time.

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  17. On 12/19/2022 at 8:42 AM, Milburn Stone said:

    A good piece, as usual. And, as usual, including some I didn't realize had died. I just wish everyone could have been on a few frames longer than they were. I realize that would have increased the length of the whole piece by a minute or more, but that would have been a good trade for being able to register the passing of someone before they were off my screen. 

    I was wondering if anyone else felt that the TCM Remembers this year was too rushed.  Personally I thought it was *way* too rushed.  I just watched it again (the new link) and part of the issue I think is not only the shortened length, but the music which I think is just too fast for all the imagery they are trying to fit in.  Also, did they really have to include 20 something cars/vehicles in a four minute video?  Although I did enjoy seeing the brief clip of Buster Keaton in The Railrodder.

    Just for contrast, my favorite tribute has always been the 2014 TCM Remembers.  You get to see all the people without any rushing, and with a reasonable slower pace.  And I have to admit that seeing Bogart tell Bacall "I'll be waiting for you" gets me every time.

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  18. Yes I saw a list of the players featured and while I like some of them it's not enough to get me to re-subscribe to Netflix.  I have a feeling that there's going to be a lot of coverage of Kyrgios and closeups of Fritz's girlfriend.

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  19. On 12/14/2022 at 4:35 PM, Milburn Stone said:

    Just started Season 6 (the Steampunk episode), and I have a question. We really like all the characters, but I've begun to notice that Mike practically never looks at anyone head-on. His go-to method of conversation is with his face turned away from whoever it is, but his pupils way on the side of his eye-sockets to make eye-contact with them regardless. Wouldn't it be easier to just, you know, look at someone once in a while? It's driving me crazy. Is this a characteristic of Mike, or is it an acting tic that Neill Rea brings to other parts as well?

    I was just thinking about your question @Milburn Stone while re-watching a couple of episodes tonight, and all I could think of was something Neill Rea said in this enjoyable interview with Fern Sutherland: 

    At around 4:11 he answers as to what qualities Mike has that he doesn't and indicates he wishes he (Neill) kept his own counsel more (unlike Mike).  So perhaps Mike looking away is a way to keep his suspicions and other insights to himself while detecting, in other words keeping his own counsel?

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  20. As a photographer my favorite of these "requests" that I often see on the local Ask NYC reddit sub, is "I want to find a photographer who can take a photo for me" but makes it clear they want to pay next to nothing.  This on top of all the people who download other people's photography without credit or permission, because "everything should be free".

    I joined Next Door briefly but the ranting I found there was so off putting that I simply canceled and haven't looked back.

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  21. I've actually tried in the past to sign up for Informed Delivery and have been rejected at the USPS site.  I just tried again with my account and this appeared:

    "Your address is not eligible for Informed Delivery. We update our lists weekly, please try again next week."

    I live in midtown Manhattan, I have been here for many years.  Go figure.

    • Mind Blown 3
  22. On 12/4/2022 at 1:41 AM, Yeah No said:

    I will be going on Medicare in August of 2023 so this stuff is of interest to me now.  My husband is already on it and some friends so I have learned a lot from them, but it is news to me that an annual physical with lab tests is not covered by Medicare.  I'm reading that Advantage plans don't cover them either, but to make matters even more confusing, this flyer from United Healthcare seems to indicate Advantage plan coverage for both wellness visits AND an "annual physical", although just exactly what they define that as is not explained.  I haven't found anything specifically about supplemental Plan G coverage and these things, though it probably wouldn't cover an annual physical with lab tests based on everything I've read.  Which sucks because I'm interested in Plan G.  I don't think an Advantage plan would be right for me for other reasons but how to deal with the lack of an annual physical is going to be a PITA.

    @Yeah No in case anyone hasn't replied to this, I see my doctor for a "wellness visit" every year which covers what he would cover in a physical.  The first time I went to him under Medicare Part B the office didn't code it as a wellness visit and I almost had to pay about $550.  The office fixed the coding and I didn't have to pay for it.

    I would think a supplement would also help if you get it but I haven't needed it in the past (only got it this year for other reasons).

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