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Everything posted by stonehaven

  1. I watched the highlights of the Packers, Vikings and Lions games and was wonderfully surprised at how fun they were all to watch. I can never root for the Falcons due to them beating the Vikings in an NFC championship all those years ago. I must say, I've wonderfully avoided hearing Tom Brady call a game yet. Also, it's been a huge pleasure to NOT hear the hideous noise of Buck/Aikman on any game I have watched. I also must admit that watching the highlight reels of whatever game I want to watch really works for me now. Investing three hours into a game just seems draining now. Yeah, the Vikings look hot now but we all know what has a great chance of happening but I'll enjoy the watchable football for now.
  2. The larynx conversation reminds me that I saw a video on FB from last year of ME ranting against Jeopardy for calling those of us that are particular about "anxious/eager"usage as "language fussbudgets". I rarely rant in my FB videos so for me to do that, the show must have pissed me off...LOL... I did okay on yesterday's show but I was yelling "Desolation!!!" several times. Dylan's relevance faded a bit I guess.
  3. Good, I can enjoy my show again...till someone else annoys...LOL!
  4. I find myself zoning out for much of Jeopardy lately. I really don't like the current champ. I'm sure he's smart but the vibe of him being some amazing trivia warrior doing battle just irks me. A smile and a simple head shake are all you need to acknowledge you won. His theatrics and self applause turn me off.
  5. As someone who has known a couple of people killed by drunk drivers, I have no sympathy. I also don't think in this day and age, people can shrug it off as "ahh..everyone has one, no big deal". Uber, Lyft, cabs, and all the messaging about drinking and behaving responsibly aren't new. Justin should have known better. One of his friends should have grabbed the keys even. It's not that hard to formulate a plan. I think aside from the act is his complete disregard for the impact this will have on his wife and kids. His first thought wasn't his kids being without a dad or his wife being a widow, it was about the tour. I do wonder if Justin and Jimmy Fallon are a bad influence on each other in their partying ways but that's just speculation on my part.
  6. It's not just the black patriarchy but there's some weird Hollywood thought that if an actor of some caliber is brought down by misdeeds, we still must respect the art and the legacy of that art. It has value and we SHOULD seperate the artist from the such cases. I have never understood that. If a plumber goes on a shooting rampage, do we get interviews with people saying "He must be forgiven because we can't forget the awesome kitchen island he helped install."? No other industry places performance over the person and by doing that they give the artists a level of protection, those out of the spotlight aren't afforded. Then Hollywood has the gall to lecture the rest of us on proper attitudes on so many issues when they protect their own at all costs.
  7. I'm sorta sad that Brandi Carlilse was a triple stumper. She's a talented musician who seems to make all the tribute shows I see.
  8. I do wonder if the whole ME TOO movement has opened the eyes of aspiring talent. There's the magic of Hollywood and the reality. I wonder if the number of actors and other below the line personalities has shrunk in recent years. As much as the fight against AI rages, it may be needed as people realize what a cesspool the industry is.
  9. I had my Jeopardy got pre-empted because of news. I did catch the YT video and I about died laughing when someone guess Third Day as a response to "Semi-Charmed Life". I loved Third Day. In the 90's ,they were a hot Christian Rock Band who meshed a sound of Black Crowes with Hootie and The Blowfish. They turned more to Hard Rock woworship music in the 2000's and called it quits a few years ago. Now, I need to hear Mac Powell's overly earnest voice attempt Semi Charmed Life. Sigh....
  10. I thought this was a good episode but I have ONE nitpick. I got hooked on this show because of the rescues. Sometimes intense, sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious or over the top. Tonight, had two rescues. I found myself looking at the clock a lot and wondering where the rescues had really gone. Maybe two and even those scenes were cut short. Oh yeah, I am so over Eddie drama. He's just not that interesting to focus so much.
  11. Aunt Vi's big plot of the night was peach cobbler???? I laughed way too hard when the dad said "You have a brother!". Seriously, this show is supposed to be about helping the little guy, not random family angst. Oh yeah, letting that kid go after he steals money from his own neighbors and then points a loaded gun while telling a sob story that no one can verify? How dumb do they want these people? Then, the promos show Fisk and I already will tune out. The cast is basically phoning it in at this point. They are a good talent pool with great chemistry saddled with bad writing and repetitive non-productive violence. It's not as cheesy as Walker Texas Ranger was in it's heyday but it's close.... Yep, I'm out...and this got renewed while So Help Me Todd got cancelled. Yep, I'm bitter.
  12. Letterman's people always come through....A GREAT clip of Duane Eddy from 1985 doing his classic "Rebel Rouser".
  13. I had to look up the Doctor Trowbridge reference. Never saw the film Spies Like Us but loved the theme song. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at Alden quoting "Catch me If You Can". One of my favorite movies. This was a fun episode.
  14. I saw the synopsis and figured I would bow out of watching. I did catch the first ten minutes. Turned it off and watched a Sunday church service. Turned back in the last five minutes to see how it turned out. Founcd that I enjoyed the show that way. Sad as I used to enjoy this show and love the cast but I swear some network honchos have their "notes" all over this show and how to "improve" it. Sigh....and they cancelled So Help Me Todd.....and weirdly Tracker seems to be the "helping little guys" out show now...
  15. Oh this was good. It was cheesy and over the top but it had action and suspense. A lot of the shows I watch lately, seem to lack that. Even when they do, they expect the audience to take it serioously, (Equalizer). My mom used to watch this together on the phone. I can't help but think she would have loved every moment of it. Now, my issue is the actor that played the ship doc seemed familliar but I can't place him. I did an eye roll when I heard about the Bachelor crossover but I think this show is upping the campy fun this season. I'll be there for it.
  16. I liked the dynamic between Knight and her dad. I do think he loves her and wants what's best and to make her happy. He doesn't seem the type to what to control her life (outside of the plan). I agree with others, it was a good episode and it helped it had minimal Torres. (Plus, they mentioned Ducky, that made me smile)....
  17. What I loved about the Challenger one is ALL that footage of the astronauts talking and in training. It made them feel more like real people instead of mythological figures in a grand tragedy.
  18. I am weird as I have a theory that Flower WAS sucked off but just brought back by the chant in a mere unfortunate place? I am not into the mystical magicof seances but I just figured either the summoner has bad GPS or Flower did. Overall, it was a great episode and a LOT of fun! Worth a rewatch...
  19. I thought this was the best episode yet. I'm starting to see Justin as Colter and not Kevin Pearson. Although, I am sorta disapointed there was no shirtless Colter scene. I felt like there was a mention in his contract(or network note) to get that shirt off by any means.....
  20. This show is running on fumes now. I can tell the cast is trying but something tells me that Brian and Sean are still mourning David. Still, I watch as it's habit and it keeps the memory of watching it with my Mom a live a bit longer. Gary Cole is really why I watch. With Good Fight done, I need him on my TV screen a bit more. Besides, I am hoping that someone somewhere will get the brilliant idea to add his old show "Midnight Caller" to a streaming platform. As for this episode, I swear they did the GF organized plot one before.....Oh yeah, any chance to let Torres twist in the wind makes me happy.
  21. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/dan-wilcox-dead-mash-writer-producer-1235836433/ Dan Wilcox, writer for MASH passed away. Any recent MASH documentary, you saw him being interviewed. Loved his writing for MASH. He got his start on Sesame Street. He was 82. It's weird. I watch MASH so often that the names on those credits become almost friends. Thanks for the laughter Dan.
  22. I was out last night and came home right in the middle of the monologue. All I heard him say was he was "gay for his Mom" as a kid and then asked the audience when they stopped being their Mom's best friend. In my head, I knew masturbation would be the punchline. Sure enough, it was. It just seemed like such a lazy joke and predictable. I shut off the channel and watched Jeopardy on Pluto. SNL has got to realize there ARE other things to watch at that time. If they can't make it interesting, they'll keep losing viewers. The only thing I seem to watch now are the WU jokes and I usually skip the bits with cast members.
  23. I watched the first episode and was mildly interested but five minutes into the second hour, I now LOATHE this reboot. The writers have totally SHIT on the entire concept of this show. There's no way to get the charm and joy from the original into this slogfest. It's too dark and joyless and amps up uneccesary drama and love triangles. I kept watching this for two years HOPING it would get better but at this point, I hope this show gets cancelled by the end of the episode. The writers of this dreck should never work in television again. They have KILLED the memory of a great show. I am GLAD Scott Bakula saw this for the crap that it is.
  24. My Mom passed away in Sept. 2022. I have been trying to honor her by writing a story based on her life. She got me hooked on NCIS back around Season 5 or so. She would have loved this episode. The discussion at the end of "all we are is the stories we leave behind" made me bawl. I'll still watch NCIS but it won't be the same show I got sucked into all those years ago. Ducky was a big part of that. It would have been nice if they brought Gibbs back but am hoping Harmon will give David his righteous due on the NCIS:Origins series this fall. Another thing that worked well was the somber version of the theme song as the main title credits. Perfection. Overall, one of the best episodes of the series. It also helped that they played Ducky's advice of "When you're going through hell, just keep going". That's from my all time favorite episode of the series. Farewell Dr. Mallard. Thanks for everything David McCallum.
  25. I have watched this show from the beginning and normally I hand wave a lot of the silliness but I was seriously snarking on it last night. How do you say someone is a good person and right after they try to burn your team alive? I was half expecting the security guy to be on Michelle's side and then have D save the day. Also, Vi and D got literally nothing to do but be the worries relatives. They had the hostage plot did they even try to tell Robyn about that?
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