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White Dog

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Posts posted by White Dog

  1. After reading the comments I wonder if I watched the same show?  I find the top 10 this season to be pretty great and even though I’d love to see the Mayas win, it’s going to be a difficult choice because regardless of the kudos from the judges no dance or formation team has won. If they have an agenda to get them the win then cool, they would need very little tweaking to put that act on a Vegas stage. Regardless of the judges tongue bath, I really don’t feel manipulated because  Id be happy with most of this top ten mounting a show.

    For me, The odds are on the American contestants because it’s still America voting. I think it will come down to who brings it that night.

    BTW.  & Juliet is a great show, saw it in Toronto. last month. It’s kitchy and very funny. The music from the pop charts really takes it to another level. I think that It’s not easy to take an ensemble piece out of context for a couple of minutes on the AGT stage but I thought they did a fairly good job. 

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  2. On 9/3/2022 at 8:23 AM, katisha said:

    What about this Argentine tango from Janette Manrara and Brandon? 

    This was INCREDIBLE.  I forgot about this, the best ever on the show.  I wanted a Brandon win that season.. I thought he was incredible.  Also their disco is the best one ever this show has produced.   

    Janette should be ranked at the top of the ballroom .  She not only danced incredibly, she went on to become a pro on Strictly and is now a presenter on a spin off of that show. 

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  3. If we didn’t have Season 8 we would never have the Marvelous Mr Marko ! He could do anything!  I Love all of his work. I was particularly impressed by a flip move he did with Melanie in a Louis Van Amstel Tango. The performance was ordinary until it got to that final flip. I watched it then I asked Louis on Twitter if that was the same move that DWTS dancer Kym Johnson tried with her celebrity partner footballer Hines Ward. For those that don’t watch DWTS Hines fell on Kym’s neck trying the stunt and she was severely injured.  Anyway Louis confirmed that it was the same move and that Marko and Melanie were trained properly to do this, implying that Kym should never have tried this with a novice. Ironically That move saved this dance.

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  4. So I spent the better part of a day reviewing Season 16 because I forgot about the winner Bailey. But it all came back with his star partner Mariah. She to me should have won but I get it, As a B-boy he did great on the styles that weren’t his. So every genre was a test for him and he rose to the challenge quite well. Some on this board were talking about Jazz Funk and although it was labeled Jazz, and it certainly felt like a traditional Jazz piece, to me this Ray Leeper routine added elements of hip hop and rockstar funk. It also helped that one of my favourite INXS tunes came to life. It was a showstopper performed by the impossibly cute couple 

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  5. I agreeKoine was the most versatile female, and for me she should have won, hands down. But again the viewing audience is more into daring leaps and tricks instead of solid technique. Lex is an original and beautiful in contemporary and amazing in tap which took him outside of the norm. Koine has since become an amazing Latin ballroom dancer, has been on the DWTS tour and keeps house with Kiki Nemchuck. It was cute to read how sexy she thought her paramour was with Alexis on that Argentine Tango when some on this forum think Kiki has no sex appeal whatsoever. Koine begs to differ!  Anyway she can go hard in hip hop and that was never shown on the show. But she is also magnificent in contemporary and the piece she did with Marco was just everything. It leaves a lump in my throat every time I see it. Whether it’s a break up or maybe a death that causes her to disappear, it just depicts possibly the loneliness and profoundly saddest time in our life.  Yep, it’s probably my favourite routine of season 14 

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  6. To each their own. I thought Jessica was a brilliant contemporary and a thrilling Jazz dancer. I still remember how she could stop her turns on a dime of course right on the beat for emphasis. Her solos were riveting. She  had issues with some other styles but I really didn’t care because I  watch this show for Contemporary and Jazz not so much Ballroom because unless you are a ballroom specialist everyone cheats the style. Most past winners were terrible at ballroom like Ricky, who also sucked at hip hop in season 11 but he was brilliant at contemporary. Or Joshua and Katie did a horrible  Samba in season 4 but was praised because I guess they were top girl and boy. Similarly FikShin and Amy sucked hard on a Viennese Waltz but nobody cared. Lex had a craptastic Samba with Gaby but they tired to hide it with some African jazz movement. Danny Tidwell went to the bottom 3 times having to dance for his life after ballroom specialist partner Anya went home after a ballroom dance His hip hop was so bad it was mocked. And yet he is remembered for being brilliant when he infused Samba with ballet. It was entertaining and sexual but it was thin on Samba. The original Max and Yulias Hip Hip Chin Chin was Latin ballroom  Danny and Lacey did cute choreography. I still love him for his solos and his contemporary dance. Absolutely beautiful.

    So yeah, I’m not a fan of fans of this show who just roll over ballroom, but that’s what most of the winners have done on this show. Until this season. It’s been a long time coming. For those who hated this season I feel that they just don’t appreciate ballroom enough to enjoy the winner like they have loved contemporary or hip hop winners in the past.

    Casey I agree wasn’t much on the show, he was like Robert Roldan just sort of there and way over rated until he got older and more experienced in front of the camera.

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  7. The same night of Travis’ Wave we got a very sweet contemporary from Jessica Richens and Casey Askew It was a good night for Casey he was saved from certain elimination -not only was he in the Boys group routine he and Jessica got a standing ovation for the duet.  I just absolutely loved the lighter touch of this from Travis -the Romance  rather than raw lust or the grime of dark obsession. it’s more a puppy love that can be just as beautiful, especially when the music  informs the movement so well. I think this also really appealed to the youth in the audience who might be waiting to get that thunderbolt of a first kiss. Could these two be a more perfect Romeo and Juliet? They were straight out of central casting for this

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  8. Chelsie was my favourite season 4. Loved her partnership with Mark. She was assigned 2 Alex DaSilva AT’s and she crushed them for what they were.  Also loved her duet in the Mia Michaels piece as well as her Nappy Tabs lyrical hip hop. Chelsie is a ten dancer so I loved her arms on the contemporary pieces, not quite as overtly angular like a Latin dancer but she also had great legs for Latin. 

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  9. 10 hours ago, crowceilidh said:

    I love this style of African Jazz, more Ailey and contemporary.  It can get cringey.  I think I remember this is Sean Cheesman too.  He did some awesome stuff on SYTYCD Canada.

    This is still a favourite African Jazz of mine. I loved this partnership 

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  10. I liked Keaton a lot in the first contemporary piece. His solos were also pretty entertaining. So he did start with a bang and his backstory was too irresistible. I also thought he did a credible job on the Cha Cha with Alexis, so I was ready to see him win the thing, but as it unfolded his work was less exciting with other dancers, whereas Alexis seemed to elevate the pieces she was part of. Definitely the James Bond Trio I kept moving my eye to Alexis even though Keaton was supposedly the focus of the piece. And certainly  the Broadway with Thiago, they went to bottom I think for two reasons; the choreo wasn’t selling the audience and Thiago was lost. Even still she ate that choreo. Her ballroom solos were terrific I say this as someone who used to cringe at ballroom as solo pieces - and the Samba was probably the best most technical ballroom they’ve had on the show, even throwing in crazy lifts that are not part of any Samba competition piece to up the wow factor for SYTYCD audiences.  There’s a lot of on line disappointment that the football guy didn’t win, but the studio vote never put him in the bottom. It really came down to final performances, even a showmance couldn’t deny Alexis’ talent. It’s so nice that a great dancer is also a ballroom specialist. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, displayname said:

    Oh and I enjoyed the "dance with the top 12 dancer of your choice". I think it helped Alexis hugely, with the adorable story she has with Carter. And Carter looked very handsome in that dance.

    Carter did very well. I think the format also gave Keaton the opportunity to dance with his girlfriend, which of course never hurts the ratings.

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  12. My favourite routines of the season were :

    Alexis and Keaton Contemporary

    Alexis and Jason Contemporary

    Alexis Top 6 Solo 

    Alexis and Carter Samba

    Anna Top 12 Solo 

    Anna Top 6 Solo 

    Essence Top 6 Solo 

    Thiago audition 

    Keaton audition 

    Keaton and Audrey Contemporary 

    Keaton and Anna Contemporary 

    Alexis and Kiki Argentine Tango 

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  13. I am totally okay with the studio audience vote. They are the die hard fans many of whom are in the dance world. They voted Beau to the bottom more than once and it’s clear that they were cognizant of what a strong male lead is and isn’t.  Moreover for me when the home audience isn’t as crazy invested  voting I find you don’t get the silly vitriol from posters on line. At least I don’t see it as much.  I do wish they re-consider and go back to a top twenty format because we can really see the growth of the performers. Top 12 we barely got to know them! 

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  14. A lot of Utah girls are crossed trained in Contemporary and boy does it make a difference when they excel in two very different styles!  I am so happy to be wrong in my prediction!  I thought Keaton had it in the bag, but tonight Alexis' star shone bright She really did pull a Jeanine!  Jason Glover is a good luck charm for dark haired dancers!

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  15. I wasn't a fan of Kiki when he was a contestant on the show, but since then I thought he really has come into his own.  I thought there was a nice connection between them, not overt, or  over the top goofy like Ryan but for me more subdued intensity. When I watch Miriam and Leonardo, she emotes sexuality but like all good Argentine male partners, Leonardo has a quieter smoulder in his approach. He does so much more with his focus on Miriam , than Ryan did with that fake make out session with Tanisha I suppose an over the top version of AT works for some.  For me he totally missed the mark, whilst Kiki for me gave me more of what I see in Argentine male dancers.

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