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Everything posted by zxy556575

  1. I saw it on the program guide tonight and was all, "Nuh uh. Enough of that fool." But I'll certainly read the dish. :)
  2. Thanks! I figured the mom had it all over the rest -- didn't seem like dad and son even cooked that much.
  3. I've been watching a few of these as well and dislike Pulaski so much that it spoils the entire episode for me. Probably the same reaction others have to Wesley, although he was one of my personal favorites. ;)
  4. I only started watching this year, but it amazes me that the dogs are, by and large, so good-natured. Even when they go out on a rescue, most of the animals, although frightened, are quite docile. There isn't even a ton of barking in the kennels. Has the show ever discussed their training or handling procedures for aggressive or otherwise problematic dogs?
  5. Saw a commercial for this that actually made me pause my fast-forwarding to watch -- the premiere is Jan 13 at 9pm Eastern.
  6. Just a small note, but I thought that a photo, taken from above, of the dog laughing and rolling in piles of stuffed animals would have been a winner.
  7. Ha! It started with "I told him we needed to get married" and got nastier from there. I would have guided her to stand under a big, loose piece of ceiling plaster while they were out looking. Her husband should buy her a nice copperhead for Christmas: "See? Just like what you had in Aus-fucking-tralia!" Awful as she was, he put up with her for 6 years, so no pity.
  8. God, yes. It seemed like the borrowed dress may have been a horrible fabric to start with, but the end result was a complete crisis. I agree the new dress was lovely and different and suited the bride perfectly. So did the first one she tried on that the groom deemed too fancy. All I remember about the other episode is that the father was adorable. I wouldn't swear on it, but want to say the two episodes are always one of each, borrowed or new.
  9. I can sort of understand Holmes freaking out about Watson's stories, but this was an anonymous blog. I'm not trying to invalidate his feelings but I do disagree with them. Only people who had physically been in meetings with him were ever likely to recognize his rhetorical style, out of the very few who were apt to stumble onto the site in the first place. But it was distressing that it prevented him from speaking in meetings. I often don't bother to watch my recording for days, so I guess my interest has waned as well. I pretty much don't care about the cases, but the lives of the characters keep me invested enough not to abandon the show entirely.
  10. Good lord, here I am turning into Lori, of all people. No roosters in the hen house! That dorky groom was getting on my nerves with his control issues disguised as helpful opinion.
  11. Good grief. There's STILL more space on the side of the house! It's like the clown car of back yards. They must have a double lot, or else they bought and expanded out next to the adjacent stables. Why does a guest cottage need two bedrooms, again? Everything looked fine, I guess, but nothing special. I'm starting to think they should have hired the designer(s) they use for their PB shows Or else they did and hindered them from using anything but browns, tans, and grays. Lovely parents, though. The boys got their good looks from their mom!
  12. She bothered me more every time she spoke -- the mannerisms, the clothes, the tremulous voice, the doubting, then shouting. And her muttered "solutions" will never make sense to me. May as well ditch the wavering graphics and just have her cock her head, snap her fingers, and say she's got it. Not sure I can get past all of that to watch any longer since the other characters so far aren't any deeper or more interesting. I got nothing against Rebecca Romijn but am not buying her as a hardass Colonel of anything, even chicken.
  13. I actually gave a little squee when Erin won because I thought the editors were making her seem like the front runner solely in order to have a surprise twist. I would gladly hang with her -- she'd cheer me up. Sourpuss Bill I can do without. Since the judging was apparently close, I wonder how much sway Duff had since his bakery is heavily weighted in favor of design appeal over taste. As ever, I wish contestants were given sufficient time to produce their best work.
  14. I wish the danged Property Brothers at Home series would have filmed sequentially, because seeing the inside and yard bare again after watching them remodeled is a little disconcerting. I don't understand where all that extra land was when they put in the pool that seemed to fill all available space.
  15. Feh. They should've dumped Anne if they were in the mood for dumping. Tired of her, her hair, her clogs, and her shiny shiny lips. One might presume since the show is so irritating that I won't watch this season, but nope. I still enjoy seeing the doofus home cooks.
  16. I forgot about that. At the time, I rolled those two tastes around on my mental palate for a bit but could fine no way that they would possibly pair well together. I'm going to try it if I remember to buy strawberries. Candy canes I got.
  17. I give Duff the benefit of the doubt on his preference for some of Erin's offerings because he just seems like someone who enjoys a huge glob of icing. Most culinary judges are all, "Oh! That's far too sweet!" for a lot of desserts when I know I'd be licking my lips. I eat Cinnabon and Sees fudge, for crying out loud, so that's my baseline. It seemed that Terra lost honestly because two of her dishes were disliked slightly more than Erin's two. During the late stages of every competitive reality show, there are going to be talented contestants who go home for minor errors. Bill being snarky is the only time I've found his personality to be remotely interesting. Mostly he's just there.
  18. I thought it was pretty enjoyable even though I was mostly fixated on how much taller Rebecca is than everyone else. I didn't see any sparks between Eve and Flynn so the kiss came a little out of nowhere. Sorry to see Bob Newhart and Jane Curtin disposed of so quickly. Why weren't the rampaging ninja's trapped and smushed when the library rolled itself up? I enjoyed Warehouse 13 for a bit until I got bored; probably will be the same with this unless one of the actors or the dialog or the puzzles grab me. I watched the first movie but didn't bother with the sequels.
  19. This reminded me that I haven't seen her in a while, so I looked up some of Janeane's stuff online and watched her stand-up special If You Will from earlier this year. I mean, yes, I'm a woman and yes, I agree with her political opinions which helps enormously on the likability factor, but this show didn't really cover politics. It was just funny.
  20. My Off the Cob order finally arrived, and while I'm not any sort of tortilla chip aficionado, they do taste better to me than grocery store brands or restaurant bowls. They have a pleasant undertone of sweetness and almost seem like they're flavored, but it's just salt. They're thick and substantial. I ate them plain but they would stand up well to salsa or other dips. So, thumbs up!
  21. While I usually want to ball gag the mouthy and negative entourage members who demand that the bride wear something to their taste, in this case I was firmly on the normal sister's side against the tacky, bleached blond gold digger. Sorry. If the bride doesn't like that characterization, she's welcome to tone it down a bunch.
  22. I mean ... sigh. The producers must do extensive interviews and probably have the contestants cook for them during preliminary casting. So why let this guy through? Solely so the judges can get in some zingers at his expense. He's an adult who freely chose to participate and all, but if he's really a culinary instructor, this is his livelihood and reputation at stake. For the producers to deliberately schedule a parade of patsies is pretty low. Since the two co-executive producers are Bourdain and Lawson, it makes me think less of them. (Although I already find Bourdain's smug self-satisfaction to be fairly repugnant.)
  23. Agree about the name. Not that every product needs to be perfectly unique, but she's fighting against a few existing lines like Tend Skin which have been around for a while and work well, in my experience. It's expensive, too, at $15 for an 8 oz. bottle but that amount lasts a while.
  24. And here I thought I had become inured to see-through wedding dresses. Ho-ly shit. There are no zippers, so that's going to be difficult to remove while on the pole. For the front shot, couldn't someone at least have tugged the dress down before shooting the photo so that the wrinkles were removed where it bunches around her torso?
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