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Everything posted by zxy556575

  1. One more reason to be glad I'm an introvert, I guess. I hate being the center of attention, don't dance on tables, and nobody pays me a lick of notice. My surviving relatives and friends would be at a loss -- that is, unless an aura of sarcasm and acidity was to be lauded.
  2. Wonder how much the drivers get paid if customers only pay $3.95? They probably expect a tip.
  3. Not sure the show is going for political realism, but I think if she tried to warn the government about 9/11, she'd be arrested herself. I'll spoiler this in case, but the summary for episode 2 seems to indicate that
  4. She was also in straight-up denial during the affair. Someone you're in love with lies to you about being married and you don't leave? Then the guy's wife is murdered and it never occurs to you that's a little fishy? No sympathy. I realize it's the script, but everyone here made the victim sound unrealistically angelic. She was a wonderful person and friend! A superb businesswoman! The best, most loving mother ever! Always put others first! She made the very air smell fresher whenever she entered a room! Well. The woman was married 3 times and hadn't been able to make any of them work. There was offhand info about her being in financial difficulty. It's possible she outright made up the story about her confrontation with the mistress in order to gain sympathy. The relative who stands firmly behind his murdering son is also part of the script ("He looked me in the eye and said he didn't do it!") but makes me weary.
  5. I like and used Shaker in my own kitchen, but it seems destined to be the almond melamine (which I also thought was a nice look at the time!) of the early 2000s. Except for slab panels, what else would suit a mid-range reno project? I think we're past arches and eyebrows -- or raised panels at all, really. Beading is a possibility, but that's by and large limited to country/beachy. Ultra contemporary or European is an option but that's a specific taste as well. Cabinet hardware also seems to be focused primarily on straight rod handles and pulls, although Joanna does tend towards round or half moon.
  6. Ha! I was on my couch mimicking her voice as I watched.
  7. Was that a serious offer? He said something like, "What if I offered you $30M, would you take it?" And that was after he was already out. I took it as him being curious to see how delusional they were.
  8. How exciting for your family, Jellybeans! I'm curious why Daymon was at the auditions because I thought the sharks never seen any of the products beforehand?
  9. Oh, all right! I'll try the danged mud. ;) The reviews on Amazon are very good, too.
  10. Ha! Good point. But just because you want something delivered at a certain time doesn't necessarily mean you aren't home any other times. But then, I live in the boondocks and none of the delivery-themed services will be here any time soon. I'll watch how it all plays out for you cityfolk. :)
  11. My new year's resolution is apparently to gain weight, so I ordered some bagels. They ship in dry ice on 2-day delivery, so we'll see. The reviews on QVC are running at 3 out of 5 stars for various flavors. Everyone has their taste preferences!
  12. I dunno. It just seems to me that when the mentors press their buttons for best/worst and first see that person's name come scrolling onto the marquee, they never seem all that surprised.
  13. I'm enjoying the hunting a lot more than Tiny House Nation because the homes are already in place for the most part. The recent ep with the young couple who were looking in the tiny house "resort" (or more accurately, the trailer park for millennials) had some interesting info, and I liked seeing the different models and options available. I was surprised they chose the smallest one since they needed an office/work space, but it did have more custom/unique finishes. I had one furnished apartment when I was young that was about 9' wide by 15' long. The living room area had a twin daybed, a small coffee table and a dresser/TV stand. The other room had a galley kitchen along one wall, a double closet along the other and a miniscule bathroom with stand-up tin shower. As a bonus, the entire place, walls and ceiling, was paneled in knotty pine. I lived alone but my boyfriend would someones sleep over in that danged daybed. I honestly didn't think about it being small but then, at the time I could move all my belongings in one load of my car. Moved out of my parent's house that way and was able to maintain that for most of my 20s, until I started buying furniture. When my mother and grandmother both moved to assisted living, their rooms were probably 150 sf or so. Start out with little as a teen and then end up downsized that way again in your 80s!
  14. Didn't they spend, like $20K on the bathroom alone? It did look nice, but they probably over-improved, not to mention having a lot left to do.
  15. The premier is available online at VH1. I enjoyed the characters and all the 90s references. Withholding judgment about how well the premise will hold up week after week.
  16. The infernal demand for gas stoves is what kills me. At least it's a functional and not cosmetic request, and I understand personal preferences, but jeezalou. If there isn't a gas line to the house, a few of them have even said they'd "need" to install a propane stove. This is home cooking, not a restaurant kitchen, and I can assure everyone that electric burners work just fine to heat, simmer, braise, fry, boil, sear, and saute.
  17. I bought: Scrub Daddy -- Meh. I'll stick with my sponge. Eyebloc laptop camera cover -- It's a little loose but I'm fine with it. The repair guy was here recently to replace the keyboard on my laptop and when he was done, came to me holding the eyebloc in his hand: "I don't know where this goes...?" Off the Cob tortilla chips -- Tasty, but the "natural" corn "sweetness" is likely due to the addition of "organic cane juice," better known as our friend sugar. Simple Sugars -- It's a nice scrub if that's what you're looking for. After getting it, I started making my own. "(Iffen a 12-year old girl can do it...) But thanks for the jar. Air Cork Wine Preserver - Gift for a wino friend, but she seems to like it.
  18. It just seems like 95% of these people are going about it backwards. If they truly desire a simpler life, then they need to start with that. Pare down their wardrobes to 10 or so pieces, get rid of their kitchen gadgets, huge plastic children's toys, and anything from Sharper Image. A small, peaceful living space will then naturally follow, be it an apartment or trailer or house. Don't start at the end point! There have been a few people who outright said they were doing it for financial reasons, which okay, I get. None of the other explanations have made a lick of sense to me. Climbing wall in the house, my fat ass. That one made me snort pretty loudly. Like every street in NY isn't full of efficiency/studio/jr. one bedroom/just plain cramped apartments. Also the couple looking for a beach vacation house in Florida? Hey! You're not looking for "tiny," you're looking for "what I can afford which is not much."
  19. The thing was even built exactly like a 5th wheel RV! And they took it to ... an RV park! I'll never get it. Is it the "cool" factor that makes people want a "tiny house" instead of a "manufactured house"? Because practical or cheap or convenient it's not. Especially for those who want to be mobile or travel, RVs do it so much better. Maybe next they'll build tiny houses with slide-outs.
  20. Ah, that makes more sense although kind of a bummer for the homeowners. I've also wondered about the rooms we don't see, since most of the the houses are falling to pieces with holes in the roof, rotting floors, unusable bathrooms. etc. It's a little different than most makeover shows where the buyers "need" cosmetic changes that can easily be done later. If FU doesn't even do the necessary structural work to get the others floors/rooms livable, I'm not sure it would be worth it to me as a buyer.
  21. Did Ricky and Ben seem like they didn't know even Rebel very well? Not sure if they joking or maybe they just don't have many shared scenes in the movie.
  22. The two-sisters-one-dress episode was interesting in that the editors managed to squeeze in 6 new dresses instead of the normal 3. The show's pacing, script, and amount of discussion all seemed normal to me, so not sure what they cut.
  23. I don't suppose the show/homeowners can afford real artwork, or even nicely-framed prints, so the wall writing and other big clunky pieces are an okay compromise to me. Well, ahem. I don't know how the furniture and accessories are paid for in the first place. If they're part of the total renovation budget, the numbers make even less sense. A trip to Michael's or Home Goods can easily be hundreds of dollars just for pillows, area rugs, candles, and other tchotchkes. I'd only have a couple of hard and fast rules -- no puddled drapes ever, and the countertop and backsplash would have to be in coordinating shades of the same color, not contrasting colors. Neutral and harmonious, ahhhh.
  24. The borrowed dress did look better on the sister who ended up with it, but that's not saying much. Kelly brought the see-through netting so far around to the front that it didn't look possible to wear a bra. There could have been one built one in, I suppose, but I feel like that's giving Kelly too much credit. The mother sure seemed to favor the darker-haired daughter. A bit of Everyone Loves Alysha going on in that house. In the other episode, I was more interested in the father's natty outfits than anything the non-Disney, non-princess bride wore. Her borrowed dress looked pretty frumpy, but that's kind of expected at this point. She and the groom looked really happy at their wedding, so all good fortune to them.
  25. If anyone thinks cooksdelight is joking or mocking, let us disabuse you. She speaks truth.
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