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Posts posted by eledgy

  1. Another great new story from DeepFriedCake, The O Henry Affair. A holiday gift in and of itself, and fitting into the Christmas story round up in a particular way.

    Check it out and consider leaving her the gift of a review -- 10 has become the new bar of successful engagement with the fandom, at least in my mind!

  2. Let's do a round up of favorite GG Christmas stories! I'm looking forward to some nostalgic holiday reading.

    My all-time Christmas fave is Mag's Twelve Days. I read it at least twice every December, and have to physically restrain myself from reading it at other times of the year as well. It may well be my favorite of all her stories -- is that blasphemous? It's so perfectly constructed and paced. I just love it.

    The other one that springs right to mind is DeepFriedCake's The Lorelais' First Christmas in Star-Crossed , a holiday gem of a prequel to Star-Crossed, Colorado. It perfectly captures the fragility of Lorelai's and Rory's flight and the beautiful sanctuary of the small town where they land in this version of Gilmore Girls. Love her version of a younger baby-bonding Luke.

    I'll be back with more as they come back to me, but in the meantime invite you all to chime in with your own faves!

  3. So DeepFriedCake and I simultaneously posted Rory-centric stories today at ff.net. Hers is amazing -- no shock there -- full of moving, funny dialogue, and such a great restoration of the Rory order. Go check it out:  Rory Saves Herself. Consider leaving a review, then come back here and say hello! 

  4. Quote

    Doing fine, thanks, Eledgy. 
    Corona was not too bad for us, primarily due to me being an introvert. It was really easy to not go out and reduce risk. 

    I'm glad to hear that Junie! And that you're actively seeking inspiration, would love to see a new story from you. :-)

    I have not taken the leap to listen to SP's podcast. I'm always nervous that he will end up with egg on his face ... so I'm glad to hear you're finding it fun. And, very ironic about the Jess spin off...

  5. Quote

    In the meantime, savvyliterate is overwhelming me with every story she posts. Fabulous emotions and characterizations.

    Junienmomo wrote this back in July but it's still true. Awesome LL stories from Savvy, both the ongoing epics plus the shorter ones.

  6. 8 hours ago, FictionLover said:

    One of the bad things about the revival is it will probably be the end (for the most part) of fics for Java Junkie fans...  I hope I'm wrong.

    7 hours ago, amensisterfriend said:

    I also don't think the fact that LL are married now would result in fewer fanfics. I personally think there are always plenty of stories left to tell, even/especially about married couples! 


    Interesting questions/speculation.

    Since a major, though not only, motivation for fan fic writing is to "fix" what one sees as wrong, my feeling is that we'll see more Luke and Lorelai fics. There are many of us out here who saw A LOT wrong with how Luke and Lorelai were written in the revival. And even if one was happy with their story in the revival, there's certainly plenty of room for various other motivations for stories -- what we didn't see, what was being thought, etc ...

    So as a (mostly) LL reader and writer, I'm hopeful!

    • Love 2
  7. Quote

    I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to get fics on my kindle or iphone so that I can read it throughout the day. 

    I read on my phone all the time .. which is probably not a good thing ... but all you have to do is log on to fan fiction.net (or Archive of Our Own) and start searching. 

    • Love 1
  8. I have a new one that I stole from a Gilmore Guys podcast, but I'll answer this one from last fall, even though we know a lot more about the actual revival than we did back then (though I am trying  to avoid spoilers as much as possible....)

    Rory with ... a new guy after several years of focus on career.

    L and L together, though I fear how this is actually going to play out in the revival... I have no trust, given the implosion of their characters and relationship in season 6, when last we had the Palladinos in charge...

    New Choice, posed by the Gilmore Guys podcast ep on The Real Paul Anka:

    Would you rather be stuck in a lifeboat for two weeks with Logan's Life and Death Brigade mates, or with Jess' Truncheon mates?

    • Love 1
  9. I was listening to the Gilmore Guys podcast ep of Just Like Gwen and Gavin the other day and they pointed out an error I had never noticed before, and don't remember seeing here (though of course I could have missed it).

    In Lorelai's rant to Logan....



    LOGAN: Look, I know I'm not your favorite person in the world.

    LORELAI: No, you're definitely low on the list, right above the guy who thought up smallpox blankets.

    LOGAN: Well, in my defense, I think I'm a notch or two higher than that.

    LORELAI: You're not exactly in a position to comment on that, are you?

    LOGAN: No.

    LORELAI: No. In fact, let's take inventory of all the delightful things that have happened since you waltzed into my daughter's life. She was arrested, convicted, she's on probation, she'll have a criminal record unless we can get it expunged, she dropped out of school, moved out of my house, she didn't speak to me for five months, three weeks, and sixteen days. No, wait a minute. Come to think of it, you are my favorite person.

    ....they were laughing over the poor math skills of the writers, in having her say five months, three weeks, and sixteen days when it should have been six months, one week and two days.


  10. Thanks for sharing...this hasn't showed up as on fanfiction for me...weird.



    Hey, fictionlover, do you know about filters?  M rated stories don't show up in the general feed, you need to change the filters (scroll down to bottom of GG story page) to M to see them.  If it's not that I'm not sure why else it's not showing up.... but ff can be mysterious!



    Second, deepfriedcake. Try Chicken Little  or Cotton Candy, two of my personal faves

    Mag68: Try Mutually Beneficial or Good at Dating, which starts a series

    Jmaka: go to her fiction page and read the Stars Hollow Trivia stories - great fun



    Great recommendations, Junie-- I second them wholeheartedly. I often pair Cotton Candy and Mutually Beneficial in my mind and in my re-reading. Cotton Candy is lighter, Mutually Beneficial darker and angstier, but I love the way dfc and mags each masterfully moves backward and forward in time, looping you more and more into the the story with each pass, filling in the details, building to the satisfying conclusion.  Two great GG authors at the top of their form---and then there are the dozen more stories from each of them, all also great, each in its own way!  



    I've been nurturing it as I read through all the Luke/Lorelai fanfic on that site. Yeah, you're right, kind of obsessive. Oh well, it's a cheap hobby.


    Having recently finished a massive re-read of much of the L/L stuff, with your author's list as my guide, I say thank you, and hello fellow obsessive! Or as we used to say in another forum for another show, focused. So much nicer than obsessed.  And yes, it is a cheap habit, I love that point!

  12. Hello GG peeps! I'm here to let you know that Luke and Lorelai, at least the Luke and Lorelai that live in fanfic, are having a lovely day! Multiple entries today and prior to today in the ever-growing wealth of lovely, funny, angsty, often 'fixing what went astray' stories we have about these two.  A round up of just some of what's been added lately:


    A sweet and funny Valentine's Day one-shot: Be My Mountain Man by Kennagirl. This is her first story in the GG 'verse, encourage her with a review so maybe she'll stay!


    Ah, the fixers, god bless their fic-writing souls:  


    Deepfriedcake takes on R&R in a one shot: The Lorelais' First Night at the Dragonfly. More Rory/Lorelai than Lorelai/Luke, but with happy results for everyone ... except maybe Dean?  


    Junienmomo wades into the always murky waters of season 6 with a new story, Child Support. Four chapters up in one  day! I've only read the first, but Rory seems key here again---a little wiser and more focused on her Mom and Luke than in the show, which seems a good thing so far....


    Brittaden updated a few days ago, Chapter 17 of Piecing us Back Together, which also focuses on season 6, then into season 7, with much happier results than in the show, at least for the Luke and Lorelai fan. 


    Handful of Barbie, another new and great GG author, is up to Chapter 8 of Reconciling, which begins with the kiss in Bon Voyage and goes from there, building what seems to be a much stronger foundation  for L and L's post-series life. (Hurry and read it before we get new canon from ASP!)  


    And last (for now) but definitely not least, DSLeo finished Luke Danes, Babysitter, posting Chapter 6 earlier today. It's a pre-series AU, wacky and serious and sweet and angsty in equal measure. 


    Ha---your TL question just prompted me to pick a new scene; my initial one was from that very episode :)


    We are very in-synch today, asf!



    Indoors? Other credit character(s) in the scene?


    After we were left to contemplate the whys and hows of eggless egg salad?

  14. yes indeed!


    I love the end of that scene, when she asks about getting her parking validated. So much that I feel like maybe I've done this scene in this very game before---oh well!


    Excellent surmising!  Your turn!

  15. Lorelai
    Another credits character
    No Rory, no Luke.
    Not in Stars Hollow.
    Indoors, not in a place of residence
    Not the big hat you're thinking of, no veil on Lorelai

    TL: Plaid years, pre-basket bidding, pre-Trix

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