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Everything posted by meep.meep

  1. Oh please, don't give the producers any ideas! If they start having the ambassador shop on-line they could stretch this out for another two episodes. I just have to get to get to the end. Don't encourage them to push it off! Red is so cute. Who wouldn't love a little red cow? When I was a little girl in Poland..... Oh wait, that's a different show.....
  2. I am catching up on these on demand - the Tony Goldwyn episode concentrated on his mother's side of his family. And featured a great great great grandmother who was described as a "radical" feminist.
  3. Free Blair! I did like how they were able to joke about Hailey falling in love at the airport in Namibia. Was Laura the only one to blow the square root of 64?
  4. To each their own. ... I find his podcasts to be the worst things I have ever tried to listen to. They are the only commentaries put on the DVDs of the series - he comes across as a pompous drip who won't let anyone else get a word in.
  5. Peter and Golan are hopeless. It's a wonder they manage to get their pants on every day. Farewell apparently pointless Debbie! I did think that evil archaeologist guy and minion were going to drill through the wall that Peter and fully-recovered Emma were staring at. That's the kind of suspense this show has. I know what hate watching is, and someone else has defined hope watching as continuing to watch in the hope that it gets better. But what is watching to get to the end because you feel that you've invested the time and want some damn answers?
  6. Well he was...... I can't imagine his wife sticking with him after watching those comments about how the manly men have to speak to the stupid women in the earlier episode. That auction was weird. It used to be there would be covered items, and the bids would be made, and only after someone won would the cover be removed. So, you might get the advantage, or the letters, or you might get a glass of water or a cooked bat. Peachy was actually announcing what the items were at this auction. Shirin is an executive at Yahoo, not Google, I believe. And people who work in high tech are not some weird species - they generally work longer hours than most people in America do. After all these years, seeing different groups of people get all teary at the letters from home, has led me to realize that it is the normal reaction of people playing this game. They've spent about three weeks with a bunch of people who they can't trust for more than an hour at a time. Getting to spend a little time with a connection back to the real world, actually does reduce pretty much everyone to tears.
  7. Anne in a church - she's being crowned Queen. With the crown that's usually only used for the monarch. Anne in a boat - they are taking her to her confinement - as is said in dialog. Anne in bed - she's waiting to have her baby. She's happy because she's queen and she's pregnant. Cromwell watching a man being burned. The man is the same one who started reading the Bible in English during a church service earlier in the episode (I don't remember his name either). He was sent to the Tower. Cromwell met with him there and said he'd try to get him out. He tried with different people but More was adamant. The man was in several scenes.
  8. I'm starting to like Rylance a little more. What I love is production putting in references to the light and how hard it is to see clearly. Every time Cromwell is given something to read, he shifts a little to get it into better light. What I'm hating are the large number of scenes with no background noise. These people lived all crowded together - there should be noise almost always.
  9. I doubt that any case really involving abuse would make it on air. The production company can pick and choose which cats they want to feature.
  10. As long as it took to get rid my parents' grand piano, I wish I had thought of including it in the sale of the house. It's hard to give them away. Very few people have room for them, and institutions want brand new pianos. So, maybe not such a stretch. The last episode I saw was with a single mother and her own mother. They were Hispanic so some diversity is being interjected in the show.
  11. They didn't need the breast plate to make the fire. They needed it to make the letters that were displayed when the fire shown through the stones. Which apparently meant something to the evil rabbi. And the evil archeologist will get all the leftover stuff. Are they after the End of Days? Because with the pace of the plot, it sure seems like the End of Days already. At least the end of Thursdays. Red better be OK. If this doesn't end with her in a petting zoo, I'm going to be upset. She's at Eurodisney, just keep repeating that. Of course, if they could resurrect a girl, they should be able to handle a cow.
  12. It's great for big and little dogs!
  13. I would a million times rather see Mike's method of verifying that someone is really with him (vote this way so I know you're real) vs. the Survivor-classic method of making someone swear on something that they won't ever vote for you. Which always ends in bitter jury recriminations and accusations of lying. So, 2 points Mike. Rodney's impressions were hilarious. 2 points Rodney. Does Tyler have a brain? I figured his head was solid and that's why he won the IC.
  14. I was just touring our library looking at old journals to cull, and came across what I thought was Souls and Fertilizers. So much better than Soils. But my latest earworm is Back in Baby's Arms Again. I don't know what commercial is using it, but I bet my neighbors are sending them angry letters cause I go full on Patsy Cline for hours after I hear it.
  15. I have a new favorite commercial. It's one of those commercials that either play on really obscure channels or when you watch something On Demand. It's for a toy that you get for your dog so your dog doesn't destroy your home when you leave it alone. So, the first part of the commercial, in black and white, is of dogs destroying homes when they are left alone. Awesome. Then the rest of the commercial, in color (just like Dorothy when she gets to Oz) is of the dogs playing with this ball that emits this noise that sounds just like a baby laughing. And they are happy and play with it endlessly and don't destroy your home. The best part is the name - it's a Wobble Wag Giggle Ball !
  16. Mantel's voice is truly odd. It sort of sounds like she's lisping, but I don't think she is. I like the show, but am still not sure Rylance was the best for the part. It's the story of a self-made man at a time and place when that was particularly difficult. It's not going to be a bodice ripper. In this episode, his patron was accused of treason, and instead of being taken down, Cromwell has risen in the king's favor.
  17. So that's how you get a credit, even after your character has been killed off! The guy playing Lancel has been going to the gym. A lot.
  18. Funniest autocorrect ever! I'm happy that they managed to work together for one whole episode. And Blair did not look like PW Hermann.
  19. I'm pretty sure the twins got their names from the song. Everyone else calls him Charlie - only from Diane (aka the girl twin) does he get addressed by his full name.
  20. It's not every show that would have the closest thing we've got to a female love interest get socked in the jaw by our hero. I was deeply disappointed that no one quipped "Moriah? I hear they call the wind Moriah." I can't bring myself to care about any of these people. Red's probably off looking for Eurodisney - it's a better spot to raise the temple or bring about Armegeddon than Jerusalem. That is what these people are trying to do, isn't it? More War Elephants!
  21. Since you just quoted the whole thing, I have to say that if they do a second season of Gracepoint, there's no way that Anna Gunn could deliver that speech with the intensity and heart that Olivia Coleman did. And that's the difference.
  22. I am glad Dan is not my mailman because I'm sure that after he threw away the packages that he just didn't feel like delivering, he'd be sure to let me know why it was all my fault. I hate people who insist they are "keeping it real." I hope Tyler goes down big time.
  23. I only saw the last hour so if I missed the Elliott crap, hoorah. And my son went to Cal Maritime so seeing Mandy in her khakis was great! Their school year ends early (mid April usually), and then all the freshmen who just graduated to be sophomores go out for two months on their big ship. So she's got that coming up. I doubt she lives on the ship - they used to put the older guys on the ship during the school year, and have the younger ones in the dorms.
  24. How do you feel about the actual original L&O? With Michael Moriarity, George Dzundza, Chris Noth? Jack McCoy is a replacement character.
  25. Kenneth? The big bad guy is named Kenneth? Were Seymore, Eugene and Barney unavailable? It's like Scott Evil. At least we now know that someone is as tall as Sasha Roiz.
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