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Posts posted by Linny

  1. Welp, it's disappointing but not surprising that Carly was baring her teeth at Brad and demanding explanations .02 seconds after the Wiley bomb was dropped. Meanwhile, Michael stands by in silence. I know he's a lukewarm baked potato on the best of days, but if there's any time to find his voice and not let his mom run roughshod over a situation, this is IT, baby. I'm sure the show wanted him to seem too floored to initially react, and I could probably roll with that explanation if this behavior wasn't totally par for the course with him. It should not be Carly leading the charge here. She is not the one directly and personally affected by this deceit, not to the same degree as Michael, at least. It is beyond frustrating that Carly's feelings ALWAYS have to be the first, biggest, and loudest in any circumstances.

    And fuck her for victoriously telling Michael to go get his son. Until there's a DNA test and a court order changing his identity, that kid is still legally Wiley Cooper-Jones. Also, her brother is RIGHT THERE, devastated at the collapse of his family, she could MAYBE hold off on preening out of respect for his feelings.

    • Love 21
  2. Wait, if Valentin is supplying Nelle with fake passports for her and Wiley, does that mean he's in the loop as to Wiley's biological parentage? Has that been made clear and I've missed it? Or is he helping Nelle steal somebody else's child with no questions asked? I don't care about his motivations to take ELQ power from Michael, that's business and it's fair enough, but assisting Nelle in absconding with Wiley is awful, especially from someone who hangs his hat on what a good father he is.

    Michael can get the hell right outta here with the analogy of Finn and Chase having separate personal and professional lives just like him and Sonny. It was gracious of Chase not to laugh in his face, because REALLY. There are MILES of difference between the two situations, chiefly that Finn and Chase hold legitimate jobs and Sonny decidedly does not, so time to shut up and take the mob-apologizing elsewhere, dude. 

    • Love 9
  3. Important revelations in this one:

    --Jake's Harry Potter references have reached maximum -capacity weirdness.

    --Finding Dory is a great common unifier understood by all.

    --Relax, there's no chest bomb, it's just Pimento's watch. (Just take it off him, Jake, and shave off a few seconds of his freakouts.)

    --Trent from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has a fresh new identity as a clean cut seminar leader. 


    --Scully has a podcast.

    --Holt is real damn over hearing about Terry's kids. (Same, tbh.)

    --I repeat, Scully has a podcast. (What does he talk about? Who is his audience? Tell me more.)

    Honestly, Pimento has never been a favorite of mine, but I was okay with this episode. I can appreciate his ridiculous antics in very limited quantities, and the Finding Dory memory situation was in my sweet spot. A solid b-plot with the squad losing it over a bureaucratic requirement and turning on each other out of spite was pretty delightful, and made this a stronger overall episode than it would have been on the Pimento stuff alone.

    • Love 15
  4. My black soul is absolutely feeding off Sam scrunching up her face and crying that it's NOT FAIR she has to spend two years apart from Jason. Maybe she'd prefer to spend those two years back in a cell at Pentonville, rubbing elbows with the Cassandra Pierces and Nelle Bensons of the world? Because a two year separation sucks, but fucking hell, at least she's got the comfort of living in her own home, spending time with her kids (lol), doing what she wants. This whiny, weak perspective just makes Sam look like a pampered brat.

    And as always, the elephant in the room is that it's Jason's business that is most detrimental to the lives of Sam and her children. But she'll never hold him accountable for that and he'll never apologize or move to change, so it's easier to yell at Robert or bitch about the parole officer instead of facing the hard truths of their relationship.

    • Love 13
  5. Emma can go right back to California if she's only here to raise her pom poms for Uncle Peter. It kills me to hear Anna portray his mistakes as all being long in the past when he was younger, when it has barely been two years since he deceived everyone of his true identity and held Anna herself at gunpoint. I don't expect Anna to turn her back on Peter but she definitely needs to be realistic about who he is and what he's capable of.

    Curtis getting so preemptively suspicious of Jordan and Taggert was rewarded by their dumb lie about when they ran into each other. That was just really unnecessary and only served to set up Taggert as an obstacle between Jordan and Curtis. And it's not surprising that Jordan and Taggert share some sordid secret; anybody who's anybody in this town either knows where the bodies are buried or personally did the shoveling themselves, so my pearls aren't exactly clutched.

    Dammit, Lucas, REMEMBER! Remember and release me from this Wiley hell. The timing couldn't be more perfect, since Wiley has already been scooped up by Michael for a sleepover (not caring that he's leading him exactly to where Nelle is, I guess) and Willow is learning the definition of the word "boundaries." What good is a months-long coma if you can't blow shit up with an important revelation upon your return to the waking world, right?

    • Love 3
  6. Oh my GOD I just want to snap Sonny's neck when he starts copping an attitude with Jax. Carly and Michael, too, for going on about how wonderful Sonny is for protecting them from his enemies. To use a metaphor, this is their world going up in a blaze, and Sonny's the guy who spread the lighter fluid and lit the match. Spitting on the flames and trying to stamp them out ain't doing a lick of good to keep anyone from getting burned, so let's not act like Jax is so outrageous for objecting here. He should grab his daughter and run for the hills, and Ava should be right behind him with Avery. Screw Sonny and Carly's mindset that Sonny maintaining his territory is more important than the safety and well-being of the minor children in their home.

    • Love 11
  7. Shallow observation first: I gasped out loud to myself "oh noooo" at Jazz's image in her talking-head segments. Big hair + bold makeup + super bright clothes + big jewelry is a WHOLE lot of look. She's young and expressing herself, I get it, but man, I'd love for Jazz (and Jeanette!) to develop a cleaner style that's more than just a bunch of trendy elements heaped together.

    I'm kind of fascinated by the Jennings family's anything-goes attitude of discussing their bodies and sex with each other. Grandpa asking his grandson about the labia, Jazz and Sander talking orgasms...it's a level of candor I wouldn't necessarily want to emulate in my own family, but I do think it's gutsy to pull back the curtain on topics many would consider taboo. It also speaks to the trust that exists between them, that they can speak freely with no worry of being dismissed or derided.

    Greg was very honest in admitting he was perturbed by what he saw happening behind the scenes of Jazz's surgeries. Even knowing that the procedure is still new medicine and that Jazz's case in particular was challenging, it's still shocking to see how much of the surgeries was impromptu and unsettled. The back-and-forth between Jazz's doctors doesn't do much to instill confidence, certainly, and I imagine it would be really hard for Greg to hear that disagreement happening while his daughter's helpless at their mercy.

    Here's to hoping that the Ahmir stuff doesn't get much more attention than it already has, since that situation never smelled right from the get-go. I'm much more interested in Jazz's medical progress, her thought process towards college and her future, and her relationships with her family and friends (especially Noelle, whose even-keeled presence is missed).

    • Love 5
  8. Apparently the lack of episodes this week is impacting me in my sleep, as last night I had a GH dream. Most bafflingly it was about Peter and Maxie, two characters who barely register with me most days. Peter was telling Maxie that he had been a teenage father and had a son (to which I responded SINCE WHEN? are they DRUNK? after claiming Maxie and James are the only love he's known?). Finn walked in too and he and Maxie both acted like what Peter was saying was commonplace knowledge. I was so confused as to why Peter's history was being rewritten, and I never got any answers, as the dream abruptly shifted into something else entirely. (What are you doing, brain, giving me a snippet of a GH episode and then nothing else? Get it together.)

    All of this is to say that I really, really miss my show. I understand ABC's decision to take over GH's timeslot with the news, but still, I miss my show and want it back.

  9. My goodness, has Spencer ever matured. The writing for him actually seemed age-appropriate, thankfully, and the lack of reconciliation between him and Nik leads me to believe he'll be popping up in PC in the future to make things right. Ava going to bat for Nik is more than he deserves after the whole Kiki-in-hell spectacle, and I expect her kindness here will have Nik warming towards her.

    Creepy Charlotte, WTF? That's gonna be a hard pass from me; this kid gets enough attention as it, I'm not interested in any more.

    They're laying an awful lot of groundwork for Laura's renovation of the waterfront, I can't wait to see what kind of catastrophe that's going to bring about. 

    Michael sounds like an overconfident idiot expecting Nelle to be snowed by his play nice, then "drop the hammer" strategy, given that that's an exact replica of his previous treatment of her. He's lucky that Nelle herself is an overconfident idiot with an enormous blind spot when it comes to Michael, because COME ON. Nelle's zingers and Carly's resulting huffiness is not enough compensation for how weary this mess makes me.

    • Love 5
  10. I'm a little sad that my GH viewership started after Taggert left the show and I don't have any frame of reference for the character. From what I've read here and from my cursory Google sweep, seems like there's plenty of rich history between him and Sonny to mine. Tying him in with Jordan is intriguing, too. The faint possibility that a member of law enforcement won't be intimidated by Sonny Corinthos is pretty damn appealing.

    Man, I really need Gladys to be putting on this bumbling act and instead be connected to the scorching of Sonny's truck. Otherwise, she's just here to annoy the hell out of everyone, which is fine for Sonny and Carly but doesn't seem fair for Dev. All those unsolicited comments about how good looking he is and how he must have girls swarming him? Back off, lady.

    Carly seemed uncharacteristically calm about the Joss/Dev situation. Moving on from Oscar is good; moving on with the pseudo-family member who lives down the hall doesn't seem like the greatest idea, and certainly not like something Carly would endorse. Maybe Joss could finally just move in with Jax, since that hasn't been mentioned lately.

    I know Nelle's awful and Willow has every reason to be questioning Brad's judgment, but the level of histrionics she exhibited was extreme. Brad is clearly at maximum stress capacity, and even if Willow doesn't understand why, she ought to know that screaming in Brad's face isn't the way to treat him. This whole situation is draining and well past its sell-by date, and I don't even care about the outcome, I just want it finished.

    • Love 4
  11. This episode was one of the quieter ones in tone, but it functioned as a tidy bridge between the gang's journey from saving humanity's afterlife and moving forward with their own. Now that the big macro problem has been resolved, it makes sense for Michael and Chidi to momentarily question what's to come for them personally, if they'll be fulfilled or be fulfilling. The big picture of The Good Place has centered around faith that things can improve, that we'll be okay, and now the characters are having to find that same trust on an individual level. 

    Michael's Sisyphus, rolling a rock up a hill analogy was a brilliantly executed way for Tahani name-dropping The Rock. God, I'm going to miss her perfectly timed, overly serious celebrity references. Also, as much as Vicky has annoyed me throughout the seasons, I gotta admit it felt good to see Michael provide her with some closure and the role of a lifetime. 

    "Once on Earth I didn't know something and I had to ask Alexa. I felt dirty." LMAO. 

    A golden hot air balloon ride seems like just the right sort of dreamy choice to transport the crew to the Good Place. Onward and upwards to our final hurrah. (Which I refuse to be sad during. This show has provided me so much joy and that's the feeling I want to carry through to the finale--not sadness that it's ending, but appreciation for how truly special it's been.)

    • LOL 1
    • Love 18
  12. It feels SO GOOD to see so much focus on the Quartermaines and ELQ, both of which in recent memory have been unfairly treated as nebulous entities with little definition. Tracy's prickly, dominant personality is the perfect counterpoint to human shrug-emoji Michael, and I'm liking Brook Lynn's gumption, too. Despite how spoiled she is there's a fire about her, and the show needs that kind of spirit.

    Nikolas being so standoffish, "we don't share a bed" or anything else towards Ava has me convinced it'll be a month, tops, before they're having hot sex in the halls of Wyndemere. Meanwhile, do please go on arguing over islands and shark-infested water. Also, the "guess what, I'm not dead!" conversation between father and son would be traumatic whether on the phone or in person, but since we're talking about seasoned Spencer, I'm not too concerned. He's going to rebound and immediately start plotting against Valentin just like his father, I'm sure of it.

    Nelle snarking about Jason makes twice this week characters have mocked his wooden demeanor, and it's only Wednesday, hee! Excellent trend, hope it continues.

    • Love 9
  13. The fracas at The Floating Rib had me dying today, in a good way. I lost it when Lulu assisted "Dusty" by whacking the sleaze with the pool rack and then it got even better with Brooke deciding fuck it, let's crack some bottles and some skulls. Everyone involved absolutely should not have let things escalate to that level and they deserve their arrests, but still, as a visual, that scene was a chaotic delight. And poor Chase, once again stumbling into the wrong place at the wrong time and taking a blow to the head, bless him.

    God, I love Alexis and Neil, even though they're at a painful impasse. They speak to each other like real adults, balancing emotions with responsibilities, and on a show that gives us Sam foolishly risking it all to see Jason, it's very nice to see some maturity in a similar situation. 

    I'm so over Nelle (and was never into her at all, frankly), but even I'll admit that her black widow entrance was pretty damn fantastic. Credit to Chloe Lanier, she makes the most of the material she's given, and this might turn out to be more fun than I expected.

    • Love 4
  14. After seeing today's episode, the only thing giving me pause about the Ava/Nik union is her repeatedly stressing the connection the two of them share. That's more than just a selling point of the marriage for the benefit of Laura and Lulu; these are genuine feelings Ava's been carrying around for years. In contrast, we have very little insight into how Nik felt/feels about Ava, other than he was betrayed by her cutting a deal with Valentin. I just don't want this to turn into another Griffin situation where Ava puts her heart on the line and gets burned by a man who is unable to return her affections. Ava and Nikolas should be equals in this partnership, in whatever form it takes.

    It's amazing to me that this is Ava's first wedding! And to a Cassadine, to boot, while also rocking another gorgeous dress. Never let it be said that Ava Jerome does anything with less than 100% panache.

    And I have to say, I fear for whoever's standing next to Ryan when he finds out about this marriage, as his reaction surely won't be pretty. (Unless that person is Nelle, in which case he can go to town.)

    • Love 10
  15. Valentin is Helena's son? What the fuckkkk??? If that's the truth (or the truth for now, until it's amended again as needed), then it makes a certain kind of sense, as I can't imagine the fabulous Helena wanting to take credit for the anathema that is Valentin. I'd cover that shit up, too.

    But man, this makes me even more bummed that Alexis hasn't been involved in any of this stuff. It would have made her day to hear in person that Valentin isn't related to her at all (not that the show ever particularly mined their relationship, but still, Alexis would see it as a victory).

    Laura reading Nikolas the riot act was a thing of beauty, and I was so glad to hear Kevin's firm backup to "let her finish." She's completely right to say that all the pain she and Spencer went through is now even more heartbreaking, since it could have been avoided all together.

    Even though Nikolas and Ava's plan to marry feels abrupt, I'm going to assume they've been cooking this up off screen and aren't just winging it. It actually doesn't even matter to me, because I'm shamelessly LOVING every minute of this. It's easily the most fun I've had watching GH in ages.

    • Love 16
  16. Making a splashy "back from the dead" entrance, interrupting Nina and Valentin's wedding, AND rescuing Ava in one fell swoop? *chef's kiss* AMAZING. Thank you, Nikolas, for finally making your return worth the while. 

    Although I do have to wonder about the logistics of him being in the right place at the right time to save Ava. I kinda hope he's been skulking around the island right under Valentin's nose while he's been "missing," saw Ava go flying, and decided "fuck it, it's go time." And as excited as I am for the ignition of this Cassadine family feud, Nikolas REALLY better make it a priority to hug his mama and apologize for the grief she's been through. She's owed it.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 8
  17. I'm so pleased that in addition to Ava winning today's Sparkle Showdown (guess there's no better occasion for all the women to glitter than a NYE wedding, and that dress was FAB), her name will be next to Nik's on the list of enemies Valentin has unsuccessfully eliminated. Ain't no way a shove off Wyndemere will fell the mighty Ava Jerome, the woman who has survived Sonny Corinthos and Ryan Chamberlain, but thanks for playing, Valentin. Both MW and JPS did a great job with making that scene truly menacing and not cartoonish. 

    Carly rightly tells Sonny that with his proven track record of hotheaded decisions, she was scared to share sensitive information with him, and all the infallible asshole can do is shake his head in disappointment. He's going to be such a crybaby that she trusted Jax while taking zero responsibility for creating the environment that has made Carly afraid of his reactions, and I hate him so much.

    It is so damn annoying that we keep revisiting the "oh NO, JaSam are breaking up" fakery when the option to really break them up is sitting RIGHT THERE. At least this time the obstacle is appropriate and isn't totally contrived like the Shiloh stuff, but c'mon, how long are we going to be stuck on this Ferris wheel? The show clearly has no idea how to make these two interesting or sizzling and hopes this faux angst will pass muster, and it very much doesn't. 

    • Love 8
  18. Okay, show, it's both super lazy storytelling AND super boring to watch multiple conversations being eavesdropped upon in the same episode. The Gio stuff can at least be justified as him being hired to seek out intel for Sonny, but the addition of Laura, Curtis, Ava, and Valentin all creeping on each other's business is just too much. I'd much rather see characters DOING something (however crazy, lawless, or unethical) than watch a game of telephone where all the facts wind up distorted. 

    Ugh, fine, I guess we're doing this Claudette thing afterall. I'll allow it if it means having Jax do something other than holding Carly's hands (do not go there, GH, I swear to god) and if it'll help Lulu's custody fight. All of Valentin's confident talk of Charlotte making her home solely with him and Nina and Lulu settling for a "generous" visitation schedule with her has me itching for Valentin to come back down to earth the hard way.

    Sonny and Carly's contrived nonsense is a really sour note to end the year on. I'll admit to enjoying Sonny's insecure whining about Jason taking Carly's side ('cause yeah, the intimacy of this trio is not at all evenly distributed, and Sonny probably should be bothered by that), but putting one of his goons on Carly's trail is a ridiculous overstep. I hate how the show normalizes such behavior and excuses Sonny from fault because Carly has been lying to him. Her evasiveness is not reason enough for Sonny to breach all boundaries of her privacy, and it reflects poorly on the show to suggest otherwise.

    • Useful 1
    • Love 4
  19. That was the least heartwarming Christmas "miracle" I've ever seen, and with the flimsiest foundation to support it. One minute Sam's in her cell threatening Nelle with violence (please, it'd be two dry spaghetti strands knocking together), the next, she's wiping tears from her eyes in her apartment, leather jacket in place. Like WTF? They really left her in prison just long enough to produce this surprise happy ending, and I could not care less. They'd have to have shown Sam with her kids more than once in a blue moon for me to feel anything other than indifference at this reunion. 

    As fantastic as it is to see Tracy, I forgot how tedious it gets for Monica to be all "my house" this and "Alan" that. Your dominance has been established, Monica, unclench a little. Tracy was slightly tough on Ned, chiding him for helping Jason, though I see her point. How fair is it that Jason receives tons of help from Monica and the Qs and gives them only a sliver of his time or attention in return? It wouldn't kill him to eat Thanksgiving pizza or drink wassail with the rest of them.

    Gladys getting shoved in my face this week is a befuddling choice. I don't care about her sob stories or about her on her own, and she sure doesn't increase my interest in Sonny, as anything multiplied by zero is still zero, so....

    Previews: Sonny and Carly bickering for the nine millionth time. Ending 2019 and rolling into 2020 on the same bullshit, I see.

    • Love 14
  20. Oh, fuck off, Carly, for simultaneously fretting over Jax's fate and preemptively excusing Sonny's behavior toward Jax as a misplaced reaction to grief. The "sick dad" card isn't applicable here when everyone knows Sonny would jump to hurt Jax at any opportunity, no matter the circumstances, because he's a vile, petty little man. And now on top of Carly's histrionics, we get the joy of viewing Jason's constipated face as he tries to both soothe Carly AND appease Sonny's paranoia. FUN. 

    This Deception stuff might be decent if it wasn't being delivered in dribs and drabs. Sasha finally seemed savvy and I liked Michael advocating on her behalf, but still, it's time for the show to either commit to this story or look the other way.

    Watching Ava confront Nikolas, it's clear how important it is for her to have a sense of control over the situation. Her experience with Ryan devastated her almost totally, and even going farther back, her relationship with Griffin was emotionally one-sided and ended in her heartbreak. Obviously there's some feelings tied up in this reunion with Nik, but she's choosing to table them and focus on what's important: the power. She has it, Nik doesn't, unless he bends to her will. This is Ava Jerome in her element.

    • Love 14
  21. Every minute spent listening to Lulu and Valentin bicker at each other over Charlotte is a minute too many. I'm so tired of Nina always at the ready to tell us that "Valentin looooves Charlotte," as if that justifies his terrible disdain for Lulu. He's so Sonny 2.0 wherein HIS love and HIS claim to the child trumps the other parent. I'll criticize Lulu all day long for pretty much everything EXCEPT for her parenting skills. Overall she has been exceedingly accommodating of Valentin and Nina, and really, really shouldn't have to take any of Valentin's shit.

    After the infuriating mess that was FrankenDrew, I'm relieved that Franco's reemergence was on the quieter side. I do wonder if we'll get to see much reaction from him learning about Kim, but for now I'm fine with him being lovingly weird with Liz. It's definitely better than the alternative. 

    Looks like I'm now ride or die for Ava AND Trina. Trina impressed me by not even hesitating to confront Nikolas and by holding her own against Curtis (whose questions were a touch too patronizing in a rare misstep for him). She's awesome and miles more interesting than mopey Joss. As for Ava, I can't wait to see how she handles Nik now that they're finally on equal footing. Get him, girl.

    • Love 19
  22. Ava looking fabulous, killing Sonny and Carly with kindness, holding all the cards in her hands, and basking in a renewed sense of confidence is everything I ever wanted for her. It won't last long, the show won't allow it to, but damn if I'm not going to relish the moment while I can. Maura plays the cat that ate the canary mood to perfection, I love her so much. And Carly realizing that Ava has the upper hand, and being unable to handle that? Christmas just came early.

    • LOL 1
    • Love 19
  23. I feel like I missed something with Peter's scenes today; why bother with the secrecy of disposing evidence of a shooting he just admitted to? He told Anna a reasonably believable story of how he shot Andre's attacker, so why take the effort to wipe his prints clean? And if he's going to destroy evidence, he probably shouldn't pick a trash can located just down the hall from where the crime was committed. Am I being stupid here or does this just not make sense?

    Valentin walking into the Metro Court and seeing Griffin, Jax, Maxie, and Laura and choosing to NOPE right the hell back out of there was my laugh for the day. And bless Jax's heart for having to listen to the Claudette story for the first time and not visibly wincing at its awfulness. I really hope the Claudette mention was a one-off and we're not going to revisit her in any further detail, because my interest in that is nonexistent.

    I can't help myself, I'm totally into an Ava and Nina partnership. I know it'll likely all go south eventually due to Nina's inability to fully quit Valentin, but for right now, I'm all in. Nina seemed so sincere when she apologized to Ava, and I've always wanted more people on Ava's side, so I need them to defy the odds and actually get one over on the Cassadine men.

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